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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 3:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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they sell 600 liters each, but they plan to sell up to a ton, there is demand, it’s convenient, of course, convenient, because it’s nearby, you don’t have to go, it’s all, as they say, all this is done for the people, only in the grodno region this season forestry they plan to produce up to 2,000 tons of birch sap, part of which will be sent to the country's processing plants. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. i immediately wanted birch sap. i have everything, and i give the floor to elizaveta lashkevich. lisa, hello, what's the news in the central region? julia, welcome, we are here caring for the youngest residents of the region. kindergartens are being built in logoisk, chervensky district and slutsk. and fresh snow-white enamel on the roads of minsk. in the capital , transport arteries are being put in order after winter and markings are being applied, more details below. thank you, elizabeth. watch the news in your region right after the sports review. without saying goodbye, see you at 17:00. who will come out ahead in
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the semi-final confrontation of the president's cup between brest and shakhtar. so far the score in the series up to four wins is equal - 2:2, and today the teams will meet again in soligorsk. the bisons have repeatedly proven that they are ready to beat any team, and the unbeaten result in the series with the best team in the extra league is proof of this. the live broadcast of the shakhtar brest match will begin on the belarus 5 tv channel at 19.25. and the day before, a hot and extremely emotional match took place in zhlobin. metallurg became one step closer to the final of the president's cup in the fifth match of the series , beating gomel. however, there was a controversial judicial decision. in the middle of the third period, it was the lynx that led 2:1, but after watching the video replay, the referees overturned the goal. gomel forward artur buinitsky played against the rules, for which he received a 4-minute penalty. following him to the penalty box for unsportsmanlike conduct. german nestera went, as
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a result, the game was in the minority and the puck was missed, the final siren recorded the numbers 2: 1 in favor of the metal. the fifth match of this confrontation will take place tomorrow in gomel, the live broadcast on belarus 5 will begin at 17:55. about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian temples. on the vault uh we can notice.
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us and those who may be here after us will come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer, people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god. this kind of living prayer happens here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years. watch in spiritual and educational projects... on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. with you on live broadcasts elizaveta lashkevich, good day and good days. short. the people are dead. belarus
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has a regional supranational delegation from smalensk and the mask district of minsk, what are the plans for a two-stage program? for the smallest ones. fresh snow-white enamel on the roads of minsk is carried out at the paradoxical transport arteries during the winter and applied markings. about the regional supranational government of the people of belarus and the russian delegation from smalensk to the south masko district of minsk. chakaezza padpisanne.
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and the tax is the installation of road signs at the station. for more than 400 thousand square meters , fresh snow-white enamel has been installed this season on the roads of minsk, the nadvora washrooms, and are working to implement markings on the city’s transport highways. specialists
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are working during the day and guarding the setting of the sun, when the current temperatures will become stable above zero, it is important for all workers to work out the hour of the day so as not to create congestion during the hour. so today we have already started on the winners' avenue, apply markings with cold plastic, well, we will continue to increase the volumes, paint 2 m, 6 m, 20 m, any, everything is included in the program, yes , we have new smart remote controls in the program, we
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press on the remote control, the line begins, we press the paint, the plastic markings can be used to remove your functions and three bastards in pain, all areas are trained to spend time with bugs in the smallest lives in the capital region, creating new social aspects , so lagoisk has an active future garden, geta 200 months for comfortable care and education for schoolchildren, so many kindergartens will be established in the cherven region, and in slutsk in the future there will be development of preschoolers, educational classes, kindergartens, etc. ў the investment program ў the minsk region has closed 13 aspects of education this year .
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rainfall. this part of lagoisk was forgotten by hell in the past, there satyalna meaning ab'ekt budze adrazu zaparabanym. kalyarovaya rashenne i design budynka dapoўnіts agul stylіstyk this month. pakul on ab'ektse completed the linked scenes from the block and the tags. idze installation of engineering systems and admyslovaya pratsa na dahu. for a kindergarten, there are three roofs and 200 months, and a swimming pool, a gym for sports and music. praduglejany taksama dzve groups for...
