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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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for me, dance, in one word, is life. i hear the music and i already see the dance, i see the movement, i see the costumes, we try our best in everyone. with children, to show the essence, the zest, when the viewer comes to the hall enjoys the beauty of the dance, the grace of the girls who dance gracefully, he does not even know what is behind it, this is a huge work, this is work to the point of tears, these are wounds on the legs, but the viewer you don’t have to see anything, choreography, you know, this is a form of art where you can create... everyone’s face, hands,
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legs, you can show life with your body, you can show everything, and this is a language that everyone in the world understands. the main wealth is children, it is children who charge us with life, and life is a book, for some it is small, for others it is quite large, you are not just working for the viewer, but you are working for your soul, i didn’t start in i started dancing myself at an early age, and somewhere around the age of 14, i joined a group that... turned my whole mind upside down, i had a dream of creating a team, an ensemble, i came to the school director and simply said: i want to create, to create, i am ready to teach children on a charitable basis, and the school director said: “please recruit a group.” we
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didn’t start working in a ballet class, it was the nineties, we started working on the concrete floor of the school one, two, three times, there was no music. driving, but we were somehow walking from school, i asked the guys if they were happy, the children were on fire and their eyes were shining, guys, tell me, is it easy to reach the star that shines in the sky, guys, no, it’s difficult, listen to me, easy, the main thing is to believe in it, let's call our team, our ensemble, zorochka, and since we live in polesie, polesie zorochka, that’s how poleska was born. zorochka , who is already over 35 years old, you know, they tell her, they can do a dance at night, she will think all night, she will call me, write on viber, and we bring it all to life, then we show it all on stage, i have never seen such a person ,
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who is involved in his business around the clock, is rooting for his business. i really like her. ensemble, this is the greatest treasure of our heart , these are diplomas, these are medals, these are souvenirs, such the brightest moments are this little corner of japan. in japan, all the concerts that took place in japan were funded by the money we earned; medical equipment was purchased for our country, that is, we gave a number of charity concerts.
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we can also say about our victory in hollywood, where we earned four gold medals, it was simply a triumph. children worked until exhaustion, spectators, members of the jury shouted: “bravo, belarus, bravo, and how proud our children were, you know, so much delight, they brought this wealth to belarus, they will pass on to the next generation the fact that they represented our country, but this is pride, this is patriotism, and this is the future of our country." hello everyone, my good news, news, today we received a message , you work in the theater, you work, you are invited to moscow, wow
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, well, yes, you are invited to perform in minsk, and it’s very nice, you’re great, i also work in the education department. for more than 35 years, and the best children of the city, precisely through a competition, entered the team called farbs of woodland. parents bring their little children a little clumsy, but at the same time they and we understand that every child needs to be engaged, this helps the child develop physically, this gives the child confidence when they go on stage, this... develops the vestibular apparatus, this is the child’s reaction , therefore, we, adults, always support and know that the child must be given such a path, and if we teachers also interest the child, create an incentive, then believe me, in the end
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everyone will have a strong personality and a future star a person, an adult, my childhood, perhaps for me it was a little tough, difficult, and even as a child i realized that i wanted to be very, very needed. in my life i will never pass by an abandoned kitten, puppy, or children's. we really organize such holidays
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, if she promised, or she should, there is no reason why this has not been done, no, she is a mother for not a single thousand children, she will feed everyone, feel sorry for everyone , any schoolchild can envy her activity, because her energy enough for more than a dozen people and children. we often take part in the orphanage program. why is this so important to me? you know, as a child i had to see the life of an orphanage. i saw a 5-year-old boy who came up to me and asked: “you are my mother,” i was horrified, what should i answer? years passed, i became an adult, at one charity event, i wrote poetry: a woman passed by, in the heart of a small child hope appeared again, because a miracle awaits and...
