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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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discovered bone remains, specialists removed a skeleton with a metal loop in the neck area on the skull, a fracture was opened, a criminal case was opened for murder, and different versions of what happened were worked out. as part of the investigation, it was possible to establish the identity of the deceased; this is the guy who disappeared in ninety-eight, and the executioner was his acquaintance, with whom the young man was going to russia. the attacker himself died in 2007 . based on the evidence collected in the case, the investigation came to the conclusion that the young man had been murdered. native guy russia. according to testimony, both, while intoxicated, were prone to outbursts of causeless aggression. according to the key version of the investigation, in june 1998, the men arrived at the private house of the defendant in the vetkovsky district. while drinking alcohol , a conflict arose between them, which could have provoked a difference of opinion and joint trade in berries. in a fit of anger , the older friend took the life of his partner. the defendant buried the body in the yard and soon
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put the house up for sale. when committing transaction, the man warned buyers about an everyday nuance: a fallen horse was buried in the yard. a quarter of a century later , the bones of a murdered person will be found at the indicated location. in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation, in connection with the death of the defendant, criminal prosecution against him and the preliminary investigation in the criminal case were terminated. a large batch of counterfeit alcohol was seized. law enforcement officers carried out a successful operation in the bykhovsky district. the police stopped the truck for the driver of which was a forty-one-year-old resident of the brest region. investigators will find 19,000 liters of alcohol in the semi-trailer. the containers were hidden behind packages of construction materials; the carrier was unable to provide documents for the cargo. currently, law enforcement officers have seized the alcohol being transported, and an administrative protocol has been drawn up against the driver. for such violations , administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine of up to 100 basic units, which is 4,000 rubles. with confiscation of the subject
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of the offense, namely the transported goods. guy understands the circumstances of the accident with the motorcyclist. the accident happened over the weekend. previously, a thirty-six-year-old biker on a honda motorcycle was moving along independence avenue from jasminovaya street in the direction of filimonov. due to failure to maintain a safe distance, he collided with a mitsubisi car stopped in front. as a result, the motorcyclist was injured and was hospitalized. he set fire to doorbells at the entrance and became a defendant in a criminal case. a resident of the capital expressed his anger in this way. residents of one of the houses in sovetsky district. there was smoke in one of the entrances and property was damaged. law enforcement officers quickly found the attacker, a forty-year-old neighbor of the applicants. he was drunk and used a lighter to set fire to doorbells on three floors. the detainee explained that he had problems at work, due to the stress of drinking alcohol, and decided to vent his grievances in this way. previously, the menchan resident was not brought to criminal responsibility; it was initiated.
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this was the news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus 1.
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i miss you immensely, hello, hello, communications nastya kravchenko, has compiled a selection of the most current news, special for you, is ready to share them, are you ready, then let's go, today i will tell you how to choose your dream profession, why the outer shell is deceptive, even in the case of a car, and this is still far from we won’t rush everything that will be on air, everything will be in order. on the first day of spring break, all universities and colleges in the country will open their doors to applicants, their parents and teachers. they will be able to obtain all the necessary information about the educational opportunities of institutions,
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learning conditions and characteristics of student life. the guys can introduce each other. masha, dean, is in touch with us. masha, good morning, what do you have for me? good morning, vitebsk. good morning, masha. good morning, first of all, let’s cheer up our viewers with some extreme news: climbing to a height of sixty meters at speed. this trick was performed by vitebsk rescuers during a regional professional skills competition. speed ​​climbing up a flight of stairs to the twenty-second floor of a residential building, the main discipline of the competition. task the twenty-kilogram amount of personal respiratory protection equipment made it more difficult. the ministry of emergency situations also worked. methods of rescuing people using industrial mountaineering skills. more than 80 people from teams from all regional emergency departments took part in the difficult tests . a national team, formed based on the results of two disciplines of the competition, will represent the northern region at the republican stage. yeah,
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you never know what a rescuer might encounter in real life, so it's good that this is all teaching. and when we have cheered up due to this news, how will we continue to inform further? our viewers masha. next we’ll talk about young doctors. the final distribution was received by 581 sixth-year students of vitebsk state medical university. 414 graduates of the faculty of medicine, 115 graduates of the faculty of pharmacy and 52 graduates of the faculty of dentistry were assigned to their first jobs. four young people have been included in the gifted youth bank. they will be sent to work in the country's leading hospitals. maybe, will continue their studies at university departments. there is another year of internship ahead, and interns will arrive at healthcare institutions on august 1st. so, okay, what else, mash, can you tell us? we have some creative news.
