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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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military personnel from all nato member countries are already present in ukraine. this admission was made by the head of the estonian ministry of defense in an interview with the german dipress. we are talking about the attache or people who periodically visit square. the official clarified that eu countries are also busy training militants in the armed forces of ukraine. training takes place in the uk and poland. estonia, according to the head of the ministry of defense, has already trained 1,500 militants. moreover, training with the help of nato personnel could be arranged on the territory of ukraine itself. at
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the same time, the minister emphasized that european the military will not fight in ukrainian trenches. a teacher without a tower, these are the latvian realities. currently , there are more than 200 teachers without higher pedagogical education working in schools across the country. this was reported to local media at the university of latvia. by the beginning of the current academic year , educational institutions lacked more than 300 teachers. the situation was especially bad with teachers of the latvian language, literature and mathematics. main reasons. staff shortages, language tests, heavy workload, low salaries permanent stress. the return of the crew of the soyuz ms-24 ship is scheduled for 10:19 on april 6. the commander, hero of russia, native of belarus oleg novitsky, nato astronaut laurel ohara and, of course, our marina vasilevskaya, the first woman cosmonaut of belarus, will return to earth. landing is expected in the steppe of kazakhstan, russian specialists will carry air and ground...
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which claims to be awarded a quality mark, the manufacturer determines independently, and also conducts a comparative analysis of the quality indicators of its product with the best examples of domestic foreign products. as a result, you can submit an application, the products will be evaluated according to five indicators: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics. in any case, the enterprise must consistently produce products and operate stably.
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the manufacturer can use the quality mark when marking documents and advertising for 2 years, he can also receive benefits and preferences. the award ceremony for awarding products with the quality mark will take place on world day quality, this year it is november 14th. i have everything by this time, see you at 19:00.
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there was an ancient settlement here back in the bronze age. our ancestors made jewelry tools from copper and tin, and today it is the third most populous city in the gomel region, home to more than 75 thousand residents. they also know how to stab. roll the iron while it's hot. the history of this place is woven from several hundred events, thousands of important decisions and millions of tons of products. i think you already guessed, we are in the city of belarusian metallurgists, where steel wolves and people with iron character and endurance live. our film crew can't wait to meet them. we are in zhlobin, welcome to this city!
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green, there is green! zhlobin railway junction, a young freight train driver, at his own risk , makes his first trip overweight, and a machine malfunction is discovered along the way. is doing repairs, and the main character is suspended from work. this is a summary of the film green lights, popular in soviet times. beautiful shooting of the railway the techniques of that time were made at the local station. and here they are, the steel nerves of the city.
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the whistle of a steam locomotive in zhlobin sounded for the first time in november 1873. and information for you to think about. the first qualified doctor appeared in this place only. the industrial zhlobin was formed in the 19th century, it was nicknamed the city of railway workers, just at that time the lyuba voromenskaya mainline passed through it, a bridge was built across the dnieper, and a station called osterman appeared nearby. this was a powerful impetus for development. jlobin has become the largest railway junction. in 1919 it became a volost center, and 5 years later a district center. and on july 3, 1925 , it was given city status. zhlobin
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land is an innovative region. several of the country's image-bearing enterprises have received registration here. one of these is the belarusian metallurgical plant, the largest in europe. the number of employees is about 1,100 people, the initial production capacity of the enterprise is 700,000 tons of steel per year. the general geography of exports over the thirty-five-year history of the plant is 118 countries . in honor of the tolevars the city was named boulevard, palace of culture and even a hockey team. our film crew had a unique opportunity to look into the players’ training sessions. the largest hockey team in belarus metallurg. they know that patience and labor will wear out everything. i'm sure many fans would give everything. if they were in my
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place. from the stands i observe how tenaciously and zealously the hockey players are preparing for this very important match. metalluga players are called steel wolves. the main qualities that they inherited from predators are fearlessness and devotion, in their case favorite activity, the team's star newcomer, striker alexei mikhnov , recalls with nostalgia the beginning of his sports career. they say it’s cowardly to play hockey, i’m not a coward, but i’m afraid, thanks to you, i probably started skating for the second time in my life, so you remember your first time, it was actually a very long time ago, i was very young, probably already , more than 30 years have passed. you 're doing much better than i did the first time, because yes, when we finally started, it was really scary, yes, i'm really lucky when you feel support of the steel wolf, the sea is knee-deep, not to mention the ice arena,
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alexey was born in kiev, he has vast experience and dozens of successful matches when he and his brother were little, they were often sick in childhood. and our parents decided to send us away in order to somehow strengthen our immunity, to do something, and stopped getting sick, by the way, after that, absolutely, the ice squad was registered in zhilobino in 2006, many initially did not imagine that desperate guys would soon become recognized favorites of belarus. wolves ahead, let's go, let's have another round, guys. we wish good luck to the athletes, thank you for the interesting communication and head to where real wolves live. a cozy place, which is located on the picturesque bank of the dnieper river, one of the most
