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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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lessons, because we had tours throughout the whole big country, and abroad, and they were 3 dashes for 6 months, we left and returned after some time, when, that is, we got to the holidays, my mother did it , my wife’s mother, with my grandchildren, yes, i tried to study, but as a teacher, i don’t know how to explain, i know how to demand, life forced me. me, i don’t even bother to explain any rules, i tried, then i saw that it was starting to feel like pressure, so i stopped. went to parent meetings and how did the teachers react to you ? you know how to tell him, although i always listened.
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always spoke, listened, well, tried , well, they reacted well, in short, but for education, they told me practically nothing, maybe i then say, let the wife come, you tell her the whole truth, she came and we raised in this way children, grandchildren, hello, my name is anya , do you believe in your destiny? i believe in some horoscopes, but they are not always confirmed, because when... i, uh, got married, uh, my wife has her, she ’s an ovin, and i’m a dragon , she is fire, and i am water , everyone told us, oh, it’s according to the horoscope, you have a terrible marriage, you won’t live long together, nothing will work out, think, that’s it, i said, no, i love her, and we got married and... lived together for 51 years, i am
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very happy that i had such a wife, so believe the horoscope after this, and what can't you ask for yourself so far? i, in principle, tried not to do anything in order not to do something wrong, but i don’t know, there is a thing that i imagine, but i don’t want to overshadow your, so to speak, our meeting today. i just know, when we were filming , when my wife was sick, raisa ivanovna , my wife, with whom we lived together for 51 years, she was sick, we were offered to star in the two-star program, when we went there to film, and she was already in bed at the hospital, well, we consulted, she said, go,
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i just came to see her at the hospital, but they didn’t let me see her, then the doctor came out, began to sit, then the doctor came out and said that she had gone to mirina, that’s me, if i had been, i would have been with her, that’s it somehow, you know, somehow it’s like this, let ’s continue, to your right is the yellow sector, the next question is from here. who is your
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closest friend, to whom do you tell your deepest secrets? today i have a friend, this is my grandson anatoly, anatoly yarmolenko, the youngest, who recently had a daughter, and i am a great-granddaughter, alexandra, wonderful girl, she is already a year old, here he is my friend , he supports me, he comes to me at the first call, he i often live with him, we go... by car, we sing together, now he is in connection with the birth of a daughter with the fact that he , just like me, got married early, and i hope he lives happily and will live for a long time, i share with him, and he shares with me all some of his innermost dreams, we are like two boys , so we sit down, we go, we talk about everything else, if you want, he says to the cinema, let’s go to the cinema, we’ll go to the cinema with him look, well... in general, here’s
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the story: my grandmother and my grandfather are often offended if i don’t call them often, how often do your grandchildren call you? often. they call every evening, we communicate very often, because we have the same thing, and in the evening before going to bed he always calls, child, well, you know, although he calls me tolya, he has been calling me tolya since childhood, you somehow say that it happened with us, i just said, we are two boys and, therefore, but i’ll tell you, you need to call your parents, believe me, we live now in such a time, at our fingertips, as if the song is being sung, i have cool iphones,
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and you, too, like all grandfathers, give money to their grandchildren? well, there is a little , they already earn money themselves, but i always want to give something or refuel the car or buy something there, let me pay, come on, well, we have some kind of parity, sometimes they do everything this, well, i remember, i was already an artist, and i had a mother, she worked as a salesman, she was already retired and when i... went to see her, she had a pension there, well , how many rubles are there, well, rubles, probably , 100-200, maybe at present times, she i always wanted to give me 10 rubles. and as a rule, it was always for me, at that moment i might not have these 10 rubles. they were appropriate,
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so grandparents always try to do something nice for their children and grandchildren. we are moving to the purple sector. what should a person do to achieve success? do you know? every person is talented in their own way, but without difficulty it’s all money down the drain, as they say, you know, i had a lot of talented guys come to me, to whom i gave the opportunity to perform a song, even record it on television, they thought why i have everything, i’ll go earn money now, everyone will know from me there, they will know, yes, but it’s
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a lot of work in order to keep myself in shape, in order not to go on a spree , not to drink, not to start behaving incorrectly, and so on further, ah... a lot of work, it seems, here, probably, almost everyone wants to become, well, many, in any case, think that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to become, it’s very hard, i i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, because if you are an artist, you have to be number one, nambawan has to be an artist, you know, but if you’re just on the hook somewhere or go asking for something to take, or i’ll sing there... it’s to no avail, it’s better to do what you’re good at, and the most important thing for girls is to get married well , find yourself a good love spouse and raise children and enjoy life. wonderful life lessons from anatoly ivanovich iermovenko. we pass to the red sector, it is located
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to your right. please tell me if you are afraid of loneliness and if you are afraid when your phone is silent all day. i want to tell you that loneliness, of course, is the hardest thing, probably this... for a person this way of life, especially for a sociable person, it is very difficult to be alone, but fortunately i am never alone, my phone does not stop ringing, i just call him forwarding to the administrator, who is there, and there are constant calls, some questions, if i don’t have time to answer, it goes there, then they tell me, this one called, i need to call back, i have one in moscow.