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the exhibition “nuances of image” has opened at the vitebsk art museum. on display is a work of the new genre by contemporary vitebsk artists and meters. more than sixty works demonstrating different approaches of the authors, chris. the exhibition is popular, that is , practice to continue the duration of the exhibition, therefore, well, i think that it is really interesting and will appeal not only to residents of vitebsk, but also to guests, there will be something to see. in general, masha, hold on, hold on, so that they don’t remove her before they arrive and everyone at the slavic bazaar won’t have time to look at her.
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masha, we also know that you also have a plot, right? yes, our story is also from the world of art, we will show how classes are held in children's theater clubs in vitebsk. well, marsh, thank you for the wonderful news and wish you a good day and the entire vitebsk region, we are happy to watch plot, allow me to introduce myself, i’m a broom alesandra, an australian porcelain cup, can i just have a cup, are you really from australia? yes, that's what my mother, the sugar bowl, said. the world of people and the world of things are displayed one within the other in the production based on the play by asya kotlyar: the soul of a porcelain cup. every thing. the handle of her cup is broken, and the girl is broken and collecting gossip, everything is like in life, the porcelain cup feels lonely in the kitchen, she has a character, one is kind and the other is envious, a heart, but everyone wants to be happy, young artists strive to convey to the viewer, everyone there is a soul, it is fragile, like porcelain, and
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it needs to be taken care of, in our new play the soul of a porcelain cup, i play, actually a porcelain cup, it is very naive, kind, she really believes in true love, wants everyone to change, to become kind , also began to believe in love. i perform for the audience, this is necessary for that. so that the necessary emotions arise in the viewer, for example, sadness, fun, joy, melancholy, sadness, the director of the miniature pilgrims theater tatyana malinovskaya also takes part in the production along with her students, theater studio graduate nina politsan. nina mikhailovna has been revealing talents for more than four decades. here we also practice acting and script writing. then, of course, we choose a play to stage, and i try to choose several materials,
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because now they are interested in something modern, something youthful, the communication attracts the guys here, i think so, because besides what unites their performance, but besides this is why they still communicate with each other, nina politsan’s students are working on a production based on the play by maria clara machado, the theft of the bulbs, rehearsals for 3 hours three times. over the 4 years at the mara theater, i had to try on a lot of characters, this is prince vladimir, father frost, baba yaga, perhaps my favorite role, after all, osib petrovich kornaukhov in dmitry lensky’s dazzle, simple and well-mannered. i would just like to advise many guys to go to the theaters, because it’s just a fairy tale.
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belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, this is truly the oldest building and the most important shrine of our region, a temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also have a rich literary history. many poets, writers and publicists lived and worked in this area. and these okoles never forgot about their famous native, okub kolos. unique sights
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can be found literally at every step. if you , like me, plan your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age that felix derzhinsky lived. this is the oldest pharmacy in belarus. and here it is already. this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys, who were also few of us girls,
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we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal search there were only six girls who graduated and received an education on an equal basis with men. each has its own unique story. my father advised me to go and study as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice most people treat family ones. questions when i’m trying to analyze why i’m so open, and i have so much, so much love for attention to other people, what my parents invested in me, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on april 1, ekaterina antonova continues to meet with you and tatyana matusevich and it seems to me that now is the best time to find out about the weather plans for today, will she have jokes? my colleague tanya knows all the details, tatyana motaseevich, tanya over to you, no jokes, just positivity and a pleasant plus, that’s how i would do it. look, for example, this morning in minsk +10, +12, +11, +13 in brest, vitebsk, gomel, grodda and mogilev. cloudy weather with clearings has so far been observed in all regional centers, with the exception of vitebsk, where it will already rain in some places. well, this afternoon a real
