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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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entrepreneurs in categories depending on the number of years the business has existed, cash prizes in different categories from 50 to 100 basic units. detailed information can be found on the website of the ministry of economy. and compared to the current exchange rates at the auction, the dollar fell in price, and the russian ruble and yuan rose in price, and as of this morning the dollar is 3 rubles 25 kopecks. for 10 yuan they give 4.47.3 rubles 52 kopecks. cost 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles, 50 kopecks. china lodges complaint with world trade organization over subsidy discrimination electric vehicles in the usa. starting this year , american buyers will lose tax credits ranging from $3 to $7,500 if any components of their cars are produced by chinese, russian, north korean or iranian companies. with this measure , the white house wants to reduce inflation and support. own manufacturers, because
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in the global electric vehicle market china now occupies a leading position in terms of export volume in the world. in st. petersburg, starting in april , they began to charge a resort fee for adult tourists who stay over a day in hotels, aparthotels or sanatoriums. the fee is 100 russian rubles, which is about 3.5 belarusian rubles for every day. the funds raised will be used for the development of tourism. structure of the city and, according to the forecast of the authorities, revenues from resort fees to the city budget could amount to about 310 million russian rubles. among the addresses where they can be invested are the improvement of beaches, the restoration of the moscow triumphal gate and the creation of a fountain in a linear park. this was the economic news, good luck to you mood and see you soon.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm karina pashkova. hello. a drug laboratory was liquidated in the smolevichi district among. subsequent sale on the territory of belarus , during a personal search and also an inspection of a honda car belonging to one of the detainees, 5 kg of raw materials for the production of miphidron, as well as canisters of solvents, were discovered. they are in the car.
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precursors for brewing miphidron, how much miphidron can be brewed from this? in the region of 2-3 kg, what should they do next with these firovon? make a bookmark, leave it somewhere in the forest with coordinates so that someone can pick it up. a criminal case has been initiated for illegal trafficking, law enforcement officers continue operational search activities. and the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. it was prepared by alexander komovich. the ministry of internal affairs spoke the day before about the detention of a top manager of one of the largest belarusian light industry enterprises. we're talking about a forty-six-year-old deputy general director of magatex. it specializes in the production of textile products. their office is located in mogilev. the defendant was caught taking bribes. gubop operatives handcuffed him and his relative immediately after receiving the money. at the end of march, during a meeting with the head of the partner’s moscow company. to an agreement to
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receive their percentage for the services provided for the uninterrupted shipment of products, which was estimated at 2 million russian rubles. fearing to be detained, he sent to meet for his relative's money. on a highway in the orsha region, a man received the specified amount from a businessman from russia; immediately after receiving the bribe , both a member of the official’s family and himself were detained. during a search in the houses of the detainees , $30,000 in equivalent was found, as well as five expensive cars. all this has been confiscated. for receiving a bribe in particular. a criminal case has been initiated on a large scale; now law enforcement officers are checking the defendants for involvement in other illegal facts. i wanted to save money, but i just pushed myself problems. belarus did not know that he bought a car with a fake vin number. a resident of the city of zhodina purchased a land rover car in russia at a price significantly lower than the market price. he did not register his car in belarus and drove it until traffic police officers stopped him to check his documents. state traffic inspectors had doubts about the authenticity.
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a couple of menchan residents, detectives established that the first . already soon, operatives detained an episode of theft, a forty-one-year-old menchan resident and his fifty-two-year-old wife pulled off 10th of march. then they stole cream worth more than 1,200 rubles from a boutique. a couple of days later
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, the defendants again descended on the store and took with them two more expensive products. the detained imenchan resident said that he stole the products as a gift for his wife, and a criminal case was opened for theft. cherven rescuers went to a fire in the agricultural town of zapolya. the disaster broke out the day before in the enterprise building. before the arrival of the ministry of emergency situations, the organization’s workers fought the fire using fire extinguishers. arriving rescue units eliminated the fire by the time occurrence of a fire. there was a person in the building. he got out on his own and was not injured. the cause of the emergency is being established. the belarusian internet resource publishes breathtaking footage from the grodno region. a huge herd of deer decided to cross over. highway. it is reported that the incident occurred on the road between grodna and ozyory. local residents also noted that they saw a large concentration of animals. despite the impressive footage, drivers on this route should be as careful as possible. this was
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a zona x project. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1 at 18:15. take care and have a nice day.