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in this language, that it is beautiful, but very difficult, i have been learning chinese for almost 2
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years, during this time i have already learned to write some hieroglyphs, well, speak some phrases, sentences, words, we present novgorod state university named after yaroslav the wise is being implemented already with twenty years. chinese classes, that is , our teachers come to schools and teach chinese to children from primary schools for free , we have such a wonderful partner in the person of gymnasium number 12 in minsk, but we are really glad that the children are succeeding, they are not they will simply be able to exchange experience and knowledge with the same schoolchildren, but another country is involved, that is, for them, i think it will be an unforgettable experience. the purpose of this competition is called wise orientalists, that is , these are schools that began to study chinese
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language and came to us for experience, we have prepared a very interesting program, in addition to the tournament,
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for our website the beginning of the day and the meeting on the 18th day.
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we are a full partner, this is the basis. russian-belarusian cooperation is built on the principles of mutual respect and support for taking into account each other’s interests.
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my husband has a belarusian passport, we had a wedding in russia, it’s a red urban village, but we live here in belarus. belarusian border region, vitebsk region - an agricultural town, the international timoshkov family is 12 years old. from the house to the border of meters 300, on the other side, and not frequent guests , our uncle ruslan lives there, that’s my dad’s brother, i don’t notice much of a difference, the people there,
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the people here, are basically all the same, they joke here, it’s a border, in every house there’s a union state in miniature, people communicate, make friends, get married, a single people is not divided by nationality, the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia is honored and remembered. for integration between states, and this is exactly the case when we are together in joy and in sorrow. the belarusian people mourn, together with
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the russians, the terrorist attack in crocus city hall echoed pain in the souls of belarusians, the russian embassy, ​​as if at the site of a terrible tragedy, lamps, a sea of ​​flowers, toys. the first reaction that i saw was the reaction of our belarusian colleagues, it was also public... our colleagues from the belarusian foreign ministry immediately started calling us, writing, sending links, and so on, there is an expression , friends in misfortune, when there is only one misfortune at all, but here a misfortune happened to us, and we shared it in minsk as if it were our own grief. belarus and russia are strong allies, for this the arrows of criticism have not scattered to the side official minsk, as well as tips on who is better to be friends with, how to live, ears for ocean advisers stuck out from the mouthpieces of the opposition, and in ninety-six their trump cards cannot be changed. today, since the collapse of the large soviet country, the united states is not in favor of strong players in the region and any integration, especially such close one, causes hysteria. when the international
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community is going through a difficult time of conflict and crisis, unity takes on special value. history has repeatedly proven that only together can we adequately respond to any challenges. these ones historical footage of april 2, 1996, the presidents of the two countries boris. sign an agreement in the kremlin on the formation of a community of russia and belarus. soon a holiday will be approved, the day of unity of nations. a little more time will pass, an alliance will appear, and this is the first brick foundation of integration. the state will become a union state in ninety-nine. for more than a quarter of a century, integration has not only grown stronger, it has gained strength that is being looked up to. they say that the relations between russia and belarus are simply aerobatics in the middle space, and even the allied states are put in examples for other integration associations, is that what you say? because for the au and
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for the cis, what has been being developed at the sites of the union state, primarily since november of 21, is an obvious result that can be used, which can be assessed, including in numbers, and which can be adopted. space, of course, is a global project, everyone followed the flight of the first belarusian one with a launch from baikanur. in space alone , eight union programs have been implemented, with a ninth in progress. we are talking about joint projects, developments, training of astronauts and much more. space is important, it is in demand by the economy, the agro-industrial complex, forestry, the defense complex, and also allows for the development of high-tech.
