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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 1:50pm-2:06pm MSK

1:50 pm
to understand that to be even more common, we must simply these things, this positive experience must be the more our youth are involved in our lives.
1:51 pm
any violation of the state border for destruction, they, our enemies, understand only strength, this is a quote, yes, why is such a clear and tough rhetoric needed now, well, because good comes with fists, and because any manifestation of weakness at the moment in this geopolitical situation can lead to catastrophic consequences.
1:52 pm
cross the border with arms in hand, then then it will be packed in a garbage bag, that's all. the updated concept of national security and military doctrine of belarus will be submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly for approval. why is there no more important strategy, as the first one said, today? because this strategy clearly outlines all of our most important priorities. because this concept defines and spells out in detail all the most important challenges that may arise before our country, because this is a guide to action that will be read very seriously by our opponents, we do this for ourselves, to preserve our sovereignty, and these are the concepts of maintaining peace in our country, this is the most important thing that can be, because when we talk about this...
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not evolutionary development, you know, one more point , many forget that there was once so dearly loved by liberals and so not fully understood, academician sakharov, who dreamed of convergence, of a combination of the best positive features that exist in a socialist society and a capitalist one, he then used marxist phraseology, but belarus is the only country, in fact the only one of all the former fraternal sister republics of the union .
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our intellect, our brands, and i am sure that in our lifetime we will see how belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances, everything that... is the subject of our national pride, will be no less recognizable than sushi , kimano everything else. i think that we will end here, without the last question, well, this is a good ending. adventure of foreigners in belarus: kind day, good, how are you? vladimir, who is this beautiful boy or girl? boy, his name is murimes, we don’t scare the horse, we don’t get scared ourselves, we ask something incomprehensible, everything is so cool to see here, it’s just beautiful, beautiful,
1:56 pm
we’re sitting, sitting, sitting, the ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages , you need to make these smooth movements. to break it, to cut it, yes, you need to twist it, that’s it, and we dip it with pleasure and talks about the most colorful places in the country, our ice training rink, the belarusian national teams u17 and u18 train here, it’s cool, they are so hard , yes, hard, tough and sharp, yes, a dangerous thing, hey, no, no, i can’t, it opens, sit here and... you can sit, of course, as if i was really in person, that’s it, guys, please, i’ll be there, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel
1:57 pm
. currently, you can get military-professional education in military educational institutions of the republic of belarus, which are represented in the military academy republic belarus, the military medical institute of the belarusian state medical university and six military faculties, leading educational institutions of the country, of course, all military specialties are unique and in demand, but certain of them are certainly more popular among young people, well, last year the most popular specialties were ideological work in units of the armed forces, practical psychology in military affairs, information security, unmanned aerial systems and military medical business, it is also pleasant to note:
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it has always remained one of the most honorable and respected in belarus. why is this happening? well, i think that in light of recent events in the world, our region in the current difficult times, officers, boys, as well as girls, choose professions because it is, first of all, an investment in future high social status, career prospects , material well-being and confidence in the future. today's graduation from military training...
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the competition is growing, for example, last year in the specialty practical psychology in military affairs there were more than five people per place, in legal work in the military sphere there were eight people per place, what can we say about the points scored by girls, so in 2023 girls entered the military academy with scores of 395-396, which it would definitely be enough for admission to any special, prestigious well...
2:00 pm
military educational institutions of our republic, primarily in obtaining a high-quality military education at any level from tactical to operational-tactical level allows you to train officers. in almost the entire range of specialties at the level of training of military specialists, since the creation of the sovereign belarusian state , foreign military personnel from more than thirty countries have been trained in national military educational institutions; today , military personnel from the people's republic of china, the republic of kazakhstan, and uzbekistan are trained in the republic of belarus , and mianvar. can belarusians also receive military education abroad? yes, training of belarusian citizens.
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they are dedicated to their work. oh, komvol is the soul of art. it is not simple. i love my job, i love it very much, during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this
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ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, it is very pleasant to know that our visitors, leaving our security center, leave with such a wealth of knowledge that they will definitely need it in life, watch on the tv channel: belarus 24, our region through the eyes of foreigners, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, it ’s clear that the country is clean, quiet, but for me it would be better to live in belarus, how they ended up in belarus and why they stayed to live here. i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i still live for 25 years in
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belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my wife , just everything, the tourist is over, what after the wife, the tourist is over, the project is a look at... belarus, what i like about belarus, it’s possible raise your children the way you want. watch on tv channel. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information, is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short and fun that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is different.
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unfortunately, a significant number of people develop it.


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