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and the future, these are children, this is the world that surrounds us, our country has a lot of talents, it is we, teachers, who must help the child find his right path, because our future lies behind the children, our belarus stands behind the children.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project ether 24.7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, the heroes of this program have chosen to live outside the city, you are the same family who... firstly, lives in the village, secondly, in a house in which they once began to organize, so to speak, a museum, then
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everything is like in the fog and the exhibits began to become more and more numerous, you live right next to the bathhouse, yes, you are doubly lucky, you live next to your bathhouse, yes, which is very cool, as far as i know, you use about 240 cubic meters of shot per year, at least in each episode, the presenter is tested, to get a taste of rural life. i would like it to take on a little bit of the look of this more or less new one, that is, paint it with what color you choose, what is most important after the bath, sleep borscht, and lard, bread, this is sacred, in general, now i will have a task, that’s all eat eat after, all the simplest things
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, but watch the project i’m from the village on the belarus 24 tv channel . may you live forever, as you live, bright in the native language the words, monthly expressing on the grass, and wow the noble fox. you, where the pain is, is radzima, is a song, a song, and a life.
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the program of the three-day visit of the delegation of the oryol region to belarus is rich, from microelectronics for unmanned harvesters and food to veterinary medicines and new elite seeds. today at the palace of independence they discussed a number of areas in which the parties are ready to work effectively, with an emphasis on regional development. the day before, a plan for "acceptances" was signed the task of interaction is to find new points of cooperation for the next 3 years between the gomel and oryol regions. home to develop as much as possible. the governor will visit a number of industrial enterprises; cooperation projects will be negotiated not only on supplies. the president proposes to think about creating special classes with belarusian equipment in the agricultural gymnasium in the city of orel.
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there is an idea to organize a test drive of belarusian trolleybuses and trams. belarusian builders. such as agriculture, microelectronics, investment sphere. in all these three areas we have a high level of development, so cooperation is possible, and we will do everything to get the greatest effect. over the entire period of time, the union state has implemented 82 programs worth 65 billion russian rubles, and this list is constantly expanding.
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this year alone, four new programs have already been launched, with three more on the way. they concern a variety of areas. space, microelectronics, automotive and industry, one of the basic goals is a unified scientific and technological space, from import substitution to the concept of technological independence. and we and you, today, of course, have, on the one hand , a critical dependence in this area, on the other hand, very good prospects for the creation of joint projects, we have allocated 6 billion rubles. in this direction also inspires confidence that we ourselves can do it. a new stage of the election marathon, today the elections of delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil society start. before this, the promotion lasted several weeks candidates. they were actively voted for in labor collectives, trade unions and public organizations. the full membership of
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the supreme council will include both the deputies of the house of representatives elected on february 25 and those who will be elected on april 4. members of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation will nominate delegates from local councils, 290 people, from civil society, 400. the delegates will have to approve documents of strategic importance, military doctrine and the concept of national security. 1/3 of the delegates are those people who are ex officio, including elected deputies house of representatives, and those who will be elected members of the council of the republic, they will be delegates of the supreme council. 60 deputies of the minsk city council, deputies will automatically be delegates from the belarusian people's assembly, in accordance with the quotas that we also distributed, from five subjects of civil society, 80 representatives of these organizations will be elected. the decisions of the supreme council will be binding, and elections of delegates will be held until april 10.
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the first meeting of the all-belarusian people's the meeting will take place on april 24-25. from april 1 , the conditions for duty-free import of goods changed, new limits began to apply: for ground transport, this is 500 euros and 25 kg, for international parcels - 200 euros and 31 kg, the limits for goods brought on planes remained unchanged, and today the government’s decision to ban the import of certain goods across the belarusian-lithuanian section of the state border came into force, including used clothing, spare parts for vehicles, as well as tires, alcoholic beverages and other goods, but the restrictions do not apply to products for personal use. this solution also has certain time parameters. its validity period is until october of this year, which is why it can either be canceled with the expiration of the validity period, or overlooked. i emphasize that we are always ready for dialogue,
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and it was not we who took the first steps that were aimed at worsening good neighborly relations between countries. since april 1 , the basic rental value has changed, now it is 17 rubles. 76 kopecks. growth by 5%. today an experiment begins on a new calculation of sick leave. per year, the company will also produce elevators based on gearless winches, in addition to comfortable, smooth movement, they are also energy-saving; mogilev produces about 180 different models of elevators, passenger, freight, cottage, last year they increased production volumes. we are working very actively to diversify the market, we are looking not only. the russian federation, other regions, uzbekistan is now developing and building very rapidly, we have plans for mongolia, for iran, the countries of asia and africa, that’s
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where we think our growth points will be, and we need to pay all our attention there. a new direction is traction engines for trolleybuses, electric buses, they have now been developed for trams, and, probably, we will even aim at engines for electric vehicles. a designer kit is currently being developed from the academy of sciences. documentation and we will soon begin producing prototypes. the production of five prototypes of the domestic electric vehicle will be completed by september. this was stated by deputy prime minister peter parkhomchik. then the car will undergo trial operation and a testing period of several months in order to approach mass production of belarusian electric cars by the end of the year. in august, the national academy of sciences is due to present samples of the first battery for an electric car. at this stage we consider.
