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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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them, here is my favorite holiday, new year, because i am from gomel, now i live in minsk, and i really like it when i come there , a lot of family and friends gather, and these are truly very fun and memorable moments, i want to take from this time to the future those living actions from the village, when she comes to her grandmother, she asks, get some water, help with the housework, and so on. i would like for us to still have the same films and tv series, because now they are making very high-quality films, tv series, that’s very it’s nice to watch them, from today i would carry my love for my native land into the future, not everyone can return, not everyone can fall in love so much, but when you come to your hometown, to your native corner, where... they are waiting for you,
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anatoly ivanovich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, i am very pleased that those children are speaking correctly, and it was very pleasant for me to talk with you. so, people’s artist of belarus, anatoly ermolenko, today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to platform. and here. here, anatoly ivanovich, i will ask you to stay. anatoly ivanovich, what was the most difficult question for you today? well, about family life, about him, it’s always difficult to answer. how do you think you handled this children's audience today? they were the ones who dealt with me, most likely because they asked the right questions. in general, we are on the same wavelength. how did the children surprise you today? they surprised me in that i understood what i basically wanted.
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i really want to thank you for that you agreed to have such a frank conversation with us, maybe you didn’t want to answer some questions, but you supported everyone and answered them, thank you very much, i liked the way you talked about your wife, about your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, you very beautifully very sweetly told how you love them, anatoly ivanovich, in this program you seemed very... kind, honest,
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family-oriented, so sweet, especially positive, i’m very glad that such people remain, thank you, is there that person in the hall who i thought that today anatoly ivanovich was a little cunning, didn’t say something , maybe raise your hand, who thinks so, not a single person, anatoly ivanovich, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i i’m very glad that the younger generation, which i didn’t know so deeply until this time, they did not disappoint my expectations, i wish everyone hasten, people’s artist of belarus anatoly ermolenko was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. see next
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release, we welcome our hero, center forward and captain of the minsk hockey club dynamo, andrei stas. you are the oldest on the team, do you feel like an old man? what kind of stasis is andrey in life and what is he like on the ice? how do you assess the level of belarusian hockey? how often do you attend your sons' games? why do hockey players so often like to fight on the ice? how do you usually relax before a game? 100 questions for an adult: the battle is over, why carda and there is nothing left, but we live, and you and i.
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland,
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sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyrus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania , serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. tv channel signal broadcast in the clear and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. her fate turned out the way many only dream of: moving to america, her own home, family, children, business. she lived
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there for 16 years; by american standards, she became the embodiment of a self-made woman, a successful strong woman, but at some point she got tired of the frantic rhythm of overseas life. there you wake up and realize that today costs you 500 dollars there, let’s say, already in advance, because you have a loan for a car, a loan for a house, and payment for kindergarten, payment for university, and you understand that if you don’t go to work, you will be in debt. irianna returns to her homeland in belarus and accidentally ends up in a remote belarusian village in the myadel region. this place is so... captivating that she first builds a house here for herself, and then begins to save other old and useless village houses from demolition. when you are dismantling a house, it is very important not to fall into this tiredness of the old and the desire to just do everything burn it, throw it away, bury it, and
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tell yourself very carefully: stop and save it, where others see rickety and half-rotten walls. iriana shyam, having left her established life in america, several years ago she moved to the remote belarusian village of shemetova, 130 km from minsk. she spends all her time, energy and personal savings to ensure that at least one dying belarusian village
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has a chance for a new life. the autumn village of shemetovo welcomes guests with noise. huge old lebs, gray from time at home, there are no people on the streets, but the feeling of melancholy abandonment, as in many similar villages, is not here. when iriana shiyan first came here in february of twenty -one, she caught a completely opposite emotion. the square
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, around which there are many small, old, abandoned houses along the perimeter , it seemed incredible... huge for the scale of a belarusian village, there was a sense of grandeur here that was once in the past, but carried a different meaning. it turned out that iriana was here by chance, she and a friend was traveling around the myadel region in search of a suitable house with a beautiful view, and got lost in shemetov. the village sunk into my soul so much that even after returning to minsk, irianna never stopped thinking about this place. at night i saw her in a dream and in some daytime dreams i saw her, that is, it continues inside. inspiration, creation, based on this
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place, which has already practically died, in which there is nothing to restore, but inside you it expands, you see pictures of either the future, or potential dreams, they they won't let you go. irianna admits that at that time there was no talk of any large-scale projects, she decided to buy a house here for herself, but 2 years later... almost every house has heirs, sometimes , taking into account the descendants, there are dozens
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of them, they have long since dispersed world, it’s easier for them to forget about the house or let the village council simply bury it , than to waste time and money on the paperwork that irianna is dealing with today, and if you manage to rent out a house, even without ownership, just to save it, that’s already a great success . strub i i bought it 2 days ago. and it’s not being registered, since it’s a very small plot, only four acres, but now we’ll see what’s inside the house, because i haven’t seen it myself yet, this scoop isn’t even visible from the road , there’s a lot of thickets all around, yes, it’s very small house, low ceiling, the floor was dismantled and... and the walls were plastered, so if you clean the logs, this is an emergency job. you also need to
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assess the condition of the foundation and lower logs. this is usually the weakest link in such houses. see if there is fungus, if it is rotten roof? most buyers of such houses tear them down; it's faster and cheaper. but iriana fights to the last for every house, trying to preserve what is left. it is possible, according to her, the shape of these houses is beautiful, it is part of our culture and history, although it was built when we did not have wealth in our homeland, that is, usually post-war houses were built from what was available, but in this simplicity and there is our uniqueness, our slavic people, how to preserve it, yes, that is, in my opinion, we need to raise and make foundations more powerful, higher, removing the rotten ones...
