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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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therefore, in one of the rooms of the country estate there was a house chapel; the day for the owners of the mansion began with prayer, and ended with it. all exhibits from the 17th-11th centuries are authentic. our building is 126 years old and this beautiful ceiling is just as old. during the entire existence of the estate, this ceiling was not whitewashed, painted or touched at all. the reason is quite simple, the fact is that the ceiling is covered with gold leaf plates, what types of wood were used to create the ceiling, i will surprise you, this is not timber, but plaster, the quality of the work amazes even experienced modern builders, the palace contained a rich gallery of paintings, works by semiradsky, ivazovsky kondratenko, the boudoir was illuminated by wall chandeliers, a number of salons, walls and soffits were covered with polychrome painting, a total of 36 chambers. in this room, restorers
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restored the color scheme of the walls, millionaire guests were entertained here, and under this fireplace there was a safe room where gold was kept. by the standards of that time, the poklev goats could afford almost everything. indeed, wine merchants, mountain and gold miners, owners of the asbestos industry in the urals and the first shipping company on the rivers of western siberia. their mansions have also been preserved. as you have already noticed, the owners spared no money in building the estate; for some reason the stairs were made of cement. it turns out that at the end of the 19th century in the russian empire this material was much more expensive than marble. and this is the room of the owners’ eldest daughter maria, whom her parents affectionately called her. clothes and shoes are in perfect
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condition. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that what a waist this dress has and what chic little boots these boots have. what i mean is that the girls back then were very graceful. the waist size of this dress is only 48 cm. the territory of the estate is hidden behind a brick fence so that no one can interfere with the owners’ walks through the english park of 10 hectares. do not under any circumstances pass by this mysterious boulder; they say that the stone owl has the unique ability to fulfill the wishes of visitors. let's see if the stone bird heard me? the park contains mainly coniferous trees, there are also oaks, lindens, chestnuts and exotic species such as amur velvet and walnuts, but they are especially popular among visitors. uses an old
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ash tree, the estate workers say that you need to hug this tree as tightly as possible, and the arrival of your soulmate will not take long , and we, having enjoyed the local landscapes, return to the zhlobin itself. the zhlogan land is truly unique, it gave. to the sports world of the olympic hammer throw champion vasily rudenkov, silver medalist of the munich olympics vladimir lovetsky. today , there are 15 industrial and 19 agricultural enterprises operating in the district, 27 religious communities, and festivals at the republican and regional levels are held in zhlobin. you know, during our little trip, i got the impression that this town in the gomel region knows how.
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not only harden steel, produce artificial mega and achieve success in sports, despite the original name of the city, zlopin, residents have been proving the opposite for centuries, warmth and kindness are the main brand this place, come to zhlobin and see for yourself.
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on january 20, 1942, the leadership of the kgb commissariat hastily convened a meeting of the heads of special institutions in minsk. it was dedicated to the fight against belarusian partisans. the head of the sd and ss security forces, state councilor govfman, gave a lengthy, very emotional speech. partisan activities. it cannot be underestimated that the civilian population seriously supports the partisans. the state councilor kept silent about the damage that the partisans caused to regular to the troops. this gap was filled by the command
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of the third tank army, which was forced to recognize the wide scope of the partisan movement. order number... 415/42 dated march 19, 1942. it said: the partisan movement was developing on a large scale in the region of vitebsk, rudnya, velezh. the combat strength of the units has increased significantly. interacting with the regular troops, the partisans received from them heavy weapons, anti-tank guns and tp. it means. the emergence of a serious threat to supply front. the command of the third tank army had every reason to be concerned. only one order prescribed to nip in the bud the organization of large partisan
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detachments. and then, complete powerlessness. at the same time , one must come to terms with the fact that only in rare cases is it possible to capture entire partisan groups. it seems only possible to upset or disturb them, but this is already a success, the fascists were looking for a way out of the struggle of the partisans, they opposed their methods, the leadership of the partisan detachment for the homeland. carefully studied the contents leaflets that were scattered by the germans in the loevsky district. it caused serious concern. they reported how the partisans robbed, killed the population, took away their last, dooming them to starvation, how they got drunk and
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set fire to entire villages. the detachment commissar entered the hut and laid it out on the table. several issues of the newspaper golos veski, it contains an editorial about how the germans are saving the population from the partisans. the detachment commander, georgy ivanovich sinyakov, secretary of the loyev district party committee, glanced at the article, put the newspaper aside and gathered himself thoughts, began to dictate the text of a leaflet for the population. printing house.