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what am i afraid of, i'm afraid of looking funny and unnecessary, you know, what is the thing in my profession, i told myself that if i go on stage, and it’s very difficult to break away from it, regardless of age, i was once young, we remember, i was 23 years old, i said, well, guys, up to 27 years old we will work with you, and then who will need us , old people, that was the attitude. and i told myself now, i always say: if i go out and i see that the audience has stood up and left, i
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’ll give up some part, at least, i’ll quit right away, i have something to do, i’ll find something to do, it’s unlikely you’ll go buy a ticket to our concert because you are growing up on other music, but i am sure that as soon as you grow up, you will listen to our songs, you will find there what you need for... hello, my name is irina, how did you earn your first income? when
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there were good earnings, i’ll tell you, when i was eighty, in the late eighties, when cooperatives began, we were a very popular group, there was a period when we could work three or four concerts a day, and sports palaces, stadiums, tickets they cost us 3 rubles, we packed huge halls, but we received a limit price. our concert was 1.0 rubles, and there it was 10-15,000, we received 10-15-20 rubles there. at best, if there was a layer concert 30 rubles. with a concert, then cooperatives began to pay a percentage of the fees, then we made money, i bought myself a studio, the first thing i did was i bought myself a professional studio, i recorded at home, i moved from gomel to minsk, that’s how i spent this money. i think i still live for this ticket, my
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name is nadya, i do vocals and i would like you to listen to me, tell me if i can to become a singer or not, it’s not passover when the sun shines high and brightly, but why is it good to live in this world if you suddenly get drunk in the middle of summer, it’s unpleasant. we will survive the situation, we will survive the trouble, well done, definitely, i will say the words, you intonate very clearly, you can become a singer, if you take into account what i said, that this is a huge work, it needs a teacher who will raise his voice a little , uh, choose a repertoire, do you like to sing, what songs will you sing, how do you plan, what would you like to sing, in order to... gather viewers to earn money? well, i don’t know, i would like to create more of my own songs. and
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this is good, but it is necessary that they are liked not only by you, but by those who will listen to them. i wish you success, you can, you can , we move on to the next question, the red sector is to your left, my name is kirill, i ’m certainly not very old, but as i know, you always had a beard, did you want to shave it off and change your image? necessary? how do you think? is it necessary or not to shave off the bodo? no, no, but i’ll tell you how it came to me, and that too at the reception, it was so well thought out, in general , i was without a beard, well, when we were asked to perform olesya’s song, i was thinking about how to, uh, get into the audience, i remembered that there was a film on. then the polets legend and witchcraft, and there olesya is the forester’s daughter
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, kuprin wrote it, i don’t know whether you read it or not, but he was in the forest and the forester’s daughter came out to meet him, and he was such a fool, and this film was very popular, a guy fell in love with a simple girl, and there’s a whole story there, i advise you to read it based on the story, it’s kuprin or watch the film, marina played vladya there, i decided to make one... it shot, not only is the song very good, well, you know the song olesya, have any of you even heard, yes, olesya, olesya, olesya, so the birds are screaming, so the birds are screaming , i also do this there, it’s me there at the beginning, if
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you play a record or there’s this, i myself whistle, whistle, well, in general... it all worked the song has become popular now for so many years already almost 50 years have passed, uh, how does this song sound, we can’t finish the concert if we don’t perform it, the audience directly chants: olesya, olesya, like this, the main thing is to accurately get into the image of a good melody. hello, my name is natalya, lidia grigorievna, my grandmother's name. “she loves your songs very much, my whole family loves your songs very much, can i film you on camera as you say hi to them, they would be very happy, great, so let’s, as they say, now let’s record the content, lydia grigorievna, i’m filming right now, and your granddaughter is here, natalya asked me to say
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hello to you, and you know what i want to tell you, you are proud of this girl, this granddaughter of yours, she is wonderful, i wish you health. i wish you that your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren love you, that you live happily and long, hello to you, and applause to your grandmother, hello, grandmothers, hello! how do you evaluate young artists, do you think that they sing some kind of nonsense, i very
