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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

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actual and physical labor fell on the shoulders of young people on the first day of the championship: brainstorming, and then the opportunity to work with their own hands assembling the giant’s car, push it, push it to the end, to the end, don’t be afraid for about five seconds, don’t be afraid yet, let’s go! this is a mormon arctic university, their branch is located in gorodets, i am studying for a profession... but it turns out to be a mining engineer, a specialist in mining technology and equipment. belas not only designs, assembles, sells and services quarry equipment, the company relies on innovation and scientific and technical cooperation with russian universities. we have one competency center in the first technical higher education institution in russia in the city of st. petersburg. this is st. petersburg mining university. this year it will add a unique scientific laboratory. on the topic
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of electric drive, electrical engineering, which will allow you to carry out real scientific research and real scientific work for graduate students, and for candidate's work, and for scientific work of a higher level. so, belas challenge, a team of ural students state mining university presented a solution to a case related to energy and mining. inserted yakutia is from -55 to 60° below zero, these are the temperatures that batteries are not able to withstand on standard heating elements, so we proposed various non-standard thoughts. first and foremost, the mining industry must be reliable, and the lower the economic costs, the better. the case of a team from the moscow university of science and technology touches on one of belas’ know-how - operation of a dump truck on hydrogen. hydrogen is easier to get, it is, well, almost
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freely available, there are leftovers from chemical production, so there is a lot of it, it is not difficult to get, and it is cheaper to use than the same oil or gas, i would also really like to note these developments robotic belaz trucks, which are currently being tested in russian quarries, apply a symbiosis of knowledge from mathematics, physics, economics, energy, that’s half the battle, you need to feel it. the essence of the operation of dump trucks at great depths in quarries, where, in addition to climatic, and many human factors. naturally, we analyzed the homework of our participants and noted the designers, those who sit on the jury today, that sometimes even technical solutions slip through that are already being worked on or that are only in the future to be developed by our plant designers belas, and most importantly, no one will leave without a prize. and a nomination and a participant’s diploma,
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this is our, so to speak, highlight of our championship, among the prizes there is also a grand prix, this is an opportunity to undergo an internship yourself belarusian automobile plant, now it is owned by students of st. petersburg mining university. the eleventh forum will be held in three cities at once. with the wording poses a threat to national security, a moldovan children's choir was held on the lithuanian border for two days, the group was returning from a tour that took place in poland and belarus, the polish country did not let them go home, on the recommendation of the moldovan foreign ministry, the choir tried to proceed to moldova through lithuania. here, without explanation of the reasons, he
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was simply taken under escort, the children were not fed and they weren’t even allowed to go to the toilet, belarusians intervened in the situation, volunteers immediately went to the checkpoint, and in one of the local schools in the ashmyany district everyone was provided with conditions for recreation. the cynical act of the lithuanians , just surround them, as they reported with machine guns, not let them go to the toilet, children without water, this is a very terrible situation, of course, when we first received this information... we contacted our district committee, they quickly got involved in this coordination work, contacted the border department control, there the deputy chief himself directly initiated help , promptly let a bus go back to belarus, immediately allowed, say, these are the hygienic sanitary standards, to wash somewhere, literally gave them tea, our volunteers are ready to help children, especially so that they didn't need anything.
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felt comfortable here. only two days later, the lithuanian authorities still issued permission to travel across the border, and the bus with the moldovan children’s choir had already reached home. belarusian side. belarus and russia are working on a multi-satellite constellation, and educational platforms are ready to be developed by a university of the union state. an expert and media forum took place in moscow. the participants synchronized watches for their twenty-fifth anniversary.
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university, here , of course, i would like to emphasize that first of all, we are talking about concentrating on training those personnel, unique personnel, for which our high-tech industries are most in demand today, so this is not the point here about some mass training of students, we are talking about identifying those scientific priorities for which today we need master's students, candidates, doctors of science, first of all, personnel of the highest scientific qualifications, together we are entering the orbit of the qms, greetings.
