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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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promised that the organizers will carefully study the law, but they have a bad feeling. a drug laboratory was liquidated in the smolevichi district; two men were among the suspects. the defendants were caught red-handed while they were transporting ingredients for the production of psychotropics. they had previously been convicted of selling drugs. in the laboratory, the defendants planned to produce the particularly dangerous psychotropic substance mephedrone for the purpose of subsequent sale in belarus. during a personal search, as well as a vehicle inspection.
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operational search activities continue. that was the news now. my colleagues will continue at 3:00 pm. i say goodbye to you. stay on the first button.
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igor aleksanovich, good evening! good evening! i would like to talk more about the new parliament, but all the conversations today are, one way or another, under the prism of the russian tragedy in kroku city. you can’t prepare for this in advance, of course, but you also can’t remain silent. in your opinion, what can and should be done by the belarusian parliament against this background, because fugitives are right now talking about similar terrorist attacks in the presidential campaign twenty fifth year? well, let’s answer this question right away, very succinctly and at the same time conceptually. i specifically foresaw this issue and...
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and the parliament voted on them, where all the norms necessary to suppress such incidents were detailed, and the most important law, which...
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tools to effectively, efficiently and prevent, and prevent and severely punish for committed acts of this type, therefore.
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and the state security committee and the ministry of internal affairs in general, and all other special services, let's be honest, that not only these issues should we take into account as, well, let’s say, science, which god forbid will be useful to us, because crocus showed , among other things, the issues of the need to provide related work services, yes , that is, the same protection, and the fact that what the president spoke about in the ashmyany district literally on tuesday, the same firefighters, yes, that is, fire safety in shopping centers, in general in public places , when...
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and about by-laws, not only about legislation, but about by-laws, they also have a complete regulatory framework, and most importantly the main thing is that they carry out all this very clearly and strictly, we should be proud of that, but if someone still doesn’t understand that we do not have a corrupt state, this is also the most important achievement of the thirtieth anniversary, by the way, we have 30 years of constitution and 30 years of presidency country, and 200 years of the belarusian national idea, which was first formulated by a native of shklov and
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mstislavl, the ministry of emergency situations, regardless of the form of ownership , all other things are the key to these nuances, i know that the ministry, the ministry of emergency situations, even if you are in ideal relations , it's not will move half a millimeter to violate some kind of job description, if this is associated with a threat to life and safety, with the same fire and everything else, this is the most important thing - the effectiveness of our services, which is guaranteed by strict control over them.
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they didn’t follow the lead of the pseudo-democrats, but reserved the right to apply this norm, so do you think that their russian colleagues will roll back this norm? i am convinced that they will do this, because in principle, let's be honest, why did they this norm was excluded for one simple reason: there was euphoria from the prospects of cooperation with the collective west.
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including in the vast majority of countries of the european union will lead to a fatal result for those who want to abolish the death penalty, i ’ll say one more thing here, i am convinced that the death penalty in the russian federation will be returned in one form or another , perhaps as a punishment for terrorism, and i have always been a supporter of the death penalty, i want to explain the death penalty - it’s not murder, it’s punishment, as it was previously written in soviet law: the highest measure of social protection, the fact is that there is a moral maxim of kant, it is
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about the moral law in our hearts, in the bible the golden rule of morality is even more clearly formulated, love your neighbor as god and yourself yourself, but if you serve the devil, if you violated all the laws of god and man, then still i could never understand this post-postmodernist, turned inside out... crippled, i would throw in this video before each such howl which they
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they themselves dumped it on the internet, when they are not shaking, not bleating sheep, not afraid , when they have been deprived of weapons of everything else, there are such masters of life who are killing people from right to left, when this scoundrel, however, unsuccessfully tries to cut off a person’s head, that’s it, i i understand that this doesn’t show any esoteric considerations, but this... i think, maybe blurred out, it needs to be shown so that it is clear who we are dealing with, and we need to understand these things, such people, they have erased themselves from the world of the living , their people with mine, i even, i can’t call them animals, because i don’t want to offend animals, these are really some kind of ghouls, this is something infernal, because when a person destroys another person for money. or just like that, and destroys the unarmed, defenseless