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beloved among tourists, the zhlobin zoo. well, i think it's time to get to know its inhabitants. let's go to. mouflon deer, raccoons, foxes, birds, a monkey named nikita, as well as crocodiles and pythons, reptiles are hidden from the eyes of visitors until spring due to weather conditions, there are 76 species of animals in the zoo, shakira is also here, that’s their name red wolf, which is included in the international red book, there are only up to 100 individuals left in the world, come on, get up, come on , don’t be lazy, this is already quite, come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, so look, he communicates with the elders representatives of the zoo, buryk bears are called busya and gin,
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honey, sotokh raw eggs are a favorite delicacy, and the diet is rich. they eat carrots, they eat chicken, meat, fish, they only eat herring, they don’t want to eat river fish. for sweets we give cookies, we can give gingerbreads, caramel, candies, jam, butter, butter, bread, loaf. one of the most violent guests is nearby. phillya. he is violent only during the breeding season, when he is in rut, this is from september to november. in normal times, he treats people quite favorably, you see, he even comes up all the time, that is, people come, people like it, so they bring treats. filia came here straight from grodny and has been living here for 11 years. and this is one of the new inhabitants of the zoo. black ice, who was brought here wounded. the bird is feeling well, the appetite is moderate, though. they say she can already fly he will never be able to, the apernaty ones in
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the neighborhood are very restless, let me introduce natalya and hamlet, they say he uttered separate phrases and even said his name, hamlet, and hamlet, in the gomel region there are only two zoos in oktyabrsky and zhlobin. the locals are also famous for their stories of animal friendship and devotion; you have the opportunity to hear them in person. information for those who prefer plush animals to ordinary animals. in the city, soft toys are made by local residents, although many mistakenly believe that they are produced in a faux fur factory, no, they sew there. blankets, pillows and feather beds, and toys can be purchased at the universal market from 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
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reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information, is almost a relic of the past. it's easier to watch something short and funny. which will not force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is different, unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, inability to form their own opinion, they consider themselves young, free and independent, in fact they are very susceptible to external pressure, this is a constant attempt to get people emotional, this strategy for the majority of opposition telegram channels has not
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changed at all, and what opposition resources can offer their readers now is a reprint belarusian state media, only with its own emotional overtones, where everything is often turned upside down, so be careful and maintain information hygiene, ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is another thing, watch it on the belarus 2 tv channel . you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened in a week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only more visible. in the week-long project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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zhlobin region. unique: rich forests, fancy lakes, deep rivers, the dnieper, berezina and dobstna crosswise permeate the territory of the region, it is no coincidence that there is a boat on the city’s coat of arms. zhlobin arose on the land where the historical ivoryak trade route to the greeks passed. now the ship is on the horizon, local residents can only see it on metallurgists boulevard. please note that the boat is metal, apparently, in this way they decided to pay tribute to the steelers.
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an iron bird was also installed here. cohesion and unity of citizens. as for the dnieper, it has long since become shallow for navigation, and for many centuries ago the town lived off trade. then the products were exchanged for fabrics, spices, wine and other overseas goods. zhlobin was first mentioned in 1635. according to the documents, he was also called zlobin, when he managed to turn into a zhlovin, historians do not know for sure. evil happened, and the locals say that evil forces lived in this place, is this true? absolutely right, you said it correctly, the fact is that we still had a lot of swamps here, and it was such an evil place, although there is also a version that escaped convicts literally fell in love with this place, and here in the evenings it was difficult and scary to go out. on the territory
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of the modern city, the first human settlements arose long before the founding of the zhlobin, back in primitive communal times. we are in pridneprovsky park, this is a unique place because the city began with it. it was here that archaeologists discovered traces of the first settlement of the iron age period. the date of the first mention of zhlobin, as i already said, is 1635 . then it was an unfortified place, and there was an evil castle nearby. in 1654 the troops of the cossack hetman ivan zolatarenok castle burned, the fortress disappeared, the only reminder of it is the pridneprovsky park, standing on the site of the zlobin castle and a model stored in the local museum. it was a typical building of that period, as you can see, along the entire perimeter there was a defensive structure, wooden, everything was made of
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wood, inside there were houses and always a church, that is , there was definitely nothing special here, the only thing is... it’s just unfortified place. craftsmen, farmers and traders lived here. a market was organized on the banks of the dnieper river square. fairs were held there every year; for some reason they were called vyazim fairs. and in order to get into the shopping arcade, it was necessary to make a gift. to whom? history is silent. the sellers wore exclusively white clothes. the product must be packaged before sale. among the traders there were many chinese. in the 19th-20th centuries , flour, herring, sugar, wheat, kerosene and building stone were transported along the dnieper. the trading business took a lot of time. only it took a whole day to get to dorogochev. now this is the historical part of zhlobin.
