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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 9:45pm-10:06pm MSK

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retail turnover increased thanks to the loan by approximately 20%. and if in the city of minsk this percentage is lower, then it was in the regions that our population began to actively use this program, folk goods. the list was expanded taking into account requests from manufacturers, as well as requests from the population. the maximum loan amount is 12,000 rubles , issued without guarantors, but within the limits of the recipient’s solvency. you can apply. remotely on the bank’s website via internet banking or mobile application, or contact a bank branch. 28 years unity of the peoples of belarus and russia tomorrow is the birthday of the agreement on the interaction of two historically fraternal peoples. during this time, the union state had a record trade turnover of 65 billion russian rubles; such economic integration would not have happened without the foundation of common values. prologues of events...
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of our unity, artists of belarus and russia decided to talk about our values, oil, acrylic, the floor to honorary academicians, and there are no accidents here. belarusians have been members of the russian academy of arts since the 19th century, this is not an art university in the standard sense, a full-fledged industrial academy of sciences with a history of 267 years, the doors opened again to our 12 contemporaries in 2007 with the lifelong status of honorary academician. this is one of...
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energetic substance, they literally draw the correct vectors in the common union space, they do not compete, but speak as equals, in terms of the amount of work, by age in the passport and by topic. belarus here is a special, let’s say, component of us, because well, this is the very unity, my colleagues and i talked a lot about this, what it is a single art school, very often the same teachers and mentors, simply a clear focus - these are outstanding. all the artists of the 20th century, who at one time were not, so to speak, separated by borders, but really were in this unity, friendship, republic, including through art, the older generation always reminds of this. tseriteli himself patronizes him, he was recognized as a national figure, back in the ussr, georgian talent loved picasso, brawler, socialist realist zurab konstantinovich, was well-known in the art kitchen, walked, by the way, belarusian nadya lizhe introduced the legends, he was friends with azgur and sovitsky. isn’t that
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why we have a special feeling for ours? are belarusians generally strong artists? good, good, especially, they are not like their neighbors, they don’t show their personal opinion, national, so this art, you see, needs to be described and skillful with knowledge, they said loudly, promises to come, as soon as the weather is good and waits when diplomats will wake up. tsretiteli will be registered as a janitor in minsk. the sculpture is ready. in the meantime, malevich, vysotsky and empress catherine they protect the belarusian-russian eternal, which westerners will try to paint over black. zurab konstantinovich today again taught us all a lesson in interethnic communication, great friendship, spiritual unity and the unity of cultural tradition. he said that when i was studying, no one divided where the georgians were and where the belarusians were?
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cultural objects that need restoration, from castle complexes to, for example, monuments of our common history. the cultural road map is outlined for the next 3 years, with dialogue about high, perhaps there are no deadlines. litiya soblotskaya, sergey matveychuk, tv news agency, moscow, russia. the thirtieth minsk international leaf fall film festival will be held from november 1 to 8, 2024 for the largest film forum. became an anniversary event, they chose the appropriate slogan: cinema with a mark of quality; it is also symbolic that belarusian cinema is exactly 100 years old this year, so the emphasis is on the golden fund of domestic cinema. in addition, the festival expanded the list of awards and
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developed a new design for competition prizes. in this year we tried, firstly, to expand the festival program by, well, returning competitions. competition landmark. the bright new films that have appeared have been highly appreciated by the world film community; belarusian films that were released commercially even before the festival will be able to participate in the festival’s competition programs. last year , a record number of applications were submitted to the film festival from more than 2.07 countries in europe, asia, latin america and africa. this time you can be among the lucky ones before september 1st. that's how it was information picture for this monday.
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further on the air is clear politics, how the white house is trying to tighten the noose on world trade arteries, terrorist attacks and provocations, wars, blackmail and coercion. and after the sports news, all the best and don’t switch, today in understandable politics about the battle for trade routes, transport arteries of the world, a tasty morsel for the omnipresent washington, which is trying to crush them under itself, dirty and impudent. from the suede canal to the arctic, how trade works, what is happening and... why is logistics increasingly fraught with risk, is there any an alternative to unstable paths?
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ships transport more than 80% of cargo around the world, delivering all types of goods from fuel to medicine, quickly and safely, until recently these were the advantages of waterway logistics.