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the economy is a locomotive of figures; for example, union projects will increase the gdp of belarus by $8 billion. program
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for the formation of a unified industrial. in this regard , presidents are constantly putting pressure on us to engage in specific content, to involve more enterprises in this work, we were constantly looking for cooperative connections, revising investment budgets somewhere in order to increase it in these areas to find additional resources. 24 integration projects on import substitution are also being implemented, they are supported by a russian loan, and this line is 105 billion russian.
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together with russian enterprises , four new technological processes will be created for the production of products within the electronic component base, almost 90 such products will be produced, on the planar - these are photo masks, production photo templates, well, this is a real challenge, because few countries in the world can boast that they have developed production producing these products, but we go further, belarus has a special interest in aircraft construction. there are already
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programs, companies communicate directly, a separate direction is the digital economy. in the twenty-third year , the volume of this services market between our countries amounted to $410 million. moscow and minsk have almost completed the transition to payments in national currencies; their share in the union state is 92%. another important area is logistics. in on the twenty-third, belarus almost doubled the transportation of goods through russian transport corridors. in the first 2 months of this year, there was another quarter of growth. belaes is perhaps the largest joint project in our history, we are talking about this on the sidelines of the atomexpo international forum, which has a record number of participants. a large-scale project not only for the republic, but also for rusatom. for the first time, this project was implemented in a country where there was no nuclear power, not at existing sites,
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almost in an open field. two blocks are working, now we are talking about the third bloc, ministries of energy on both sides are working on this issue, this is my home country, today it is the best nuclear power plant in the world. belarus and russia are jointly developing nuclear energy, and peaceful atom has given impetus to new projects in a number of sectors: science, medicine, industry. let me congratulate you on this signing, what does this mean?
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let's think about it, at least on the issue of personnel training, then we have good competence in the field of electric vehicles, we have a comprehensive project for the future national electric transport, in principle , competencies already have a certain history , the niche of public transport has been mastered, these include electric buses, trolleybuses with autonomous running , trams, various hybrid schemes, interactions do not stop with the completion of the construction of a nuclear power plant, they will further expand in stages. within the framework of road maps, and here it concerns not only the issue of support, technical scientific support for the operation of a nuclear power plant, radioactive waste management, but also other areas, such as additive technologies, digital technologies, simulator construction, this is a 3d printer for printing metals, what opportunities will belarus have? the same technologies that
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ensure increased labor productivity, this time. own, it comes to the fore. science, when the bet is on technology another victory of the union state is the approved strategy for scientific and technological development until 1935. it will combine the experience of two scientific schools so as not to invent.
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establishment by the supreme state council of the union state prize for young scientists, moreover, we believe that our proposal to establish such an award...
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makes a good impression in the city of sochi, based on the sirius territory. seven cooperation agreements have been signed between our various youth organizations, which once again emphasizes the importance of this interaction. and when it comes to young people, there have long been no barriers or boundaries in relation to them. in the last 2 years - this is a completely new, high-quality level. first of all, this is specific work on the employment of young exchange people, such a topic as student teams in the russian federation and the republic of belarus
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are of a fundamental nature, where young people have the opportunity not only to try themselves in the profession, but above all, to certainly exchange acquaintances, contacts, find new friends, landmark construction projects in recent years alone are... a union state unity through culture was presented by leading belarusian russian artists of our time. beauty has saved many times and will continue to save the world, the ambassador of belarus to russia is sure. the cultural, humanitarian and social block will significantly strengthened. there are a lot of initiatives,
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seemingly small ones, when we attract our youth, say, belarusian ones, within the framework of russian programs, such as our pushkin card. a wonderful international arts festival , a slavic bazaar, where the standing committee is essentially the founder, a concert
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the union state invites, where the most famous groups of the russian federation, the most famous groups of our republic of belarus are presented and... you know, the spectacle is fascinating, because there is an introduction to our cultures, and of course, the viewer gets great pleasure from what is happening on stage. since last year, the permanent committee has been an active participant in events in alexandria, kupala gathers friends, we see how all the events within the framework of this festival are of great interest. taking into account the decision of the supreme state council, the government has entrusted interaction in 11 areas, these are the cultural and humanitarian spheres, this is education.