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the readiness is good, so i am sure that everything will be done on time, on time at a high quality, the city itself left a very favorable impression, and i am sure that events of this format always bring fresh breath to the city itself, to the development of infrastructure, and of course, then that's all will remain here and people will use the fact that...
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those routes, so that our tourists and... guests receive the maximum possible services , so that it is safe, so that, perhaps, we can provide all that, all that potential, especially since we we see that this is a long-term prospect; in april the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will be held in minsk, bringing together representatives of not only large tourism businesses, but also small companies. letters from grand duchess olga to emperor nicholas are shown for the first time in belarus. the castle became a platform for mobile project of the aldenburg palace complex in the voronezh region. the stands are decorated with quotes from letters and excerpts from olga alexandrovna’s diaries. we managed to find a translation from english in the historical archives, and the great book wrote
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her diaries and letters in english, mm, translate her letters and publish them. so, based on this historical material. a traveling exhibition was born, grand duchess olga alexandrovna, her whole life was like being single. the exhibition runs until may 2, it can be see by purchasing an entrance ticket to the castle complex. politics, economics, these things are certainly important, but we are also united by a common heroic past, and you cannot imagine a more solid foundation for creating the future. the union state is always unity through culture, a large-scale exhibition project for the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia in moscow. the works of artists, members of the russian academy of arts and its honorary members are presented. the unifying power of art and common spiritual traditions, further in the program.
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the legendary apple peelers fell in his name a discussion about high art arose around the art gallery. artists of belarus and russia conduct dialogues with acrylic, oil and enamel, what do we have in common? values, home, faith, comfort or guardian angel, and the last supper on youtube, exclusively domestic reflection, 40 of these are lunar works, business cards of masters, such a dialogue in time and space, i think, took place, despite the fact well, for the russian academy of arts this project, maybe it is not so large-scale precisely in its quantity, but in the significance of its participation belarusian artists, it is of course certainly important.
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art critic, and we
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will take advantage of this with pleasure, i think we will develop this relationship, the selection of works personally by the people 's artist of the ussr, the legendary zurab tsereteli , but as an artist, designer, architect, in his nineties he sculpts the cultural life of not only russia, this is his peter ii with a height of 98 m, literally floating along the moscow river, the first love of the master from belarus, his works of art were also cast in belarus and again he gathered everyone under one of his own.
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on the territory of the russian federation, because we, and moreover, we have a common history, for me, of course, it is always an honor to participate in such events as today’s event, because on the eve of the celebration of the main day of the unity of the peoples of belarus and russia and make some kind of cultural contribution to some such events. this is not an epilogue in the cultural integration of the two countries; from the initiatives , belarusian youth will receive a pushkin
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card, the opportunity to visit museums at preferential rates, concert halls in moscow and st. petersburg, and the ministry of culture of belarus and russia are discussing and forming a specific list of historical objects for their restoration, something that is equally important to the two fraternal peoples. creative meeting with actors, master classes from famous directors. mogilev these days has turned into a large theater venue. at the martkontakt forum, the best productions were presented by groups from belarus, russia, armenia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and bulgaria. 25 resolutions from classics to modern times, so who became the owner of the golden mask , we will find out in the next report, let them jokingly say in some storeroom near the kitchen porch: hey, about some fighter about the feat of vasily terkin performed by the actors of the irkutsk academic drama theater, a tribute to those who defended our
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common victory, and also reminders of the common history of the strength of spirit of the russian soldier during the great patriotic war, the hero of tvordovsky’s poem. with his cheerful disposition and faith, he became a support for the fighters in their desire to survive and remain human. i've watched a lot of films military, i watched the chronicle that is used in the play, and in general it seems to me that this topic leaves no one indifferent. we must remember this, we must remember this not only on may 9 in honor of this holiday. we must remember this every day. i’m even talking now, i’m already feeling emotional. and this is another war story that resonates in our hearts today. a one-man show from kyrgyzstan and a collective image of a mother who lost her sons in the war and did not come to terms with grief. she waited 40 years for her children, every day, crossing the shore of lake sikul, for the fourth year now, the stage of our korgar theater for young spectators named after bakengad has been on stage, so that our
