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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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investment sphere, what will be the driver of growth in these areas and beyond? alexander lukashenko discussed with the governor of the oryol region. under 4%. there are more opportunities. the list of popular goods for preferential lending has been expanded. what did it include? let's tell you in more detail and figure out how with heroshima nagasaki, the ukrainian and palestinian nuclear solution. questions, suggested the american congressman. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. visit of the governor of the oryol region, results of negotiations with the head of state and new joint projects. more details in a couple of minutes in the panorama. a new stage of the election marathon. today the elections of delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil society started. details of the election campaign in the report. protect animals from
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cruelty and ensure the rights of pet owners. alexander lukashenko today signed a law on responsible treatment of animals. i must say that this bill has been prepared for many years, we will tell you in our material. how the white house is trying to tighten the noose on world trade arteries, wars, terrorist attacks and provocations, from the vanity canal to the arctic. how trade works, what happens, why logistics.
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military laws, answers in the new issue in the form: intrigue lives in belarusian hockey, in the president's cup, time for the semi-final series, we will tell you how events are going in the knockout round in our issue. belarus and the oryol region of russia plans to double trade turnover; specific steps to achieve the figure of half a billion dollars were discussed today in independence palace at the highest level. drivers. traditionally strong sectors of the economy of the oryol region, agriculture, microelectronics and the investment sector, will grow. on our part, a significant increase will be provided by the supply of road, construction and municipal equipment, and of course, we continue our projects on import substitution and cooperation. now it is important that everything is our own, from elite seeds to a high degree of localization in industry. ilona krasudskaya will continue the topic. next week i will be on...
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on high alert due to... what is happening in the neighboring kursk and bryansk regions. reports of attacks by ukrainian drones appear almost several times a day, but as the governor will say, everything is being done to ensure that the events do not affect either the ordinary lives of people or the functioning of the economy. today it is very difficult for the oryol region, i see it, i understand it, you won’t be able to live and work peacefully in the near future either, there is nothing to count on, so you have to make decisions in the most difficult conditions. tasks to protect
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civilians and critical objects infrastructure. if we can help you with anything in this regard, please contact us, we will be glad. orlovskaya in order to present the potential of the region, our new capabilities, technologies, support mechanisms and economic relations between partners. we ended the last twenty-third year with growth in all socio-economic indicators, despite the restrictions and the situation that we noticed that we have to defend the region, on the one hand, but at the same time we see an active phase of development. trade figures between belarus and orlovschina $250
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million, within a few years it should be twice as much, the task is real, although it will take some effort, right during the conversation they sketched out a specific plan of action, there is a base, certain connections have already been established, plus... the conditions today mainly guide us towards cooperation in the field of agriculture, so we will focus on agricultural engineering. tomorrow the governor will be at gomselmash; we will definitely be impressed by our new titan unmanned harvesters. we implemented this project for partners from the tambov region, but are ready
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to expand to other regions. the equipment is new, albeit remotely, but you need to be able to operate it, just like equipment where you can’t send a person remotely, so we are ready to provide the entire package and train personnel. proposal to create specialized classes in arles. in addition to tractors and special cargo vehicles, our industry is increasing the volume of production of passenger transport. the line includes environmentally friendly electric buses, trolleybuses, trams, including low-floor equipment for passengers with disabilities limited mobility. all belarusian products have high performance characteristics. we are very actively introducing electric buses. you can meet. with our experience we will work out these routes, the regional center with the district center and here minsk, zhodina, also 50 kilometers away, electric buses will run along the road, here we recharged, went there, while it is being registered at
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the control room, the bus, recharged , returns back, a very promising business , we are implementing pilot projects, although we already sell many of them. microelectronics centers on the territory of the central federal district, so our planar and integral will have a lot of work, oryol region is an ideal partner, after all, one of them and not only them. you are great for preserving your enterprises, as in belarus, taking into account the tasks of imperial substitution, the operation will come. for us to expand, your region is a leader in the production of buckwheat, rapeseed, sugar beets, as well as in the yield of oilseeds, grains and legumes, what we need, we need to cooperate with our people, and not with the french, but also with the germans. in belarus
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there are elite seeds, high-yielding varieties of agricultural crops have also been obtained, in turn , we are ready to share this with you if you need it. the belarusian national biotechnology corporation deserves special mention; it is a unique project for the production of compound feed, amino acids and premixes. they know directly about the quality and efficiency of belarusian partners in the oryol region. our specialists built a varle school, thereby solving the problem of the second shift for students. they are still interested in such projects. also in the region , a dozen sites for housing construction have been identified, where belarusians will also be attracted.