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good morning country, we continue to wake up. yes, a new day on tv channel belarus 1 from the satellite belarus 24, we meet you maryana morenkova and ekaterina antonova. i remind you that today is tuesday, it’s april 2, it’s a little after 8 o’clock, which means it’s time to finally wake up. yes, it’s time to finally wake up, on tuesdays, in the third part of our program we wake up with the mediator, psychologist and simply wonderful woman allai komarovskaya, and her a permanent column of the topical alla. good morning, girls, i will be happy to continue our previous topic, we talked about how to set up effective communication, how important it is to build a dialogue, formulate your thoughts very clearly, hear, listen,
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ask clarifying questions, and you can interrupt if you have there is a clarifying question and be prepared for the fact that plans can change, be flexible, that’s when i’m all about it. i said mariana had this reaction, you know, alla, you ’re talking about some kind of idealized picture, that’s what i thought, that not only mariana, but our viewers, they could also think about the same thing. and i, this led me to the idea that our people are so accustomed to living in conflicts, living in litter, in manipulation, or avoiding any conversations, or speaking in a raised tone, that they even think that this is effective communication, constructive real dialogue is difficult for them, but it is possible, guys, this is my norm of life, for example, and i very generously share these tips with you, and why this is what happens, in fact, all roads lead to...
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with the parent, yes, he expresses his opinion, it, and the parent does not agree with him, what do parents do, equally adults, they explain, agree, they explain and say, but what do you you want, you can do it this way, but you ca n’t do it this way, it’s social norms like this or like this, and the parents are infantile, yes, parents who inherited from their parents this pattern of behavior, a scenario, that you need to blame, that you need devalue what needs to be said:
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judge if my child behaves so wrongly leads, or he has expectations from the child , you should be like this, then i will love you, and what does the child do, he either becomes so neurotic, shy, that it’s better for me to remain silent, because if i express my guilt, my opinion, yes, they instill guilt in me, they instill shame in me, and what am i going to do then, it’s not me that my parents won’t love, and he, in fact, behind the guilt , this shame is fear.
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what is there to do? is it possible to get out of here? of course, you can get out of here. how do we get out? what we missed in childhood. we are chosen by unconditional love and trust that was lost in the parent. so that we can build the right relationships, a child, a parent, and there is also an adult who can resolve this situation. and if you can’t do this with your partner, yes, in marriage, with colleagues, go to therapy, with a well-trained therapist, with... a psychologist who has gone through this himself and who can be with you when you devalue, when you
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behave, conventionally, yes, not as the norm of society expects, and he stays with you and says: look, look now, this is how you behaved, how your parents behaved, and i stay with you, uh-huh, everything is fine with you, you have the right to be angry, because i continue to be with you, if an unprocessed person, yes, he will fall into his trauma and think, i have been devalued.
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you’re wrong, no, you’re wrong, such a stupid couple, i call them, or, for example, one adult, the other a parent, one like that, well, yes, i’d better be silent, because if i express my opinion, they’ll stop loving me , me they are rejected, so you started talking about fear , fear of wine, as i understand it, these are also two sides of the same coin, this is anxiety, then later look, pride and shame are one thing, these are two sides of the same coin, or i protest and i such a loner, i don’t need all of you, or i’ll be under everyone...
