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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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and we will do so, because if we chew in the nozzle, you know what will happen , that’s for sure, therefore any violation of the state border is subject to destruction, they only understand the forces, you and i arrived today openly, something that can be closed we must be showing them that we are not going to attack them, we are building a defense system here.
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so that we respond, so they initiate this in order to provoke us into retaliatory actions, they are interested in starting this war, stupid, stupid absolutely people, i always said and say, we don’t need someone else’s, we won’t give up ours, that’s it, that ’s our logic, we don’t need this war, why do we need to stand head-on and fight against each other, what do we lack here, we’re just in they are dragging us in, they are simply provoking
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us, but... “we only want peace, and there is no need to reproach us for anything, that we are going to fight against them, just like that, i know, no one in russia is going to fight with nato, but if move in this direction, the response will be instantaneous, we will all stand up like the bretz fortress.” about security, economy, common projects and common memory, alexander lukashenko discussed a wide range of issues with the governor... of the omsk
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region, as recent events show , there will be no quiet life, it is necessary to strengthen in all areas. as for the economy, in the omsk region they are counting on the opening of a belarusian trading center. at home, the creation of a multi-brand center for all belarusian technology, and there is mutual interest. south-west of siberia, 3,500 km from minsk, a large industrial region of russia is located here, omsk region, a key oil refining center and a leading region for the production of agricultural products. the range of common interests with belarus is obvious: industrial cooperation, the agricultural sector and mechanical engineering. these themes became the subject.
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in the last elections, but as time shows , we cannot relax under any circumstances, we will be tilted, rocked , brought to our knees, we talked about this with president putin even on the eve of the presidential elections, we will not be given a quiet life, and history continues to grow will be confusing, complex, as shown, to unfortunately, the latest event in the moscow region, in this difficult time, also... governors have a special burden of responsibility, first of all, to ensure our common security. the tragic events in the moscow region also testify to this, but i must tell you that president putin and i were in touch these days,
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we worked very closely, how it ended, you know, this is just evidence of how two people should work in our union state president. our intelligence services, as for the specifics of numbers in cooperation, they have already inspire optimism: over the year belarus has taken fourth place among foreign trade partners of the omsk region, ahead only of china, kazakhstan and turkey. trade turnover has grown and distance has not become a hindrance, logistics have been built, but we can do even more, there are reserves, alexander lukashenko is convinced of this. the annual volume is known, it is at least about 110 million dollars, a fairly small figure, and we must seriously improve it, there are plenty of reserves, speaking about specific points of growth in trade and economic interaction, first of all, i would like to dwell on the possibilities of belarus for cooperation in
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the field of agriculture. the omsk region has achieved significant success in the agricultural sector in recent years, and the region is also one of the leaders in russia in growing dolgunets flax. in belarus.
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creating a multi-brand center for all belarusian equipment in the city of omsk, we have an investor who is ready to do this, we will ask you, alexander grigorievich, to help us, so that it is in a single style, to show the best examples regional, we have already begun to interact with the minister of industry, in addition to this , we discussed with dmitry nikolayevich kruty the possibility of creating a belarusian trading house in our region, so that not only engineering products, but in general the products of belarusian goods, and therefore the agro-industrial complex, and textile production, and industrial production, so if you also give such an order, we would like a trading house of belarus in the omsk region, we plan to increase trade turnover in times in the next 5 years, we are ready to work and here the interest is mutually beneficial, the priority
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is the topic of import substitution, the direction is very different, the president of belarus named a number of examples of successful implementation of joint projects with the omsk region, among them the omsk carbon enterprise. the only one in belarus that produces carbon black. the initial focus was on sales to western europe, but sanctions measures forced a shift in the vector of interests to the asian region. today. export deliveries are carried out to more than 15 countries, if only there were more such examples, this would only be a plus for both russia and belarus. an important date for fraternal peoples. april 2 is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. our country is effectively implementing a unique integration model. together we face common challenges. equal opportunities have become firmly established in the lives of ordinary people. with what results do we approach twenty?