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minsk automobile plant , tractor plant on the use of technology for integration with our enterprises, the tsensk municipal equipment plant, so today i think we... having discussed the issue, we will work on the initiative to create a multi-brand service dealer center in the arlovsk region, i think it will give a good effect, because even for in the first quarter of twenty-four , almost five dozen units of equipment were purchased; the remaining year , we are also ready to purchase about 80 units. the conversation about bilateral projects continued today in the government. creation of a multi-brand center in the oryol region, government. supports this work, the main thing is to choose the right site, well, in principle, all our
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industrial manufacturers will be represented on this site with their products, providing the necessary number of spare parts, training, service, well, everything that accompanied during the sale of equipment, tomorrow the guests have an equally busy program, visit to the gomel region, they will visit industrial enterprises, where substantive negotiations on the development... cooperation will be held , the dates of the visit have been chosen symbolically: tomorrow belarus and russia will celebrate the day of the unity of nations, starting with personal ties for decades, we have managed to build lasting friendships and partnerships between countries to the top level, and in many ways this is just the beginning. ilona krasutskaya, veronica buta, alina lapos, svetlana lukenyuk, ivan martynovich, agency tv news. an important component of belarusian- russian relations is interregional cooperation, which contributes to the development of trade and economic relations. cultural and humanitarian ties between our countries and, of course, closer relations between the peoples of the two countries.
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tomorrow we will celebrate the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia and which means the unity of more than 150 million people. this is a single page of history, the history of the exploits of defending the common fatherland, friendship and family ties of each individual family. these are projects which we work together. today we are interacting fruitfully on... a range of issues, developing partnerships in trade, economic, defense , humanitarian, scientific, technical, cultural and other spheres, and support, history, and current events have clearly made it clear that we are together through difficult times , good times, the friendship of belarusians and russians only grew stronger, and today minsk and moscow, at the official, at the national level, are united, as the president has repeatedly noted, belarus and russia have become noticeably closer. to each other: we are brothers, and 2 april is a good reason to once again remember the path we have gone through to outline plans for
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the future of the union state. we are reliable allies of the russian federation. unity is primarily economics. belarus is in demand in russia today more than ever. people should know what is happening in belarus, in russia, security is sacred. the law on
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the responsible treatment of animals, signed today by the president, the document is aimed at protecting our little brothers from cruelty, as well as ensuring the rights of the legitimate interests of breeders and owners pets when handling animals, this is how regulations are provided. rules also with service pets with those who are involved in cultural activities and sports. it must be said that the bill has been in the attention of deputies for a long time; the first projects were proposed more than 10 years ago. alexander komovich will continue the topic. the signing of the responsible animal welfare act was welcome news for pet breeder advocates. these people, first of all, understand how to properly care for animals and who have a clear understanding of responsibility. olga korzun has been breeding swiss shepherds for several years and says: the new law, among other things,
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will encourage people to think before buying a pet. in fact, the owner, having got a dog, is responsible for its maintenance, conservation and is obliged to provide proper care, that is, well, as i assume, we will still reduce harsh or cruel treatment of pets, just people, they, first than to get a dog, they will evaluate their strengths, probably for... in residential buildings, conditions have been established keeping animals and transferring them to new owners. we do a lot of work on animal cruelty cases, in this law we changed the definition of animal cruelty and introduced the term mutilation for the first time. now, cruel treatment of animals will be considered not only an act of inaction that results in harm
