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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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in the ninety- first year, ukrainians simply fell from the sky, or rather from russia, the largest european state after russia, soil, climate, access to the sea, black soil, developed industry, top-level universities, on which they still live in many ways , and so on, you know all this, they collapsed, politics is management, lukashenko’s position turned out to be... effective,
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he really managed to preserve the maximum independence of belarus, in which parts of the globe great powers arise, who in are you responsible for this? see the answers in the full episode on the belarus one youtube channel. polish farmers again blocked traffic for ukrainian trucks. warsaw was officially notified of the blocking of one checkpoint near griny. three trucks per six will be allowed to leave for ukraine. towards poland , one truck per day. passenger cars and buses will not be affected by the restrictions. there is a message that two more checkpoints are blocked. meanwhile, ukraine’s budget has already lost $523 million due to the blockade of checkpoints on the polish border. damage for march it is estimated to be almost 167 million. emergency in a school in finland, a twelve-year-old teenager opened fire, three schoolchildren were injured. the shooter was detained. about his motives and other circumstances. no incident was reported,
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the police are working at the school, about 800 children study at the educational institution and about 90 specialists work. we have been building a union state for almost a quarter of a century, today is a significant date - the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. the countries decided to expand partnership in the scientific, educational and cultural spheres. in national library signed a cooperation agreement with the boris yeltsin presidential library, and also opened a remote point.
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the national library of our country and the presidential library named after boris yeltsin have a long-term and fruitful cooperation, including participation in professional events, exchange of experience, successful practices, and implementation.
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hello, they won’t give us a quiet life - the president said when meeting with the russian governor on monday, much to the regret of the russians and belarusians in this you have to convince yourself from your own experience. a black date in russian history is march 22, a monstrous terrorist attack in crocus. terrorists cold-bloodedly shoot women, children and disabled people at point-blank range at the concert. in which a bandit finishes off a wounded man with a knife, shocked the whole world. in the massacre, then the fire at the hands of non-humans, 139 people died in the fire. the data, unfortunately, may not be final; two belarusian citizens were among the dead. doctors continue to fight for the lives of the wounded. the next day, four terrorists were detained in bryansk areas. they fled to ukraine, and the belarusian special services helped the russian special services in their search.
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colleagues are in mourning in russia and grief all over the world. the criminals cold-bloodedly and purposefully went precisely to kill, to shoot our citizens at point-blank range. let's start with the date, andrei evgenevich, do you agree that it is not random? well, here is a direct, unfortunately, symbolic connection between our khatyn and what happened in the moscow region. firstly, the goal is to intimidate,
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suppress the will, destroy, burn, then finish off, shoot. what's in forty-three year in our village khatyn, in moscow. secondly, well, of course, this is such an atrocity of mercenaries, both in khatyn and in crocus, because the performers in khatyn were the first company of the 118th separate ukrainian police battalion, they were partly mercenaries, partly, unfortunately, volunteers, neo-nazis, ukrainian, bukovinian kuren who killed their fellow tribesmen, we need to look,
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with the indirect or personal participation of intelligence agents and the intelligence services themselves, those that get out of control, those that solve political problems of intimidating their geopolitical opponents, therefore isis is a tool, isis was nurtured, american generals openly admitted this
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at congressional hearings, and israeli politicians on israeli television channels said that isis was nurtured to carry out reconstruction. now i’m saying so softly, this arab islamic maghreb, we will definitely, definitely continue this topic, let’s listen to the president, yesterday you answered questions from journalists, including answering the question about regarding the crocus, the interaction between belarusians and russians, why do you often ask me a question in belarus, they couldn’t go to belarus, they are their curators, we have suspicions about some, i ’ll call putin, tell them my suspicions, they understood, that it is impossible to enter belarus, because in the first minutes, as russia switched the region to a heightened security regime, so in our country, in the very first minutes , the chairman of the kgb reported to me that he was engaged in anti-terrorist measures, we all
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brought into action in the most combative, combat situation their units, the police immediately at...