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, well, there are none here, i don’t know how you can justify this, although there are some, well, we’ve heard all these pseudo-justifications, in fact, here it’s clear, i support your opinion, and i won’t hide it, i adhere to the same thoughts, one small remark, literally, probably, a couple of days ago, or maybe even yesterday , information appeared that brevik. who killed 72 people , and ask for another console, and not just, he promised to go on a hunger strike if they don’t give him an updated version of the playstation and 3 third ones, but if they don’t give him, he’ll go on a hunger strike, which we can talk about after that in principle, so he he’s sitting in what i think is a three-room apartment, writing books, signing autographs, that is , the man killed absolutely deliberately, a real nazi, a bastard, a scumbag, killed a sea of ​​people, and he is to the end... the state with maximum satisfaction , if it’s a life sentence, if it’s a life sentence, then
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it’s a sanatorium, a dispensary at the expense of all one’s needs , but is this a punishment, what kind of punishment is this, well, this is not a punishment, yes, that’s the main message, yes from in life it’s about the fact that this is torture for the belarusian leader of the parliament to give a tough rebuff to opponents and adversaries of the country, from within to outside. today, when international platforms have discredited themselves, everyone, let’s speak frankly, starting from the osce, the un, not to mention the rest of the eu, this is how parliamentarians can do it practically now, which means i see it like this here, where we have normal human and inter-parliamentary relations with those parliaments that look at us with normal eyes. then there is communication at the level of parliamentary groups, this is traditional, as it has always been. there is,
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of course, there is, well, latvia, yes, a specific example, they forbade riga residents from bringing flowers to the russian embassy after this terrorist attack, there is nothing to talk about with them, so moreover, they will not agree to any formalized contacts, only direct contacts, only direct contacts between deputies who, either due to political convictions with us... are aligned, that is , public diplomacy once, direct, immediate communication with those who think like this , are perceived as with those parliamentarians who profess.
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with those who have problems, then the first term will be just the last, that is , i am deeply convinced of this, well, the truth is, when
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you come for the first time, a first-year student, as they say, has such are sometimes euphoric -idealistic ideas, it seems that with the left hand, with the right foot, all this is one, two, three, and at the same time, the first thing to do is to read very carefully the law on the status of a deputy, this is the most fundamental document .
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impossible, if i saw that a person had not gone through certain stages, as they say, i explained to him that there were some other levels at which this could be solved without me,
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but at the same time i insured this person, i just i could pick up the phone in front of his eyes, call, say that there is such a problem, when i saw that it was being solved, uh-huh, that’s when you remember, this decree is the so-called bylotsy, when it was there, i remember. there, who has problems with work , come, not immediately, but several months in advance, and you know how, more than 100 people, more than 100 people, from those who
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really had a problem, and from those who stood there , it was maybe 10 or 15, well then others came, and more than 100 people, i got jobs, that is, you understand, that is and it’s not that there was some kind of magician, no, you know the director of, say, one or another large... mogilev enterprise, you have a human business relationship with him, you can just pick up the phone, ask, clarify, that, how, this is how it turned out, that is, i was there where i could, i really helped, and i never said, there is such a cool, convenient position, i write laws, i am a legislator , go to the local council, there, to the city executive committee, here, you can’t lead like that, and if people come. and they say: there was a different situation when people really didn’t want their backyard territory to be densely populated with very inconvenient construction projects, these construction projects didn’t happen after
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that, although some people really wanted to, but again it wasn’t a conflict with the authorities, those who oppose us are so hysterical cliquey, marginal populist position, scream, insult everyone, throw shit at everyone, excuse me for this rude word.
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and if you see that the person who came is wrong, then tell him honestly, you are wrong, try to explain, try to explain, although this is impossible for individuals, our people very, they have a very keen sense of social justice, they really don’t like it when they are deceived, so i tried not to deceive, i tried to say that if i wasn’t sure that something could be moved or moved right away, i said, that these things, there are streets. which
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today are well paved in my district, but there are a number of streets that objectively still need to be defined there, i have a whole line, which is first, which is second, and i even controlled this, the question is simple for backfilling, here the president said that there are no former deputies, but that’s good, but what should maria vasilyevich, who is on probation there, do, and after she hands over her certificate, she should. find the professional sphere that is closest to her, relatives, at a high level, taking into account the acquired skills and abilities , to carry out the combat missions assigned to her with high quality, that is, any deputy who went through this school, yes, this is a former deputy, yes, well, there are no former deputies , i never say ex, i always say deputy of the sixth convocation, deputy of the seventh convocation, it’s like
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former military.
