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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. friends, a new day on the belarus 1 tv channels from the satellite belarus 24, ekaterina antonova and maryana marenkova meet you. today is tuesday, april 2 at exactly 6:00. and today we celebrate a big holiday. our country, in particular, celebrates a national holiday, the day of unity of the peoples of russia and belarus. you know, i thought so, so i am the personification of this. my dad is belarusian from the magilev region, and my mother is russian from the bryansk region, so say united. well, i think that many belarusians now living in our country will celebrate today according to exactly this scheme, so today we wish good morning to belarusians and good morning to our friends from the neighboring country, who, well, may be watching right now us live on the belarus 24 tv channel, remember, our strength is in unity and wake up.
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i don’t presume to predict fate, our life is joy and sadness, if you are in my heart, russia, then you are in my heart, belarus, if you are strong in my heart, then you are my heart belarus, we love the song with you. oh, our songs and sadness, laugh to tears, we love our forests, glades, not ours among these perez, i don’t dare to predict fate, our life is joy and sadness, if you are russia in my heart, then belarus is in my heart, from. ..
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you are russia in my heart, that means belarus is in my heart, a new technologist is knocking on our doors , my comrade brother is more cheerful, we are slavs, we are free birds, there are no borders or barriers for us. i don’t dare to predict the future, our life is joy and sadness, if you in my heart, russia, then in my heart, belarus, if you are in my heart, russia, then in my heart belarus, we will have our forests and woodlands and its flaxen skies. not
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to catch our common faith, not to destroy either minsk or moscow, lord say, belust, our life is joy and sadness, if you are my heart russia, then my heart is belarus, and we are friends, we continue to help you wake up, i remind you, that today is tuesday is the second one. i planted a tree and received a fine, yes , it turns out that such things happen, natalya khomich in in its plot will tell you what conditions should be observed when landscaping the yard. a man who changed the world, let's get acquainted with the biography of the medical scientist, one of the greatest virologists in the world, the creator of the vaccine against polymealitis, albert seibin. and also
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find out how the one who makes our children’s mornings start their day. russian language teacher, the main character of our regular profession column. power, bowl volume with... modes, what else should you pay attention to when buying a blender? naturally, the purchase will tell you everything. spawning ban for fishing. olesya boyarskikh has collected a checklist of important rules and is ready to tell you what is prohibited and what is allowed for fishermen in belarus. and also meet the premiere of a new section in our “weaving” program with the sign of “quality” or a conversation about what products from belarus everyone should be proud of. country, and you know, my answer: the whole country should be proud of all products from belarus, but in particular today we will look, yes, indeed, just if anyone doubts that we have something to be proud of, this section will be there every time confirm, that you just needed to look, just remind yourself of those very objects
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, phenomena that we can talk a lot about and should talk as much as possible, matvey lichonok, our wonderful correspondent, will try, in general we are waiting, you too, please wait, but you know, this too not all of our plans for today, at the hour of the broadcast we will meet alena lonskoy and alexander yalovsky at the concert venue with the premiere of the song together. this song is dedicated to the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, which, i remind you, is celebrated today. yes, in in the third part of our program we will talk with singer alexandra gaiduk. and naturally, we will hear her beautiful song, it’s called i choose my own. all this will be at the end of our program, so be sure to wait and sing along. and of course, according to the good tradition of tuesday, we... will meet in our studio the psychologist, mediator and author of the topical column alla komarovskaya. under the guidance of an expert, we will understand a complex topic that prevents us from building a dialogue: guilt, shame, pride, fear, pain, or maybe something else, in any case we will to understand this issue, she, as always
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, will put everything in order, and we will support her, of course, so also wait for the third hour of our live broadcast, from minor psychological spoilers, let's move on to... breakfast: vegetable salad with beef. today we will need beef, red beans, bell peppers, walnuts, garlic, onions, cilantro, salt, pepper, wine vinegar. boil the beef in salted
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water. cut the onion into thin half rings. it is better to use sweet, salad onions to it doesn’t taste like the rest of the ingredients in the salad, remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into strips, cut the cooled boiled beef into cubes, crush two cloves of garlic with the wide side of a knife, then chop it, finely chop the cilantro, finely chop the walnuts with a knife, put in a salad bowl onions , then beef, a can of canned red beans, garlic bell peppers, sprinkle with chopped cilantro and walnuts, pour a
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tablespoon of wine vinegar into a separate bowl, five tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, add hops. beat well, season the salad with the sauce, just stir and serve. the result is a bright, piquant, hearty and incredibly tasty salad of boiled beef with red beans, its taste will be remembered for a long time, aromatic dressing, herbs and spices, all this is harmoniously combined in one dish, and... this salad has a lot of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for us in the spring, if breakfast is delicious, then you will be in a good mood all day, bon appetit! the tv news agency