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the belarusian and russian special services, it is no longer a secret that belarus played a huge role, including in detaining terrorists, this is normal, for a long time, understanding that the threats are common. that the threat of extremism for both belarus and russia comes from the same decision-making centers, we act together, which provides us with a certain security, why certain, today terror is an instrument of hybrid war and geopolitical confrontation, an ordinary tool, like sanctions, no matter how cynical it may sound, but in the west, sanctions don’t work, direct military invasion, we are afraid of direct war, because we will lose, which means we use terror, that’s the truth of life, so you started with what is
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the similarity between khatyn and the terrorist attack that happened in moscow, there is an obvious similarity, why did the germans burn khatyn, policemen and bandera, because they wanted to bring the people to their knees, it didn’t work, so they entered the territory of our country and received fierce resistance, i can’t bring you to your knees, how to intimidate, let’s burn, it’s the same here, military.
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pulled, asked this question, he answered without hesitation, of course, ukraine, but how can there be doubts about this today, well, to
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question, of course, paturshev’s words would probably not be entirely correct, let me add further then, i will further add, on the eve fsb director bortnikov also spoke about the trace of ukraine, we will listen now, you will answer later, please, the bandits intended to go abroad, precisely on the territory ukraine, according to our preliminary operational information, they were waiting there, i... they - excuse me, were making their moves, which means they still intended to leave, leave, and i’ll tell you a little secret: on the other side they wanted to be greeted as heroes, here i would like to say that everything is of interest, everything leads to the fact that ukraine, of course, knew about this terrorist act, everything leads to the fact that ukraine was, like no one else, but certainly interested in this terrorist act and not only . and not so much ukraine, but as its customers, you look, today it is divided by and large, these are the executors, these are those who
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ruled, the so-called isis, yes, who either found out there or not, today you can blame anything on isis, this organization, it exists as -it’s ephemeral, somewhere there are, in all likelihood, some separate cells, sleeping ones , anything can be attributed to this, and of course those forces that were the masterminds of this whole crime, that’s how sergeevich correctly said, there are ears, they grow from somewhere, and it was rightly said that... that he was prepared, many argue there, they held the weapon correctly, they held the weapon incorrectly, i want to say, every
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military person understands that holding a weapon is purely individual, like a person’s handwriting, the same thing here, but they imagined, they acted in accordance with how they drew these tasks for themselves, that is, where the security was located, they immediately neutralized this security, where on what floor, where to go, where to set fire to what, you understand, this is impossible to do if you do not prepare it terrorist. act, they were prepared and prepared very well, after that they are going to leave, and do you want someone to tell me that this was an unprepared terrorist act with people who had no idea what it was? it’s even like holding a weapon in your hands, well, it’s funny, they left, practically left all the way to ukraine, and you can imagine what it’s like, friday evening in moscow, and there were continuous traffic jams, and there was a channel for them through which they went out, the direction that was chosen, why they were flying towards ukraine, but first of all it was necessary to party of war to these customers, since russia has already
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started asking questions, since the west has begun to raise questions about the need to negotiate, no, we will now make sure that there will be no any, which indicates that the circle of those who accompanied this operation is much wider , even than those who agreed, they had to go to this ukraine, take them hot and quickly split them up in order to reveal them to ukraine so that there would be no more peaceful negotiations, in order to completely quarrel, and then we can say, ok, there is a law of paired cases there, they are sure to prepare some other terrorist act, so that...
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so that’s what remains for the russian federation to support the idea, yes isis, but isis were not the customers, but those who controlled it, these are the customers these need to be shown, shown to the whole world, who sponsored it, who... finished it off, therefore, in my opinion, today the russian leadership took a very correct concept for the pressure they will install the customer for me vladimir vladimirovich putin does not throw words to the wind, he promised to wet them in the toilet in the toilet at one time they soaked promised to find everyone, show them, destroy it, it will be done , there is no doubt that the customers will be found, i have no doubt about it, and one more thing that everyone should understand is that there is no money,
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for example, no terror, no money, no color revolution, that is, everything is tied to money, any terrorist attack requires a lot of money and preparation, and turkey also surfaced for a reason. the west is annoyed that turkey and russia have good working relations despite all the confrontations and conflicts, that is , they want russia and turkey to fight, this is also necessary, that is, they want to link russia with everyone, which the west did not succeed from the beginning from its own, the goal was initially to isolate belarus and russia from the whole world, this is a complete failure, the middle east with russia and belarus, that means.
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iraq, invasion of iraq, millions killed, refugees. tens of millions were left without everything, children are born to them, money is invested in them, hatred, it all spreads throughout the world, and yugoslavia, here we are idly, this one was remembered, i mean, those who bombed it celebrated there, for for them, this is a celebration of democracy, they bombed yugoslavia, but that the terror from there did not spread throughout europe, and that someone does not understand that from ukraine, even if the war ends today, there are still dozens of years of terrorist weapons.