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rarely am on the jury. because evaluating a performer is a complex process that i don’t undertake, because for me, especially for young performers, it’s very difficult, i see right away who three notes are enough for me, when a person himself , his capabilities and understanding of whether he needs it or not, of course, there is a lot of things that i, for example, in my time would not have done at all. now this is accepted, the wonderful actor gaft wrote about this very well, he talks about the time that now this pop music is crushing our souls with shropnel, it cannot be brought to justice for this, part of the generation grew up on nonsense, and a new one is born in delirium,
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words are nothing , there are cries of degeneration, he is famous who is more unhealthy. then he will sing the stage without embarrassment, without voice, without fear, without pants, this is the kind of story that often happens, it’s probably more related to russian pop music, because with us it’s more chaste, i would say, and that’s not bad, it’s not backwardness, it’s such chastity, such a field among which wonderful green ones then grow...
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in the belarusian language there is popular music, it ’s not like that, and there i conjure up songs from the russian language, and kali patrabna, i can read the works that are written in the russian language, translations from the belarusian language, a little arganica here and there yana is not going, the belarusian language is jumping, yana is like that, what a prana, well, the soul of the skin of the chalavek, and all of us, we have large programs, navat kali we are... for the meat, and we drive hard for the meat, we hear and ask navat vykanats pa-belaruska, chama yany not vykonvayuts, yany just yashche not daishli yes yes so reasonable, that’s how it’s done.
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no, don’t, under no circumstances, always be young, beautiful at heart, and this will be reflected in your appearance on your body. i noticed that people stop being surprised with age, tell me what you are most has surprised me lately, what has surprised me lately, yes, it surprises me, how people without respect, without caution, without any -
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say that all ages are submissive to love, but what is the difference between love at 20 and love at 70 years, but it seems to me nothing, the fact
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is that love at 20 years old, it can be an infatuation, it can be, like, caused by some things, i saw it, liked a girl, a guy, that’s all. an adult, especially at 70, means living together, raising children, there are already some responsibilities, it’s not entirely good , in relation to the word love, if you see a person, you look at the person with the eyes of lovers, lovers always see only a positive, beautiful, beautiful person, that’s the one you met, that’s how the memory is built in, even if you live
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... “i know that your grandchildren and children are associated with creativity, and can you say why they are better or worse than you as artists? yes, i can say, i can say that they took a lot from me, this is the attitude towards work, they understand that this is work, they see the way how i work , i have..." i have a studio, then they come to me and write what they are, i believe that the most talented of all, all the yarmolenkos that exist, i
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believe that this is anatole , he’s really , he’s 23 years old, he probably doesn’t quite understand yet, i only returned from the army at the age of 23, although in the army i also served in the song and dance ensemble, i also sang, so, but at the age of 8 he became, took part in the children's new wave, became the winner of the audience's choice, he has charm and he went very well in any he can perform a song, perform it very interestingly with his approach, without copying , we listen to kenny west with him, he is passionate about rap, you know, he knows that a new disc has been released, it’s not all there, he supplies me with these new things that are happening in the world, in rap style, everything. although he can, he needs taste in order to apply this style to slavic culture, he
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succeeds, he is very organic, he is very... all of this can be thrown at the different ends of the world, but the meetings of the pavina remember here that kutochak of the earth, for whom you are happy, the song of the mother, the song of the grandmother , all this is all the father's life, and you know, i am born, as soon as i am creative, i know the song: at
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the top of the page naraykina, yana is called, i am in the forest, fate thank you, and there are such words, i’m happy with the forest, because from all these lands, he chose this land for me, i’m happy with the forest, because for all the hours of may, the dark blue sky has not sent me someone else’s beauty, i’m not in hell with the world... la , we are such people, we love our country and we love everyone who is with us, all our neighbors, we are such schooled, kind people, and all this patrabna beragchy, where this admetnaya race is our character, my grandparents often remember the soviet union, and what would you like to transfer
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to our time? from the soviet union , you know, i’ll tell you, you can transfer the mutual understanding that existed between peoples, so i served, my mother is from ukraine, she came to ukraine, and gave birth to me there, and there i was, for some time i lived, i served in the army in baku, i studied and i ’m already working...