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an anxious state, which is very difficult to live with, yes, pain, that’s pain - this is the lowest layer, yes, which we all hide, why we experience, we we don’t reach it, because in childhood it’s unbearable, unbearable to experience pain from the fact that a parent loves you conditionally for something, when you are convenient , when you are obedient, but pride is the tip of the iceberg, this is just what we show, either shame or pride, i’m not sure, or ... i’m such a rock on the contrary, it seems to me that the tip of the iceberg is that we are just beginning to understand ourselves, thanks to your help, i really hope that many of our viewers find answers to all their deepest and most difficult questions, thank you very much for coming to us this morning, we are waiting for you again in next tuesday with a new batch of problematic issues that you will help us solve again, thank you, have a great day, well, our broadcast
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continues. hello everyone, my name is olga zankevich and this is my faithful friend ktenya, today she will show you a set of jumping exercises, we will do the first exercise, this is legs hip-width apart, arms extended forward, knees bent, jump. group stood up, ksenia will now demonstrate this exercise to you, let’s do it, it will be enough to do this exercise eight times, and parents don’t jump too much, control the children, grab them by the lower back and let’s try to do a tuck with you, while exhaling , raise two knees, let’s go and exhale, well,
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super, almost. and our second exercise, we will do a 180 jump. by the way, it’s very good for the vestibular system of children, adults, you don’t have to repeat this, just watch a little and always control your child. feet together, we will raise our arms up, push and land. we will do. to the right, to the left, pay attention to which direction the child will turn worse, well, we have prepared a little, now
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we will demonstrate to you our third exercise, this is a 360° jump, i really like it. it always works for children, it seems to me that xena will also like it very funny. look, we will do the same thing, legs together , bend our knees a little, raise our arms up, make a swing, look at you, let's repeat, we will do it to the right, to the left again, control the children so that the children do not fall. i don’t know about you, but my children absolutely love to jump and jump, especially in the evening, when everyone comes, in fact, from work. good mornings belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, we continue to wake up in a wonderful, excellent, good spring
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mood, ekaterina antonova, mariana morenkova, you know why i applied so many epithets to this day, because we saw the synoptic map, there up to + 25°, this is only in the minsk region, now we will add more interesting information, it will become even hotter, it seems to me, well, let’s go, or rather fly with ours. hero reviews the biblical narrative came to life again in the sand sculptures of bolivian artists, so local artists celebrated easter, they created their creations in the province of aruro. they worked on the grandiose work of sand art for several days. both professional sculptors and volunteers took part in the procession. it is expected that the sculptures will delight visitors for several weeks, until they fall apart. an unusual festival dedicated to easter has been held in aruro for more than 20 years and annually attracts thousands tourists, of course, because it’s so beautiful, what a beauty it really is, i remember in childhood, going back to when i was 3
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years old, when we were making easter cakes in the sandbox, and it seemed like this was a work of art, to make this three-story house, there’s a human face here making from sand, well, of course, this is a great art, what can you say, not how to describe it with a pen, not to say in a fairy tale, speaking of fairy tales, but indeed today is an international celebration. day of fairy tales and the date was chosen for a reason - april 2, because it is today is the birthday of the great storyteller hans christian andersen, so we already talked in the first part of our program that he sang in the boys’ choir and did ballet, it’s good that nothing came of it there, and he became famous in literature , thanks to him we have such a huge layer, starting from literature, ending with cinema and more, right? i
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mean from gadgets, but just sit down and read, this is how, by the way, a love of literature is instilled in our children, when they see that their parents are reading, yes, i have a script written here, share my favorite book, tell me when my love for literature began and i want to surprise, probably the viewer, that it did not arise in my childhood. it originated with me already in high school, thanks to my russian language and literature teacher, lyudmila viktorovna lushaeva, who really taught me how to read works correctly, how to correctly parse them into historical and literary layers, and to see in poetry something more than just intertwining stanzas, like this, so thank you very much, lyudmila viktorovna. well, returning to books, i would still like to recommend reading books as a shared pastime for any family, or , for example, if you don’t know what... you can do with your family, then you can introduce eco-habits, for example, plant a tree, on the other hand, to plant a tree just like that, or rather, not just plant it, you need
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to know the rules, certain places, and how to do it correctly, and how not to do it correctly, we’ll learn right now from our plot. they imprisoned tree and received a fine, and this is possible, the authorities welcome the initiative to plant trees in the yard, you just need to comply with the conditions. for example, planting trees and shrubs near a house must be coordinated with the housing and communal services association of owners. we are raising the cadastral scheme, what is it? this is a diagram of the location of all communications that pass both underground and above ground. we make sure that the planting area of ​​the same tree does not fall into the communications area. subsequently, we agree and the person begins work. do you want to plant a tree in the park or along the road, contact zelensky. build, by the way, they are unlikely to take root in the yard, it is better to plant them in the forest, they fit perfectly into the urban environment, birch, linden, maple, rosehip and lilac. well, probably the most optimal option