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to health, but also one that may result in harm to health. that is, roughly speaking, before we had to, excuse me, wait for... the dog or cat to have already suffered, now we can attract, even if we, so to say, we understand that with such treatment the animal may get sick or injured. another important point of the new law is that the government is given the authority to determine the list of companion animals subject to registration and the procedure for keeping them at home or, for example, microchipping. and this is one of the most discussed innovations: chipping dogs and cats. for nurseries it is mandatory for the owners to decide. the issue of microchipping solves a number of problems, and we, in addition to solving the problem of registering animals, yes, and we also we solve the problem of preventing and preventing the spread of especially dangerous diseases for both animals and humans. yes, this norm is laid down in the law, it is set out in the authorization of the article, which
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provides for the rights and obligations of animal owners, it gives pet owners the right to microchipping animals, therefore... the procedure for microchipping will be determined under a legal regulatory act. increased requirements and those who keep dangerous breeds of dog owners will be required to pass special courses and obtain certificates. going to the store, clinic or cinemas , sports grounds with dogs is closed, not counting dogs with pv holes. the sale of animals to minors is limited. it must be said that the law has long been under the control of deputies. it was developed a long time ago, as far as i know, it came to the house of representatives three times. but, unfortunately, everyone interested in promoting the emergence of this law did not find common points of contact at that time, there were probably a lot of disputes over individual norms, so it came exactly the time when the law appeared, and this is now, i note that president alexander
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lukashenko paid attention to this topic more than once in 202, during his address to the belarusian people at the national assembly , he announced his readiness to... adopt this law, which for me unacceptable, maybe something else, but three things are for sure: first - crying children, forgive me, rape of women, killing of animals, for me these three things are prohibitive and unacceptable, anyone who treats animals bestially is simply a bastard , he must understand what this will happen to him, this is my attitude towards animals. i grew up among them, i often talk about this in the village, it’s in my heart. let me add that the bill is very voluminous and includes many norms and requirements, ranging from how to keep an animal to aspects that will curb the increase in the number of stray animals. the document underwent public discussion, there were a lot of comments that were taken into account. i will add that the main provisions of the law come into force on
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january 1, 2025. alexander kamovich, violeta sokolovic, vladimir korolev and vitali. for duty-free import of goods. today, at midnight, new limits came into effect. for ground transport it is 500 euros and 25 kg, for international parcels it is 200 euros and 31 kg. by the way, the limits for goods transported on airplanes remain unchanged. 10 thousand euros and 50 kg. and today the government’s decision to ban the transport
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of certain goods across the belarusian-lithuanian section of the state border came into force. the list of used clothing includes spare parts. mobile tires, alcohol and other goods. but the restrictions are not relate to products for personal use. let me remind you, as the government noted, this is a forced step in response to the unfriendly actions of vilnius. this solution also has certain time parameters. its validity period is until october of the current year, which is why it can either be canceled with the expiration of the validity period, or extended. i emphasize that we are always ready for dialogue and we were not the ones who took the first steps. were aimed at worsening good neighborly relations between countries, innovations in other areas changed the basic rental value, now it is 17 rubles 76 kopecks. he grew up quite small. literally by 5%. let me note that this indicator has not changed for 5 years, but in general it is adjusted to take into account inflation. based on the basic rental value, the amount of payment for leasing real estate
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that is owned by the state and business entities is determined. and today an interesting labor experiment will begin. let me remind you that in 3 months we will see big changes in sick leave. the most important calculation of average daily earnings will be carried out by the social protection fund, interacting with organizations. through their portal, but in order to study all the nuances and try out the new mechanism of interaction with the social security fund, employers can start today: the test period will last until june 30. the fund calculates the average daily earnings and bears full responsibility for the correctness of its application. simultaneously with the calculation of average daily earnings, we will provide information on the presence of 10 years of experience with payment of contributions, because everyone already knows that from july 1, for citizens who have 10 years or more of experience with payment of their contributions, sick pay. and good news awaits us on april 6, the daily allowance for business trips around belarus will increase, now it is 12 rubles. but the schoolchildren, on the contrary