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it’s called pain, what else can i take from there, then we lived in that community, from the shores , my native country is wide, there are many forests , fields and rivers in it, this was such a normal brotherhood, this is the shoulder to shoulder that was then, it helped to survive in the great patriotic war, this is so... we could take it, but here, thank god , we are, we are, perhaps, one of the very countries in which this feeling of solidarity towards each other, we have it, we have it developed , so there is no need to be nostalgic for that time, but remember about it, i say, you can, you had a good question, tell me, do you believe in god, you know, i have a grandfather on my mother’s side, he was a priest,
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so i somehow absorbed into myself an attitude towards higher powers, towards family, towards people in general , you know, don’t don’t make yourself an idol, don’t kill, don’t kill these are all all the rules i somehow try to follow them he has three daughters, faith , sister, hope, my mother and love.
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however, i believe in this, i very often hear the phrase that in love you need to listen to your heart, that’s how you realized that your wife is the one? i was on tour, we have a very interesting life, come to us i met a lot of girls i knew on the routes, and at the age of 23 i told myself that i needed to stop somehow, so i arrived in a castrol, i saw... a very beautiful girl, she would work in a hair salon hotel, and what- then she skipped a beat, i met her, then we left , we spent a very long time, so to speak, i uh, over the course
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of a year, we corresponded with her back and forth, then i proposed to her, she came to visit me, i went in, well, we we knew each other well, that is , well... we met, i went to the tax office, took statement, put it in the closet and said, open the door there, she opens it, and there it lies behind, she looks at what it is, i say, i offer it to you, she was happy, she went straight away and bought a ring, here it is, i gave him our watchful rescue , since then, she and i, i said, lived happily for 61 years, that’s how it turned out for me, and i’m very happy, i thank god that it turned out better than life for me, here... it’s hard to say what we need to listen, we probably start with the heart, and then we connect our brains to this in order to to save it all. please tell me,
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what did you dream about as a child, what do you dream about now? honestly, i always wanted to become an artist, my mother liked it very much, she played the guitar well and she instilled in us a love of music, singing. some romances, i remember, we were sitting with the children, she took the guitar, sang, you sit in the fireplace, looking with longing as the sad fire burns out, like bright sparks, sometimes they flare up, then they fade away powerlessly again, we didn’t know what it was fireplace, because we lived in a simple house, but we we dreamed that it would be a stone, then i grew up, and it already exists now. there is a fireplace, i know what it is, when i look, i see it all, i imagine it all, but what are you dreaming about now? now i dream of having healthy children and grandchildren, only this one thing, i am ready to give everything that i
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have, everything in the name of making them healthy, because there is no greater happiness than seeing joyful eyes your children , grandchildren, great-grandchildren, red sector. from you, hello, my name is, do you have any habits that you would like to get rid of, i talk a lot, this is what i wanted to get rid of, sometimes i can’t stop, i really want to talk to good people, i’m ready to talk to anyone, i can meet a person on the street who says oh, hello, you know, unless of course he doesn’t he’s talking nonsense, but he’s saying some normal things, i’m starting to develop , i’m interested, i’m a very... person, and i was an inquisitive child, now i’m interested in everything, i ’m talking, asking where he might be from, from this conversation i take away some useful things, so maybe you need to get rid of this, or maybe not, but in any case, what class are you in by mouth, wow,
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well done, smart girl, you have a page on instagram, and it’s quite popular, you run it yourself , no, i don’t run instagram, anatole runs it. how do you feel about social networks in general? great, that’s great , there’s a lot of interesting stuff there, you have to be able to stop it, you have to stop it in time , you know, you can dig in there, there’s a lot of lies, deception, you just have to filter, everything has to be filtered, there are some bloggers there people appear who screw people over, people fall for it, and you fall for it, you don’t have to fall for it too much. thoughts of some things that we must understand, but now just wait, artificial intelligence, as it creeps into our lives, will be even more complicated, think about it too, yes, it seems, oh, how cool, look, here it is, i all i know about music is that