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comfortable spring will happen. i really like these temperature indicators, and i’m sure you do too. i. so in minsk it will become warmer +21 +23 to 25 this day it is expected in breist +20-22 in vitebsk. by the way, precipitation in vitebsk will continue, it could even be thunderstorms. +23 +25 in gomel, dry there, up to 24 above zero in grodno and mogilev, cloudy with clearing weather and no precipitation. well, isn't it great spring? yes, tanya, thank you for these. good news , come back to me, this weather will really please us today, tomorrow we will also have warm spring weather, starting from wednesday, weather forecasters are predicting a slight cold snap, but despite the weather forecasts, the collection of birch sap continues in the country, it’s crazy a healthy drink that cures depression and illnesses just like
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that, by the way, and where to buy this spring healthy drink in your region you can find out on the website of the regional forest farms. and our correspondent, matvey leichonok , also found out an address in minsk where you can buy birch sap, matvey also understood the peculiarities of collecting and selling birch sap, he has a story about it, we’re watching it right now. the collection of birch sap begins after the thaw, the first buds have swelled, a sure sign to expect sap soon. starts leaking in the middle march continues until mid-late april. but don’t rush to collect the juice yourself, you may get a fine. our country provides for administrative liability in the form of a fine for an individual up to twenty basic units, for an individual entrepreneur up to 100 basic units, for a legal entity up to 500 basic units. in monetary terms, this is
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from 800 to 20 thousand belarusian rubles. it all also depends on the collection site and its degree of protection. with telescope, but on the contrary, there are areas that are intended for collecting juice they can be found in the structural unit, each forester, in each forestry, there is a list of these areas, together with a representative of the legal entity in charge of forestry, you can come to the area to do self-harvesting. this procedure is free, like collecting juice on a plot that belongs to you, for example, in a country house. in this case, all trees are. behind your property, the season for collecting birch sap began a week ago, a point for selling birch sap began to open, and its duration depends more on the weather, on weather conditions, the average daily temperature, usually this happens before the leaves bloom, that is, the appearance of the first small leaves, the freshest juice in the minsk
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forest farm can be purchased for only... 49 kopecks per liter, but this comes with your own container, if you don’t have any containers, you will be offered a five-liter bottle, then the cost increases to 4.60, and this is for 5 liters. now every year i try, as far as possible, to collect a certain amount in reserve, most often it is used or everything is drunk fresh as a starter, there’s just a lot of it in its live form consumed, and of course something is preserved with lemon. the opening hours of the point are from 10:00 am to 19 pm, the principle of self-service works. by the way, people now come to the forestry farms not only to buy birch sap, but also to take part in the action, all at once. thousands of people across the country have joined the voluntary initiative. by the way, becoming a participant is as simple as possible, you just need
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to contact the nearest forestry or forestry department, and there they will provide you with planting material and... pieces of planting material, the same one we were just talking about, volunteers and forestry workers will also create about 107 alleys and parks, restore 113 resting places of monuments, and also clear the forest from debris and clutter, how beautiful it will be for us after this, and how wonderful it is that everyone can take part in this, so... olesya boyarskikh, failure to follow what rules on board an airplane can lead to being denied permission to fly, this is what we will find out. story: flight safety comes first belavia will be blacklisted
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passengers, we’ll find out who can get there right now. unfortunately, violations of the rules of conduct for passengers on board an aircraft are recorded quite often, mainly smoking, alcohol intoxication, and fights. in 2023 , 30 incidents were recorded in belavia, but in fact, flight attendants receive complaints once or twice a week. it was in june of twenty-one, a citizen of the republic of belarus was heading on vacation to antalya, the turkish republic. throughout the entire flight he behaved aggressively, showed disrespect for crew members and passengers sitting next to them. at a critical stage of the flight, when the plane had already begun to land at antalya airport, he used violence against the crew members and caused them bodily harm. the decision to allow a person to fly can also be made by the pilot-in-command of the aircraft, if the behavior of this passenger seems suspicious, before
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the amendment to the air code was adopted, removal from the flight could only occur in the event of an actual violation of the rules directly on board the aircraft, then there is, this did not give the air carrier the right to refuse to conclude an air transportation agreement, that is, the entry into force of the law. will receive the right not to sell a ticket on the basis that the passenger is included in the register of persons whose transportation is restricted. for those on the blacklist, there are several exceptions: they can get on board an airplane if deportation is carried out, the only possible method of transport will be air transportation, in the case when the person is sent for medical care or vice versa.
