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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:20pm MSK

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yesterday broadcast on the belarus tv channel 1 from the capital of the minsk region, with you on the air elizaveta lashkevich, good evenings and great advances. short.
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farmers of the minsk region are timid about betting on corn. the areas are to be paved. burshtynavaya katahi will harvest 280 thousand hectares. paratroopers of the landing force, troops of the military-patriarchal club askers and the ancestors of barsem kindly paraded the teritory of the central air club dtsaf named after hrytsautsa. pachatak is beautiful. analna tseply, ale z dazhdzh i pakhaladannyi is unstable. this is what happens in the capital of the minsk region. graduate of the minsk state college of medical technology with assemblies of psychophysical development. the smoke came from the hands of the elder of the council of the republic , natalya kachanavai, and the mayor of the city , uladzimir kukharav. 18th century, graduate school, which will begin its practical course as soon as the summer begins. for most, the first month is holding integral. there, young people practiced their skills and were in warehouses.
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poor hearing, total deafness and autonomic spectrum disorders. flying a group of completely ignorant programmers has graduated. agraforum for schoolchildren at fanipalya. the theme dance gathered together 200 schoolchildren from all regions of the minsk region. and the main aspects of the profession in this sphere were told by the parents of the college and the vnu. young farmers have been involved in the production process, and have learned about the current technologies that are being developed.
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across the field, no matter what distance, i decided from childhood that i would be an engineer, i know about agriculture first-hand, i am a rural resident myself, i have my parents work in agriculture, well , already in the third generation i will work in agriculture, i really like agricultural machinery, i love repairing, disassembling, assembling it, my mother works in this field, that is, let’s say, we are going to create dynasties in extracurricular activities, skin care, and the study of such schoolchildren, profile directions are covered in electives in educational settings only for the development . the flats are falling, and the terms of the scarcity of corn are timid agrarians of the minsk region, this season there are stormy skies zoymuts kalya 280 thousand hectares. tym liku has 75
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pads of grain. in the future, the ab'yoms will be naroshchvatsya, for the getag patrabna technical madenizatsiya. the truth is that two new corn crops have been harvested, belarusian creativity, and pasture. bulk purchases, supply of equipment from the state park. last year turned out to be super, voluminous, and productive; we harvested 650,000 tons of corn grain. of course, in our ambitious plans, in general, we reach a million tons, but this is in the distant future, this is not this year or next, but today the structure of residential areas in the minsk the region is complex, we know how much winter crops we need to sow, how much corn, how much for grain, based on needs.
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young activists landed on the territory of the central air club dtsaf named after the hero of the savetskaya union sergei hrytsauts. menavita there , in the spring of this year, will open the largest museum of aviation technology under the open skies and the spartan patriarchal center. ganna zagarodnaya told me more about the pain. cleaning is done well and the bathroom is well-organized. on the territory of the minsk aero club there will be a start of the saturday charada. headliners of the event and parade became members of the military-patriarchal club of askery. and the belarusian republican youth union of the partyzansky district, i’m just proud that i’m working here now , i’ve laid the foundation, i want to come here with my family later when they open, i’ve been to military museums too, and well, i’ve also seen some planes and helicopters there, but here quite
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large-scale, for young people, participation in cleanup days is not just a labor action, it is an excellent proof of how hardworking we are...
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modeled on the race of heroes, which are organized in russia in alabino near the patriot park, here, following the same model , an obstacle course called the race of heroes is being equipped, where it will certainly contribute, so to speak, through interest in the sports development of our children; there will be sports grounds that will allow them to practice. on saturday, they prepared an excursion to the museum of aviation technology for the youngsters, and the boys gathered flowers to the memorial placed on the territory of the flying club, and
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finished the soldier’s porridge. a lot of very interesting equipment, it was an interesting excursion, even if you just look at technology, there are supersonic fighters, and helicopters... from which the military parachute, the museum is still history, it is memory, we must not forget the exploits of our great-grandfathers in general, we need to sort of clean it all up. i would be happy to visit the museum when it is completely has already opened, traditionally we meet at the memorial complex, then we conduct a short tour of the aroclub, well , to introduce the guys where they came, looked, assessed the situation, and after that we go to the site to clean up, such subbotniks will be right on the territory of the lipki and syaredzina airfield.
