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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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yana is immeasurably loving that which is timid, and timid that which is loving. i don’t have any particular genre of music to perform; i can have it in my head, for example, classical music, how to present it, or the same folk music.
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not only muscles, but also the brain. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major athletics tournaments. alena, diamond. diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was first. it stands for english premier league. undoubtedly. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. what is the name of
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the head coach of the dynamo minsk hockey club in the 22-23 season? oh my god! who will prove that he is the main sports expert of the country. where the first games of the cis countries took place. well, let it be kazan. ostrakhan took, kazan took. this is the correct answer. kazan, absolutely true. well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively, that is, there were options. look intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel. russia is a country of countries, a nation of peoples. my feelings are the feelings of an imperial man. the conqueror appeared. napoleon, charles xiv. i’m not talking about hitler; all of europe fell under him. if you have a lot of money, you may
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like it, if you don’t have enough, you start to dislike it, it’s ruined, it’s not russia that ruined it, they ruined it themselves, if a person does nasty things to others, that’s considered a bad person. and if he does nasty things in politics, it’s called sanctions, they want to rule the world, they have been for 500 years, everything in the world is dying, not just men and women, and there is no democracy at all, forget this word. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, and today with you are victoria popova and tatyana shchyurbina. and today we are again in moscow, on the territory of the hospitable, cultural, business complex of the belarusian embassy and today our guest is the dean of the higher school of television,
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lomanosov moscow state university, journalist and political scientist, vitaly trityakov. good afternoon. hello. hello. april 2 will be widely celebrated in belarus.
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my behavior became skeptic, because i saw western politicians with all their words, we believed in a pan-european house that would be built there from that french brest, or to the urals, or even to...
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the sanction is disgusting, that’s it so to speak, if a person does nasty things to others, this is considered a bad person, and if in politics he does nasty things, these are called sanctions, because there a person will justify how useful, fair, democratic all that stuff is, that’s why we use the word independence it is necessary to take into account this circumstance, few people fully have it,
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russia was the most sovereign country, the most independent country, that is , despite what it pursued the policy it wanted, right or wrong, it doesn’t matter what it wanted and the external internal , well, taking into account all the circumstances, let’s take most of the european countries. during this time they did not have such independence, with the exception of great britain, which then became dependent on its former colonies, that is , on the usa, but this happened later, everyone european countries, a conqueror appeared , napoleon, charles of some kind, yashnyuk about hitler , the whole of europe fell under him, some blathered, some resisted for 6 days, some for 26. well , the result was the same everywhere, yes, so be under it’s familiar to
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some people, but it’s unusual for russia, so you can guess the russian people, there’s something about russia as a whole that’s kind of barbaric, so we’re not used to living under someone else’s rule , it’s better to have a bad one, but our own, than ideal, good, we tried it in the nineties, it turned out that all this was really vomit. therefore, my feelings, russia is an empire
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, was, is, remains, my feelings are the feeling of an imperial person, so when i discuss this topic, i always say, i try to understand their logic, take the position of a person, a representative of the people who obeyed russia was part of russia, poland was part of the russian empire, but then the soviet bloc.
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well, what can i do, if i tell you now, no, you will feel better in our arms, but you still don’t believe it. and are ready to blow kisses to each other, but not at all on the lips, yes, but not to kiss on the lips , despite the fact that there is a sincere air kiss there, that’s why i can’t answer yours directly rudely, i mean directly, because it would be rude, we have slightly different psychology, we understand, vitalitorich, tell me,
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since time immemorial, the anglo-saxons have been trying to ensure that we fight each other, and we are fighting each other again .
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well, excuse me, well, i don’t know much about the bosses and i think you, too, are political ones, who say: but i’m tired of something to work as a boss , i’ll go as a simple gardener, it seems like i have money and a house, they saw these, well, there is one legendary one who later grew cabbage,
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supposedly india, it turned out that this is not india, but america, and something like that to seize, in order to strengthen, your power, but now you can only seize by taking it away from another, well , this is how this damn international life is built, it is arranged by god. nature, i don’t know who, but definitely not lukashenko, not putin, you can make any claims against them, maybe not i like, among other things, that they are like those gardeners, they don’t leave, grow cabbage, grow cabbage, but in this case i’m glad that they don’t leave, and
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i’ve been talking about this for a long time, but this is a separate topic, it may concern , but they didn’t create it.