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how do you look at what happened and where the traces lead? due to the tragedy that occurred, the hearts of belarusians are filled with grief and sadness, we stood in solidarity with the fraternal russian people. and i completely agree with the expressed opinions of experts, everything is obvious here, customers, performers, the ukrainian trace, everything is obvious, by the way, very important touch, because this terrible terrorist attack, those who want to present as religious fanatics, was committed during ramadan, and even on friday, and even in the hall named after muslim magamaim, this suggests that
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perhaps plan b was destruction, i don’t think that they would have been greeted in ukraine as if with flowers, because you can imagine, this is an image disaster after the security council unanimously condemned this tragedy, after everyone stood up, yes, that means, they commemorated a minute of silence, perhaps they were told that we will greet you like flowers, and that was operational information from the intelligence services, of course.
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the traces are obvious not only to us, but in the united states they are also talking about this, i offer a fragment of reflection, an interview, perhaps even such, you know, a cry of common sense in the storm of lies that is now observed in the united states of america,
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literally an hour later the statements of the state department began usa and european officials, that this is not ukraine, listen, well, do you
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think everyone is a fool, that is, you, without expecting an investigation, without expecting any information, i don’t know anything, this is definitely not ukraine, the reason one, geopolitics, here they have, for the kievsky regime, which they support, they can do everything, and this didn’t start yesterday, remember, before the trade unions it was simple.
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no factual information, they begin to look at this room with emotional and psychological tools, the number of men in blue t-shirts, from this they conclude that these are all employees of the russian special services, such a wave of absurdity, because in fact, if you look at this room from a different angle, you will wonder question, how many men are there in white t-shirts, in yellow t-shirts, you will see an even greater number and the number, what am i talking about, will now be on a high emotional upsurge, which always blocks critical thinking and working on the population. you, as a media expert, can tell us about this, in order to shift the emphasis, and this says that for them the terrorist operation is not over yet, they are continuing it both by dispersing interethnic conflicts, migration riots, which may still be the next stage, and by information company to say that the kremlin almost benefited from this terrible tragedy, which is absurd and another insult to the russian people with such accusations, humiliation, of course, but -
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any modern act of terrorism. is impossible without media accompaniment, it begins with this, then this media wave, that is, in order to create chaos, panic, uncertainty, insecurity, a feeling of insecurity, to encourage people to do crazy things, this is precisely what this media wave is used, but pay attention , indeed, in the united states of america there are talented journalists and experts who separate the grains from chaff and get to the bottom of the truth. let's take a warning, supposedly a warning on march 7, when a warning appeared on the websites of american, american, british, and russian embassies that us citizens living in the uk should not attend mass protests, that is , the americans already had information about the preparation of a terrorist attack , and they already had a rough idea, they knew, maybe through infiltrated agents, maybe through their vizovi in ​​the gur sbu and other terrorist
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organizations. already knew that something was being prepared in moscow, but acted according to protocol, because the americans are very rude people who love procedures, so if you had not warned the embassy of the united states of america, on your official page, god forbid at least one american would have died or been injured in the city hall crocus, the american government the american intelligence services would be to blame, they would pay billions of compensations due to the reaction of our fugitives, look, because by and large we did not see solidarity, for me this is... a serious question, i rarely touch on this group for various reasons reasons, primarily because they are not interesting to me or our viewers, i ’m sure, but in this case it is symptomatic when we see these, on the one hand , these same days, monstrous crimes, more and more new footage there with throats cut and so on, they suddenly begin to think about men who were not allowed to have lawyers and who are under pressure, stress, and remember, i want to tell you, i stood at the stele, who do you have to be to see
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what is happening like that, these are our people once- they were our people are with us, here i was standing on the stele, there was an explosion on the stele, we remember these tragic events in belarus, then the explosion in the subway, then i remember these already, they wrote it then, it was the authorities who organized the explosion, scum, then they said they detained kannavalov kovalev, that this is some kind of farce, and i, why did it infuriate me so much, i personally knew the officers of the ordinary guys who solved this crime, here we see the same thing that the fugitives said, all these events did not have time to happen. ..