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blue lakes and health resorts right next to the forest lakes, then in russia the sea, mountains, snowy slopes and mountain rivers are added to the same list, we are in sochi, a non-standard question in krasnaya polyana, do you know anything about belarus, we know, nature, beautiful belarusian famous products, knitwear, a lot we know, we would like to visit belarus, yes we do, we will go, where are you planning to come, minsk, brest?
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by the way, the descendants of belarusian teeth are how belarusians help replenish the population. the line of blue buses is also belarusian, these are mazy. minsk and sochi are twin cities. for example, we were here as a child there with my parents, i’m here now, they just can’t recognize the city and they say, where was this little shop here, and where is this cafe, we took pictures there, i say, yes, everything has changed a lot, a lot of display points have appeared, this definitely an olympic heritage, this is alpine skiing. resorts are olympic arenas, now we still
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have innovations happening, for example, the same olympic facilities are being oriented towards new sports, as happened with the fish stadium, there was the opening and closing ceremony of the olympics, now it’s a football stadium, where we later hosted the world cup, and constantly some very significant events take place in our city that attract a large number of guests, sea air combined with mountain air, centuries-old arboretums, how popular is the destination in any time of year? obviously, there are virtually no available places for the summer season in the belarusian sanatorium. there is fashion in clothing, there is fashion in certain habits, in cinema, but i am convinced that there is fashion in leisure, and before sanatorium-resort treatment was very fashionable , then for some time we repurposed it, well, in general, i’m talking now about the preference of guests for hotel tourism, some fell asleep, now it seems to me that it’s time to return to this format of sanatorium-resort treatment.. . rest, but already new, that is, this is a format when you can come
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to the 16th gandropark, relax without communication , recover when you have different programs, programs for healthy sleep, movement, life, where you are truly restored, returning to intense workers weekdays. birds sing here all year round, starting in early spring, something is constantly blooming, consider aromatherapy surrounded by such plant abundance, you...
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on april 2, the table is always set for guests, the timashkovas work on a local farm, the dnieper region, children go to school, they study in circles, there is a peaceful sky overhead, this land is soaked in the blood of both belarusians and russians, the front passed through these lands during the great patriotic war, one memory for two peoples, one history, belarus and russia, one history, one soul, everything is the same for them , they one people. loving each other.
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subject when the injury occurred? 2 days ago, bloody swelling formed around the eyes, i will operate tomorrow, prepare the patient for departure, after which he will be able to continue treatment in moscow. we would like the treatment to take place in minsk, under your supervision. okay, tatyana vasilyevna birich from.
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a famous ophthalmologist in the ussr, hero of socialist labor, corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the first woman in the history of belarus to become a professor, doctor of medical sciences in the distant pre-war years. an honorary title, awards, the position of deputy chairman of the supreme council of the bssr in the sixties, public, international activities, people from all over the soviet union sought to get an appointment with her. exactly. one of the best ophthalmologists in the country worked in minsk, but throughout her long life, tatyana vasilyevna often asked the same question, how in general... everything could have worked out if, if not for a different time, not for other circumstances.
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biric addressed this issue in her speeches from the rostrum of the session of the supreme advice and during communication with students. who would they be if the country remained the same with the exploitation of the common man, for whom even getting a primary education was a problem. at a meeting of the bureau of the borisov district committee of the komsomol, there was a discussion of the candidacy of komsomol member tatyana birich ; a decision had to be made on sending her to study at the university on a komsomol voucher. i propose to listen to the characterization of komsomolskaya pravda birich.
