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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 1:45am-2:06am MSK

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2 days ago, bloody swelling formed around the eyes, i will operate tomorrow, prepare the patient for departure, after which he will be able to continue treatment in moscow. we would like the treatment to take place in minsk, under your supervision. okay, tatyana vasilievna birich, a well-known ophthalmologist in the ussr.
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the country's leading ophthalmologists, but throughout her long life, tatyana vasilievna often asked the same question: how could everything have turned out if it weren’t for a different time, different circumstances. biric addressed this issue in her speeches from the podium of the session of the supreme council and during communication with students. who would they be if the country remained the same? with the exploitation of the common man, for whom even getting a primary education was a problem. in the early twenties in the republic, the attention of young people, especially girls, to their active participation in the construction of a new society. at a meeting of the bureau of the borisov district committee of the komsomol, there was a discussion of the candidacy of komsomol member tatyana birech. a decision had to be made about direction. her
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to study at the university on a komsomol voucher. i propose to listen to the characterization of komsomol member birich. the floor is given to the secretary of the lokshit komsomol cell. ask. birich, born in 1905. graduate of lokshiv school. parisovsky district, minsk province. after graduation, i stayed to work there.
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there was not a single higher educational institution, now institutes are opening, in 1921 the belarusian state university, thank you, there is a proposal to send komsomol member birich on a komsomol ticket to study at the faculty of medicine at bsu, i put it to a vote, it was rather a formality. unanimously , congratulations, the young komsomol member tatyana birich was known well, the fate of the komsomol member birich was changing dramatically, special attention was given to the medical faculty, the recruitment for it was considerable at that time, 280 people, 117 of them were girls, including tatyana birich, in just a few. photographer elya berman, secluded
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in his laboratory, looked with interest at the photographs he had just hung up to dry. what is it like, this new intellectual elite? yes, the name was given by some incomprehensible intellectual elite? which young ones? and also the elite, so beautiful, why do they need this science , after thinking a little, he took out two original vignettes that he kept for a special occasion, inserted a photo into them and signed it to... vordova alexandra ivanovna.
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birich, tatyana vasilievna. clearly satisfied with their work, they placed photographic portraits in a prominent place. what kind of pride is it, science, the elite? an event for the young soviet republic. then it was really important that the first graduate students graduated from the academy of sciences. 17 applicants for academic degrees defended their dissertations, among them women alexandra ivanovna voronova. she became the first
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woman among belarusian historians to receive a candidate of historical sciences. special attention to the dissertation of the young scientist tatyana birich. subject of study : eye diseases. problems of the optic nerve, the fight against glaucoma, protection have become akin to a sensation, and not only because the topic is relevant. for the first time in the republic, a woman became an ophthalmologist. business trip to odessa to the institute experimental ophthalmology has become very important professionally for tatyana birich . it was there that academician vladimir petrovich felatov, an outstanding ophthalmologist, worked. the ussr. the young colleague’s bold proposal aroused genuine interest. now there was a discussion about the upcoming operation, which none of the colleagues dared to decide on.