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welding of the body, modification of this body, paint, all this will be done at our enterprise. in the town, after a major renovation, a sports hall for team sports was opened, a modern surface, a cozy room, a recovery center with a sauna, all conditions for effective training have been created, the work was completed within 3 months, this facility is one of 106 sports facilities in the gorodok region, along with a swimming pool and a ski track, it belongs to vitebsk. the regional center of the olympic reserve for winter sports, athletes from different parts of belarus and other countries train here, the new hall will become a training place for football,
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basketball, volleyball and tennis teams. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. tall city, so according to chronicles have called this place since the 15th century. there are a lot of remarkable things here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we ’re starting to get to know each other and setting off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, provos, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes appear in the chapel during a church service big... wings to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from
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the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and... villages believe it has healing powers. watch the program "cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel."
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this is belarus, the main thing on the air of the belros tv channel, in the studio of veronica buta, hello, we don’t pretend to belong to someone else, building a defense system, but we won’t give up ours, i’ll say publicly, any provocation must be thwarted by armed means, there’s nothing to joke with them, they violated the state border to destruction, readiness to defend the country on
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earth in the sky. in response to provocations, the president of belarus took part in checking combat readiness in the border areas. synchronicity of interaction, what progress has been made on the integration path and what else in developing? without the desire of people to live in a single space, nothing would have happened, but again, the task of each state is to maintain the stability of society. the union state has not only stood the test of time, but is also today... a model for actually disseminating integration processes, key union projects for this year and preparations for important anniversaries of belarus and russia. platform for development, strengthening economic ties, preparation for the forum regions of belarus and russia are in full swing. the city itself left a very favorable impression, and i am sure that events of this format always bring fresh
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breath to the city itself. in the development of infrastructure, and of course, then all this will remain here and people will use what was invested here in preparing the forum. vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk. the baton of russian ufa will be taken up by three cities in the northern region of belarus. examples of genuine alliance and close intertwining of roots. i have a cramp mom, so i have family roots here, i’ve always wanted to live here. is there a difference? no, there is probably no difference between belarusians and russians. these are, these are brothers. the mentality is the same, on a visit to work or study, strong ties of good neighborliness, a foundation of values ​​in dialogue and discussion, a large-scale exhibition project for the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia in moscow. today we are one whole, we are brothers, morality and spirituality are culture, precisely those processes that go a little ahead, the unifying power of art and a single spiritual traditions. readiness to defend the country on the ground
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in the sky about what is happening on our allied borders, president alexander lukashenko took part in checking combat readiness in the border areas. the commander-in-chief was shown how the military was covering the border in the northwestern direction. belarus wants to live in peace, but will respond harshly to open provocations. defensive issues will definitely be on the agenda of the upcoming all-belarusian people's assembly. head of state as well. told how the special services interacted belarus and russia , when detaining the terrorists who carried out the attack in crocus, here are a few quotes about the main thing: i will say publicly, any provocation must be dealt with by armed means , there is no point in joking with them, they violated the state border for extermination, that’s right, no one should stand on ceremony with anyone, and we will do
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so, because... “if we live in the snot, you know what will happen, that’s for sure, therefore, any violation of the state border is subject to destruction, they only understand the forces, you and i arrived openly today, then, what can should be closed, we show them that we are not going to attack them, we are building a defense system here, we do not need to attack them. i already said this once, god forbid, quote, what i once said, god forbid we deal with ukraine, what other war against nato troops, we don’t need this, they are waiting for this, they are provoking us so that we at least somehow they were told, take the sending of sabotage groups across the ukrainian border, through belarus, why are they doing this, we are not attacking, we are not doing anything, they are provoke that...


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