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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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“an earthquake can’t even compare, here’s crocus city, i look at these wretched people who were detained, well, here’s some kind of dandy, but he killed so many people, well, what right do you have, who gives you this right, who gave you such a right , well, how do you explain this to yourself, is this a feature of the sign of the present time or is it always like this in history, are you younger than me? much yes, but i always remember here we had friendship between all countries, between everyone who wanted to go where they went, and no problems arose, i went to germany after i went on a well-deserved, so to speak, rest, but i had to work, i had a very good partner, we duetted two button accordions and two voices,
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for this i received normally, somehow i didn’t have such thoughts, to make a solo career, maybe i didn’t find a person who could do me, there was one moment when i took first place, there was a political song competition in the palace of the automobile plant, i don’t remember what song i wrote i sang, true, but i took first place there and there was such a professor there are a lot of fragments. an unknown person at the conservatory,
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he sat on the jury and after the speech he came up to me and said: victor, i invite you to my course, especially since you already have one higher education, this literally probably happened after i graduated from college , i don’t know, i didn’t go, maybe i should have, maybe you didn’t like to study, it also happens that you have to think why you need to study, yes, yes, yes, somehow, i’m probably not mature enough. for opera roles, but you know what’s interesting, i heard another confirmation of the wisdom that choose a job you like, and you won’t have to work a single day in your life, but for now we’ll take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we are connected.
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lukashenko is not a politician, he is a leader who is not interested in the next elections, but in the next generation, he is not trying to please us primarily, he works so that we like his decisions and results. his work, this is my job, sit, think using experience and my knowledge, i must predict if this there is no president, there is no point in doing this. considering that, as a rule, parliamentary elections, and especially local ones, not only in belarus, but generally everywhere in the world, arouse less interest among the electorate than presidential elections, our turnout turned out to be exemplary, and turnout is also support the current government, definitely. supports, there are a small
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number of hesitant, but naturally, there are also dissatisfied people, we understand this perfectly well, so in this election cycle we need to analyze... the president is holding a large-scale restructuring of the entire political system of the country and he is doing this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind you of this. igor turai’s author’s propaganda project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave when they are at home. babryus is one of the most fragmented cities in this country of belarus. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights, because the city is called a bridge, which means, think about it,
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think about it, it probably means that there is some kind of amazing bridge here, look like this... 24 this is the program again, say don’t be silent, our guest
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today is the winner of the factorby 60+ project , viktor guscha. viktorovich, well, you already told us that the germans came in droves to your performance, this is not surprising. that you are distinguished by a special intelligent style of singing, let's look at a fragment of the competition performance, one more: native, native, native land, hills and forests of the field, you have been given happiness by good fate, you are alone in the world and alone in the heart, dear! dear, native land, hills and plains, forests and fields, you are given by good fate, happiness is given, you are alone in the world and alone in your heart,
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well, a song - and work and solve some issues, that’s all, but i listen, i listened, with pleasure i’m listening to factorby youth, i watched all the broadcasts. uh, i like good voices, good, very strong guys, in general, because we haven’t sung like that before, to be honest, because now the level is very, very high, but i would like more
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baretons, yeah, the only thing was volchkov , yes, yeah, then there was dyatlov, tenor mostly, tenara, i love boriton. so that the juicy meat is all good, but there are few good lyrics, well , there are lyrics that i would of course change or write someone else if i could, musically, well, probably now the time has come, such songs are heard, although, so to speak, on purpose i don't listen to anything if i watch.
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i, i’m counting on this and i think that life is there, and i will meet those people
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with whom i would like, you live in hope, you have it, the force that moves you, yes, hope, after in the winter, spring will always come, one might say, eternal spring, well, this is eternal spring, but at the same time, in one of the interviews you said that you would like to live some more, but of course, for what? what is your specific goal? to live, to live, of course, i want to, as alaya and i always said, here we are sitting, somehow 20 years ago, i remember, she says, well , let’s also know that now it’s 50, 20 years, we’ll still live, okay , i say, okay, then 20 have passed, she says, well, another 20, yeah, and i say,
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i would like to see the children of the younger grandchildren, although the youngest is also 24 years old, to see how they grow, what they do, how they raise children, i have a great-granddaughter, a son, a daughter, and you were raising them, or are you already providing this day, i took care of grandchildren, the eldest the granddaughter of her grandparents there , well, of course they took us to our place and i always went to the hill with them. there's a nice uh sunny valley, if you know, it's such a gorgeous place, yes, there's
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some kind of skiing and sledding, so we went there good, came with icicles, that is, it was nice, it was nice to see, they are all very, very good, all my grandchildren, now even she is a fan, she watches all of mine 10, 15 times a day.
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now, let's say, this eternal question, fathers and sons, and what we talked about about the world
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, that our country is on the right course, do you see that your children and your subsequent generations, they support your thought? well, if grandpa supports, then they support, no, their choice, of course, but i see that they approach this responsibly at least the brains are turned on, yeah, because it’s possible. there are many such options when a person finds himself in some kind of life situation, and then repents, all his life, so you have to, you have to look, think.