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, have returned from travelling, today is the first day of school after spring break, we wish that the busy days of work fly by as quickly as the week of rest. but the main thing is fruitful for learning, our economic commentator anton malyuta about the innovations of april. almost 6000 inhabitants. union have visited belarus without visas since the beginning of the year, our country is especially attractive for citizens of lithuania, they often benefit from visa-free entry. thus, according to the state border committee, among tourists 30,500 are lithuanians, more than 11,000 poles, 13,000 citizens and 3,500 non-citizens of latvia. in total, more than 860,000 foreigners came to the country at the beginning of the visa-free regime. a visa-free regime for citizens of three eu countries, poland, lithuania and latvia, was approved by our president back in 2022, it was in effect throughout
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2023, in december it was decided to extend visa-free entry for the whole of 2024. however, despite the established ties, trade neighbors or related eu policies deliberately place their citizens in a western dead end. logistics is increasingly fraught with risk, how much trade works, what is happening, why business is losing and what will happen to prices, as well as belarus on the map of new global initiatives, look at it clearly.
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israel is once again entering a period of political turbulence, with tens of thousands of protesters
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demanding prime minister netanyahu resign. in addition, they are seeking immediate parliamentary elections and intensified negotiations with hamas about liberation of jewish hostages. netanyahu himself is now recovering from a hernia removal, however, he responded harshly to all the demands of the protesters.
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camp on the square near the walls of parliament and are going to make their action indefinite, and meanwhile, a few hours ago, israel launched a missile attack on a complex of buildings located next to the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack reportedly killed one of iran's military advisers, a general in the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the ambassador's residence was almost destroyed islamic republic in syria, head of the diplomatic mission of tehran. stated that his country's response to israel will be tough and timely. how to resolve the conflict between israel and the gaza strip and does the us need to help the palestinians? even the american media were shocked by congressman tim alberg's speech to his constituents. the representative of the republican party called for resolving regional conflicts with the use of a nuclear bomb, like with jeroshima and nagasaki.
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these shots are from one of those present. they say that the proposal to resolve the conflict in gaza and ukraine according to the kheroshima scenario and ggasaki - this is only a metaphor. for those who remember well, the consequences of american and nato metaphors are serbia, where the victims of the alliance’s aggression were recently remembered. the country clearly remembers the nato bombings, as well as its long-standing cultural political ties with russia. this also determines the military strategy of modern serbia. aleksandar vucic said that he would refuse to join nato.
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requires the country to seriously strengthen its defense capabilities. the neutrality of the country must be ensured with the support of its own strength. that is why serbia will rearm to the maximum extent possible, loading its industrial capacities with orders. ostra's army needs new multiple launch rocket systems and drone fighters. vuchit believes that the yugoslav experience, when the country was the leader of the non-aligned movement, should be used in... nato military, thousands of soldiers from all over europe and the united states, under the guise of mercenaries, are directly involved in the fighting in ukraine, the question is in the air on what basis are they there are located. about the collapse of international legislation in a new issue in form.
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chish litesh. one of the fundamental documents of any state is military doctrine. each country writes down on paper its mission to protect its borders. this is a set of rules on how to act in the event of a threat and how to hold the defense. the international security agenda is also specified here, that is, what kind of policy. the new military doctrine of belarus is exclusively defensive in nature, our mood is peace-loving, i will quote the statement of alexander lukashenko. our goal armed forces and security forces - to protect our land, our state. that’s it, we don’t set any other goals today. if you want peace, prepare for war. again, words.