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generation does not forget the lessons of the great patriotic war. stories from the past of the present, this is from st. petersburg. eternal problems, choosing a life path , social roles and values, by the way, martkontakt, also thanks to marriage
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, was dubbed gogol’s this time, because on the playbill there were three productions based on the writer’s works, on the streets... spectators, ordinary spectators came up and said and you arrived, we we were waiting for you, we are waiting for you , that is, i have never seen anything like this anywhere, it’s great that in mogilev there is such an amazing march contact festival, this is something that is extremely necessary today, because we see how contacts between people, between states, and this is the great mission of the festival, to begin to unite people’s theaters, and behind them the state, as our president said, belarus is open to everyone, i’m so glad that we... have such an opportunity to come and see, this year also present your performance, that's why there are so many in general, the search for forms that help reveal the director’s intention is another feature of the festival, now the theater from bryansk tragicomically tells 9 and a half stories about love, accompanied by live music and vocals, a gift to the belarusian audience. in general, i love
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the republic. here we met quickly at the crossroads, in yerevan we may simply not see each other for years, because everyone is busy, and we were happy by the way, right at the crossroads i said, the unification of people is always important, there is a wonderful expression, one in the field is not a warrior, so we have diplomas under... this concludes our issue, and
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we will tell the main thing about belarus next sunday on the air of the belros tv channel. all the best! the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. according to the control figures for the development of the national economy of the ussr for 1959-1965. belarus will specialize in intensive dairy and beef cattle breeding, meat pig farming and waterfowl breeding. by 1965, meat production. and milk should more than double in size. livestock breeders
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in belarus are doing a lot of work to increase the number of livestock and increase its productivity. on a mechanized pocket kitchen for pagaloi , food is prepared for a special purpose. this is where the bulb comes in. feed, barley flour, pipes, cassia, fish meal and salt. in the nearby future, in the loess camp, there was a special zone of meat zhivelagadouli. at the end of the five-year period, it was planned to produce more than 1 million tons of meat per year, but recently, the harvested crops turned out to be extremely heavy and lively. new charale characters from belarus. and i feel that the white volats here are not as bad as the bison and the belaveska guns. the skin of the day floats... in a vase as much as a kilogram, floats and ўpeўnіnastі belarusian livestock waters in you, because a new generation of dapamozha is significant for the development of yalavichyna. and the meat
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industry is pleased not only with the external appearance, but also with the yield of the final products. the problems here are true, but there are problems and they are significant. broad application.
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no one perceived me as a stranger, the first once i came to belarus, it was in 2011 , i came as a tourist, then i met my wife, that’s just it, the tourist is over, everything after the wife is a tourist is over, the project is a look at belarus, what i like about belarus, you can raise your children like this: watch as you wish on the belarus24 tv channel. belarus widely presents its potential on the african market; for us it is a promising
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continent. zimbabwe is a consumer of our technologies for agribusiness mechanization, which makes a significant contribution to food safety. batsvana also aims to expand cooperation with belarus in the criminal procedure code. the potential of the grodno region is presented in the belarusian pavilion at vdnh. what surprises muscovites and guests of the russian capital? day of the gronne region opens. at the exhibition you can see complex equipment, painting easter eggs, weaving baskets from wicker, and admire the exclusive products of the famous neman glass factory. also, russians for whom belarus is now one of the top holiday destinations will be able to learn about the history of the augustow canal. culture corner pakistan has now appeared in borisov, the exhibition project was opened by representatives of the embassy of the islamic republic in belarus. books, fine arts, handmade souvenirs, samples of the national costume of pakistan. for news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts,
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watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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