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and god, they led me along this path, yes, yes, yes, yes, i practically, by and large, no one taught me how to sing correctly, well, there were some nuances, but i somehow came to this myself , when people tell me, here’s enesa, in my opinion, she’s also a pokal teacher, she says how right everything is you cover it, how you sing correctly, how correctly the phrase...
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to visit your dacha, i think we have everything ahead, your tomatoes will be ripe, the seating is already growing, what to treat you with, everything is fine, so i will be happy to meet you, and of course we are waiting for you at the concerts, i am sure that after the factor byy 60 plus show, your stage career will again be at its peak, and we will see you at very special concerts more than once. svetlana smolonskaya, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye! happiness, health, love, success and peace. thank you! victor ivanovich, but it will be
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a very honor for us to have your autograph in our collection of autographs, as... prosperity in your health and well-being program.
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gul, tell me, who made these houses? dad, your father is an amazing person, you know, there are people around whom it’s impossible to be stupidly bad, they make everyone around them talented, you’re talented too, no, i’m... a wonderful romantic, it’s high time for me to change, i’m everything i just can't, you know, until war dreamed of cities of the future in which
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energy would be produced by solar power plants, he was such a fool, tell me about a solar power plant, well , that is, as i understand it, you somehow catch the sun, yes, with a point. do you have a mirror? eat. let's. everything is very simple. a solar power plant is a multiple amplification of the sun's ray. the most important thing is to catch the sun with mirrors installed in a glass collector. what are you doing? how are you? does it look like musya? listen, give me a tunic, before going to the front we wanted to record with musya she recorded a record on me, the tape
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ran out, i thought for a long time that i had lost this record. but zoya found it, my dear, can i listen to it, i know there’s a rare record player, no, you’ll tear it up again, this is the only thing i have left, i’m upset, you can smoke in your kitchen, yes, i did...
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i wanted to kill the child , and then run away, right? what are you saying? he's a child.
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mister doctor, the boy will recover, as i said, there is hope, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, look, everywhere from every iron today they say.
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borders, to the fact that well, this really is , well, the root of the word marking can lead to the process of designating a state, and what kind of process is this delimitation? here you can only rely on your own strength, 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1,000,
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it doesn’t matter how many zeros are, but... in the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9 and what went far is just shorter, can you voice it please what are you getting at with a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but i know a rifle, in which at the beginning there is a postscript in latin letters sig, oh, how observant, this is his topic, this is all military, he is well versed in this, look, intellectually entertaining. i know the project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. it’s your own fault, you’re a good boy, but where is musya, let her come, she’ll come, close your eyes and sleep, my!
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you see a little hole here, that's how they make their skeletons, it all starts with that little hole, and then the whole thing is put in hot water, a lot of hot water.
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dmitry andreev went missing in november 1941 near mozhaisk, who was in your hospital then? a deserter, or even worse, a spy? vitya, i don’t recognize you, what does all this mean? deserters, spies, trodskyite degenerates? have you always laughed at these newspaper gems? this is war, zoya vasilievna, those who were in captivity are recruited by the enemy to their side, and i’m no longer laughing, okay, i don’t think he was a saboteur, an ordinary soldier, only without documents, severe shell shock, you know,
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vitya , do you not believe me, or are you now obliged to suspect everyone, if my memory serves me correctly? at my sister's. there was a gentleman, and his surname was andreev, but this is a coincidence, the surname is very common, and the name as well as a coincidence is surprising, i admit, you surprised me too, and if my memory serves me right, you were my father’s favorite student, his... . have already been arrested along with you, and now you are here, in this office, when did you manage to change your profession, but i never changed my profession, i have always been an employee of the authorities, i remain one, zoya vasilievna, understand,
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nothing threatens you here, i sincerely want to help you, you are a very good and kind person, all sorts of scoundrels take advantage of your kindness. i am very grateful to you for your kindness, but firstly, i ’m not afraid, secondly, sometimes i can be a very angry person, i really don’t know anything, absolutely nothing, i can be free, you can, zoya, and are you going to the hospital? the wounded are waiting for me, today i have five operations and two complex dressings, if dmitry andreev shows up, please let me know, be sure,
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why are you here, zoyka, i’m waiting for you, so what? everything is lost, the lyubar traitor, he gave it up father, that how could he, dad loved him so much, sacrificed everything for him, and mitya, that with mitya it’s even worse, he knows that musya had a fiancé, that’s what he said, your sister, it seems, had a fiancé, they’re already a bag knows everything, wait, he said sister or called a musno name, sister, he said sister, so sister can be me. “i’ll come to lyubarsky and say that he was dumb in the hospital, it’s like i’ll be his bride, no, no amateur performances, what are you talking about, they’ll understand everything right away, that’s it, go home!”