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that word, it’s true, has long been filled with vile content, well, and liberals, rather, yes, democrats with liberal overflows, overflows, shades there. now let 's see, they were certainly in favor, especially in the nineties, and later, some spoke about it more clearly, some not quite explicitly, but clearly it was that, in principle, it was gravitating towards this, great. then i had conversations with him and especially with some actors to talk about this, i said, how does this happen,
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you’ve been running your theater for 25 years, 30 years, that’s all the people i named, remember when they became artistic directors all in soviet times, but talented, certainly super-talented people left, but just recently, everything used to be... oleg nikolaevich and, unfortunately, i have a question, yes, you ask the artists, and i mentioned them, and how it should be artistic director of the theater, everyone answers you the same thing, an enlightened dictator, no one says that you have to be a stupid, weightless democrat, yes, no one says, that’s when...
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russia, but excuse me, 10 million is not, not 200.
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in any job we know that if the boss is effective, there is always someone to change something, there are deputies with complaints, there are deputies without complaints, there are people from the outside, like in international relations, who want to change, but if the leader is effective and provides effective work that's all of this organism, theatre, country, city, so why change it, now we will take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests. we are connections.
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what are you doing, how do you look like musya, the child has severe burns and is dying, rubbish, who provided first aid, the one who did it already, she did everything right, without her he would have died, and where is mosya, let her come , your sister had it? cavalier, what was his last name? mitya andreev is a very good person, believe me, he is simply got into trouble, he needs documents to go to the front, i love you, i just know, i love you, wait, i did this for our son, he wanted to see her, why is this crappy doctor, that’s it, i don’t communicate with her much, should the concert be stopped immediately?
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adventure of foreigners in belarus, good afternoon, kind, me, vladimir, who is this beautiful boy or girl? boy, his name is murimets, we don’t scare the horse, we don’t scare ourselves, we ask something incomprehensible, here everything is so cool, you can clearly see it. the ecuadorian has been living here for 8 years and travels around our cities and villages it is necessary to make such smooth movements so that in order to cut it, yes, you can twist it, that’s all, and dip it with pleasure and talk about the most colorful places in the country. this is our ice training rink, the national teams u-17 and u-18 belarusian train here. cool.
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not hard like that, yes, hard, tough and sharp, yes, a dangerous thing, uh, no, no, i can’t, it opens here, sit down and, or you can sit, of course, as if i was really being treated, that’s it, guys, please , don’t interfere, i’ll arrange it, look at the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel . on the air again, i say don’t be silent and today our guest is the dean of the higher school of television of lomanosov moscow state university, journalist, political scientist, vitaly tritikov. so vital, well , you need to be realists, you know, you need to be realists, i always said, not democracy for russia, not for democracy, but democracy for russia, and there is no
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democracy at all, forget that word. there are two methods of managing any teams, including such gigantic ones as countries, namely the administrative-command method, it can be called this very authoritarian, or hierarchical, and democratic, now more often they say network, really effective politics is not democratic or authoritarian, the most optimal combination in the given historical conditions for a given country.
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universities of the highest level, where they still live, in many ways, and so on , you know, they destroyed all this, it was not russia that destroyed, they themselves destroyed it, here alexander grigorievich, in much more modest conditions, spoke out against, including including what happened in russia, this is the ideology, let's save these state-owned enterprises.
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he preserved agriculture in much less favorable conditions, much poorer in natural resources and in general in... all these people have already understood that some people sitting in brussels are dictating to the whole of europe how to live, what you can marry a woman, but you can marry a man, and
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you’re sitting there in a greek village, i’ve been to greece many times, they, well, i’ve just traveled all over europe, there’s a lot that i can tell you, they ’re terrified were in italy, in the villages, in small towns are terrified. they can’t do anything from the european union, from its decisions, well , that is, they also twist the weight with their finger, yes , when they hear about these new connivances, no, no, they can twist it as much as they want, but the system of power that it’s called democratic, that’s authoritarianism here, and there’s democracy, but it turns out democracy, democracy, you can’t do anything, that’s how they sit, urtsula, barel, they’ll sit there, well, they’ll change them for someone else.