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the ranks, in order to break the resistance, organized an armed gang from criminals, under the guise of partisans, it robs peasants, commits massacres and executions of civilians . as an example, they talked about the brutality of one such thing, which was carried out near the village of khaminka, loevsky district. they were dealt with. by the power of the word , “the bandits chose to get away from these places .” others were dealt with according to martial law. in the last hut, small
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villages, near the dnieper bukhsky canal there was a difficult conversation between the commander of the partisan detachment named after dimitrov. attempts to figure out the reason for such trouble ended in misunderstanding. the answer was categorical: we will no longer allow partisans into the village. when, finally, the emotions subsided, we managed to find out that partisans had recently visited the village, about 15 of them, all drunk, carried out searches, and took away. appointed partisans, stole the pigs,
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killed the headman, although they were told that it was becoming clear in the surrounding forests false partisans were operating, it was well known that such people existed. the residents were reassured, and the detachment commander began to think about a plan of action. the extermination group of the dimitrov detachment caught up with the bandits. it turned out that ukrainian nationalists were visiting the village. they were tried in the same village where they robbed people. false partisans. their units were created with the germans already in the first months of the war. in october 1941 in the glusk region. region , balakhunov’s detachment began its bloody deeds, robberies, violence in
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against civilians, the main task of the gang, which was particularly cruel, and such detachments operated almost everywhere, at the head of each detachment was a well-trained sd agent. on may 6 , 1942, hitler established
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the bssr; he led the lazo partisan detachment and three partisan groups. they operated in the brest area and really bothered the nazis. the bandits managed to track down the commander when he was heading to the place of the next gathering of partisans. a fight ensued. nemytov could retreat. but thereby reveal a gathering place for his comrades, putting them under attack, he chose to die in an unequal battle, shooting back to the last. false partisans operated in the occupied territory until its liberation. on the bank of viliya, on suspicion of sympathy for the soviet regime. more than 150 people were shot,
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villages, churchyards, rychev, khilchitsy, khochen, turovsky district were burned to the ground, and this happened everywhere where the fascists appeared with their henchmen, false partisans. but stop, discredit the partisan movement. the germans never succeeded, it expanded. by the beginning of the forty -third year, partisan brigades in a number of areas already controlled up to 60% of the territory, 75% of the territory of the polesie region was under the complete control of the partisans. entire zones free from occupiers were also created, and 14 regional centers of the republic were completely cleared of them. 50% of starodorozhsky, krasnoslobodsky, starobinsky,
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a significant part of glussky, kirovsky, osipovichsky districts. small soviet land, that’s what the klichevsky district was called, the regional center of which was klichev on february 22, 1942, was completely liberated from the nazis by april. and the entire klichevsky district. soviet power was restored here and regular flights with the mainland were established. in july '42, the germans threw up to 50 thousand of their troops, aviation, tanks, artillery against the klichev partisans, 23 days of stubborn fighting, the partisans were able to break the blockade and prevent the enemy from entering the liberated territory,
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protecting civilians. zones, the people's avengers thwarted the attempts of the fascists to penetrate into the districts under their control, there long before the arrival of the red army restored soviet power , village councils, district executive committees, it was restored in the areas of the october, surosh, chechersk , klichev, lyubon partisan zones, where
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out of twelve village councils, nine were under the control of the partisans, where before the military authorities could not be restored, their functions took over the command of partisan formations, in populated areas where conditions allowed, enterprises, mills, bakeries, various workshops began to operate schools, special assistance to peasants, for during the sowing harvest, horse carts were allocated, guards were posted near... by the will of the republic in the forty-second year, it received its first loaf collected on the land conquered from the fascists, thousands of kilometers of liberated territory, thousands of civilian lives saved by the partisans, the fascists hatched plans to strangle the partisan movement, the forty
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-third year was supposed to be a turning point. for us textile workers, a year of quality comes first. quality fabric. i have been working at our company since 2016. i came here at the most critical stage, a large-scale the process of modernization of this enterprise. the factory has a history since 1958. today our plant employs 3,560 people, that’s
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1,700. mode they process our belarusian gold, our northern shol, flax, flax mill, fiber, which is procured in abundance in the republic, 960 people work at this factory, they work three shifts today - these are 43 countries of the world where we supply our products, the highest
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rating, which we have now is what the president of our country gives as souvenirs on behalf of our state products from our plant. the arshan plant in the year of quality is, first of all, a modern enterprise that sets itself the task of renewal, which sets itself the task of fulfilling not only quality indicators in our products, but above all quality in everything. we understand perfectly well that flax is... this is what distinguishes us from all those peoples who live next to us, because only flax fiber is inherent to us, belarusians. in our show , cheat sheets will not help participants. is it true
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that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground? yaroslav, what do you think? i took it as a basis that the word demarcation contains, well, the root of the word marking, which can lead to the fact that this is really the process of marking the state border. what kind of delimitation process is this? here you can only rely on your own strength. 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9, so what? i've gone a long way, i can just make it shorter. please tell me what you are getting at? a game that will not leave anyone indifferent. i chose option b. i don’t know such a petition, but i know the rifle that had it at the beginning.
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complex equipment, painting easter eggs, weaving baskets from wicker, admire the exclusive products of the famous neman glass factory, and russians, for whom belarus is now one of the top countries
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for holidays, will be able to learn about the history of the august canal. a corner of pakistani culture has now appeared in borisov. the exhibition project was opened by representatives embassy of the islamic republic in belarus. the exhibition includes books, fine arts, handmade souvenirs, and samples of the national costume of pakistan. news. analytics, expert comments and interesting facts: watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus tv channel 244.
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everyday broadcast on the belarus tv channel 1 current news from the capital of the minsk region, with you on live broadcasts elizaveta lashkevich, good evening and good basic steps.


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