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i remember that lida is a hellish bastard before the navukou. gets from the old school of kroger know about minsk and enjoy our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. papytaytse sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzekan. but no one knows takhtamysh’s yard, but khan
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takhtamysh was at lidze, he lives here. and so we cherish folk traditions. the name itself is white-eyed, it’s very palatial, it’s also very patterned. malyunak on our panyamon handbrake could have been, but muggle might not have been killed. family hadzili, became cola, hadzili around the hell of a bride, then, who chose the bride, who then left herself. watch the project “cultural expensive” on the belarus24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition through the depths of our country. land pragna nasychaetstsa vіlgatstsyu, kab adradzіts zhytstsyo again. and that means, let’s give it a try. we don’t throw away the vandrons at all, in order to enhance our present-day past. this is such a folkloric expedition between you and me, so that it happens many times in advance.
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go where, i'm to comrade lyubarsky, at i have important information, we know this information, come in, get out of here! or maybe i caught a saboteur, a saboteur, come on in, okay, i’ll call, hello, i’m listening, hello, viktor anatolyevich, what happened, but you have one girl here who is torn, like her last name, trampled, she says, trampled, she says, she caught a saboteur, skip. “i’m listening, don’t write
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to me, that’s right, there is, come in, yes, it’s mine, mitya, there was another one in the hospital, i managed to work there, i saw him, and where is he now, your fiancé, but he sent everything back, an envelope at you were preserved, the field mail address, but burned. i burned the envelope, this is all i have left, after this i don’t trust anyone anymore, no one. mitya, i love you very much, i love you, and i will always wait, pavel
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levchenko, bleeding on the brain, i need to tell my family. no, he has family members from the dom. i understand, where are his documents? yes, they are on the table. here is pavel levchenko. levchenko, orphan. no one will look for him. panya, we need to talk. mrs. andreev is a very good person, believe me, he just got into trouble, he needs documents to go to front, do you understand? yes, i understand. if you think it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, although
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of course there is a risk. ladies, if anything, you didn’t know anything. i don't want you to suffer, i did everything. herself, the main thing is to be in time before the departure of the new party and the appointment of a new head of the hospital. mitya, you must remember, now your name is pavel levchenko. this is an orphan, i copied all his documents to you. tomorrow morning our chvannya, merzlikova and several more people will arrive. sends it to the front distribution center, you must sneak into the car unnoticed by the staff, but what about what will happen next, i don’t know how strange it all is, it means that now they will call me pavel,
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levchenko, get used to it, guys, “zoy, yes, i was at lyubarsky’s, where at lyubarsky’s, i said that mitya is my fiancé, that in the hospital there was a completely different person, i cried so much that he left me, that now i don’t trust anyone, he believed me, they asked you not to interfere, why did you go there, you wanted to deceive someone, your deception will be immediately discovered, no, you’re just..." a clinical fool, a clinical ghoul, zoya, why are you doing this, but she just wanted to help, in her own way, mitya, mitya, we’re all taking risks here, taking very serious risks, and she’s playing, okay, let’s go to sleep,
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get up early tomorrow, excuse me, i’m just terribly nervous. just like that, calm down, calm down, wipe away your tears, and wipe your nose too, wipe your snot, otherwise your
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kurnus nose will swell, you won’t be beautiful, the boys won’t love you, understand? mitka, don’t cry, little fool, quiet, quiet, quiet, mitka, i love you as much as i know, i love you, wait, wait, wait. lord,
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zoya, you didn’t understand everything correctly, how did you? you could, zo, i just wanted to calm her down, you are for me you were everything, and now you are nobody, you don’t exist for me, just don’t tell me about the special structure of men, a person’s loyalty does not depend on what he... wears or a skirt? zoya, i’m probably wrong, but how could you, and
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musya, zoya, there was nothing between us, like it didn’t happen, it happened, i had everything with you, ghoul, okay, i’m not interested in your relationship, our plan remains in force, s... wait, go to bed, oh, sister, mitya, mitya, it was, it was, it was!
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why is she here? calm down. there's nothing for you to do here, there's nothing for you to do here understood? leave her alone. calm down, elsa.
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“we played the soldier, it’s time for her, folk, she received a special package and must deliver it to headquarters, let’s go, she needs to leave, you will get better, and i will return.” godfather, look, baby, what did i bring you?
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they say that according to the lishuks, god gave a piece of heaven on earth, this area was surrounded by a large ridge, it divided the marshy area in the south, and forests, vuga arable land in the north, the villagers jumped 120 kg in the spring, and in the fall the collective farm took 300 to 300 . the herbs are very useful, they got better in their eyes, they in the fall everything was shining, but they don’t create heaven themselves with their hard work and incredible thirst for life, raspberries, potatoes, your own cucumber, your own tomato, everything of your own, this is the grace of god, in the morning at 4:00, i enjoy life, silence,
12:00 am
birds are singing, nothing , well, i’m just resting, the sun hasn’t set yet, it’s just starting to rise, it’s beautiful, it’s, it’s indescribable. polishhuki’s project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s easy to explore belarus, just lay out a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807, and during the battle with napoleon a french hospital was located here. and eight.


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