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belarus and russia, and already in december 1999 , april 1997, an agreement on the union was signed , an agreement on the creation of a union state was signed. why is this important because indeed, this year we will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the treaty on the union state. the supreme state council approved a plan dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary. we are with you. witnesses to the construction of the union state , in this regard, it is very important that all these documents
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did not remain on paper, we actually implemented the agreement in practice, showed how this machine can work, they often ask at what speed we are moving, yes, so here it is very important, probably, if you look at union construction, what what is really important is not only the magnitude of the speed, the magnitude of the effort, but the direction, as they say, is very important here.
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where there are specific real action plans for the implementation of 28 union programs, the main directions for the implementation of the treaty on the union state have been adopted...
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but again, the task of each state is to maintain the stability of society, and if we talk about social management, there is one very important law , which is called the law of priority of social goals, therefore the conclusion of an agreement on equal rights of citizens - this is a fundamental decision, and the fact that today you can move without borders, that today you can get a job using your documents, pay for sick leave, have your document recognized.
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if you look closely at these main areas in which we will work until 2026, there are 11 sections, industry, energy, all areas, but the very important ninth section is the social and labor sphere, healthcare, education, tourism, so it spells out the standards that need to be implemented before 2026, for example, over what are the minsk moscow office doing now? well, for example, this is the flexibility of labor legislation, this is improvement.
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belarus and russia have synchronized actions in this direction and can we say that the union state together promptly responds to these threats, defense , national security, as i understand it, today we must talk first of all about the security of the union state, if there is no peace, nothing else matters simply does not have, so naturally ensuring peace, ensuring security and defense is a priority. well, i'll give it simply. a few examples: firstly, we have a very successful regional grouping of troops. every year, the ministry of defense adopts programs of activities for the functioning of the regional grouping of forces. we have a program of strategic partnership in the military sphere until 2025.
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there is a military doctrine. if we take countering terrorism and crime, then again. are adopted annually by our security agencies, this is an action plan to counter terrorism, counter crime, let's talk about the fact that today there are so many uncontrolled weapons in connection with events that naturally there should be such clear barriers, and of course the actions of the border committees are very important, by the way, there is a border committee of the union state that is operating successfully, the task is to develop a security concept.
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all in the same direction, and we do so , then naturally, our union is indestructible, and we are a strong integration association, not only economically, but...
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you know what the youth are talking about, the most the main thing, the most important thesis, if we want to build an image of the future, and we want this, and
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we model our future, we must rely on our history, on our past, and we must preserve these traditions, we do not have the right to betray those who gave his life, for our lives, for our opportunities, which we are realizing today. therefore, of course, this relay race of generations is traditional for us, and the fact that our youth today is active, proactive, participates not only in all events, they participate in the life of the union state, i’m not talking about the structures there, there’s a youth parliament, we can call it a memory train, etc., but for us the most important thing is the unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, that ’s each of us, that’s everyone’s participation in the processes, that’s it.
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requires a lot of money, the budget has been increased this year, what are the expenditures aimed at? this year, and secretary of state dmitry fedorovich mezintsev has spoken about this more than once, that for the first time in many years the budget of the union state has been increased by 38%, but it is worth noting that presidents have more than once emphasized, propose projects if they deserve attention, it’s not about the budget, it will be increased, but the most important thing.
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a ceremonial event, again , the more events are proposed, they will all be implemented, but they must be properly prepared and there must be a goal for these events, i will say that
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the second project for the restoration of the museumification of the brez fortress is almost on its way - time will pass unnoticed and 2025 year is the year of the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the soviet...