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they are attracted, perhaps, by the fact that in addition to just water, just salt, there are also microelements, additives in the form of seaweed, they also have
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an immunostimulating effect, may the manufacturers of these sprays forgive me, this is more of a marketing ploy, because it is intended after all this drug is for cleansing the nose, and how we wash this mucus out of the nose is not so important. will it be ocean water, will it be ordinary saline solution or even boiled water. the purpose for which you buy these sprays, they can simply be moisturizing, just as cleansers for nasal hygiene, or medicinal. there are many medicinal sprays available. for severe runny noses and sinusitis, we recommend hypertonic solutions, which, in addition to cleansing the nasal mucosa. liquefy macrota and improve the discharge of purulent contents of wear. in addition, for many diseases of the nose and sinuses , salt preparations with
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medicinal additives are used, such as dexpanthenol, which heals and moisturizes the mucous membrane. we will need this drug for dryness, trophic linitis, nasal bleeding. or for allergy sufferers. a drug has also been created based on a saline solution with the addition of ectaine, which prevents the penetration of allergens into the nasal mucosa and protects us, these are already medicinal preparations, in short we can say that out of all the abundance of saline solution products, we highlight two lines, one line is normotonic solutions intended for nasal hygiene, the second line, which is used for medicinal purposes, can theoretically be replaced with a saline solution prepared at home, but practically still it’s better not to take risks, firstly,
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the concentration of this solution is important. a 0.9% solution, which is normotonic , which we call isotonic solution , is quite difficult to prepare, calculating the percentage and dissolving these salt crystals so that they do not injure the delicate mucous membrane of the nose is also quite difficult, so it is better to buy ready-made a solution or based on some kind of marine solution, or based on just saline solution, physiologically. i most often recommend the solution to my patients , good morning to everyone again, in belarus from july 1 this year, benefits for temporary disability, as well as for pregnancy, will be assigned in a new way, and until then, from
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april 1, employers will be able to try it out. first of all, they will affect absolutely every employee for whom contributions to the fund’s budget are paid, these are those citizens who perform work under employment contracts, for whom social insurance contributions are received to the fund, these are employees who perform their work under a civil contract, contract contract, the so-called, as well as individuals for whom individual entrepreneurs, lawyers and notaries pay their own contributions to the fund's budget. the main goal
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of these innovations, first of all, was... to apply a socially fair approach to a person and we were guided by the key principle that the amount of benefits, that is , the amount of payment for sick leave, should first of all depend on the amount of contributions paid to the budget of the social protection fund and on the duration of this person’s participation in the state social system and there are key changes here, this is the calculation of sick leave, how it will be carried out from july 1 everywhere without fail, please tell us? both the principles of calculation and the formulas are changing, first of all, the principles are that today, in the new conditions, benefits will be calculated centrally by the social protection fund , that is, the social protection fund will be issued by each accounting service, for each such employee who had a case, time able-bodied, the key parameters are the average daily earnings, his, the duration of payment of the contribution to the fund's budget, and, accordingly, the right to pay
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for sick leave from... based on the level of earnings at this particular place of work, i calculated the benefit, the new conditions indicate that we are centralizing, why, because the fund has absolutely information for each person, about all places of work and... up to the level of earnings of all places of work, therefore, in the new formula the calculation period is extended, it will be 18 months, which will precede the quarter in which the case occurs temporary working capacity. when calculating average daily earnings, the fund will take into account all places of work and the level of earnings at these places of work, even previous ones. yes, let’s probably explain here, just a little in our everyday understanding, i asked you this question behind the scenes, that is, if i work
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part-time. confirm the period of illness and take a certificate to each place of work to calculate sick leave, and the calculation of sick leave and payment of sick leave will be carried out at the main place of work, then the sheet will be at one point.