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there are programs there that the intellect does, it seems, oh, and then once again it ’s not alive, but it draws a person in, and you become a slave to all of this, and with our... with your general youth such carelessness, somewhere laziness, it is possible to get so, so stuck in this matter. my name is masha, i followed you two stars, you sang there both about your homeland and about yagana malinka, is it important for you to sing about? you see, i’m a professional, i can take a newspaper, there will be an article, if a melody is written, i can sing this article beautifully, it can be on different topics, this is a professional who knows how to do this, and the raspberry berry, it was the idea of ​​my grandson, the youngest son, my daughter, olesya. he said he was 6 years old, and he said, my grandfather is weak to sing
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this song, you sing beautifully, well, you’re all confused about something else, you can have a raspberry, i say, well, show me what kind of song this is, he’s sitting there in the car i, he says, found the ones who put the raspberry berry, turns his head, the top flies, something like a song they have never sung, so to speak, not my repertoire, whatever. well, i tried it , the public really liked it, olesya supported it, i thus raised my authority in the eyes of my grandson, in general, i understood, then khabib came, and he said thank you to me, and even shook hands with the world, saying: you ’re doing great, we even fooled around with him somewhere and posted it somewhere, well , there’s a raspberry, and you love raspberries, right? and sometimes the audience asks you to sing, i’m just joking, but the audience
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is listening, of course, can you imagine, an adult comes out , serious, respectable, after the songs that will be played there, a raspberry, turns his head and flies, my name is ulyana, or you can ask to sing you, now, yes, of course, i’m happy to sing, i’m always ready, i the berry is almost ripe already. song, and i ’ll lie down and jump, and you’re a good boy? yes, let's play music, you are noisy, noisy, there are biarosas above me, kalyshytse, lilyaytse, you have sung for ages, and i will lie down.
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jakui! this signal means that the time for the hero’s questions is running out. anatoly ivanovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program? yes, i chose one question, one, the best. well, in my opinion, you are here about me. took from from from the country in which he was born. great, let's get to know each other again, introduce yourself. name, what class are you in? my name is neli, i’m from school number eighty-six, i’m in ninth grade a. neli, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. go out onto the site. here is a whole set, let it be like a good memory. it is signed, i wish you success, thank you very much, thank you,
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thank you very much, anatoly ivanovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. continuing this topic, you asked me what i took from that time, and what what would you take with you from now on, when 50 years later, one of you has the opportunity to meet with your peers, with the same peers, what would you answer to this question? i would probably take a meeting with friends, family, my favorite holiday, new year. because i am from gomel, now i live in minsk, and i really like it when i come there , a lot of relatives and friends gather there, and these are truly very fun and memorable moments, i want to take from this time in the future, those live actions from the village, when
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he comes to his grandmother, she asks, get some water, and help with the housework and so on, i would like... well, we still have the same films and tv series, because now they make very high-quality films, tv series, it’s very pleasant to watch them, from today i would carry my love for my native land into the future, not everyone can return, not everyone can fall in love so much, but when you come to your hometown, to your native land, where they are waiting for you . anatoly ivanovich, it's time to say goodbye to our audience, i am very pleased that those children are thinking correctly, and it was very pleasant for me to talk with you. so, people’s artist of belarus anatoly ermolenko,
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today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you to go to the site. and here, anatoly ivanovich, i will ask you to stay. anatoly ivanovich, what was the most difficult question for you today? well, about family life, about him, it’s always difficult to answer. how do you think you handled this children's audience today? they were the ones who dealt with me, most likely because they asked the right questions. in general, we are on the same wavelength. how did the children surprise you today? they surprised me by the fact that i understood something that i basically misunderstood. it seemed to me that they...