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commander. our army is learning to fight thoroughly around the clock, studying modern conflicts. hence the upgrade of documents. let me explain. in the modern history of belarus, the military doctrine was adopted three times. in 1992, 2002 and 2016. the document of the twenty-fourth year spells out the next course of development of the state in the military sphere. the named sources of threats for belarus are: usa, nato, poland and the baltic countries. at the same time , sineoka does not treat any state as its enemy and is ready to build relations with all countries of the world, without exception, on the basis of mutual trust and peaceful coexistence. this is a clipping from a document. and what is written in the military doctrines of other states, for example, poland or nato.
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of course, there are no valid documents in the public domain, but they do exist. previous versions and some theses of new ones, we studied them, for example, in the state security strategy of poland in 2007, dozens points are dedicated to interaction. with nato, what kind of blood ties they are connected with, how much warsaw is ready to do for the alliance and how they hope for their protection if something happens. interesting point number 51. poland supports the un commitments to maintain peace and international security. seriously? and paragraph 95 says that poland will not increase the number of its troops. in 2020 they approved new ones. strategy, the authors of the document decided not to go around too far; already in the second paragraph of the first section they loudly declared that the most serious threat is the policy of the authorities of the russian federation. in general,
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exactly a third of the document was dedicated to our allies. the russians were accused of interfering in the affairs of other states, building up offensive weapons, and collapsing the international security system. i would like to say right away, it’s a log. doesn’t bother you, you just have to remember that the foundations of the european security system were undermined when nato bombed yugoslavia, tore kosovo away from serbia, and today took full control of ukraine. the following points also appeared in the doctrine: increase the army and weapons many times over, increase the mobility of troops. one thing has remained unchanged: friendship with nato. the main message is to scale up the military.
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a unique union of democratic states with values ​​committed to the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. that's how they describe it. your mission. the strategy commits alliance members to defend and support these norms around the world, thereby helping to resolve crises in the world. no comment needed. i can only say that if everyone, like belarus, complied with international agreements and followed what is written in black and white in the documents, then there will be peace. in the meantime, the united states and the west continue to engage not in politics, but in ticket sales. the security of a number of states remains under threat. elections for delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil
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society have started in belarus. the belarusian women's union, 80 people from different regions and the capital, was the first to form its own gender among the organizations of associations. let me remind you that since march 12, there has been an active discussion of the nomination.
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determined their pool of delegates who were awarded state awards, certificates of honor from the council of ministers of the national assembly, as well as those who in various years were laureates of the republican competition “woman of the year”. women are completely different, but each woman is famous in her industry, and many women are known throughout the country, of course. this is a woman who, well, firstly, loves her country, and secondly, loves the people with whom they work and the people with whom they are together.
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professionalism, if we are talking about youth , in some places we may still not have enough professionalism, in some places we may not have enough life experience, all this can be compensated for by ideas, all this can be compensated for by enthusiasm, initiative, as it turned out interesting for us, representatives of civil society are a union veterans and the belarusian republican youth union, it would seem, two absolutely opposite organizations in composition, not in spirit, in composition, each on its own... will give something to the all-belarus people's assembly.
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indeed, the national assembly and not only according to age criteria , representatives from the capital and regional centers were nominated, many candidates from the outback. we are a very large organization, a very diverse organization. we unite 15 republican industry trade unions, 2,400 primary trade union organizations, regional and district organizations, and an association of trade unions. we would like the entire spectrum, the entire cross-section of these trade unions to be represented in the supreme national assembly.