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permanent committee of the union state in minsk. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. belarus
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is a country with a rich and interesting history; this is truly the oldest building, the most important shrine of our region, the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also have a rich literary history; many poets, writers and publicists lived in this area, and i never forget about my famous native, yakubi. unique sights can be found literally at every step. if you're the same and i, plan your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age that felix derzhinsky lived. this is the most expensive pharmacy in belarus. and now there is a museum. pharmacy, museum, everything is clear. and
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the soul is blue. cook, today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be spring rolls with a sea cocktail, tell us what we have today for breakfast of a champion, and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, it will be an unusual breakfast and very tasty, we can’t wait to get started, we will help you choose the products to make the first meal tasty and healthy, choose greens, we need spinach,
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know that it is worth purchasing only fresh, elastic leaves of a bright green color. the color of beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact, without any dent marks. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. we stand, we clasp our hands, lift up, lean forward, knees straight, you can bend your back a little. we bend down, also again keeping our knees. straight feet are completely on the floor, we rise up, watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel. genuine alliance and strategic partnership are also characterized by how countries
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deal with specific issues. can become an example for other states. of course, the union state has not only stood the test of time, but is also a model today, and most importantly, by the way, about alexander grigorievich said this in april last year, is a platform for, following this example, to actually extend integration processes to
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other former republics. soviet union, therefore i believe that a specific organizational and political project is needed here, where there is a union state. cooperation, which is very good , and there are not even any questions, but in general, it’s been about five years since we, in fact, in my opinion, generally should act in a unified way and, in fact, one way or
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another, expand into the world, and to re-equip ourselves technologically , which i mean expansion into the world, well, a simple point, well, let’s take such an important type of industry for belarus and russia as the flax industry, that is, for the cultivation of long-lasting flax, the production of flax fiber, then its processing into textile direction, but today belarus and russia jointly occupy a maximum of three fibers, well, 4%. leader france, normandy, well, this is not normal, in fact, russia and belarus should not just cooperate. towards the linen industry and the linen industry, but in general set the task of restoring the traditional monopoly of our state in general on flax in the world, you know, this means that, well, we must stop
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the monopoly of france, someone sets such a task, no, but if such a task is not set, in fact we won’t jump out of such shallow waters along the same flax, the same thing on the other side. concerns the machine tool industry, brilliant progress in belarus and russia, but in general, in general, they are very dependent, well, on the west, but now there are already problems with supplies from the west, now we are very dependent on china, but what kind of technological sovereignty without our own machine tool base, without our own flexible production, robotic production, here again is the task, imagine, we need in the next 10-15 years practically re-equip all mechanical engineering, all heavy industry, again this is not a question of some kind of thing again, you know - in false diplomatic language, cooperation between
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russia and belarus, but what kind, we need it’s just to completely re-equip all of this , building our own machine tool base and so on, so i think it’s time to move on to strategic joint goals, in fact, to build planetary, i’m not afraid of this word, planetary industries, like the ilna industry, the machine tool industry and a dozen more industries , by and large, well , this has already been done for five years, how it should be done, why aren’t we doing it? thank you very much, russian expert yuri krupnov was in touch from moscow. 70 km of common border hundreds of years of common history, proximity culture and interests. the belarusian-russian borderland is a special region; here in every family there is a close interweaving of the roots of the two peoples. and the fact that just a few
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kilometers away the territory of another state does not in any way affect the lives of ordinary people. they freely travel to visit each other, to work, to study, this will be confirmed by any resident of belarus. region of the vitebsk region next door. smolensk region, as well as the regions of nizhny novgorod, ryazan, moscow regions, in each of them there live reliable friends and partners of the belarusian village of liozna. cooperation agreements have long since moved from paper to real action, so a large russian business, a private enterprise, ended up in a small area of ​​the vitebsk region. district, together with a russian federation enterprise from st. petersburg , created a plant for the production of lamps and bought an unused school at auction. today, the leozda enterprise won