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the suesta canal attracted special attention 3 years ago in march 2021, the vessel eva given, almost half a kilometer long, blocked the main sea channel. route from asia to europe. every hour of downtime cost the global economy $400 million. in total, during such a blocking of the country lost 230 million dollars. accounts for 12% of all world trade. the cause of the incident could not be determined. experts said it was all due to the strong wind. it was extremely difficult to believe this. that ship was carrying chinese cargo from china to europe, with tankers holding a million barrels of arab and russian oil in line. american black gold was not affected, because it is delivered through a different route and there is an opinion that the blocking is far from an accident. this is, one might say, the last signal. washington's warning sent to several addresses at once: firstly, china cannot disobey the united states,
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sharpen its teeth on taiwan, be very friendly with russia, interfere with the middle east, secondly, europe, who are you messing with, all your stupid trade with china is hanging by a thread, we can cover it up at any moment, thirdly, russia, an alliance with china will cost you dearly, your oil supplies to china through the suede canal may be cut off at any moment, and, of course, this is... a warning from the united states to the countries of the middle east. let's not joke. we will punish you to the fullest for your mischief with china. the history of the suetsky canal as a whole is a struggle for ownership of the main trade artery of the world. yes, legally it belongs to egypt, but this was not always the case. for many years the canal was controlled by great britain. however, on july 26, 1956, egyptian president gamal abdel-nasr nationalized the trade route. the colonialists did not like this so much that already on november 5 of the same year
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, an anglo-french landing force landed in the area of ​​the egyptian port of said, the goal being to regain control of the trade gates of the world. the plan almost succeeded, but british aggression, israel and france caused discontent in the world. the position of the soviet union, which was believed to be occupied by the conspirators in budapest , turned out to be especially active. nikita khrushchev even. where it was shown how many megatons of nuclear charges needed to be placed on england so that it would not exist, and how many on france, in 3 days everything was curtailed, the fussy channel with egypt was left alone. americans today cannot look at the important logistics corridor with indifference. money for operating the channel haunts the americans; in 2011, they... egypt allegedly has 70 billion dollars, having found them in the accounts of president mubarak, whom they
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overthrew and imprisoned, well, as always. this route is far from ideal, the main problem is the tariffs. the passage of a heavy-duty vessel cost from 160 thousand to 1 million dollars. in 2022, transportation jumped by another 15%. but the suede canal is only the top of this trade chain. a little lower on the map is the red sea and bappel mandep. the strait is where the houthis are sinking american ships today, including. in january, the united states and its allies launched a military operation in yemen to suppress the houthi uprising of local opposition. in response, they began to attack maritime merchant ships passing through the soet canal. as a result, the flow was reduced by a third. the current interruptions in the supply of goods have led to an increase in prices for sea transportation several times. the situation is at the level of the covid twentieth year. a trillion dollars worth of goods pass through the red sea every year. us policy is already being called
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a logistical impasse. the echo of which scatters across supermarkets on all continents. the lion's share of global inflation today it is the increase in logistics costs that gives rise. the cost of delivering goods from southeast asia to europe has tripled amid the worsening situation, many companies have decided to change direction. instead of the route through the sued canal, they began to deliver goods through the cape. good hope in the south of south africa, going around the entire african continent, as they did 500 years ago, this is an additional 10 days of travel, in addition, according to experts, the alternative route leads to huge fuel costs, who will compensate for this, of course, ordinary people consumers. the clumsy and reckless actions of the white house are a headache not only for the consumer’s wallet, imagine some kind of shock for shipowners. as gardens writes, citing a think tank... seven of the ten largest shipping companies have suspended shipping in the red sea, and
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yet a third of the world's container traffic and approximately 10% of world oil imports passed through this route before all the conflict events. and everyone is faced with a fact, or go another way, for example, through us with good hope in africa, and this is for two weeks longer is many times more expensive, or pay huge sums of money to insurers, the risk premium is paid. shipping companies used to be only 0.7% of the cost of the vessel, but now it is approximately 0.7%. for business there is a real ice shower, traffic jams at ports, a shortage of containers and ships, disruption of supplies puts an entire enterprise on the brink of bankruptcy, not receiving components on a systematic basis, some companies simply stop production. the united states has become so engrossed in controlled chaos that it itself is now faced with its consequences. image the usa today is bursting at all the seams. previously, they
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acted as a guarantor of security in the middle east, thanks to their presence. have their own naval and land bases in the region, but today they cannot do anything with radical groups. another important channel is the panama canal. the path connects the pacific ocean with the caribbean sea and the atlantic ocean. billions of dollars worth of goods pass through it every year. the panama canal began to be built at the end of the 19th century by the french. however, after 20 years. in 1914 the initiative was taken up by the united states america got money from washington with the rest of the work, 70 thousand people built the trade route, almost half died. for this, the canal is called the deadliest in the world. there is another trick here: until 1904, the french intended to transfer the territory of the columbia canal to the historical owner.
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the americans certainly could not allow this to happen, having smelled the smell of money. unexpectedly in panama. on november 3, 1903, an uprising began in colombia, and 7 us navy ships landed troops. the next day, panama declared its independence, and on november 6, this state recognized by the united states. in colombia it was stated that washington was taking the new power under its protection and would not tolerate outside troops in this territory. already on november 18 , the authorities of independent panama. signed an agreement with the united states on the construction of the canal. as a result , construction cost 400 million dollars. on august 15, 1914 , the first ocean-going steamer sailed along the new artery. the americans will expand and strengthen the canal for the next 85 years. panama is a puppet state that allows the united states indirectly and sometimes directly
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through military intervention, as was the case in the eighties, to control the panama canal. means. the panama canal for world trade is difficult to underestimate, it is very large, simply because here it becomes possible to pass through america, and not go around the continent and not perform, in general, unnecessary loading and unloading operations in mexico or in some central american country. last year, the panama canal handled $270 billion worth of cargo every day. commissions and rights of way brought panama $4 billion in profits annually. the americans took their piece, the country is a known offshore zone, but nature abruptly intervened in the development plans. today , the water in the canal is 1.8 m below normal and it can handle about 20 ships per day,
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although previously it could handle about 40. previously , its shipping capacity provided 3% of world trade. almost half, approximately 46% of container traffic from asia to the united states. such problems led to the fact that the region announced an alternative, the project the nicaraguan canal was proposed 200 years ago, but then the big players and the united states were categorically against such construction. monago's puppet government acquiesced, but the sandinista revolution in 1979 did its job, small but proud.
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more than a million jobs, with nicaragua becoming one of the largest transit countries. in general, any trade routes that the white house is trying to control have become an increased source of danger. taiwanese political scientists fear next in line strait, where the americans are trying to spark a conflict with beijing. the conclusion is simple: the only sea route free from the americans, their proxies and provocateurs is the northern one today. sea ​​route, there are well-equipped ports, all the infrastructure, and most importantly - reliable protection from all possible military troubles, welcome to russia. indeed it has reached the very remote arctic, where russia is building the polar suez, the very northern sea route. last year, traffic volumes there more than increased.


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