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a lot of doubts have been expressed. birich stood her ground. i think the proposed method may well be justified. transplantation of the lip mucosa instead of a cadaveric cornea is quite possible. we use it as transplant. darling, you understand that it is hardly possible to guarantee a positive result. we don't know how this experiment will end. yes, this is the first time in medical practice, but under your leadership, comrade felatov, i think everything will be successful. stubborn belarusian. as i understand it, we have no other choice, let’s do it. i will assist
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personally. the operation was then successful; only a scientist obsessed with the idea could have decided on this. and birich confirmed this with her developments and bold experiments. one of they became a sensation; to restore lost vision, she decided to use oxygen, injecting it under the mucous membrane of the eyeball. this was not just an important discovery, it was the first time in world practice. this method of oxygen therapy subsequently became widespread in the ussr; abroad, everything seemed to be a success. in scientific activities, in practical activities. on the morning of june 22, 1941, entering her office, tatyana vasilievna saw two men there; they clearly
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did not look like patients. who you are? the questions they they started asking questions straight away, more like an interrogation. tatyana vasilievna. why do you subscribe to a lot of foreign literature , it seems to me, do they somehow write a lot about you abroad, your husband was repressed, and if you were not touched, this does not mean that you are not the wife of an enemy of the people, firstly, not you, and you, and secondly, if you have questions, i will answer, if not, don’t interfere with work, turn on the radio immediately. without declaring war, german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed
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their planes, our cities, zhitomir, kiev, sevastopol, kaunos and some others. terrible footage of the first bombing of minsk on june 25 , 1941. there is panic in the city. the shell hit the novolodarsky hospital. many killed. there are wounded, the emergency room has already been destroyed, and there are dead. birich takes charge of organizing the evacuation, giving commands to stop the panic and begin removing the patients from the wards. the impossible was done. the employees were able to organize transport, which brought patients to the ambulance car at the station, and they were sent to the rear. last time i left the hospital tatiana birich. she herself, having taken her daughter to her parents,
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traveled independently to the front valley, and then with a train of wounded to saratov, where the hospital was evacuated. wayne is a doctor of the second rank, the head of the military department of eye diseases of the saratov medical institute, on the basis of which the evaka hospital was organized and thousands of lives saved, vision saved. it was here that i confirmed it in practice. the importance of its discovery, the use of oxygen to restore it, she actively used this method in war conditions time. see what is most precious to you. in 1961 on the screen.
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works of four monographs, she made an invaluable contribution to science, researching various
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areas of ophthalmology, creating vision treatment centers in many regions of the republic, is the founder of the scientific school of this area in medicine, she has hundreds of trained ophthalmologists, thousands of patients who have been returned vision. well, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already
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begun, others say: the third world war war is on the threshold. the fourth say that a hybrid war is being waged. well, it’s very, very difficult for the common man to understand. this is a step towards escalation. they are trying to escalate the situation as much as possible in order to test russia once again, including us. today the west has significantly reduced its standard of living. the resource base is depleting. in fact, there is none. they. are really preparing, these caterpillars that rattle along our borders, so we need to show that we are ready to answer any challenge, we are enough we are self-sufficient, we are strong, and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to anyone who wants to pinch us. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . the leading travel show is like home, for sure.
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it means that there is some kind of amazing bridge here, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it’s really big, and also de...
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well, let’s immediately answer this question very succinctly at the same time conceptually, i specifically anticipated this question, a certain i brought my daddy with me. the fact is that our parliament of the seventh convocation, the one that has already completed its work, surrendered its powers, adopted a commission on national security, adopted 19 legislative acts, 19 about the parliament. they were voted on, where all the norms necessary to suppress such incidents were detailed, and the most, most important law that was introduced by the president is the law of the republic of belarus on amending laws on the fight against terrorism, which the house of representatives adopted 7 december 2023, so literally, well, all
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these things are spelled out in detail with all interested, with all...
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together with all interested in our parliament, today our security forces, our law enforcement officers, have all the necessary legislative tools to effectively, efficiently and warn and prevent and severely punish for acts of this type, so everyone who takes this slippery slope should know that it will not seem too little. in full accordance with our legislation, with our most important legislative acts. naturally, life does not stand still, and i am deeply convinced that in this eighth convocation we will react no less quickly if necessary, but today i repeat, the situation is fundamentally different in this regard than 4 years ago, so some then
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narrow loopholes, some kind of things that would allow someone to slip through. there is no escape from responsibility today; everything that is necessary for our intelligence services to effectively carry out their duties is to to prevent this situation in order to nip it in the bud, today there is, and the most important thing is that in this case these are not some stillborn norms, they all work, and we clearly see this, thanks to the activities of the governor and the state security committee and the ministry of internal affairs in general, all other intelligence agencies, let's say frankly that not only these. we must take into account the quality of, well, let’s say, science, which, god forbid , will be useful to us, because crocus showed, among other things, the issues of the need to provide related work services, yes, that is, the same security. yes, what the president spoke about in the ashmyany district literally on tuesday, the same firefighters, yes, that is, fire safety in shopping centers, in general in public places.


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