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abavyazkova - by any means of transport. the most frequent parishenne vykarystannaya in oppressive purposes with the end of the terminology of the people. the dachsama warriors guessed that self-interest was right. a fire extinguisher from the ministry of emergency situations is not only a measure and norm that is prescribed in the documents, it is also a lifesaver that can help in unusual situations. and the ability to use it correctly is one of the important elements that you need to know in order to respond to emergency situations, after all, the damage that will be caused to his car will depend on how the car owner reacts correctly. the ministry of taxes insisted. we recommend that you first try patushyts auto samostana, patelefanavatsa numara 101 or
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112 i informat svoe kardynata. the warriors will stay for a few months and will provide professional assistance. hell of a lot of sun and hell even krasavik in minsk and the central region starts from an anomalous chain, but an unstable one. we will go through this whole area every time, magchymy on the rollers, the thermometer is broken pakazha hell 11 yes 15 tsyapla. get on with it. you are no less, the beauty of the first weekend will be dry, and the fog will become an admirable chicken for months. the hour of dawn and the first spring crops have blossomed in the plant garden of minsk. distant galanthus, which are often called snowdrops, are the first spring. new flowers. the enchanting erancises opened their hoops. this valley is stable and
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marrazoa, where the flowers will not freeze when plowed. in all of our gardens, the flowering garden has had more than 30 years of first blooms and seasons. the flowers are already bursting with daffodils and tulips. i'm starting to blossom around the handsome man. the saligorsk miner wins the first 5:2 and the final gray presidential cup 2:2. the heels of the match will be held tomorrow, and now the matchbol section will be released. the belarusians performed outstandingly at the russian biathlon championship. ganna sola became a two-time champion of our relay teams. a batch of salt became molded in pasyudze, and then the performances of the belarusians were issued in a mixed during the relay, there were no soldiers.
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football player from minsk. hakei and kubak of the president of taxam and the centers of uvagi. the performance of the regular season shakhtser immediately beat brest 5:2 and the next match against the gray 2:2. parallel gomel and metalurg are asking for their exit to the final. here luke 2:1 on the karyst of zhlabinchan. this tree has a memory of the teams starting the fourth gulna of grays. on getim.
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more information on our website the evening and the gatherings of tomorrow. "we follow the sports life of our country, we probably need to invest a lot in children, probably from childhood trying , not to mention trying, probably, to live their life, to the detriment, probably, of many of their interests, their own, their hobbies, probably just to live, we are observing the most interesting event, and
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what is luck, luck is what it is work , if someone didn’t know, luck adds up, when you’re lucky, someone says”: emotions will overwhelm you a little, but you have to be able not to succumb to provocations. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show are at home they know for sure how to behave when visiting.
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look, such a beautiful, huge bridge , wow, yes, it’s really big, and they also share their vivid impressions, oh wow, hello, we are a tourist from venesely, traveling around belarus, we have a gift from the people’s republic of china, a sculptural composition of the afu doll , and how cute they are, yes, a boy and a girl, such a tiny couple. watch on belarus24 tv channel. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have
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access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team.
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we tell you not only about iconic ones. if you want to know more about the things that
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surround us, turn up the volume. belarus 24 is launching a new project for those who want. know everything, how the metro works, what perfume is made of and how houses are built, and even what is added to food, we will show and tell you how it’s done, if you want to join us, just say hello, my name is leva, i’m from china, i really love marshmallows and periodically bring them to my relatives, i ask the editors to help me find out.


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