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the stone temple on a hill was built at the end of the 19th century. and soon we will see another ancient church. this area has been the subject of heated political debate for several centuries. the name of the village of streshin appears in many documents. the wooden castle located on this territory was stormed by the chernigov princes, muscovites and cossacks. this settlement is the first of those mentioned in the document. after the second partition of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, catherine ii transferred the land to count ivan osterman. he built in 1807 brick pokrovsky church in the style of classicism. the mystery of the church heating system, unsolved by contemporaries. there were no radiators or stoves here; in the most severe frosts
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one could endure service wearing only a shirt. they say it’s all thanks to the leaves that were stored in the basement. and they set it on fire, heat rose along the hollow walls, and even in winter there was a positive temperature inside the temple, that’s the system. one of the first priests of the church was priest john gashkevich, the father of the holy righteous john of carmian. after a while, he became the patron of the gomel region. the revival of the religious building began in 1989. it was a nationwide construction project. it is known that even non-believers helped in the restoration of the shrine. the church was restored, albeit not in its original form. unfortunately, from the interior decoration to the present day. what didn’t happen, the temple was illuminated in 1991. pervomayskaya street. at the beginning of the 20th
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century, a catholic koplitsa stood here, which was transported from nearby rogachev with the money of parishioners. in 1992, the building was opened by the historian of the regional museum. in the first ethnographic exposition, we see tools labor of hunting. household items of ancestors, a unique collection of antique samovars, the same wooden model of the zhlobin castle, which was located on the site of the modern city. the next room tells the history of the construction of the railway, photographs of dummies and integral attributes of the profession. this is the ancestor of the modern mobile phone, the communications switch. there were such devices all over belarus and the zhlobin railway station was no exception. as a rule, girls whose height was no lower than 165 cm worked with switchboards. i live in this time, i would definitely pass the casting.
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and we move on. my attention is drawn to an exhibit that has a rather curious history. this. rabkin, whose bicycle was taken away by the red army soldiers, was, by the way, the only one in the zhlobin at that time. interestingly, the answer came with instructions to return the vehicles. another exhibition dedicated to military operations in the zhlobin region and fellow countrymen-heroes of the great patriotic war. the third rifle corps under the command of general petrovsky on july 13 , 1941 inflicted a powerful blow, the nazis were thrown
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back almost 32 km, the city’s defense was held for more than a month, thus 56 enterprises were saved, thousands of people were taken to the rear. the railway junction was already switched to an emergency work schedule on june 25, an armored train was installed in the depot ... our region through the eyes of foreigners, in fact, everyone
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knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, it’s obvious, that the country is clean, quiet, but for me it would be better to live in belarus, as they ended up in...
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he doesn’t try to please first, he works so that we like his decisions and the result of his work. this is my job, to sit, think, using experience and my knowledge, i must make predictions, if the president doesn’t have this, there is no point in doing this. considering that, as a rule, parliamentary elections, and especially local ones, not only in belarus, but generally everywhere in the world, arouse less interest among the electorate than presidential elections, our turnout was good.
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restructuring the entire political system of the country and he is doing this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind you of this. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 24. the largest donor concentration camp in europe was located in krasny bereg. in the zhlobin, dobruzh, and rogachev regions, the nazis forcibly took children away from their parents and took blood. rescue for wounded
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german soldiers and officers. which became more and more every day. many terrible stories about the donor concentration camp krasny bereg can be found on the internet. they write about shocking bullying, cut heels and hanging children. according to documents from the national archive of the history of belarus, this did not happen here, although the children experienced fear, tears, cold and hunger to the fullest. like adults. every spring , an apple orchard blooms next to the memorial, and among the trees there is a monument designed by lenin prize laureate leonid levin. the figure of an emaciated girl is a collective image of all the children burned out in the flames of a terrible war. when viewed from above, the area resembles the sun with rays. one of them is black,
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goes through a dead class. as a symbol of stolen childhood, there are several dozen names on the white sailboat, because the war did not choose what nationality the child was, both belarusian and jewish children died equally, and thousands in mass graves remained nameless, 24 easels with colorful drawings, a symbol of a dream that was not was destined to come true. and now dad, as he looked at himself in the mirror, the dress was torn in caresses, the number on his neck was like that of a criminal, she was thin as a skeleton, salty tears flowing from her eyes. this is an excerpt from a letter fifteen-year-old katya susanina, whom she sent to her father to the front. before suicide. the girl was ready to do anything to avoid leaving for nazi germany.
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indeed, those who remained alive in groups of 12-15 people were sent abroad. 1990 children passed through the krasny bereg camp and never returned. once upon a time there was a wooden partition in the center of the room, with a screen with slits on top. there were stools on the floor at a certain distance. sat on a stool, a small child stuck his hand into the slot screens, his blood was taken for analysis. and on the territory of the former landowner’s estate during the war years, a german hospital operated in the house of the magnates gotovsky and kozel poklevsky. even at the end of the 19th century, people danced the mazurka here, held social receptions and played board games. country house of a noble family, built according to the design of a professor
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of architecture. history of architectural styles, everything here is thought out to the smallest detail, for example, butterflies symbolize infinity, because the owner of the estate dreamed that it would stand here forever, and grape leaves are a symbol christianity, the owners of the estate were believers. therefore, in one of the rooms of the country estate there was a house chapel, the day of the owners of the mansion began with prayer, and ended with it. all exhibits from the 16th century are authentic. our building is 126 years old and this beautiful ceiling is just as old. during the entire existence of the estate, this ceiling was not whitewashed, painted or touched at all. the reason is quite simple, the fact is that the ceiling is off.


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