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state university, thank you, there is a proposal to send komsomol member birich to
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komsomol voucher, to study at the faculty of medicine at bsu, i put it to a vote, rather, it was a formality, unanimously, congratulations, the young komsomol member tatyana birich was known well, the fate of komsomol member birich was changing dramatically. the faculty of medicine paid special attention to the recruitment for it, which was considerable at that time, 280 people, 117 of them were girls, including tatyana birich, just a few years later another important event took place in the life of the country and birich herself, photographer elya. perman, secluded in his laboratory, with interest i looked at the photographs that had just been hung up to dry. what is this new
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intellectual elite like? yes, they gave it some kind of incomprehensible name, intellectual elite. so young and also elite, so beautiful and why do they need this science. after some thought, he took out two original vignettes that he had been saving for a special occasion. i inserted a photo into them and signed them in a beautiful font. voronova alexandra ivanovna. birich
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tatyana vasilievna, clearly satisfied with her work, placed photographic portraits in a prominent place. what pride, science, the elite. the event was really important for the young soviet republic at that time; the first graduates of graduate school took place at the academy of sciences. 17 applicants for academic degrees defended their dissertations, including women alexandra ivanovna voronova. she became the first woman among belarusian historians to receive a candidate of historical sciences. attention to the dissertation of the young scientist tatyana birich is a special subject. research: eye diseases, problems of the optic nerve, the fight against glaucoma, protection has become akin to a sensation, and not only because
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that the topic is relevant. a business trip to odessa to the institute of experimental ophthalmology for tatyana birich became very important professionally. it was there that academician vladimir petrovich felatov, an outstanding ophthalmologist of the ussr, worked. the young colleague’s bold proposals aroused genuine interest. now there was a discussion about the upcoming operation, which none of the colleagues dared to decide on. a lot of doubts were expressed, birich stood her ground. i think the proposed method may well be justified. transplantation instead of cadaveric the cornea of ​​the lip mucosa is quite possible, we use it as a transplant. darling, you understand that
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it is hardly possible to guarantee a positive result. we don’t know how... this experiment will end, yes, this is the first time in medical practice, but under your leadership, comrade filatov, i think everything will be successful, stubborn belarusian, as i understand it, we have no other choice, let’s do it. “i will assist personally, the operation was successful then, only someone obsessed with the idea could decide on this scientists and birich confirmed this with her developments and bold experiments, one of
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which became a sensation, she decided to restore lost vision. apply oxygen by injecting it under the trace of the eyeball . this was not just an important discovery, it was the first time in world practice. this method of oxygen therapy subsequently became widespread in the ussr abroad, everything seemed to be going well, in scientific and practical activities. in the morning. on june 22, 1941, entering her office, tatyana vasilievna saw there were two men there, they clearly didn’t look like patients, who are you? the questions they started asking right away were more like an interrogation. tatyana vasilievna, why do you subscribe to a lot of foreign literature?
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don't you think they write a lot about you abroad? your husband was repressed, and if you were not touched, this does not mean that you are not the wife of an enemy of the people, firstly, not you, but you, and secondly, if there are questions, i will answer, if not, do not interfere with work, turn on the radio urgently, without declaring war, german troops attacked our country. ours attacked borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes, zhitomir, kiev, sevastopol, kaunas and some others, terrible footage of the first bombing of minsk, on june 25, 1941, in the city of panika, a shell
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hit the hospital. there are many killed, wounded, the emergency room has already been destroyed, and there are dead. birich takes charge of organizing the evacuation, giving commands to stop the panic and begin removing the patients from the wards. the impossible was done. the employees were able to organize transport to take patients to the sanitary car at the station, they were sent to the rear. the last hospital. tatyana birich left , but after taking her daughter and parents, she independently reached the front line, and then with a train of wounded to saratov, the hospital was evacuated there. military doctor of the second rank, head of the military department of eye diseases of the saratov medical institute, on the basis of which the evaka hospital was organized, and