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presents an overview of popular printed and internet publications, return of the ship's crew. on april 6, the commander, hero of russia, native of belarus oleg novitsky, nasa astronaut ohara and... of course, our marina vasilevskaya is the first female cosmonaut in belarus. landing is expected in the steppe of kazakhstan. russian specialists will carry out air and ground duty in the areas of the settlements of zhezgan and arkalyk in order to detect and ensure the safety of the crew in time. well, these days marina vasilevskaya continues to carry out the scientific program of the belarusian cosmonaut. these are five research and two educational projects. read more in the materials of the belarusian telegraph agency. all over the world , joint replacement is considered one of the most modern
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methods of surgical treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. congenital pathologies, injuries, progressive arthrosis, osteoarthritis require surgery. the russian scientific research center for traumatology and orthopedics, as the country's leading institution for organizing the provision of specialized care to the population of belarus, maintains special control over endoportesis of large joints. in clinics across the country over the past year , knee replacements, with a decrease in the number of patients on the waiting list. read how domestic endoportesis is developing today in the national newspaper. the ministry of education has determined a schedule for centralized testing. this year the ct will be held from may 27 to june 6. reserve days are defined as june 19 and... june 21, plus june 23 for passing only the exam in russian and belarusian languages.
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you must register for the ct from april 9 to april 22. working hours registration points from 9 to 19:00 on saturday until 18:00. a list of educational institutions where registration will take place and testing will be carried out has also been established. it included 40 educational institutions in large district and regional centers and the capital. read more. can be found on the pages of the newspaper sb belarus today. about 850 people will take part in the finals of the third open republican competition of choreographic art “time to dance”. the competition will take place on april 6 at the minsk concert hall. spectators will see 73 performances from choreographic groups from different regions of the country. the jury has already been formed. registration of participants is currently underway. to the main competition. day, first the winners in all nominations will be determined, and after that the jury
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will select the grand prix winner from among them. an impressive cash prize awaits him, 200 basic units. details can be found in the material of the minsk news agency. may you love like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, may you love, let me love you for the song that i smell. for the deepest laughter , which is a precious link, for the clear eyes, for the young soul,
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may you love, may you love, for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear daughter here, let me love you. good morning country, we are ekaterina antonova and maryana murenkova, let them move me away, but we continue to celebrate tuesday, april 2, with you, now is the time to find out what kind of weather awaits us today, maanna will help us, katerina, because i'm on the so-called weather forecast. golerka, as we called this place in our program, yes, i’m more ready, yes, what
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’s the weather like there, i’m ready to tell you what the weather is like, it’s beautiful, despite the fact that there will be slight precipitation during the day, and even thunderstorms , the first spring-april thunderstorms, can you imagine, up to 25 degrees of heat will be in our capital, +15 +17 in the brest region, up to 24 degrees in the vitebsk region, in gomel also up to 23-25, up to 19 degrees in grodno and before... yes, it was like that, the weather was smiling on us. i i’ll add even more, i saw that people went swimming, not somewhere abroad, but here near minsk, well, you should be more careful there, and the temperatures will drop during the week, well, now we are enjoying life +25 in the capital region . yes, but a little bit, i’ll just add a fly in the ointment, an orange danger level has been announced in our country because of thunderstorms
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and strong winds are forecast today, so please be attentive to yourselves and to each other. yes, of course, the high quality of belarusian education is known all over the world, our country’s specialists are valued in many sectors of the world community, but this is true , i think many have heard about this, of course,
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but it is worth noting that not only our education is excellent, many belarusian enterprises leave high competition to their representatives... quality or interweaving of threads, our ancestors believed, every pattern, every symbolism is energy protection, belarusian weaving is unique thanks to belts, towels, only in our culture there was not a single symbol
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of death, everything is about life, fertility and prosperity. the red star is a symbol of man in the sky... the sun gives strength to the harvest, the moon protects children from night fears, fire cures colds and sickness, perun protects from the evil eye, punishes the undead with its arrows, the cross is almost everywhere, this is the protective energy of our ancestors. people believed that the same embroidery, for example, on a shirt on a dress, should be applied to the open parts, along the cuffs, along the neckline at the bottom, it was believed that in this way, taking it into the ring... and protected from entry, as if by an evil force , some kind of evil spirit, mesov, belt the same thing, when a person tied a belt, he considered it protected, but it was a sin for men to go out without a belt, so it was believed that the devil was powerless.
