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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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among the addresses where they can be invested are the improvement of beaches, the restoration of the moscow triumphal gates, the creation of a fountain in a linear park. this was the economic news, good mood to you and see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program zone x. i am karina poshkova. hello. a drug laboratory was liquidated in the smolevichi district. the suspects include two men. the defendants were caught red-handed while they were transporting ingredients for the production of psychotropics. they were already there before convicted of selling drugs. laboratories.
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make a bookmark, leave it somewhere in the forest with coordinates so that someone can pick it up. a criminal case has been opened for illegal trafficking; law enforcement officers continue operational search activities. and the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. it was prepared by alexander kamovich. the ministry of internal affairs spoke the day before about the detention of a top manager of one of the largest belarusian light industry enterprises. we are talking about... it
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specializes in the production of textile products, their office is located in mogelow. the defendant was caught taking bribes; gubop operatives handcuffed him and his relative immediately after receiving the money. at the end of march, during a meeting with the head of the partner’s moscow company, he reached an agreement to receive his percentage for the services provided for the uninterrupted shipment of products, which he estimated at 2 million russian rubles. fearing that he would be detained, he sent him forward. a man received money from his relative on a highway in the arshan region from a businessman from russia the specified amount, immediately after receiving the bribe , both a member of the official’s family and himself were detained. during a search in the houses of the detainees, 30 thousand dollars in equivalent were found, as well as five expensive cars, all of which were seized. a criminal case has been initiated for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. now law enforcement officers are checking the defendants for involvement in other illegal facts. i wanted to save money, but i just pushed myself. belarus
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did not know that he bought a car with a fake vin number. a resident of the city of zhodina purchased a land rover car in russia at a price significantly lower than the market price. he did not register his car in belarus and drove it until traffic police officers stopped him to check his documents. state traffic inspectors had doubts about the authenticity of the body markings , and for good reason. in order to establish all the circumstances, the state forensic examination committee and law enforcement officers ordered a forensic examination. as a result of the examination by forensic experts , it was established that the identification number the vehicle was modified by removing the original markings from the license plate and then applying a secondary marking; the experts also established the original identification number of the vehicle. a married couple was detained in minsk for robbing a cosmetics store twice in a week. store employees called line 102.
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city hall it turned out that two unknown people stole goods worth about 2,000 rubles. soon, operatives detained a couple of menchan residents. detectives found that the first the episode of theft was committed by a forty-one-year-old man from mensk and his fifty-two-year-old wife on march 10. then they stole cream worth more than 1,200 rubles from a boutique. a couple of days later , the defendants again descended on the store and took with them two more expensive products. the detained iminsk resident said that he stole the products as a gift for his wife. a criminal case has been opened for theft. cherven rescuers went to a fire in the agricultural town of zapolya. the disaster broke out the day before the company's buildings. organization employees before arrival the ministry of emergency situations fought the fire using fire extinguishers. the rescue units arrived and extinguished the fire. at the time of the fire. there was a person in the building. he got out on his own and was not injured. the cause of the emergency is being established. the belarusian internet resource publishes breathtaking footage from the grodno region. huge. oleniy decided to cross
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the road. it is reported that the incident occurred on the road between grodno and ozyory. local residents also noted that they saw a large concentration of animals. despite impressive shots. drivers on this route should be as careful as possible, this was a zone x project, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, we baked a loaf. what a beautiful bread, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh, difficult, priceless, rolls and loaves are baked
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so that we do not know the fear of hunger, that you have some very hot news, right? of course, the first of them is that in grodny the winner of the 2024 leninsky district family of the year was determined. this time the competition brought together five creative teams, united by their love for their loved ones. probably this force
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was the main one for the victory of the langner family. parents, two sons, daughter and grandmother. in such a friendly company, they overcame every stage of the competition together. families had to talk about... their lives, hobbies, hobbies, traditions and dreams, this had to be done, of course, in an interesting and creative way, this is exactly how it turned out for the langner family and on may 17 they will take part in the regional stage of the competition, and we, in turn, will root for them and support them, and we will root for them and support them, it’s such a joy to look at such friendly, beautiful, large families, but we know that the next news is also hot for you, yes, grodno has gathered athletes for the final. minsk, gomel region, representatives of the vitebsk and gronensky regions. these are important competitions for young people; they are held once a year. in 2024 the team took the money
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second place, losing to the gomel region. minsk takes third place, but we are proud of our guys, no matter what. it’s not for nothing that the regional team is one of the three strongest teams. the grodno regional organization of the belarusian republican youth union, which numbers about 45 thousand youth representatives in its ranks, has decided on candidates for delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly. they were 10 people from all over the region. each of the young guys declared themselves as professionals in their field of activity. they actively work in the organization and offer implementation of new projects and initiatives. on april 9, the congress of the central committee of the belarusian republican youth union will take place.