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thank you for agreeing to have such a frank conversation with us. you may not have wanted to answer some questions, but you supported everyone and answered them. thank you very much. i just liked the way you talked about your wife, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren. you are very beautiful very nicely telling you how much you love them. anatoly ivanovich, in this program you seemed very kind, honest, and family-oriented to me. so sweet, especially positive, i’m very glad that such people remain , thank you, is there that person in the hall who thought that today anatoly ivanovich, well , was a little cunning, didn’t say something, maybe raise your hand, who did that? believes, not a single person, anatoly ivanovich, we have
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such a rule, the last word is always with the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i am very glad that the growing generation... which i did not know so deeply until this time, it did not disappoint my expectations, i wish everyone hasten, people's artist of belarus anatoly ermolenko was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week, look in the next one. release, we welcome our hero, center forward and captain of the dynamo hockey club, andrey stas. you
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are the oldest on the team, do you feel like an old man? what is andrei stas like in life and on the ice? how do you assess the level of belarusian hockey? how often do you visit sons' games? why do hockey players like to fight on ice so often? how do you usually relax before a game? 100 questions for an adult. the battle is over, having conceived a card, and there is nothing left, but we live, we are lucky with you.
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belarus, white people, sir's dammed earth, schyra syabr' mustache, we are the forefathers of god.
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above you, howling, first, the layers
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of earth, our bright greatness, hail to the peoples of the rightful union, our beloved, matsi, hailstone. bell-ringing paths, the path to our homeland would be clear,
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the faithful joy of our saints, our evil land, our bright name, the evil people of the ancestral union. our beloved mother, radima desh mashi dela, our beloved, mother, pradima, live very much, uh,
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good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this monday. agriculture, microelectronics, investment sphere, which will act as a driver of growth in these areas and beyond. alexander lukashenko discussed with the governor of the oryol region. under 4%. there were opportunities. more, the list of folk goods for preferential lending has been expanded, what is included in it, we will tell you in more detail and figure out how to deal with kheroshima nagasaki nuclear solution to the ukrainian and palestinian issues, proposed by the american congressman. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. visit of the governor of the oryol region, results of negotiations with the head of state and new joint
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projects. more details in a couple of minutes in the panorama. a new stage of the election marathon. today the elections of delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil society started. details of the election campaign in the report. protect animals from cruelty treatment, as well as ensure the rights of pet owners. alexander lukashenko today signed a law on responsible treatment of animals. it must be said that this bill has been prepared for many years, we will tell you what rules and regulations it will contain in...
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chronicle and investment sphere, on our part, a significant increase will be provided by the supply of road, construction, municipal equipment, and, of course, we continue our projects on import substitution and cooperation. now it’s important that everything is yours, they start elite seeds to a high degree of localization in industry. ilona krasudskaya will continue the topic. i will be in belarus next week, as the governor of the oryol
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region announced his schedule. we are separated by 700 km, but andrey. during his almost five years of work in this position, klychkov had never visited us, as they say, it always takes longer to get closer, but in the end we got there. as you can see, andrei evgenievich in the world, the ideas of good and justice are in demand more than ever, so we have great prospects in this regard. oryol region is not a border region, but is constantly located in high alert mode in connection with what is happening in the neighboring kursk and bryansk regions, together. appear almost several times a day, but as the governor will say, everything is being done to ensure that events do not affect either the ordinary lives of people or the functioning of the economy. today it’s very difficult for the oryol region, i see it, i understand it, you won’t be allowed to live calmly about attacks by ukrainian drones and you won’t be allowed to work in the near future either, there’s nothing to count on, so you have to solve problems in the most difficult conditions.


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