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traditionally, our ancestors wove from flax, first the linen was created, and then everything needed was sewn from it and only then they applied... a red ornament, why is white red, white because of working under the sun in the fields of washing with lye, linen series is natural brownish- gray tint and turned white, but with red it’s more difficult, they mainly used the so -called worm, that is, an insect, known to us now as cachenille, by the way, that is why the red color in the old belarusian language was called red, and in order to get certain patterns on the canvas, we must have a certain program, fill that same pattern. machine, now we will simply press the pedals and pull the thread, these are the warp threads, they remain here, only two shuttles with weft threads change, thread by thread in the endless expanse of the canvas , flowers moved, birds flew, life began to boil, these are
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belarusian towels, the thread is cut and life cycle is suitable. but then it spins again and life begins again. the towel is the most popular throwaway product among belarusians, it went with our ancestors through life , a child was accepted into it, a life was born, they walked down the aisle with it, sealed the union, and it lay on the funeral table, but the thread did not break, but continued, after all, the towel was passed on to the next generation. my mother was ill for a long time, she knew that, unfortunately, she would die, she considered it important. and leave something behind, she wanted to prepare, to understand that when my wedding ceremony takes place so that there is something from it. together with us, so she handed it over with the words that when you get married, please take this thing so that she can somehow, how to say,
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take part in the ceremony, i don’t know, so she put a part of herself into it, of my own strength, in my own energy, but i carried certain things there. symbols so that we have a strong family, so that children are born, so that there is peace in the house, mutual understanding. tatyana admitted that everything happened like this, more for 10 years she has lived in harmony and peace with her husband, she gave birth to two wonderful children, and she keeps the family heirloom, a towel, made according to the traditions of her ancestors with the historical memory of the belarusians, as the greatest treasure in her family, of course, it was definitely made in belarus. a runny nose can be different, if the child only sneezed once, wiped
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his nose, that’s all, and breathes fine, and nothing bothers him, for god’s sake, do it, but if he can’t breathe, if he blows his nose every half hour, what kind of training can we talk about? , he won’t be able to breathe normally through his nose, he ’ll gasp for cold air and his runny nose will add laryngitis, trachyitis, bronchitis, etc. therefore, if your child is sick, if he doesn’t breathe well through his nose, if we have a lot, a lot, a lot of mucus in the nose, let him sit at home for a couple of days and then run back to do his training. even if the training does not take place outdoors, in the gym, physical activity still requires proper breathing. when a person cannot breathe through his nose, again, he breathes through his mouth, rapid breathing, he does not can fully engage in training.
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poor nasal breathing, plus physical activity, worsens the child’s condition, and does not lead to him achieving any success in sports, but to him getting sick and missing, instead of one training session, two, three, four or more. of course, it all depends on the type of sport that the child is involved in, but playing some sports is strictly contraindicated - if you have a runny nose, this is primarily swimming and water sports, synchronized swimming, diving, scuba diving, diving, when we send a child to training, we hope to help him improve his health, but if we send him there with a runny nose, then, unfortunately, this can lead to completely different consequences.
