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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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don’t touch it, sooner or later it will turn into a disaster, even if they repay you in a good way, repay the debt, because i want you and your children, your grandchildren to live in a calm, peaceful country, while i am the president, while my assistants work here throughout the country, we will pursue this policy. laying the capsule at the construction site, the president draws the attention of the guests. this hospital, like numerous objects that have already been created according to...
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character, also visited enterprises that deal with wood, there are, i believe, all around great prospects for selling products, not only in our market, but in markets adjacent to our region. we talked about several options for cooperation, first of all, the supply of finished products to our market, but we also talked about the possibility of creating joint ventures. we work closely with the russian federation in terms of the supply of house kits - this, of course, initially, these are the moscow region, moscow, st. petersburg, bruss b
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day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. the countries decided to expand partnership in scientific, educational and cultural spheres. the national library signed a cooperation agreement with the boris yeltsin presidential library, and also opened a remote access point to its electronic reading room. it is famous for the fact that...
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belarus is in demand in russia today more than ever. russia and belarus have become much closer to each other. and may the memory of those who left us inspire us to create for the sake of the future of our peoples. belarusians and russians are interested in the whole the eurasian region developed as a single church.
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on april 9, at the session of the vitebsk regional council of deputies, the region will finally decide on the delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from among the deputies of local councils. the public association and the list of names will be drawn up at republican conferences. an israeli drone attack in the gaza strip killed seven aid workers. the victims of the attack were citizens of poland, great britain and australia. also a holder of dual citizenship of the usa and canada. and driver palestinian. they moved around the gaza strip in two armored vehicles with the logo of a charity organization. it was on their body armor. despite coordination with sahal, the convoy was fired upon in the town of deir el-balah after unloading 100 tons of food aid. the organization
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where the deceased worked suspended its activities. the british foreign ministry demanded an official explanation. the israeli ministry of defense said it would conduct a thorough investigation as well. expressed condolences to the families of the victims. mid poland called an urgent meeting due to the death of his citizen. the international olympic committee has finally betrayed the idea of ​​sports outside of politics. the committee created a special observation mission to monitor the statements of russian athletes on social networks on the internet. those who support moscow will be blocked from competitions. all this became known by word of mouth.
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economists note that the vat increase will hit the poorest segments of the population especially hard. if consumers start saving on food, tax revenues could be much lower than the planned $3 billion per year. today is world awareness day... this world is a beautiful place. in the role of authors of the exhibition in the council of the republic, students with
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autism spectrum disorder. a total of 15 paintings are presented, in which the children’s dreams are depicted in bright colors. we are dealing with this issue here, in our council of the republic. because we had such appeals, you know, we have created such an advisory council, we are very actively working with these guys, with these problems that exist, but today’s exhibition confirms that...
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and in school gardens they create integrated classes and groups. the capital's authorities are aimed at minimizing the number of road accidents. a special task is to reduce deaths and injuries in road accidents involving children. the improvement of the good road project was discussed today at a visiting meeting of the minsk city council of deputies commission on urban affairs. a representative of the state traffic inspectorate will inform the commission members about what has been done, what plans for the coming season regarding, first of all, traffic safety for representatives of those traveling in vehicles and personal mobility devices. unfortunately, from year to year we note that this conflict is present in the city; it is very important to find new
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interesting solutions that could, well , let’s say, protect one other side of road users. the on-site meeting was held on the basis of a specialized installation and operation enterprise of the minsk city executive committee, this year in the structure of 50 years. among its tasks, for example, is the management of more than 700 traffic lights, as well as the installation of road signs. forestry enterprises of belarus conduct industrial procurement of birch sap; they plan to collect tens of thousands of tons of natural drink per season, part of which will be sent to the country's processing enterprise, the rest is sold to the population in large cities, mobile retail outlets have been organized, the sap can be purchased directly on plantations in the forest. how popular is the medicinal product among the population, report by yuri kornilovich. this year there is a lot. near the trees, but now
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foresters on the plantations work from morning until evening; on some farms they harvest the crops twice a day. to collect sap, foresters use exclusively trees that have reached their ripeness, and these are birches over 60 years old. in the next 5 years , industrial logging will be carried out in such areas. you can’t dry it, but the cut is made to a depth of 3 cm and the width of the cut should be about a centimeter, 30-35 cm is placed from the ground, forester gennady ezhevsky has been in service for 12 years, it is he who keeps order in the area where harvesting is carried out juice, i am ready to teach how to properly extract a natural drink to anyone who contacts the forestry, a person can... prepare the juice himself, but for this he needs to contact the forestry or the forestry department, write an application,
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they will bring him to the forest, show him where he can prepare the juice, if a person goes without permission, then there will be an administrative violation and a fine of up to twenty basic units. in volkovysky forestry, all forestry departments are engaged in industrial procurement of juice; they plan to collect 105 tons of natural drink per season, the demand for such the product is growing every year. last year we prepared 100. it was all bought by the population for the preparation of birch sap ; we cut 25 hectares of trees, so that it would be convenient for everyone to get to buy birch sap from us. in this cutting area of ​​11 hectares , about 180 birch trees have been harvested. in a day, under favorable weather conditions , up to 2.5 tons of sweet drink are collected here. birch sap is a healing drink; in the first days after harvesting, it contains the maximum amount of vitamins.
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so that there is kvass for those who cannot come for the plantation, a retail outlet was set up in volkovysk, so far they sell 600 liters a day, but there are plans to sell up to a ton, there is demand, it’s convenient, of course, convenient, because... it’s nearby, there’s no need to go, it’s all right, as they say , all this is done for people. in the grodno region alone, this season forestry enterprises plan to harvest up to 2,000 tons of birch sap, part of which will be sent to the country's processing plants. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. i immediately wanted birch
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sap. i have everything, and i give the floor to elizabeth lashkevich. lisa, hello, what's the news in the central region? julia, welcome to us. caring for the youngest residents of the region. kindergartens are being built in lagoisk, chervensky district and slutsk. and fresh snow-white enamel on the roads of minsk. in the capital , transport arteries are being put in order after winter and markings are being applied, more details below. thank you, elizabeth. watch the news in your region right after the sports review. without saying goodbye, see you at 17:00.


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