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if you joined our live broadcast, please convey our best regards to grodno and the region, and we are ready to watch your story. modern technologies open up new opportunities for us; they not only help create convenience and comfort around us, but also improve the quality and, most importantly, life expectancy. thus, every year new developments appear and modern technologies are introduced at the grodno university clinic. which allow us to provide citizens with high-quality medical services. it is here that
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radionuclide diagnostics is being developed and the only isotope laboratory in our region is located. we examine patients of various profiles. these include oncology patients, nephrology, hematology, nephrology, traumatology, orthopedics, endocrinology. the biggest advantage is this. functional research, in particular, if we take oncology patients, then our research allows you to determine the stage of an oncological disease, plan further examination, further treatment of the patient, and this in the early stages. using the radionuclide diagnostic method , the clinic conducts more than 500 studies per month. this is an absolutely safe diagnosis, which is often even referred to. this study is related to medical radiation, but the doses, the effective doses
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that the patient receives, are insignificant; naturally, the value of the study and the radiation exposure are incommensurable here. clinic staff daily work on new developments and constantly apply innovations in patient treatment. and now one of the latest innovations and techniques has been introduced. traditional preperitoneal repair of a postoperative hernia is when a large- sized mesh graft is installed practically without incisions and even without entering the abdominal cavity and patients are rehabilitated much faster and more reliably and with better quality. this year , new candidate and doctoral dissertations are planned at the grodno university clinic. there are more new technologies ahead, which are especially nice to celebrate in the year of quality. roof
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repaired the firewood, what are you doing, how do you look like musya, the child has severe burns and is dying, who provided first aid, the one who did it was already the one, she did everything right, without her he would have died, but where is musya, let her have to. and to arrest her, come with me, we need
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to discuss what is being done with this russian, watch the series, i will be back on the belarus 24 tv channel, how is the life of foreign guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations in belarusian state university, i work here at the faculty, specifically at the department between.
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april 2, although the temperature readings are of course similar to may, yes ekaterina antonova, and maybe even for real summer mariana marenkova, we are glad to welcome you this morning and are ready to talk about the weather for today, and we will do it right now in as much detail as possible, we have the weather in the early morning hours, look for yourself, how warm it is already outside, right now in minsk +10:12 cloudy with clearings, with it’s dry this morning all over the country, in brest right now it’s up to 15°c, in itebsk it’s traditionally a little bit about... cooler, but even there it’s up to 13 with a plus sign, in gomel this morning +12:14, in grodno up to 15, in mogilev + 11 + 13. well, now the most important beauty, the most important, long-awaited information, how much warmer it will become during the day, what kind of real summer will it be? so, this is what i was talking about, look, up to 25° heat, i already noted in the minsk region in
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bresse up to 17 +22 +24 in the vitebsk region, in gomel up to 25 degrees celsius. +19 in the grodno region in mogilev +23 +25 this synoptic mood will spoil a little just because there will be thunderstorms and rains, well believe me, at this temperature the rains are a pleasure, so don’t forget your umbrella, yes, we are expecting gardens today throughout the day throughout the country, except for vitebsk, however , an orange danger level has been declared in our country due to strong winds, so be careful both as pedestrians and as drivers, in general, today being attentive will not harm us, but yes, it feels like summer is already ending, i don’t know what will happen with the weather next, but at least today it seems to me that the gardens will bloom tomorrow. katya, how are you preparing for the summer season? i’m preparing for the summer season, i’m getting ready, i ’m mentally preparing for it, but i see that everyone has started doing this, because the number of runners who ran out on the street, the number of people who came to the gyms, the number of people who they're probably now thinking about what they have to eat or
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it’s better not to eat in order to quickly prepare for summer, it’s impressive, yes, you can run, you don’t have to run, but if... your diet is not adjusted, then in principle there will be no effect, that’s what our specialist will tell you right now. good morning, my name is tatyana, and i am a healthy lifestyle expert. let's discuss myths about helpers. when losing weight, in order to lose weight faster, you need to eat less, replace your entire diet with one buckwheat with chicken, or is it just a myth, first things first. myth number one: on a diet means on a diet, no indulgences. all this will work as long as you don’t break a single rule of your diet. some of them are so difficult to stick to