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bodrom, today is april 2, ekaterina antonova, mariana murenko, together with you on the tv channel belarus one sputnik belarus 24, yes, and today we have a festive occasion, the second one. april on the calendar we celebrate the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia and on the eve of the holiday the national art museum the republic of belarus announced the start of an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the two countries. at the first mobile tablet exhibition , masterpieces of the russian museum, you can see as many as 23 works by russian masters. remember, there you will naturally see with your own eyes bryulov, kiprinsky, aivazovsky, surikov, queen zherepin and many others. how loud. names, it seems to me, you definitely need to look, but that’s not all, delve into the history of the creation of each exhibit, and also pay attention to their real sizes, in in the halls of the russian museum
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it will be possible online using a multimedia guide by installing a special application on your smartphone, well, you won’t need to go anywhere, although it’s better to go after that too, but here in minsk you can also do it remotely, it’s better to go, look and review , so as not to sit on this phone, well, thanks to this phone, it seems to me that every resident of our country and not only knows that we are living time in the corridor of eclipses, that on the twenty-fifth there was a lunar eclipse, on april 8 there will be a solar eclipse, what is it it’s bothering us, i think an astrologer came to us about this and also told us all this, i know that you also have information on this, i have information, well, the first thing i want to say is that the solar eclipse, which will take place on 8 april will not be visible from the territory of belarus, but in other countries it will be possible to observe it, but people with partial or complete loss of vision will be able to see it... regardless of the territory. a device developed by american scientists will help them with this. together with astronomers and
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inclusion specialists. technologies for blind and visually impaired people, it is capable of converting light transitions into sound waves. when the sun shines brightly, the device will produce high flute notes, and as the shadows come, low hums and sounds. in addition, you can use a tablet, which , using convex dots on the screen, will allow you to feel the movement of the moon in front of the sun. these innovative tools will provide an opportunity for people with visual impairments to become fully empowered. participants amazing astronomical event to enjoy its beauty and of course mystery. everywhere a smartphone helps us, but everywhere it is still with us, as if it were more useful. of course, the main thing is to use progress correctly and not to abuse it. yes, limiting your screen time is at least a good place to start. well, right now our broadcast will continue, and we will get acquainted with the biography of the medical scientist, one of the greatest virologists in the world, the creator
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of the vaccine. born in 1906 in bialystok , grodno province in 1921 with his family moved to the usa. albert was expected to become a dentist like his uncle, but instead the young man wanted to study microbiology, so he entered the school of medicine at new york university. at the same time, seibin got a job as a laboratory assistant at harlem hospital, where he worked as an assistant. microbiologist william park. since 1931 , seibin began studying paleamilite. outbreaks of this disease continually shook both the united states and europe. in 1940, a scientist proved that polioviruses enter the human body through the digestive tract, and not just through the respiratory tract, as previously thought. based on the data obtained, seibin began developing a vaccine. there was some rivalry. in parallel with him
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, jonas salk from. university of pittsburgh. unlike salk, albert sabin believed that the vaccine would be better absorbed if taken in the form of drops rather than through injections. the scientist also used live virus cells, believing that this way the immune system would produce antibodies more effectively. in 1957, seiben completed work on creating a vaccine. first it was tested on monkeys, and then seibin instilled it in himself and his children. and even before official approval. the drug has become widely used in many countries around the world. despite the success of his development, sebin neglected the opportunity to earn billions of dollars from it and refused to patent the drug, transferring it to the world health organization. thanks to this , sabin's vaccine has become one of the most accessible and widely used in the world. this led to a rapid decline in the incidence of palemilitis, and in many countries to its almost complete elimination. the scientist
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who saved. there may be more in-depth information about him than our column told us, but it seems to me that this is also enough to be proud of, well , this is an amazing story, indeed, maryana, you emphasized that one person saved so many lives, that is, it turns out that one person can change this peace, well, we are friends, meanwhile we continue to wake up, i remind you that today we are celebrating tuesday together, this is april 2, we will continue our morning with foreign news. yes, exactly the news about corals. look, british scientists have found a new way to save corals, they began to grow them in university laboratories for artificial reproduction in aquariums for marine organisms, created living conditions as close as possible to natural ones, and even recreated a full-fledged imitation of lunar solar cycles using artificial