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a huge tender from rosatom; today it supplies, manufactures and manufactures felt lamps for the russian federation for rosatom. residents of russia also come to work at the enterprise in the aleoznensky district. it happens that they remain alive at all, as for example. oksana malatsion, a native of the rudnyansky district of russia, a graduate of the smolensk medical academy, has been working at the liozninsky central district hospital for many years. my mother has cramps, so there are family roots here. well, always when i was studying, my relatives came here to visit, i guess i always wanted to live here, is there a difference, no, probably there is no difference between belarusians and russians, these are brothers, the mentality is the same, in the border zone , probably, there may be more attention to those who stop by, neighbors, brothers, a russian license plate on a car, if someone comes up, oh, you’re from russia and they’ll immediately tell, explain, show everything , that is, they will warm you up, you are ours, don’t feel like guests, feel like you’re at home. open borders are also
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an opportunity to find new friends. this is especially important for young residents of the union state. the leozno football team is a formidable rival to the russian squads. they brought it the other day gold from the football marathon in the city of pustoshka, pskov region. but off the court, rivals turn into comrades. sports, work, friendship, all this under a peaceful sky. 80 years ago. here, on the border of two union republics, the front stood for 9 months, thousands of dead, dozens of mass graves. in october 43 liozn was liberated by six military formations and one partisan brigade. an exhibition in the school museum is dedicated to the combat route 158 and the leznin-vitebsk twice red banner order of suvoroy infantry division. a very close friendship was established with activists of the school museum of that time. and we even managed to catch our generation,
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even one of the participants, here he is in the photograph alexander sidorovich nikolaenkov, we even knew him. in 1985, a meeting of veterans of the 158th infantry division and activist children was held at the lezninsky school, then they decided to make the trail of patriots a tradition, the heirs of the victory have not changed it for 40 years. the memory of the feat forever united our peoples and for... and for the russian the words will always be close and understandable: peace, respect, brotherhood. so it’s easy to live when you have a reliable, trusted friend nearby. contribution to union import substitution. the belarusian automobile plant, together with russian enterprises , is introducing digitalization in mechanical engineering. in the new mining dump trucks, belas has its own it product, an intelligent monitoring system and...
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not only in russia, but all over the world, it is digging deeper into the subsoil. extreme working environments have shaped the steel character of bilas mining dump trucks for decades, although mining requires not only muscles, but also solid intelligence, thousands of parts and components, complex electronics, huge wheels, a voracious engine, with optimal load capacity, any belas mining dump truck has one important... fundamental task - this is maximum economic efficiency in
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operation. large, strong, reliable belas equipment. the fourth tournament brought together three dozen students and teachers from technical universities in belarus, russia and uzbekistan in the city of zhodino. the young people began their acquaintance with belaz from the enterprise museum, and visited one of the main workshops of the entire holding. the main conveyor workshop is one of the key and modernized ones. location of the belarusian automobile plant, this is where mining dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 30 to 90 tons are assembled. a difficult burden of intellectual and physical labor fell on the shoulders of young people on the first day of the championship: brainstorming, and then the opportunity to work with their own hands on assembling the giant’s car. push, push, to the end, to the end, the sky is the way, five seconds, more, more, more.
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technical higher educational institution of russia in city ​​of st. petersburg, this is the st. petersburg mining university. this year it will add a unique scientific laboratory on the topic of electric drives. technology that will allow you to carry out real scientific research and real scientific work for graduate students, and for candidate's work, and for scientific work of a higher level. so, belas challenge, a team of students from the ural state mining university
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presented a solution to a case related to energy and mining. in this case, yakutia was presented, this is from -5 to... 60° below zero, these are the temperatures that batteries are not able to withstand on standard heating elements, so we proposed various non-standard thoughts, first of all, the mining industry must be reliable, and the lower the economic costs, the better. the case of a team from the moscow university of science and technology touches on one of belas’ know-hows, the operation of a self-tipping truck using hydrogen. hydrogen is easier to obtain, it is, well, almost freely remains from chemical production, so there is a lot of it, it is not difficult to extract, and it is cheaper to use than the same oil or gas, i would also very much like to note the development of robotic belazs, which are currently being tested in russian quarries, to apply a symbiosis of knowledge from
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mathematics, physics, economics, energy , that’s still half the battle, here you need to feel the essence of how dump trucks work on a large scale. that sometimes even technical solutions slip through that are already being worked on or that are only in the future to be developed by our plant designers belas, and most importantly, no one will leave without a prize and nomination and a participant’s diploma. this is , so to speak, the highlight of our championship. among the prizes there is also a grand prix. this is an opportunity to undergo an internship at the belarusian automobile plant itself. now it is with students of st. petersburg mining university.