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because they are too strict. extreme diets require you to include much fewer calories in your diet and give up... an entire group of foods, this leads to a lack of essential nutrients and a feeling of fatigue. sooner or later, the body will want something sweet or fatty, over time a breakdown will occur, then you will begin to blame yourself and interrupt the path to slimness, or you can just treat yourself to something tasty sometimes continue to follow a healthy diet, the choice is clear. myth number two: diet pills are an easy way to slimness. pills are the wrong way to slimness, no pills or dietary supplements will help you lose weight and can even harm your health, lead to dehydration, dysbiosis, eating disorders , any non-physiological weight loss is a huge stress for the body, so dietary supplements, especially fast-acting ones, must be treated with caution,
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healthy sleep and walks help speed up metabolism fresh air, giving up bad habits, normalizing water balance, and also learning to manage your stress. a healthy lifestyle will create a metabolic rate that suits your body. try new and different things and find your ideal daily calorie intake. then strict diets and dubious pills will be of no use. i will look at all this with interest, really strict diets, our dear tv viewers, remember, this is always a disruption of the consequences. the gain of these kilograms is doubled, so if you want great look, everything should be, everything should have a certain periodicity, yes, that is, you get up in the morning, play
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sports, eat right, naturally a huge amount of fiber, so i wanted to say on my own behalf, i’m very glad that belarusians even began to produce spirulina, this is such an important seafood product, but you need to drink it, but i won’t tell you all the details, you will read about it yourself or learn from specialists, but i really love it. i am very glad that this product is now available in belarusian quality, and as we know, everything belarusian is of quality. yes, indeed, the products that are right now sold in our stores are made in belarus, they once again confirm to us every day that they are of high quality, not only we love them, they are loved by the guests of our country who come and have repeatedly noted how good it all is it’s delicious, how healthy it all is, how beautifully it’s all done, so really this story that we are now having a year of quality, it confirms itself not only in...
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every pattern, every symbolism is energy protection. belarusian weaving is unique thanks to belts and towels. only in our culture there was not a single symbol of death. everything about life, fertility and prosperity. the red star is a symbol of man in the sky. the sun gives strength and harvest. the moon protects children from night terrors, fire cures colds and illness. perun protects from the evil eye and punishes the undead with his arrows. and almost everywhere there is a cross. this is the protective energy of our ancestors. people believed that the same embroidery, for example, on on a shirt, on a dress, it should be applied to the open parts, along the cuffs, along the neckline at
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the bottom, it was believed that in this way, taking it into the ring, it protected the same belt from entry, as if by an evil force, some kind of evil spirit, demons when a person tied a belt, he was considered protected, it was a sin for men to go out without a belt, so it was believed that the devil was powerless. traditionally, our ancestors wove from flax. first, the canvas was created, and then everything needed was sewn from it, and only then the red ornament was applied. why white red white due to working under the sun in lye washing fields. linen series is a natural brownish-gray shade and whitened. but with red it’s more difficult. mostly they used the so -called worm. that is, the insect known to us now as cochineal , by the way, that is why the red color in the old belarusian language was called red, in order to get certain patterns on
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the canvas, we need a certain program, the same pattern, and to thread it in the machine, now we will just press on the pedals and pull a thread, these are the threads the basics remain here, only two shuttles with weft threads change. thread by thread in the endless expanse of the canvas , flowers began to move, birds flew, life began to bubble. these are belarusian towels. the thread is cut and the life cycle comes to an end, but then it twirls again and life begins again. the towel is the most popular throwback product among the belarusians, it went with our ancestors through life, a child was accepted into it, life was born. they went with him. the crown sealed the union, and it lay on the funeral table, but the thread did not break, it continued, after all, the towel was passed on to the next generation. my mother was ill for a long time, she knew that,
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unfortunately, she would die, she considered it important to leave something behind. she wanted to prepare, to understand that when my wedding ceremony would take place, so that something from her would be with us. so she handed it over with the words that when you get married, please take this thing so that she can somehow, how to say, take part in the ceremony, i don’t know, so she put part of herself, her strength, into it his energy, but she carried certain symbols there so that... she
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would have two wonderful children, and she keeps the family heirloom - a towel, made according to the traditions of her ancestors with the historical memory of belarusians, as the greatest treasure in her family, of course, it was definitely made in belarus. friends, well, our live broadcast continues together shoulder to shoulder, year after year, these are lines from the song that we are presenting right now in our studio, the song is dedicated to the day of the unity of the peoples of belarus.