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it's the busiest time in the president's hockey cup; the semi-final series for the main trophy of the entire season continues. one pair we call the polesie derby, where zhlobinsky, metallurg and gomel fight. in the second confrontation, representatives of the minsk and brest regions met: soligorsk shakhtar and brest. remember the time when minsk youth always won in the extra league. so, forget it, now is the championship. such that four games and one half were not enough to
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know the names of the finalists. our sports correspondent, kristina kamysh, conveys energy. we never tired of telling you, dear viewers, that intrigue lives in belarusian hockey. thus, the results of games in extra league, unpredictable. the current president's cup playoffs have already given us a sensation. hockey brest reached the semi-finals, and the fan instantly reacted to this. all fights take place in front of a full house in the stands. for the first time in their history, ezhani fights in the second knockout round. the achievement of the championship itself has also been updated, because never before has a seventh- seeded team won at this stage at least once. that's why fans have big dreams. well, can the one who walks master the road? the new coach has united the team, the team itself wants to win. we can imagine that brest might even be champions. those glories who wrote that brest would lose everything disappeared. in the dry episode, where are they, have they disappeared somewhere?
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brest writes history, brest makes history, a cannon, a bomb, as they say, a rocket, a great game, a great team, your voice is broken, i hear it, yes, it’s sometimes broken for me, because it’s impossible to stand and be silent, let us remind you that in brest lost the 1/4 of the president's cup to vitebsk, which for a moment was second in the regular season, now in the battle for the final there are up to four victories against the season leader soligorsk shakhtar. you two, you must agree, it’s some kind of magical fairy tale, this is not professor dumbledore from the harry potter franchise, but certainly a specialist ... who has a degree in extra league.
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sergei pushkov reached five finals and took three president's cups. the coach arrived during a smooth season and has already completed his task for the championship. the guys have no pressure. i told them: guys, enjoy hockey, play, have fun. they began to show hockey, which attracts spectators, that ’s why they fill the stands, it’s nice to hear that there is a problem with extra tickets. the whole series, i would say, is probably very cool, very entertaining, often down to one goal. that with us, that everyone wants to win against them, no one feels sorry for themselves, well, yes, that’s how you are now, for example, a parallel semi-nal series divided the whole region into two camps, into those who... childhood either for the metallurgist or for gomel . the only constant variable in this confrontation is the audience. at the commander-in-chief dmitry stolivarov kravchenko was asked what to expect in the stands in zhlobin. the experienced specialist responded with gestures. this is how everything will be. metallurgist. most of the audience are those loyal fans who
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support during the season, not only during the playoffs. zlobin has always been a hockey town. we are glad that at least one team is a representative of ours. region will already be in the finals, we cheer for our team, if possible, we travel with the team to other cities, at the same time we get to know new people, sights, enjoy belarus, and have a great time with the whole family time. by the way, gomel is now the leader of the entire playoffs in terms of attendance. so, a total of 13,700 people watched the five previous matches of the knockout round from the stands in the city above sozh. this video was shared with our film crew by a fan and... last sunday at 7 a.m. , a line began to line up at the ice palace ticket office for tickets for the fifth game of the series, this was the crowd at 9:00, when sales officially started, at noon there were already tickets there weren’t any left, it was fortunlo, lukewarm. for those who do not follow social networks, we inform you that
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on various instagrams and tiktoks, videos about belarusian hockey fly into the top views.
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a complete list is on the bank's website. all our manufacturers noted that the rate
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of retail trade turnover increased by about 20% thanks to the loan. and if in the city of minsk this percentage is lower, then it is in the regions that the population began to actively use this program for folk goods. the list was expanded taking into account requests from manufacturers, as well as requests from the population. the maximum loan amount is rub 12,000. issued without guarantors, but within the recipient's solvency. you can submit an application remotely on the bank’s website via internet banking or a mobile application, or contact a bank branch. 28 years of unity. tomorrow is the birthday of the agreement on interaction between two historically fraternal peoples for belarus and russia. during this time, the union state had a record trade turnover of 65 billion russian rubles; such economic integration would not have happened without the foundation of common values. dedicated to prologues of events.


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