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how to preserve the old house as much as possible by introducing it into a new space, when you dismantle the house, it is very important not to fall into this fatigue from the old and the desire to just burn everything, throw it away, bury it, very carefully just tell yourself straight away: stop and save it, and you take it out first in the barn and look at what you have, here is the children’s room upstairs now, in which they used... three windows with an old veranda, windows that are in village verandas, they the most
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practically beautiful in the house, that is, they are so detailed , the right morning should begin with the right breakfast, and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, this will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, we can’t wait to get started, we will help you choose the products to make the first meal delicious and healthy, we choose greens, we need spinach, know that you should only buy fresh, elastic leaves of bright green color, the color
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of the beans depends solely on the variety, the pod itself must be whole, without any spots of dents, let's not forget about invigorating exercises, we stand, take our hands in the lock , raise up, lean forward, knees straight, you can bend your back a little, lean down, also again keep your knees straight, feet fully on the floor, rise up, watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel. belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you will learn and master. all the time this façade is alive, because the prices are crumbling on this façade, and the different heights of these tiers, the different dimensions of the sky, here, everything here resembles the image of how he was
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born. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. byhavski castle. yon would be abaronchy, as if on the perimeter of the previous scenes, and the whole of this glorious military history of byhava 17 centuries, pachatu 18, i am connected with these castles. kalancha, the so -called vitsebsk welcome, seems to be just an advertisement and that was in the 19th, part of the 20th century, the vykarystannaya town hall as a point, as a gateway for nazirannya for the city. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus, glyadzitsa. on our tv channel,
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the house that iriana remodeled for herself looks... as they would say in the village, expensive and rich, a huge terrace, large windows, modern double-glazed windows, and only when you go inside, you can see how stylishly and at the same time organically it was introduced into this modern space an old house. iriana removed the partitions and low ceiling, emphasized the massive beams, and kept the old stove, as well as the large basement, where today, like a real villager, she stores supplies on the ground. even a small nook behind the stove adapted into an original cat house. those who come to visit her for the first time are truly surprised by this approach to building a house. living in this all the time , maybe you don’t appreciate it, but when you really travel around the world, you see walls in venice, which, it would seem, why don’t they paint them, they keep this
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shabbyness there, which is all cracked, they on the contrary, they cover it with protection so that it ’s old...
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iriana decides to return to her parents in belarus for a year, breathe out and recharge. here comes into her life shemetova village. and from the ordinary idea of ​​having a house in nature, it very quickly transforms into a large-scale project that requires a huge amount of effort, time and
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money. now, on two neighboring plots bought by irianna, the construction of two houses is in full swing, where in the future the owner plans to organize retreats, give a person the opportunity to relax, retire, do yoga or meditation, or simply take part in a master. classes, i have what goes to the village now by american standards, it’s not much, but that’s how much it requires, this is a huge amount of money, i don’t have it, i look with envy at the tractors around me, that is, i can’t buy a tractor now, but i really want to buy one, even a horse would help, but there’s nothing to carry logs with, yes , and what will this village give back to me, this question? needs to be asked and definitely necessary, because if you only invest, at some point you will run out. could i live in the village?
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looking at the inspired and inspiring irianna, many answer: yes, but in fact, going more than 100 km from the city with its developed almost no one dares to build infrastructure, although many have inherited houses in villages, you can’t leave. save your homes, irianna urges. in 10 years, not only will there be no people here, there will be no houses here, these houses, they are being destroyed very quickly, these young people, there are 18 years old, 20 and so on, they may not understand the value of the house in which they lived grandparents or great-grandmothers, but there is an opportunity to preserve it for a very small amount, and then you will understand.
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iriana shiyan, belarusian, who lived for 16 years in in america, an accomplished woman leaves for a remote belarusian village. 130 km from the capital, in order to save and restore old village huts, which in the opinion of the majority are easier to destroy or bury, she puts all her strength, time, her savings into this project, all so that at least one dying belarusian village has a chance for a new life. i may have come here against the grain, it would make sense to stay where... everyone wants to be and do what everyone wants to do, but that's not what i wanted it, i have already lived it, and now there is a new round, you develop through difficulties, if
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something is very easy, this is not development, this is a repetition of what you already know, you need to go into something that even causes fear, causes some -that excitement, because it’s above you, that is, by overcoming it, you will learn something else that you don’t know how to do now. but you will learn.
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not even 3 hours after the elections, a statement about the fictitiousness of the elections appears on the website of the us state department, the european union used exactly the same term, but in assessment of our elections, this is stupidity, inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. they are simply enemies, their assessments have nothing to do with either the law or the real processes that are taking place in our country, they set the task: overthrowing alexander lukashenko, bringing their puppets to power, completely changing our political regime, carrying out repressions against patriotic forces , the separation of belarus from russia, this collective lukashenko, about whom they talk so much now, that is, that mass support for that policy. and the course that is being pursued is institutionalized in the form of an all-belarusian people's assembly. elections are a test for the authorities, a test for political parties, for the entire electoral
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system, and... and a test for citizens on their consciousness. project markov nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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we can see
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the development of the gospel story about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian churches.
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meet people worthy of admiration. before i get married, i visit my wife asked how many children she wanted. she says: three, i say, okay, i say, come on, i say, at least, no less. today, the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children. it’s not for nothing that i used to love mutik as a child, honey, daughter, four sons, this is the case when this happened to me.
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on air news now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. agriculture, microelectronics, and the investment sector are the drivers for strengthening the partnership between belarus and the oryol region.


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