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, which has existed in the city of minsk in recent years, is the website of the minsk city executive committee, which is open, this is a green courtyard together, where a citizen registers on this website, an internet portal, can leave a request, indicating the exact location of the landing or other planting. and representatives of zelinstroy, the district administration contacts, clarifies, coordinates and carries out joint work. there is no need to coordinate the design of the design club, the only thing is that you can only arrange front gardens along the entrance. we try to ensure that each yard has some kind of accent, this is a flower bed, a garden, we plant mainly perennials, but we can’t do without annuals, they are the brightest and they are the ones who create. building, we plant trees where we could, we have already planted most of them, to be honest, i no longer know the sites where we can plant them in our neighborhood, you cannot decorate flower beds with flammable
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dangerous objects, such as plastic bottles, tires and soft toys. you need to be careful with harmful plants, red oak, black locust, goldenrod and others. as practice shows, if residents are engaged in landscaping the yard, they do it with all their hearts. we shot this footage last summer. three neighbors in the moscow district of the capital brought beauty to the entrance. but we thought that in order for us to have it’s beautiful, something needs to be done for this. i wanted to have it at my place too, near my entrance. to have a piece of nature to go out, and the soul rested, you look at it and somehow your soul becomes lighter, and life is more pleasant and your mood rises, you can’t take your eyes off vera vasilyevna’s growth, there must be some kind of beauty for people to walk , they lived and those who live here rejoiced. residents admit that a lot of work goes into improving the city,
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and we ask all citizens to treat it with respect. about unique features in the vault of the most ancient belarusian churches, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross, about the great power of faith, faith in... including faith in ourselves - the fact that god is able to overcome our fears, our lackeys , about god's help in various situations, everyone has their own faith, someone may be asking for strengthening of faith, and this unites us, both those who lived before us, and those who may live after us, come to this shrine. about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer. people now they are coming in a big, big crowd. here
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to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god, such living prayer takes place here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years? look at the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are devoted to their work, oh, the commander is the soul of art. this is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our work is an art, creating high quality fabrics with wool content. ready to share knowledge. the basics of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge in a person’s life. and show one day from your life. i love, honestly
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, i love my job, i love it very much, during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are workers, our women, it is very pleasant to know that our visitors, leaving our security center, they leave with a wealth of knowledge that will definitely be useful to them in life, look, on the belarus 24 tv channel, it’s like it ’s already may, or even summer, right katya? yes, perhaps even vaguely, it resembles summer, but what are we talking about, let’s look at our temperature map, and look, in the capital today the temperature is up to 25°c, with precipitation possible, most likely it will be thunderstorms the same situation is expected today in brest, where, by the way,
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it is significant. which is rare for brest today during the day +15 +17, but thunderstorms are also possible there, but in vitebsk today during the day it will be dry +22 +24, thunderstorms and up to 25° warm today it is expected in gomel, in grodno it will be cooler, +17, +19, cloudy with clearings, precipitation is possible and thunderstorms are also expected there, in mogilev today it will also rain +23 +25, what wonderful weather the weather is like, please, this is the last day like this, well, no then the last one, then the whole april, the whole may, i just saw that there was a thunderstorm today, what is it now, everything flows, everything changes, i need to read poetry, i love thunderstorms at the beginning of april, well , i don’t know, in any case you need to be prepared to the fact that today we have announced a the orange level of danger is all because
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of that very thunderstorm and because of the wind, yes, but i’m not talking about... so i spoke in poetry, i remembered literature, because in our permanent most popular column about professions there will be milana myakhkikh, who is a teacher of the russian language and literature. let's see how she greets her new day. my name is milana megkikh, i have been working in the thirteenth gymnasium for 25 years, teaching russian language and literature classes and am the class teacher of the fifth b grade. every morning i wake up in 5 minutes before the alarm goes off, around 6 am, because i have a beloved dog and i...
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friend, but now i can say that these are the children whom i already truly love, and it gives me great pleasure to go to school with them theater, to the skating rink, we go on excursions very often, we are very friendly with our parents, we are a big family, so i wish
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everyone such work that it is not a duty, but a pleasure, well, i would probably say that this is work for those... who are ready to work from morning until late evening, that is, there is no other way to do it here, therefore, it may be to the detriment of some kind of interests, sometimes, maybe because i don’t want to, as it happens, i don’t always want to go to a children’s play on saturday, but believe me, when we get there, we are just as happy as the children , notebooks to check, children's handwriting is not getting better every year. children are the future in which, well , personally, i will live after 20-30 years, i want to live among normal people who know how
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to love, who know how to be friends, who know how to understand each other, who know how to build, i don’t want to be afraid fly the planes that they will design, so everything that depends on the teacher, he must... give to every child, thus laying the foundation for a happy future, i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good. let's go on a journey where we will visit. it is clear that lida is the worst of her enemies in front of the people.