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union state and became friends and we have already we’ve been friends for about 10 years and just recently we met literally in moscow to chat for coffee and thought: why don’t we transfer our friendship into creativity, because
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it’s extremely rare.
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i sincerely really hope that this song will remain in the hearts of listeners for very many years. the contacts were mainly related to the fact that i am a more structured person and know where i am going, and alexander is a more creative person, let’s be far from music, how can you argue? based on the song some points.
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that when we started creating this the composition itself, the song itself implies beautiful, large-scale filming from a photo camera, right now. here, i come here to belarus with such gratitude, because back in 2008, indeed , belarus welcomed me, it was a slavic bazaar, i remember it was even a concert of the union state
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, and after that i’m just so in love with your country , in love with such beautiful girls, i don’t know, it seems to me very handsome, not what it seems, but really so, look, alexander will go in the evening, unfortunately, but
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after all, this is a holiday , it should be eventful, thank you very much for coming to us this morning, telling us about the song, we are of course waiting for its presentation, literally in a short period of time it will take place on our air, and we are friends, i'll see you later... after the news release in the third part of the broadcast of the program good morning belarus. we confidently step into a new day. and we do it to our own music, the music that plays. inside each of us, it is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, on the tips of our fingers, music inspires, makes
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you think and opens up thousands of roads for us, music can change the world. because it has the power to change us, music is within each of us.
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so the second part of the live broadcast of the program good wounds belarus in the finale the premiere of the song together, but of course it is timed to coincide with today's festive occasion, and the big occasion of april 2 marks the day of unity of nations. russia and belarus, alexander gelovskikh and alena lonskaya today present their new composition called together. our dear friends, you have there is a unique opportunity to congratulate our peoples on such a great holiday. dear friends, belarusians, russians, happiness, prosperity, prosperity to our countries. happy holiday to you, dear belarusians and russians. we also join these congratulations, and will also continue to congratulate all our viewers in the third part of ours.
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in the krynitsy water, how cold it is, in russia there are cornflowers near the water, the sky is clear blue in the distance, gray clouds in... the wind has carried away, here are the belarusian lakes, radiant crystal , it takes the russians to echo the whispers, we have the same fate, in our only light and strength, together shoulder to shoulder year after year, each new day getting closer. belarus and russia together are one,
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our great people, from the altai snow-capped mountains and the mighty siberian forests, and the glow of belarusian and blue lakes, the echo of our voices sounds, our friendship flies high. no one will ever interrupt, the bell rings in my soul, strength, eternal homeland, mother, we have one destiny, our only light is strength together shoulder to shoulder year after year, every new day. belarus and
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russia are getting closer, together we are one great people. belarusian wide fields and dewy endless meadows, there are no more beautiful ones in the world, there are no shallows in the world, these very native shores, to greet the morning. at dawn to spend the axamite
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sunset of these not reserved treasured ones there is no dictionary with the soul, we have one difficulty, our only light is strength together shoulder to shoulder after year, and each. good afternoon, it’s getting closer, belarus is russia, together one, our people, dobranitsy, belarus.
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