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team, your team, your country, through this transitional period, through these difficult times, and so every day it’s to vote, are we for lgbt or are we against lgbt, let’s discuss, debate, well , let’s discuss that an active minority called lgbt will come, that’s why no one.. strong power, but effective and smart , no one has canceled it, i repeat, it was not you and i who created it, not putin and lukashenko, not some sidinpin, but world history at its very, very beginning, we
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saw an interesting entry on your page in one of social networks, on the anniversary of the death of vladimir lenin, you wrote: a brilliant politician, 100 years ago one of the greatest politicians in the history of mankind , perhaps the greatest politician, passed away. century vladimir lenin. the grandiose social experiment he began was ahead of its time, but humanity will return to it. do you really think this is possible? well, you just don’t need to understand what lenin wanted to do, but as something that is interpreted by such a well-known vulgar political joke, which is actually never taken seriously was not perceived, now almost as a political doctrine. that khrushchev promised to build communism by 1980, instead they only held the olympics, i don’t even want to talk about this, that is, if you understand it so primitively, then well, then there is no need to have
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serious conversations, but the idea itself, the dream of justice, it certainly exists, even if we understand it egoistically, that’s what communism is in such a simplified way. but not in a flattened form, succinctly formulated lenin is not lenin really stood between among other things, on the european humanistic tradition of the revival of enlightenment, socialism there is french, german philosophy, well , that is, it is european, so this man ... took power that was lying on the ground, the bolsheviks did not overthrow any tsar, it was not the bolsheviks who did this before them, which means , they did not retain power, here is an educated
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ruling class, they dreamed of changing the monarchy, outdated, rotten there medieval, to the power of the european model, this is what is super-monarch. got power, that's it, they couldn't control country, they didn’t know how, everyone had a higher education, lenin came with the bolsheviks, raised this power. not a single person on his team had experience in leadership, i don’t know there, even at this very school, the gymnasium , which leni himself, his dad had experience in such leadership, but no one had it, well, maybe one of karzhanov’s , maybe he led something there under the tsar, they won this civil war, which was combined... with this presence there are also 14, in reality, in
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my opinion, 24 troops from 24 countries on the territory the former russian empire, carried out economic reforms, brought the country together, and 74 years, 74 years, this country, now the usa, why is it collapsing, they are outdated, the european union, the european union existed for 70 years , only... by the way, it’s not from the beginning of its creation, everything, he has become decrepit, everything in the world is decrepit, not only men and women , excuse me, but also international organizations, government structures, age too and the same age, approximately 74 years old, if no renewal occurs, for 74 years soviet power has been supported with giant achievements, bringing the country, russia , called the soviet union, to... the peak of its global power of influence. tsarist
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russia is one of the great powers, but by no means, let alone the soviet union. here. yes, at the same time, this impulse, the achievement of social justice, maximum justice, has faded away. that is, he remained in slogans, but it did not work out in life for various reasons. objectively, there were no subjective geniuses on lenin’s level. that's why. all beautiful things are unattainable, yes, but that doesn't mean you need to learn about it, here you go at school they say you can’t know everything, so if you don’t read anything, you still won’t know everything, or you’ll say, there’s someone living there next door.
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excuse world politics, this is all lenin, this is all lenin, the colonial system collapsed, it began then, he also spoke, but after the second world war, completely under the influence of the soviet union, and this impulse was lenin laid down by his very national policy, for which he now they are reproaching him for bringing this very liberation of peoples to the point where...
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i had to say this too, in my opinion now they still don’t realize this , well, excuse me, the majority, the bolsheviks under the leadership of lenin, that means those who are above the tsar, they wanted to make russia a sub-state, even more european than it was under romanovo, wonderful, that is, to make it the same, like the rest of the advanced, as european... countries now say, great, yes, but these advanced european countries, one
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way or another, they were all under the rule of what is called capital, well, money, is n’t that true? and now this happens if you have a lot of money, you may like it, if you don’t have enough, you start to dislike it, so the bolsheviks stole russia and wanted to wrest the whole world from the power of capital, and capital at that time was from... where in the west, not from- under the power of china, lenin tore russia out, not from the power of african countries, from the power of european capitalist countries. and what is russia under putin, the current one, is again to take russia out from under the power of the same west, only in this case there are still a bunch of other countries sitting and watching, they too power, you do like it when
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an american comes to you, yes , many are used to it, but it’s not felt, many have...
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it turns out we can start an uprising again, but now we are no longer as weak as we were then, now we have all the signs of a formal and independent state, we can next time, if it comes to this, an american ambassador or ambassadors will come, even if now they
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are sending more and more women, usually ugly ones, but this is a separate topic, and we’ll say, get out, because how...
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but there are connections, yes, such, but it was , by the way, the soviet union did not break up into 15 republics, much more, yes, yes, abkhazia, south ossetia, transnistria, in general gagauzia was there, also nagorno-karabakh and so on, independent, unrecognized states, so-called, began to be indignant in belis, in ukraine, when everything started with crimea, and crimea always wanted to leave. i was there all the time, people wanted it first of all, they say how it is, these are the inviolable borders, the helsinki act and so on. i i say, wait, the heser act of 1975 is wonderful, but where is the soviet union? there is a signature there, there is no ukraine
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, there is no signature there, there is also georgia, there is a soviet union signature, but it is not there, which means the borders have already changed , and the czech republic and slovakia were czechoslovakia, but now the czech republic and slovakia are, and yugoslavia, there is a signature , and where is yugoslavia , no, this is the first, i say, the second, why do you think that if... the soviet union collapsed, that is, big russia, yugoslavia, and germany, on the contrary, united, here is georgia or ukraine, who forbade this , the lord god wrote this, and ukraine is within the borders of the soviet union in ninety-one, firstly, god does not know what the soviet union is, what the republican border is, so it will remain forever, the whole history is changing borders, by the way, is the whole story.