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well, let’s still talk a little about the external contour, and a little more, but while the real belarusians were choosing their legal representatives, but somewhere over the hill a new ethnic group appeared: belarusians abroad, let’s just run away, yes, who are really waiting for the passports of the new belarus, to them , as it turned out, yes, well, there are discounts in the polish euro wholesale, conditionally, and such a vinaigrette that even oruel and...
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and such a great document, the main document, like a passport, because a passport is not just some little book, these are the guarantees of the country to a citizen, this is... the rights of a citizen to protect his fundamental rights, which are guaranteed in the constitution, at the same time he has responsibilities, he must defend his country, he must do everything possible and impossible so that the country develops, how and what they they offer this well, how to explain this to a simple person, a simple person who does not understand that if you get involved with extremists and scammers, then you should not be surprised that they then come after you and charge you with a criminal offense.
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or tears up a belarusian passport while not on camera, or he doesn’t renew this belarusian passport, but takes this candy wrapper, well, he ceases to be a citizen of the country, i think that we should be quite strict about it, well, i don’t know what about criminal liability, but the fact that citizenship for this should be deprived , i am deeply convinced, well, the russians are now following an interesting path, you know, probably, yes regarding foreign agents, now there are initiatives to deprive them of part of their rights, even though...
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it undermines the image of the state, undermines its economic power, but all these cries about sanctions, this is mourning for any normalization of the situation, what is this? this is direct economic sabotage in the country, and we must answer for this. okay, a little about sabotage, yes, thanks to these fugitives, the story about christina 32 teeth, or 80 corpses in bags, yes, which they once made up there.
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who you consider to be right, because he objectively serves your interests, whom you hate for only one simple reason, because... he pursues an independent policy that does not correspond to your interests, but corresponds to national ones interests of the country, that's all, there are compradors , traitors who are ready to sell the country, its industry, its assets, just sell it, there are people who defend the national interests of their country, as soon as a person begins to live, work, breathe at the click of a foreign embassy , from that...
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it was created precisely as an organization that was supposed to hear everyone, today after, well, this, this didn’t happen today, this is this, this is the accumulated result after 1991, after the collapse of the soviet union, this whole system, the united nations organization, it was built, firstly, on the results of the second world war and built on these principles, including this:
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everyone recognizes that elections are transparent and everything else, but as soon as the american ones begin to vote from afghanistan, suddenly all this legitimate power in quotes collapses like a house of cards without someone else’s bayonet, and afghan collaborators hang in wild horror on the landing gear of departing planes where they had no place, here is a classic example, the most important a lesson, i think, that russia has, especially after this...
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for example, with france’s promises to send troops not only there to the dnieper, but to the border with belarus? i think that they will bet on young people, they will bet first of all. here, too, including teenage youth, they will definitely do this, and they will try to pump up and destroy the religious peace in the country, i am deeply convinced of this, that’s why i have tried, there have been attempts, therefore, and this may be under a third flag, under the guise of some
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pseudo-patriotic actions, we should simply remember that...
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and we must clearly understand that any attempts in the press, mass media, on the internet, which can be regarded as blasphemous, must be strictly suppressed, as we have always had, and we can proudly say, that we are a country where no one staged performances in quotation marks when orthodox icons were chopped down or anyone’s feelings were offended. well, yes, i can’t imagine how we can burn the koran, conditionally, this is impossible, thank god, we have these things, these things have been developed for centuries, this is what we call the belarusian image life, we can be political about some things, but we cannot and should not disturb this balance, this world, we
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must cultivate this peace, it’s cool that we, that we have two easters, that these things, this
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...personally, these things, this positive nikolaevich, speaking specifically, experience, should be even more widespread, we must simply understand that the more our youth is involved in our life of our society, our society, the more they, and she can wear different colors and listen to different music, we listened too different music and...
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yes, why is such clear and tough rhetoric needed now? well, because good things come with fists. because any manifestation of weakness at a given moment, in a given geopolitical situation, can lead to disaster.


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