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here i would like to say that yes, not at all there are terrible or not terrible terrorist attacks, there are only terrorist attacks that are distinguished by their cynicism, the degree of cynicism, this one, in terms of the degree of cynicism, probably, well, you can give a higher score to this particular terrorist act, which was also broadcast live, so as for lawyers, then as for the depressed people, well... let us omit, of course, the point that the russian federation, everyone probably understands this, is in a state of war, no matter what it is called, the special military has already said sands, yes, that is, even if so, then people who are not combatants, who do not have insignia, everything else, they practically do not fall under any laws at all, you can do whatever you want with them, this will tell you absolutely any military person, but we even put this aside, how the russian special services acted, they risked their lives to detain
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these, i don’t know, scoundrels, but i will call them... to feed and support them at the expense of those people they lost their very, very closest ones, this is what really happened, so the words depression about lawyers, it is inappropriate here, andrei petrovich, what do you think about this fact, which was noticed, but not by those who regret that lawyers were not allowed to see the terrorists. so, about the cut throat, an important detail: during the exercises in wiesbadan back in 2021, army general mark milley, until recently he served as head.
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first of all in ukraine, first of all in ukraine, i want to say this, this is what he said, he spoke the truth and the truth, this is what everything today is based on the military policy of the united states, which they are instilling throughout the world, and what we started the program with, whose igil, who formed
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this agil, what the taliban is, well, remember at least one organization that would not be terrorist today, wherever the same united states took part, i don’t think, friend osama, let them remember how they were friends with osama.
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decision, but now the authorities do not trust any of their western colleagues. yuri valerievich, i will support the minister of foreign affairs of russia, all this hypocrisy, because words speak about one thing,
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and you can even stand with representatives of russia during a minute of silence, but actions speak about something else, which means there are no prerequisites for these actions... to be curtailed, at least until elections of november twenty -four, and i think even after, because they have a strategy, the americans have a strategy, it has been launched, it has been implemented, they have very serious plans, it is enough to give an example related even to artificial intelligence, recently v the states had a program adopted for 100 years for its development, called a100, that is , imagine what they have, what...
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for young people and schoolchildren, that is, they are working
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on the brains of our children now, our children, and god forbid that on some black sheep was missed, but remember here we had one walking around the europa shopping mall with a chainsaw, so it’s natural that rozoslav 1000 messages, they can find, policemen are walking through shopping centers, along the streets in combat readiness with machine guns, this is absolutely correct reduction. remind in including those who may have something in their heads that over these 3 years we have seriously tightened the legislation, given more powers to our intelligence services, are ready to give even more, they must understand everything, the times when someone might have thought that he could raise his hand to a person in uniform, finished, raised his hand, no hand, the ceremony is on the territory of belarus, yesterday i liked the words of the president, they relate to security and, by and large, internal security, violated, he said:
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therefore any violation of state borders for destruction, they only understand force, and andrei petrovich, how did you, as a military man, hear the president, although it would seem that here he is speaking frankly and directly, here this message is more for western countries, yeah, look at the escalation that is happening today on our western borders, well, i ’m not even talking about the operations that they endlessly carry out under the name of their forward presence there, some kind of atlantic determination, where... they constantly come here all the time, supposedly under the pretext of rotation
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they are transferring and transferring their weapons and military equipment, what they have already given a damn about, trampled on in the constitution of all our neighboring countries, i won’t even just talk about it, these countries are already in a state of occupation, what the head of state drew attention to today, that the exercises are already taking place almost next to our territory, that their number is simply off the charts, we only recently witnessed these exercises dragoon 2024, today already... here there may be some very serious ultimatums and provocations, this is where all this comes from
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terrorist attacks, from here and there this is pressure on the russian federation, today this is pressure on us, why did the head of state visit this particular direction, this is the northwestern operational direction, this is the direction that is and especially the ashmyany direction, firstly, it borders of course with lithuania and latvia, the second thing is that the ashmyany tactical direction is the shortest route to the center of our state to the capital. so that it could interfere, there is a well-developed road network, there is, of course, good forest cover, cities there are practically no big ones along the road, there are only two such main borders, this is where ashmyany and where ashmyany volozhin, molodechno and so on, and the most important thing that needs to be said is what is the importance, besides the fact that this is
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the shortest route, it is located in the same direction nuclear power plant, so there are three moments, three moments in which they are dangerous.
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specifically on command, this is understandable, he said that russia and belarus are preparing to blitz creek in the near future to capture vilnius using nuclear weapons, so here i will draw attention to the phrase of the head of state that they only understand force, what does this mean, we don’t want war, he said about this yesterday that, god forbid, we don’t need your territory, this is clear to everyone, it ’s obvious, but why is he throwing it in are coming...