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gets from the old school of kruger know about minsk and love our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the historical past belarusov. papytaitsya sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa. watch the cultural journey project on the belarus 24 tv channel. they say that god gave the polish people a piece of heaven on earth. this area was surrounded by a large ridge, it
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separated the marshy area in the south, and forests, meadows, and arable land in the north. the calves were driven 120 kg each along the vesna. and in the fall the collective farm took 300 to 350 kg of various herbs; it is very useful, their eyes got better, they all sparkled in the fall, but they create paradise themselves.
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skarins are incomparable alexandra gaiduk birthday at our concert venue , we are glad to welcome you here, congratulate you on your birthday, alexandra, we have a small gift for you, we congratulate you, our program, we congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, and really thank you very much for you spend these early morning hours of your birthday with us, but tell me , we’ve already had time to congratulate you, to be honest, i basically didn’t go to bed, since my birthday is on the night from the first to the second, then already from 12:00 night, congratulations, genetic memory some worked, a million emes, they still didn’t give it, i already congratulated.
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day of russian unity in belarus. yes, it’s true that today will be a busy day for you, but we’re starting it off with a busy start too. we’re not empty-handed today, we’re premiering a song, i’m choosing my own, please tell us how it appeared in your repertoire? you know, this song appeared, frankly speaking, by accident in my repertoire, and i was a member of the jury of a poetry competition, which was held as part of a cultural and sports festival in itoke this year, and we selected a huge amount of material, beautiful poems, and musical works. in order to fill a music festival with such
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compositions, and the finale of this festival, and in general i somehow heard a very beautiful text for myself, i didn’t understand who would write the music, but valera shmat, as always, literally overnight i wrote beautiful music, very deep, heartfelt lyrics, you probably know, this is not just pseudopathos, yes, we are talking about our homeland, this is so real...
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the grandee that they have behind them, and we ourselves get colossal, great pleasure watching the metamorphoses that occur from ether to ether, and thanks, probably, to their stories, their life path, yes, their perseverance, manifestation of will, character , overcoming, everything , anything, and we all watched it, alexandra, it’s time to listen to your song, come on, friends, today we helped you wake up 3 hours of live broadcast maryana morenkova and ekaterina antonova. congratulations on the holiday, the day of unity the peoples of belarus and russia and, of course,
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the gift is a song, i choose my own from alexander gaiduk. i choose my embroidered shirt. linen rich earth, this lightness sleeps on the wound. this is a fairy tale of the belarusian country, i won’t go far from the pestilence, i won’t go far from the world, i’ll see the eyes of the sir, and i’ll see the bright forest, the sun will live, and i’ll have cornflowers.
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i respect someone else’s, but i choose what’s mine. we don’t need other lands with you. you are the most beloved of may and live forever. for your sake, belarus, i will thank you for god's sake. don't bother with someone else's baggage. god damn you i live, the sky is peaceful, my life is happy, i speak to the people of the svaymu, there is still bread on the jumping
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abrus, because matulya uranka slept. this is the heart of my belarus, this is the relish that has saved my soul, i respect someone else’s, but i choose my own, we don’t need other lands with you, you are the most valuable in my life. for the sake of belarus, i will shchyra and god will be small.
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i respect someone else’s, but i choose my own, we don’t need you from other lands, you are the most valuable winter of may in the light of life, for you, belarus, i will be small and god’s little, the thousandth winter of may is the most valuable in the light of life. for you, belarus, i will be happy with god , for you, belarus, i will be with you and god, small.
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live broadcast news on belarus 1, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch
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in this issue. an example of friendship, cohesion and mutual support, we are for each other in the international arena, back to back. in defense, together to guard security, today is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. not according to european rules of education , social services of eu countries seized more than 200 children from immigrants from ukraine. hockey battle, president's cup, shakhtar vs brest. who will come forward? live broadcast on.


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