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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years? watch in spiritual and educational projects on tv channel belarus 244. live broadcast of the main news at noon in the studio. laying a capsule with a message for
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posterity at the site of a unique social facility, the president on a working trip to grodno. we are for each other on the international stage, back to back in defense, together in guarding security. today is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. deadly cargo in orthodox icons in russia channel blocked explosives. from ukraine through the eu countries. for statements in support of russia , access to competitions could be closed ; following the words of russian athletes on social networks. motorcyclists are under the close supervision of gi for aggressive movement and confiscation of vehicles. the president, on a working trip to grodno , visited the construction site in the regional center.
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production as a result of the investment project , the production of glass containers was organized on three lines, this is 220 tons per day. today marks a significant date: unity day the peoples of belarus and russia, when the international community is going through a difficult time of conflicts and crises, the unity of our countries is of particular value. despite difficult external conditions, we managed to prevent a decline in production and maintain employment and the dynamics of economic development.
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noted the chairman of the supreme state council of the union state, the president of belarus, in his congratulations on the holiday. competitive innovative products are produced, high-tech projects in nuclear energy, cars and machine tool industry, transport. the share of domestic components and developments is growing. step by step we are developing new markets, we have taken a course of reducing costs and improving the quality of allied goods and services. i will achieve real successes, real breakthroughs. for the first time in the history of independent belarus , a belarusian cosmonaut is working on the iss. but the most important thing is emphasized by alexander lukashenko. the union has a pronounced social orientation. citizens of the two countries enjoy equal rights and guarantees. can actually experience the benefits of living, working, studying and travel within the union. states
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without restrictions, and this is not a complete list of achievements that allow millions of belarusians and russians to look to the future with confidence. in july of this year, we will together solemnly celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, and in may 2025 the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. two most important dates in the life of the belarusian and russian people as a memory of the feat of the heroic ancestors who gave peace and freedom to the peoples of europe. and an example of unity, resilience unity for all of us. on the occasion of the day of unity of the peoples of the two countries, the presidents of belarus and russia exchanged congratulations. alexander lukashenko noted in his message: the union state is a unique joint project, an example of the most successful integration in the post-soviet space. the experience gained over a quarter of a century allows us to quickly and effectively respond to the unprecedented threat challenges that our countries have faced.
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have been working for the benefit of the peoples of two countries for years, a report from the belarusian-russian borderlands. oksana malatsion has two homelands. a native of the rudnyansky district studied in smolensk at the medical academy, but for many years she has been working for the benefit of the residents of the leoznensky district, she came to work in
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belarus and stayed to live. both the homeland there and the homeland here are probably as one, whole, because it’s not for nothing that they say that russia and belarus are brothers. meet relatives, travel. work on both sides of the border, all without obstacles. from the belarusian liozn to the nearest russian regional center rudnya is not more than 20 km, so here in the borderland, what is not a family is a close intertwining of the roots of two peoples. the length of the common border is 70 km, but, in fact, it is only on the map. therefore, not only social ties are strengthening, but also economic ones, which is how big russian business has come in. private enterprise of leostinsky district. together with an enterprise of the russian federation from st. petersburg, they created a plant for the production of lamps, bought an unused school at auction, today the leozdinsky enterprise won a huge tender from rosatom supplies today is already
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making felt lamps for the russian federation for rostom. thanks to the russian philanthropist , the odaminskaya gorka memorial complex, a common historical one, has been extensively updated. the guys left indelible impressions, they visited not only the burial places of soldiers of the 158th infantry division, they also visited many museums. after the war, liozna was in ruins; already in peacetime, colleagues from the rudnya museum helped belarusian craftsmen restore the structure of clothing,
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characteristic of these places. cultural exchange is growing. our house of crafts opened the days of the vitebsk region at vdnkh. it immediately became clear that. the work and the creativity that we represent is very clear to muscovites, it is very recognizable, it is in demand, bridges of friendship connect two fraternal peoples, common values ​​and common goals, to live in a world of harmony. olga moslovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency. history, and current events, have clearly made it clear that we are together through difficult times.
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unity is primarily economics. belarus is in demand in russia today more than ever. russia and belarus. have become much closer to each other, and may the memory of those who left us inspire us to create for the sake of the future of our peoples. belarusians and russians are interested in the entire eurasian region developing as a single whole. you are simply uniting us, but they cannot stand against this front. people need to know what is happening in belarus, in russia.


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