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including one-time, this is material assistance, if it appeared in these 18 months, but also if the health benefit is also one-time in nature, as a rule, paid once a year, then it will also be taken into account, in the current conditions it is one-time payments were excluded when determining the amount of the average daily allowance, that is, now young specialists can also breathe out and not worry about sick leave at all, they will also receive in full, we also addressed young specialists attention to... this vulnerability of theirs, when they start work and have not yet had time to work for six months, 6 months, a case of working capacity arises, then of course they found themselves in such a socially vulnerable situation, why? because
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the six-month insurance period has not yet been developed, under current conditions their calculated value is 50% of the subsistence level budget, which is 200 rubles. in the new conditions we are tied to... the level of the minimum wage, and if a young specialists falls ill, then naturally we will calculate the sick leave from a different value of 626 rubles, this is if in the current conditions, it, as you understand, is three times higher, that is, the allowance for young specialists will increase three times, and if we have a contract in a row , for example, this also takes place, or again, you will also take all this into account, if a citizen has a work contract, then for these types of contracts the allowance... will be assigned for each place of work, if there are several such work contracts, then it will be necessary present a sick leave certificate for each place of work and also the accounting service will calculate the benefit, when we leave all these complex mathematical formulas aside and just tell our viewer very simply, and
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the amount of the sick leave benefit, will it become larger? the benefit will certainly increase, why? because today, let me give you an example, when a person works for a long time, then changes jobs. and upon starting work with a new employer he falls ill in the first 30 days, that is, he has not yet received a single salary for a new place of work, then the calculated value is the tariff salary, and here also the person suffers, despite the fact that he has been insured for a long time in the system; when he changes jobs, he suffers, payments are reduced, then the eighteen-month period for which the fund will calculate is exactly -it will take into account absolutely all places of work from the previous one , including, let's talk about... the fszn mobile application, which already works throughout belarus, how it can be useful to us and can be, for example, an electronic sick leave in will appear in the future, then let's start with an electronic sick leave , we were puzzled by this topic with the ministry of health
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, and this year, together, shoulder to shoulder , we began to automate approaches to issuing an electronic certificate of incapacity for work, and we plan to test this technology in... pilot healthcare institutions in 2025, and if everything works out for us in 2025, then, in principle, by the end of 25 the ministry of health will make a decision on how quickly this technology will be available implement throughout the republic, in all healthcare institutions. as for the mobile application, of course it is already more than a year old, we introduced it last year in february, in february of this year we summed up the results, built a portrait of the user of the mobile application, now we use them.
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the economically active population of 40 years plus are those citizens who are already interested in what has been accumulated in their social protection fund , because it is this information that influences the current conditions, existing social rights, this the whole range of technical benefits , as well as future pension rights, because the insurance period for a future pension is calculated there, in general, you can keep track of this information, then what will be your sick leave, then what are the contributions to the pension fund, just in this ... if friends, you don’t have it yet, download at least for these functions, but i think there are many others, please tell me, but these are the innovations that we talked about for calculating sick leave when they will already be introduced and that
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it’s happening just from today, from april 1, so that we simply understand the difference between april 1 and july 1, well, our social security fund has everything ready, 250 large employers have already tested interaction technologies. after the information block, stay
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alone in belarus, they are no longer waiting for me, the gray courtyard falls asleep and doesn’t know that there are two lost hearts nearby, changes the route, i ’ve been sick with you for the seventh week and i’ve been cheering for you at night . i can’t and don’t know how to live without you, i root for you and live for you, i root for you seventh i’ve been sick with you for a week and i can’t live without you at night , i can’t and i can’t be sick with you and live with you.
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my night is like a desert, a red-hot heart, i have no right to exhale, and the hours are ticking, the bitter coffee has cooled down, i can’t warm myself up until the morning, i can’t live without you, me. and the route , i’ve been sick with you for the seventh week, i’ve been sick with you at night , i can’t and can’t live without you, i’ve been sick with you, i’ve been living with you, i’ve been sick with you for the seventh week, i’ve been sick with you at night, i can’t and won’t live without you i know how to root for you.
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i'm sick of you, i'm sick of you, i'm sick of you, i can't live without you, i can't live without you, without i can’t bear you, i’ve been sick with you for the seventh week , i’ve been sick with you and howling at night, i ca n’t and don’t know how to live without you, i’m sick with you, i live with you, i ’m sick with you.
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hello! today the elections of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil society start. in the new status, our interests will be represented by 1,200 people. they were actively voted for in labor collectives, trade unions and public organizations. the people's council will be able to approve the most important documents for the country, the directions of foreign domestic policy. it is not surprising that the selection of candidates is appropriate. responsibility, it should not only be patriots and...


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