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lighting. corals in new conditions. tens of times faster, all because scientists use probiotics and bacteria in their experiments. this is necessary so that young individuals have become more resilient to climate change. later, coral colonies are planned to be planted off the coast on the ocean floor. thus, experts hope to restore the population of reefs that have recently suffered from climate change, rising global ocean temperatures, and, of course, pollution. well, this is good news, i will tell you, this is good news, but in reality , imagine how much work it is. this remains to be done by scientists, because after all, corals have suffered recently in huge numbers, in huge volumes, in order to to compensate for all these volumes, you need a lot of laboratories, a lot of aquariums , you know what i’ll answer to this, when there was little work for scientists, they are always doing something, creating something, so it seems to me that this is a joy for them this is to restore corals, i am of course not an oceanologist and i don’t know how the coral system affects
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the overall oceanic system, but it seems to me that they are cleaning up something there, yes, this is very important, we often talk about this, we can not oceanologists either, but often talk about it we tell you, i think, that’s why all our viewers, our regular viewers, probably know how important corrals are. yes, now, now we all know how important corals are. and on this beautiful coral note we continue our broadcast. right now i propose to meet the one who makes our children’s mornings good. let’s find out how russian language teachers start their day right now. my name is milana myakhkikh. i work in number thirteen. gymnasium for 25 years, i teach russian language and literature classes and am the class teacher of the fifth b class. every morning i wake up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off, around 6 am, because i have a favorite dog, and i go for a walk with her in any weather, then i come back,
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drink coffee, get ready for work, in general, i love the morning it was a long time, so i get up 2 hours before work and come to my children in a good mood. you know, duty... we have a lot, but i don’t perceive my work as fulfilling functional duties, because the most important thing is communicating with children, and for me duty is to be in a good mood spirit, bring positivity, introduce some interesting works, teach new words, make sure that the team is friendly and responsible. last year i parted ways with my students, who had been with me for 7 years; in september it was not easy for me to meet new children, small, completely different, they are very different from adults, and for some time we got used to each other, but
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now i i can say that these are the children whom i already truly love, and it gives me great pleasure to go with them to the theater, to the skating rink, we go to excursions are very frequent, we are very friendly with our parents, we are a big family, so i wish everyone such work that it is not a duty, but a pleasure. well, i would probably say that this is a job for those who are ready to work from morning until late at night, that is , there is no other way to do it, so it may be to the detriment of some kind of interest , sometimes, maybe, through i don’t want to, as it was...
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we wish milana a soft, great day, excellent, obedient, and most importantly, inquisitive students, taking advantage of the moment, since we were already talking, we started talking about teachers of russian language and literature, and i want to say
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hello to vorsh to my teacher, lyudmila viktorovna luchaev, and i confirm that the love of literature is really laid down by the teacher from childhood, because if it weren’t for lyudmila viktorovna, i wouldn’t have read virgin soil upturned or doctor zhivaga and i wouldn’t have acted in general, to all teachers, to all teachers who are completely dedicated to their work, and indeed we have talked about this many times, not only this, this is not just work, this way of life, we convey our greetings and wish you a great morning, i remind you that today we celebrate tuesday together, this is april 2, it is on this day that every year the whole world celebrates international children's book day, well, by the way, we have already started talking about readings, and this the date was not chosen by chance, because today is my birthday. the great storyteller published by hans christian andersen, this is also an interesting fate, but he sang in the boys’ children’s choir, danced in ballet, if something had come of him there, we wouldn’t have yes, such a great storyteller, and i will remind