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we continue on march 23, 2024 15:36, a time that will forever enter. in the history of belarus, the successful start of our marina vaselevskaya.
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let me remind you of the belarusian contribution to space exploration . the first in the world to experience the state of weightlessness in an airplane of the laboratory was belarusian valentin danilovich, symbolically, as the first a woman in space, valentina tereshkova from a belarusian family, her mother and father were born in the mogilev region, but now the first citizen of belarus, historical events in every sense, made the automation nervous, but on the way to the stars the belarusians will no longer... stop, so we expect a touch, touch, is, is, is, 18:0258.
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from saturday until monday evening, many belarusians had the feeling that they, too, were revolving around the earth, waiting for docking, like that, they were nervous, worried. i wanted to see marina, to know that everything was fine with her, we saw, now the work, andrey vach, i’m sure that, like the whole country, i watched it live, thanks to our colleagues who showed this historical event, here i want to note several aspects, the first, of course, is the media that is so close to us journalists, this is high-quality evidence of the power of belarus, which entered the club. not only nuclear, but also space powers now, and the crown of their cosmonauts, their citizens in space, there are many reasonings, there are big ones.
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these are new materials that belarus develops and which are used , among other things, in the russian space program, from deep space exploration and the passage of radio signals, to the actual materials of the skin of ships, probes, satellites, which are then used in the civilian sector. this is optics, this is precision electronics, this is a huge layer of technological spheres, the crown of which was manned flight. a belarusian citizen, and thirdly, this is, of course, more of an ideological aspect. belarusians,
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young, beautiful, bright, lack heroes of your time, objectively there is not enough, well, well, no, it’s not always like, i don’t know, the comic book heroes who are there, remember, we remembered these subcultures, in black spiders, there and everything else, we need heroes, these are the heroes of our time, this is naturally a young, beautiful girl.
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the transfer from thursday to saturday was greeted with gloating, this is also a litmus test that showed which of us , our viewers and listeners all made conclusions a long time ago, yes, therefore, but look. space project, so it’s possible, really? we need to leave the planet so that we become russian -american in one i also came to this idea, it turns out that we have to leave
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the planet in order to calmly, calmly solve scientific problems in a constructive atmosphere, this is wonderful, and we saw it with our own eyes, which means this can be done on earth, but i’ll still say about the bad citizens, i can’t help but say, here they are. because people should know that they were making jokes not only about our flight into space, and it’s good that they were making jokes, it means everything will be fine, i remind you that they were making jokes about atomic power plant for many years, it was put into operation, it is working today, they made fun of the fact that we need to preserve the special services, we need to develop the ministry of internal affairs and the army, today these special services and the army are saving our country, they made fun of agriculture and said that we saved the collective farms in vain, why? in general, we do this, it feeds not only us, but it’s also nonsense, you don’t need to grow anything, you just need to buy everything, today agriculture
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is the largest source of income for our country, they made fun of us for not selling enterprises that remained after the collapse of the ussr, and today these enterprises are busy saving not only belarus, but also russia from sanctions, let them play around, that’s all, it’s great, well, i’ll also start with the fact that why they play around, well, first of all. ..