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the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia and the russian one will be held in three cities at once. regions are opening new routes for belarusian tourists, about the main thing, briefly later in the program. the wording poses a threat to the national security. the moldovan children's choir was kept at the lithuanian border for two days; the group was returning from a tour that took place in poland and belarus. home, the polish country did not let them through, on the recommendation of the moldovan mit, the choir tried to proceed to moldova through lithuania, but here, without explanation , they simply... were taken under escort, the children were not fed and were not even allowed to go to the toilet. belarusians intervened in the situation. volunteers immediately went to the checkpoint. in one of the local schools in the ashmyany district, everyone was provided with conditions for recreation. cynical the act of the lithuanians, just surround them, as they reported with machine guns, not let anyone go to
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the toilet, children without water, this is a very scary situation. of course, when we first received this information, we contacted ours. district committee, they quickly got involved in such coordination work, contacted the border control department, where the deputy chief himself initiated assistance, promptly let a bus go back to belarus, immediately allowed, say, hygienic sanitary standards, to wash somewhere, literally they gave us tea, our volunteers are ready to help the children, especially so that they don’t need anything and feel comfortable here. only two days later, the lithuanian authorities still issued permission to travel across the border, the bus with the moldovan children’s choir had already reached home, and the belarusian country provided all the necessary assistance to the children. belarusians, thank you, because you only felt the expression that there are no other people’s children, and this is exactly what you understand, that there are no other people’s children, our children
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have become your children, we appreciate this, never forget. belarus and russia are working on a multi-satellite constellation. educational platforms are ready for the development of the university of the union state. an expert and media forum took place in moscow, the participants celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. starting in september , for the first time, russian citizens will be able to remotely enroll in all universities in belarus for a budget- funded education based on the results of the unified state exam. work is also underway to establish a new union educational institution. soon time already during the second quarter will take place. to emphasize that first of all, we are talking about concentrating on training those personnel, unique personnel, for which
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our high-tech industries are most in demand today, so here we are not talking about some kind of mass training of students, we are talking about identifying those scientific priorities for which today we need master’s students, candidates, doctors of science, first of all, personnel with higher scientific qualifications, together we go into orbit from the iss, the first cosmonaut sent a greeting to the forum participants. the work is actually being carried out on a large scale , the readiness is good, so i am sure that everything
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will be done on time, on time with high quality, the city itself left a very favorable impression, and i am sure that events of this format always bring a fresh breath to the city itself development of infrastructure, and of course then all this will remain here and people will use what was invested here in preparing the forum.
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russian regions are opening new routes for belarusian tourists, the development of the tourism industry and the union state was discussed in moscow. now many new directions have opened that will be of interest to belarusians and russians. belove's planes flew to samara, murmansk, ufa, flights to makhachkala will soon open, negotiations are underway about the opening. dangerous, so in order to possibly provide all that, all that potential, especially since we
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see that this is such a long-term prospect, in april the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will be held in minsk, which will bring together representatives not only large tourism businesses, but also small companies. letters from grand duchess olga to emperor nicholas are shown for the first time in belarus. mir castle became a platform for mobile.