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all our viewers that if someone, for example, forgot what anderson wrote, this is thumbelina, and the geese and swans, and the little mermaid, the very eyelids of princess napoleon, i think that each of our favorite fairy tale, well, every second of our favorite fairy tales, it was like... and it’s good that we have such a love for books, because it seems to me that children cannot be taught to love and read in any other way except by their own example, and dear parents , tonight invite the children to read your favorite book together, i i think they will only support this idea. do you have a favorite book that you read to your child ? everyone is talking about it, and children also want to know what is happening there in space. well , that’s great, that’s right, katya said,
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she gave good advice, be sure to read it to your children, be sure to recommend some book, maybe not even a children’s book, everyone has their own developmental age, right, what are we talking about, well, we have now started talking about habits, about family habits, i have one more suggestion on how to make sure that the family has fun spending time together, these are eco-habits, for example, you can plant a tree together , you can do this in the yard, this method can allow you to have fun. time with the whole family, and also to green the city, yes, here ’s how to green the city yourself and will not receive a fine for this, our correspondent, natalya khomich, will tell you, we look and write down, they planted a tree and received a fine, and this is possible, the authorities welcome the initiative to plant trees in the yard, but the conditions must be met, for example, planting trees and shrubs near the house must be coordinated with the housing and communal services association of owners. we are raising the cadastral scheme. what is it, this is a diagram of the location of all communications
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that pass both underground and above ground, we make sure that the planting area of ​​the same tree does not fall into the communications area, then we coordinate and the person starts work. if you want to plant a tree in a park or along the road, please contact in zelenstroy. by the way, they are unlikely to take root in the yard; it is better to plant them in the forest ; birch, linden, and maple fit perfectly into the urban environment. povnik and lilac, well, the most optimal option, probably, which has existed in the city of minsk in recent years, is the website of the minsk city executive committee, which is open, this is a green courtyard together, where a citizen registers on this website, an internet portal, can leave a request, indicating the exact landing location of one or another planting, and representatives of housing and communal services, zelinstro and the district administration contact, clarified, agreed upon and produced. the design of the club does not need to be agreed upon,
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the only thing is that you can only arrange front gardens along the entrance, we try to ensure that each yard has some kind of accent, this is a flower bed , a front garden, we plant mainly perennials, but we can’t do without annuals, they are the most they are bright and they create the mood, we plant trees where we could, we have already planted most of them, to be honest, i no longer know the sites where we can plant them in our microdistrict, it is impossible. decorate flower beds with highly flammable dangerous objects, such as plastic bottles, tires and soft toys, you need to be careful with harmful plants, red oak, white locust, goldenrod and others, as practice shows, if residents are engaged in landscaping the yard, then they do it with all their hearts, these shots we filmed last summer, three neighbors in the moscow district of the capital brought beauty near the entrance, but we thought that in order for us to have a beautiful place, for this... we wanted to do something at our place, too, near our entrance
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to have a piece of nature to go out, and the soul rested, you look at it and somehow your soul becomes lighter, and life is more pleasant and your mood rises, you can’t take your eyes off vera vasilyevna’s growth, there must be some kind of beauty for people to walk , they lived and those who live here were happy, the residents admit that they spend a lot of work on the improvement of the front garden... a lot of work, a big request to all townspeople to treat other people's work with respect. my native and my beloved land, i so want to stay with you forever. i don't need it without you,
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you know, no seas, no glory, no wealth, your voice among the fields and swamps, early in the morning will call me along with you. even if one day i fly far away as a sad couple, all the way to foreign lands, you know, i will return to you. and with your love, you will fill me, i will shout to you, raise your loving voice, go, dear belarus, dear belarus, my cherished native land, how
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dear yours are to me. and hugs, and i run with a smile through the world, the morning dew and about the summer dress, your voice among the fields of swamps, through the years, early in the morning, will call me. and if one day sometimes i fly far away to foreign lands, you know, i will return to you, and you will fill me with your love, i will shout to you, your whole voice lovingly prosper, dear belarus, equal
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belarus. even if i am a sad couple from time to time, i fly far away, i am in foreign lands, you know that i will return to you, and with your love, you will fill me, i will fill you. it’s on such a positive patriotic note