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well, i think this is my, purely my opinion, well , he will deserve it, i would be pleased that there was a hero of belarus, we have such oleg viktorovich novitsky, because a person who, well, carries the banner of belarus high, you know, is a real belarusian, a belarusian who needs to be carried in our arms, that’s us everyone must remember, but one aspect is important here, why we need space, what it is, we say, yes, we are a space power, yes we are striving there, but many do not understand what it is, at one time the thirty-fifth president of the united states . he said that the cold expanses of the universe should not be the arena for an even colder war. we approached these aspects at different times, you will remember, there were warming events associated there and the apollo alliance, then the program that was associated with the world shuttle and so on. we can both remember and more interesting, firstly, all this was against the backdrop of what? against the background of the confrontation between two
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superpowers, the soviet union and the united states. who will be the first to fly into space, who will be the first to go into space, who will conquer the moon and so on and so forth, but everywhere space has always been military, look, look, even though we are talking about peaceful space, well, the first of our compatriots who flew into space, yuri gagarin, he was a military man, the first one to go into space to discover, he was a military man, all the people, the same one, yes, they were all military people today. and oleg novitsky is the same, but you must understand that first of all, in the beginning he is a military man, and then an astronaut, and the same thing, we will look at the astronauts we are talking about, the first set of these, starting with families today, all of them military people, therefore it is impossible to say that non-military space is impossible, but why is it important? today we are entering into such a concept as the security of our state, and today near space is no longer a long-term perspective, but this is a
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near-term perspective, you will remember this the probe, which is chinese... flew and was already in the near space, and today they are talking about technologies related to high-speed rockets, hypersounds, this is all this space, and if we do not declare today that we are a space power and will not provide tasks related specifically to the protection, including of near space, its research , the launch of our spacecraft, today there are four of them in space just in case, and by the way they bring multimillion-dollar profits to our state, then we say that we are lagging behind, but as for this... look who, here who do we remember from some historical characters who played the greatest role for our state? this is about stalin, who took the country with a shovel and left it with nuclear weapons. i also know one person who took our country already on the brink collapse and disintegration in the nineties, and today we have nuclear energy, and nuclear weapons and flew into space, we don’t want to stop there yet, i have
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an important topic, we need to catch it too... touch on it, for now we, our cosmonaut in space, there are people who want continue to stay on the ground, why are we being pulled there? the office of volker türk, the un high commissioner for human rights, issued regular reports on belarus, the song here is old, the repressions, of course, are especially impressive in the inhumane conditions in the punishment cells, this is how they write, i ’ll even quote here, prisoners were not allowed to have any personal items. or do something personal, and also sleep during the day, here you know, in general, personal affairs sleep during the day, no guidance on he doesn’t finish his work, apparently we will also be reminded of this later, but let’s put the jokes aside, the conclusion from the report is that crimes against humanity are being committed in belarus, i will ask for a lot of time, i need to answer this man, who lives quite obviously in his own way. then reality, he does not see what is happening in the middle east, what israel is doing, he does not see
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where the terrorists are tearing their claws at... whose blood has not yet dried, he absolutely needs to ensure that people in our pre-trial detention centers can sleep during the day, get enough sleep, otherwise it's straight violation of everything, well , there was also something about gender, this is a separate story, such a strange document, this man, with his statement, drove another nail into the coffin of international structures of their authority, and in short, he can say a lot, a lot, briefly, buddy, buddy, then come to belarus. border, please figure out where the corpses are coming from, which we documented, are being killed by polish and baltic border guards, how many criminal cases have been opened, well , come, look, figure out where they are going ukrainian children in europe, where are they, deal with the murdered children, i’m not even talking about the middle east, here in europe, finally go to kosovo and figure out
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what’s being prepared there, europe will soon be blown up, that’s his every statement, he is now destroying the international one. it arose that our modern technological express, under the control of driver lukashenko, passed the station, strengthening independence, strengthening sovereignty, strengthening well-being, and is moving forward to the station of strategic development and progressive development of belarus, their rusty train still remains at the station with the name anger, lies, hypocrisy, failure, envy, everything that goes along with it, so we move on and don’t listen to any un, no commissioners, no fugitives,
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no legal, moral, ethical possibilities to tell us, these characters no longer have what to do in our state, they have gone bankrupt in all directions, all over the world, oleg sergeevich is absolutely right, there is no faith, no trust. all double standards have already become the talk of the town, so we ourselves we will decide how to live in our own land according to our own laws. andrei petrovich, well, i agree with my colleagues here, that we have our own path, no one should tell us, we have historically defended the right to exist in the family of peoples of europe, and no one has the right to tell us how to live, how to live build your own, your own sovereignty. whether we should fly into space or not, whether we should support the russian federation or not, in the end i want to say, we are a sovereign state, we are an established state, and i i want to say, we will never abandon and
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have never abandoned our allies, and today we are together with the russian federation, and as we said in the program, the enemy is clearly defined, we have one enemy with russia, i thank you for this conversation, but finish, finish , i would like this, in spite of everything, even you... stubborn, but important in such matters of automation, belarus is opening a new cosmic page and doing it beautifully. marina vasilevskaya’s charm hits the target, i feel something from gagarin’s legendary smile, as if we are declaring to the universe, look, we are much more than squabbles over rocks and sand. beautiful, real, ours, we wish her good luck, but this is not only about beauty, it’s not even about space, which, of course, brings a scientific school and production into a new orbit, it’s an act. they beat us with a special will and spirit, and instead of fixing our eyes on the ground, we consider our place among the stars, find it there, beautifully
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not far away, and begin the journey.


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