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well, spanish there with some exceptions , also great music, great - uh, great
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painting and all that stuff, so that’s how it was, why in this place, why france is a great power, and next to it is some belgium, well there is such a special education, small, and liechtenstein, a grand duchy, a grand duchy, not a great power, monk. that’s why i say, we can debate for a long time, why and how, but russia got into this number, thanks to the russian people, good, bad, well, there is some kind of theory of passionarity, but no, not passionarity, yes, but this passionarity was there a long time ago , there were great empires, both the armenian one and italy, a wonderful country, but a great power, it has long been impossible to call it, and even there in the 19th century. she was not one of the great powers, but germany, destroyed into a principality, was still generally considered a great power, and so
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the ostavengian empire disappeared, the ottoman empire is gathering again, although it also disappeared , somehow it happened, for some reason i say, so i claim that georgia never existed a great power and will never... be and it’s not my fault for this, and it’s not putin ’s fault for this, it’s god’s fault, nature, the story of the big beech, i don’t know who else, that’s why you like it, don’t like it, but this is the truth of history, the truth of life, they do not fall apart only you don’t like russia, called the soviet union or the tsarist empire, but all other countries, including you, and since you already... so accept this as reality , think about why this happened, and great powers do not arise out of nowhere, they
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arises at a certain geographical , historical point, so study what at this point, the water there is like that or the moss there is better than or i don’t know what else, goat’s milk is better than yours, well, it arises in this very place, and there’s nothing you can do here, finally, this is just very short. therefore belarus you need to stay closer than a blowing kiss to one of the great powers in this embrace. and lastly, a short question , we know you as a theatergoer, and you have already mentioned here the great theaters, the last time i was in minsk, let’s go - your big theater, which was enlightened, in soviet times there were only three big theaters officially, well, ours big moscow, of course.
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our arrival was postponed specifically for this purpose, because we usually come and have a free evening only on monday, on tuesday for recording and we leave at night, and on mondays the theaters are closed - it’s so good in minsk, just like in russia, that the theater wasn’t moved specially for your arrival, but please tell me, now in moscow the theater crowd has broken up a little, how do you feel about it ? beyond that, everything
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is behind us, the pinnacles of european culture are behind us, it’s sad to realize, but i believe that this is reality, for me it’s just a question, we are going downhill, this is our culture, this european one, if russian breaks free of it completely, this is from the current one this european, then maybe there will be
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something like a new revival here, we are rolling, we are... gradually going downhill into some valley or we are rolling into an abyss, you won’t name me a single one, you can easily name masterpieces, and their there will be a lot, you will list there as educated people with higher education, you have to think in the humanities, so you will be sorting out various masterpieces of literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, they will include them in european ones. a gigantic russian part of culture of the 16th centuries, now tell me a brilliant novel russian, created in the 21st century, brilliant architectural works, brilliant musical works, you name it, i won’t name it, maybe for neophytes, well, for the zephyr, as this generation is called
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, some kind of watershed, is it a genius? you know what, it means that for me, i’m a literary person , literature-centric, that’s how we were raised, such an education, life in the soviet union, especially in moscow, there, that’s what we were aiming for, for me pushkin, lermant, here, i have 8.0 books in the library, personal, at home, naturally, i couldn’t read everything. but already i can’t, i won’t have time, but when you are drawn to buy books, you can’t help but buy a book, the habit remains, yes the habit, so that’s what i’m saying, i’m well read, well, not bad, much better, i don’t even speak with modern i don’t compare me to the younger generation, i’m well-read, when i read
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well, i have such an attitude that nikolayevich is all positive, there’s no dostoevsky, there won’t be , that this is still a downhill path, well , i want it not ... thoughts that there should be more such meetings, let’s hope that you will come to us more than once also in our program, they come to minsk regularly, you just caught me for the first time, and even then in moscow, you caught me, tatyana
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shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, thank you, yes, goodbye, thank you, girl, vitaly tretyakov is now saying, well, dear belarusians, minsk, moscow are the same thing for me, only moscow is big, and minsk is smaller, so. russia and belarus are the same thing for me, only russia is big, and belarus is smaller, so we are together, and for me this land is native, i have never lived there permanently, but for me this land is native, as i hope it is for you, for everyone, russian land.
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about the unique features of the oldest belarusian churches, the vault, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when the juice of jesus christ is removed.


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