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that we continue to wake up, ekaterina antonova, mariana murenkova on our studio clock it’s already 43 minutes past six, dawn has already 100% happened, i think you’ve already woken up. since you see us on the screens, let me remind you that today we celebrate a new tuesday, today is april 2, and today we celebrate a big holiday, the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. well, by the way, now it will become much easier to fly to our friends from a neighboring country, because belavia announced the company’s transition to a summer schedule, which will be valid until october 26. yes, from today the airline will add flights from brest to moscow, on wednesdays and saturdays from april 26, passengers will be able to plan their own. friday trips, for example, to the capital of dagestan makhachkala, now it will be possible to fly to murmonsk from minsk on tuesdays, starting from may 28, so be patient, from the end of may you can already fly directly to murmonsk, but that’s not all, friends, also now it will be possible to have more regular flights from gomel,
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belavia will fly to moscow five times a week, to st. petersburg three times a week, but in addition to this, the frequency of flights to sheremetyevo has been increased during the peak summer. season to astana, baku, kaliningrad and kutaisi, but new destinations are also opening, yes, to me it seems that everyone is now starting to get ready for vacation, yes, i also wanted to, i looked at these directions, i think, oh, i should wave to the mahashkala, and this is a good option, this is a good option, an excellent option, well, let's continue ours with foreign news, yes, well-known the chinese manufacturer of consumer electronics began selling its first electric car. in just 4 minutes after the launch of sales , the company received 10,000 orders, and after 27 minutes, customers placed orders for more than 50,000 cars. the new product is presented in two versions, this rear-wheel drive sedan with an electric powertrain producing 300 horsepower and capable of accelerating to 210 km/h. and the second option is a car with all-wheel drive with a maximum speed of 265 km/h. power reserve
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on one charge is up to 800 km. in terms of dimensions, the new electric car is comparable to the popular tesla version, but in terms of ratio. the prices of the chinese are much better and we had no doubt that it would be so, the cost of the basic version is about 30,000 dollars, you know, i don’t understand anything about cars, but i see, it’s so beautiful, so beautiful, deep, turquoise, yes, in my opinion, the color, so i’m like a girl, i choose the subcolor, all this information that i read, all-wheel drive, it’s all wrong, blue, pretty, pretty, i’m like a person who loves to cook , probably more... interested in what kind of blender , you know, and not what kind of car there is, and there you also know, there are technical characteristics, there is also power, bowl volume, i heard, i’m not that much versed in this, i’m rather more for cars, submersible. or is there another one there yes, submersible or another, these are the varieties , i’m overwhelmed, overwhelmed with knowledge, it seems to me that we need
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to understand everything in detail here and it’s good that we have experts in our shopping section who will help us choose this very blender. this kitchen appliance makes it easier and faster to prepare different dishes. today we’ll talk about a blender, how to choose the right one from a large number of models. let's start with the fact that there are stationary and submersible blenders. if we consider a stationary blender, then it is used mainly for preparing cocktails, smoothies - and milkshakes, respectively, it works only with liquid, a handy blender is already used, respectively , to grind some food, prepare purees, sauces, an important parameter is power, how fast the blender depends on it will grind the products, this also affects the consistency of the ingredients, it is better to take equipment with a power reserve to avoid work. in loaded mode, the nominal power of the binder will already go from 600 to 1.200, 1400, 1600 can be found, that is
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classical idea , if you just need to prepare a conditional pen and break something small, then you can grind 600-700, if you need to completely grind something, then from 800 and above, that is, up to 800 1200 1400, but 1400 in they are mainly used for chopping vegetables and fruits; as for knives, it is better to choose models with three or four blades. decide on the number of blender speeds. manufacturers produce models with twenty modes, but as a rule, five are enough for home use. they also use a turbo mode, that is , if - this turns on the maximum power, regardless of what mode it is in for quickly changing something, but not for a long period of time. that is, in order to use the blender for a long time, if it has plug-in power, you need to use either minimum or medium power, but as a rule, this is no more than 5 minutes. then you need to give the engine part a rest. as for the volume of the bowl, 2 liters are often chosen for families. pay attention to the material. the glass is not scratched and
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does not absorb odors, plastic is cheaper, but breaks easily. it is also better to give preference to a blender with a metal immersion part. quality purchases.