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artists of belarus and russia, using acrylic, oil and enamel, conduct dialogues about what our common
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values ​​are, home, faith, comfort or... exclusively domestic reflections, 40 reference works, business cards of masters, such is this dialogue in time and space, as for me i think it took place, despite the fact that, well, for the russian academy of arts this the project, maybe it is not so large-scale precisely because of its quantity, but the significance of the participation of belarusian artists, it is of course certainly important, one of the landmark ones, i think, this year. because this is a special date, these 25 years, and for the russian academy of arts these 25 years are an opportunity in the academic space to involve belarusian artists in this dialogue. there are no random authors here, the word goes to the honorary academicians of the russian academy of arts, there are 12 belarusians on the list, which means that cultural bridges here is strong, time-tested,
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today with this step we demonstrate our unity, yes, our... the right movement, the right steps, because the processes that are going on in the world today, we cannot stand aside, yes, we must show everyone that today we are one whole, yes, that is, that we are brothers, and morality and spirituality, culture are precisely those processes that go a little ahead, this is also our potential, our achievement, our desire for joint projects, for the exchange of scientific and methodological information, and that’s it the main thing is to form that field of trust that is destined for an artist, designer, architect... art critic, and we will take advantage of this with pleasure, i think we will develop these relationships. selection of works, personally by the people's artist of the ussr. the legendary zurabreteli, at 90, sculpts the cultural life of not only russia, this is his 98 m tall peter i, literally floating along the moscow river. the first love of the master from belarus, his works of art were also cast in belarus and again he gathered everyone under
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one roof. everyone again today taught a lesson in interethnic communication, great friendship, spiritual unity and unity of cultural tradition. he said, when i was studying, no one divided where the georgian was, where the belarusian was, where the azerbaijani or ukrainian was, and this is very important, to remember this, to remember about the united fatherland, and no matter what, to preserve the way we preserve these connections in the space of the union state. azura konstantinoch.
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because we, and moreover, we have a common history, for me, of course, it is always an honor to be involved in this kind of events, like today’s event, because on the eve of the celebration of the main day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia and to make some kind of cultural contribution, some such events. this is not an epilogue to cultural integration.
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remember this, we must remember this not only on may 9 in honor of this holiday, we must remember this every day, i ’m even saying now, i’m already getting emotional, and this is another military one. happened, he is beautiful,
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this one, whatever is in him, no matter what, people, their relationships, here turn a person to the world around you, and the world of art ennobles this life and gives a person hope, hope is very necessary, has always been at all times, the decameron, a midsummer night's dream, the belarusian nester and even... bulba marotkontakte poster was just crazy this time an all-time classic. by the way, another premiere of the forum, a duet between russian director sergei fedotovo and the mogilev regional drama theater “marriage”. eternal problems of choosing a life path, social roles and values. by the way, martcontact is including thanks to his marriage, this time they dubbed it gogol’s, because the playbill includes three productions based on the writer’s works. spectators, ordinary spectators, approached us on the street. and they said, and you arrived, we were waiting for you, we are waiting for you, that is , i have never seen anything like this anywhere, it’s great that in mogilev there is such an amazing march contact festival, this is something that is extremely necessary today, because we see how
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contacts between people, between states are being destroyed, and this is the great mission of the festival, to begin to unite theaters, people, and behind them is the state, as our president said, belarus is open to everyone, i am so glad that i have this opportunity to come and see. once upon a time someone was seen there 15-20 years ago, and it’s very cool, in mogilev, in belarus , everything is somehow very homely, some are all family, some are all very bright, everyone was smiling, open, here we quickly met at
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the crossroads, in yerevan we can simply not see each other for years, because everyone is busy, and we were happy by the way, right at the crossroads and hugged, uniting people is always important, there is a wonderful expression, one in the field is not a warrior, so we have diplomas, gifts for the best performances and games, another golden mask, the audience award, will go to bashkartastan. this concludes our episode, and we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best.
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about the unique features of the oldest belarusian churches, the vault, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when jesus christ is removed from cross. weak power of faith. faith includes god, faith in yourself, the fact that god can overcome our fears, our insecurities. about god's help in various situations. everyone has their own faith. someone may be asking for strengthening of faith, and this unites us, and those who lived before us, and those who may live after us, come to this shrine. about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer. people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god, this is such a living prayer here is happening, but it’s scary to think
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how many people have prayed at this shrine for 2 thousand years. watch in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarusian doilities, that is.
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