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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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century, charles vi established a whole guild of vinegar uvars. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary so that the surface active substance molecule can perform its function. if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent. watch the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel . on belarus 1 news is now in the studio vladislav bundir, hello. the president's working week began with negotiations with the governor of the oryol region. andrey klychkov heads this region. 2018,
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came to belarus for the first time. the program of the three-day visit is intense, from microelectronics, unmanned harvesters and food, to drugs and new elite seeds. today at the palace of independence they discussed a number of areas in which the parties are ready to work effectively. emphasis on regional development. the day before, an action plan for cooperation for the next 3 years was signed between the gomel and oryol regions. the main task of interaction is to find new points and develop them as much as possible.
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investment sphere, in all these three areas we have a high level of development, so cooperation is possible, and we will do everything to get the greatest effect; the governor will visit a number of industrial enterprises, they will negotiate not only on supplies, but there are plans for cooperation projects. the president proposes to think about creating special classes with belarusian equipment at the agricultural gymnasium in the city of orel. there is an idea to organize a test drive of our trolleybuses and trams. belarusian builders can be useful areas in housing construction. no more charity for kiev. the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress said that after the easter holidays, which will last until april 9, he intends to submit for consideration a bill on additional assistance to ukraine, and it will include important innovations. according to mike johnson, washington can provide credit assistance to kiev. this can reassure conservatives who believe that states are doing too much. for ukraine. in
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addition, the option of providing assistance in the form of income from frozen russian assets. let me remind you that back in february , the senate approved an emergency spending package worth $95 billion. however, johnson refused to consider the document, demanding that democrats first support tough reforms in us immigration policy. 250 people die every week due to long queues in uk hospitals. these statistics are provided by the times. last year and a half. million britons spent more than half a day waiting for emergency care, 1,400 died, all this is the result of a long crisis in the healthcare system. prime minister sunok traditionally blames the constant strikes of medical staff for this situation. negotiations with the union are not bringing success, and people, meanwhile, due to a shortage of practicing surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists, are forced to go to other countries to receive treatment and not die in endless queues. who?
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the fest will now become narcotic, the publication bild is worried about the future of the germans. from april 1, it is legal to smoke marijuana in germany. residents of the country are confident that beer is nobody will need oktoberfest anymore. the new law on smoking cannabis in public places does not allow the use of marijuana near schools, kindergartens and playgrounds. however, the festival takes place in a huge vacant lot in the center of munich. even if festival guests are prohibited from smoking in the tents themselves, many will be able to do so on the balconies in the beer gardens. the director of the octobrafest promised that the organizers would carefully study the law, but they have a bad feeling. drug laboratory liquidated in smolevichi district, suspects included two men. the defendants were caught red-handed while they were transporting ingredients for the production of psychotropics. they had previously been convicted of selling drugs. in the laboratory , the defendants planned to produce the particularly dangerous psychotropic substance mephedrone for the purpose of subsequent sale in belarus. during a personal search as well. an inspection
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of a honda car belonging to one of the detainees revealed 5 kg of raw materials for the production of mifedrone, as well as canisters of solvents containing a precursor in the car. and for brewing miphedrone, what quantity can you make miphedrone from this? well, in the region of 2-3 kg, what should they have done next with this miphidrone? make a bookmark, leave it somewhere in the forest with coordinates so that someone can pick it up. a criminal case has been initiated for illegal trafficking. law enforcement officers continue operational search activities. that was the news now. my colleagues will continue at 3:00 pm. i say goodbye to you. stay on the first button.


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