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good ranitsa belarus, we continue to wake up all together, ekaterina antonova, mariana murenkova, today you will be, will be, and i hope that you have already woken up, i will remind you even more to cheer you up that today is tuesday, the second of april, and i really want to sing, what we have a forecast today, honey, i ’ll tell you now, but it’s true. i absolutely won’t sing in prose, i’d rather do it this way. so, we look at our temperature map right now in minsk +1012, but it seems to me that the temperature indicators are wonderful for the early morning hours, cloudy with clearings, looking ahead, i’ll say right away that it’s cloudy with clearings and dry this morning across the country, in brest right now it’s +15, in vitebsk +11.13, in gomel up to 14°
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c, this morning, in grodno up to 15, and this is also just morning in the grave. right now +11 +13, but how will the weather clear up during the day, what beauty will it be today, but we will talk about this in more detail we’ll tell you a little later, no, well, i can give a little spoiler that it’s up to 25°c today in the minsk region, but it’s true that there will be thunderstorms and rain throughout the republic, so be sure to take umbrellas with you, but the forecast is excellent, although an orange danger level has been announced for the country , actually because of this thunderstorm, rain and wind, so be careful, nevertheless we enjoy every day, that’s what you said. i ’ll tell you about the weather in prose, and a rather poetic synoptic forecast, because spring is already coming, you’ve seen how they bloom leaves on the trees, okay, let me cool you down a little, but the fact is that we are still experiencing a cold snap, but let’s not be upset, warming will return by the weekend and up to +20 is expected on saturday-sunday throughout the country, so take your whole family and go, wherever you think, right, for fishing
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, especially since from april 14 to april 20, as well as the thirtieth day, this is... favorable days for fishing are expected, at least that’s what they say astrologers, they even predict this, but interestingly, they they predict that on this day it will be better to catch pike, in this carb or crucian carp, i don’t know, i need to clarify, but friends, if you , like me, believe more in earthly sciences than in the stars, then watch the next story by our correspondent olesya boyarskikh, write down notes about what is allowed and what is prohibited by the fisherman in the near future. a spawning ban on fishing has started in belarus and today we will find out what is allowed and prohibited for fishermen. most of the fish species that live in the reservoirs of our country belong to the spring fish. those arresting. at this time , additional protective measures are needed to ensure that the fish can produce
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numerous and viable offspring. in the spring the first sub-action. pike is subject to special measures provided for by the rules of recreational fishing and the rules of fishing. amateur and commercial fishing, which is prohibited in the brest, gomel, minsk, grodno and mogerev regions from march 1 to april 15, in the vitebsk region the ban is valid from march 9 to april 23. from march 20 to may 18 in the fishing grounds of the brest and gomel regions, from april 1 to may 30. in the fishing grounds of the grodno, minsk, mogilev regions, from april 10 to june 8 in the fishing grounds of the vitebsk region, amateur fishing is permitted with only one fishing rod, with one hook or one spinning rod, equipped with one artificial bait, having no more than two single, double or triple hooks amateur fishing during this period is permitted only during
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daylight hours, from the shore without entering the water or from ice or artificial. structures that are not subject to bans or restrictions on economic activity. an angler can use a landing net for fish caught with a fishing rod or spinning rod. it is prohibited to fish with other methods and equipment; a fine of 10 to 30 basic units is provided for this. in case of illegal seizure of fish during the ban period, the damage caused to the environment is compensated based on a tax rate of three times the amount for each fish seized. if... damage to the environment is 100 or more basic values, it may criminal liability will arise. the use of vessels is prohibited during spawning. for violation, a legal entity faces a fine of up to fifty basic units, an individual - up to ten. also, special attention will be paid to the storage and use of prohibited fishing gear, in particular nets. storage of such weapons entails administrative liability under article 1626 of the code
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of the republic of belarus on administrative offenses. sanction, which for an individual provides for a fine of up to thirty basic units with confiscation of the subject of an administrative offense, however, a person who voluntarily surrendered a prohibited fishing instrument... is exempt from administrative liability, follow the established fishing rules, and if you suddenly notice a violator, then report it by calling the hotline of the state inspectorate for the protection of flora and fauna under the president republic of belarus, it’s a big small fish to catch, but according to the law, that’s for sure, friends, the first hour of the good morning ends here, after the news release we will leave connection with grodno we find out that... along with a high-profile premiere called together, so don’t switch and don’t miss it,
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airport i’m flying away a million! and i know how you managed, and i don’t know, not to be a minute late, but
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where were you before, and where was i before, and how i could live like this, i don’t understand, but where are you? we won’t lose, they’re leaving the airport, one heart, half-hearted, i didn’t give it away, i lost it. i know in the white snows of our land, but where were you before, and where was i before, and
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how i could live like this, i don’t understand, but where were you before, and where was i before, come on to this quarrel. we won't lose our friend.


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