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thousands of lives saved, vision saved. it was here that the importance of its discovery and the use of oxygen for its restoration was confirmed in practice. this method she actively used in wartime conditions . to see what is most dear to you, in 1961 the film a person should see was released on the screens of the republic, dedicated to the outstanding ophthalmologist tatyana vasilievna berech, the honored director of the clinic. in the central cinema of minsk , with bated breath, the audience, together with the heroine , lived the story of an amazing woman from the country of
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the soviets. half a century later, we can again see her on the screen, talented, obsessed. she was among those first who, in the distant twenties, proved to the world that a woman can be an active member of society. tatyana vasilievna birich, author of 230 scientific papers, four monographs, she made an invaluable contribution to science, exploring various areas of ophthalmology and creating treatment centers. in many regions of the republic, she is the founder of the scientific school of this direction in medicine, she has hundreds of trained ophthalmologists, thousands of patients
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whose vision was restored. this is quality for our company - this is a way to once again declare itself, to declare to the whole world. about what we release world-class products , from the very first days of my work it so happened that i ended up at a facility under construction, i, as a young worker, was
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impressed by the scale of this construction, all these volumes are still before my eyes, of course, the food security of the country is an integral part my work, there will be fertilizer production, there will be harvests, the people will be fed. happy. our main goal is the safe conduct of the technological process, the production of a quality product, and aesthetics. looking at our product, you understand how beautiful it is, after all, all granules are the same size and this is achieved not by sifting, but through painstaking work, setting up equipment, not just one person, but our entire enterprise. well, the goal is the well-being of our people; if these conditions are met, then there will be well-being. i am proud of the quality
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of the product that we produce; this year a quality mark was approved in belarus; it has five components. our product meets all criteria, which means that our product is worthy of the quality mark. in future for our enterprise, i wish stable work, continuous development, to finally reach this cherished goal, to build a nitrogen complex, well, next, to preserve the team, because this can be said to be a gas-forming enterprise for our city, therefore its development, its stable operation are very important, azot will work, the city of grozny will live. what is happiness? over the years, you understand that
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, first of all, it is fate that you have been given a chance to do something very, very useful in your life, something that will remain after you for a long time. for many years, maybe even 100 years. will benefit people, and i am grateful to the republic of belarus, grateful to the president that i have had such a chance about my life. my name is daniil uritsky, i am the ceo of the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. here we are creating a new biotechnological industry for our country.
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bnbk is a belarusian national biotechnology corporation. why a corporation? because it unites in its production various factories, this includes the feed industry and the food industry. industry factories that are built on biosynthesis technology, a total of 96 buildings, if today we are talking in historical development, then there are already 23 collective farms in four districts of two regions of the republic of belarus, this is 1800 people working in the main production and 3600 people working in the countryside. why
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national? because, probably, this is a new step towards a new life, towards new technologies in the 20th century. well, the belarusian one, because it is located in belarus and because for the first time in 40 years of the existence of biotechnological production, primarily in china, the main global leader in this industry, thanks to the agreements of the two presidents. these biotechnologies became the property of belarus, among others. manufacturing, especially biotechnology, is unique. there are 20 factories in the world producing lysine monochlorgrit and lysine sulfate. in total , over 5 million tons of lysine are produced in the world. of these, bnbk intends to produce 65,000 tons per year, that is , slightly more than one.
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except by the method of biosynthesis, and they are produced only by these strains of bacteria, another living the body does not synthesize them, but the human body and the body of all living things, birds, animals, and fish, cannot do without essential amino acids. humans receive essential amino acids through food.
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red meat is very rich in lysine. essential amino acids are needed to ensure that everything you eat is absorbed and converted into energy. agricultural business affects egg production, affects milk yield, through feed conversion. after eating 1 kg of feed, salmon grows by a kilogram. meat per kilogram of feed costs 2.5 dollars per kilogram of salmon costs 20 dollars, conversion - unit, in the cost of pork meat, the cost of feed is 75%. the cost of poultry meat is 70% and the cost of feed, this is called conversion, we produce essential amino acids for people, the most obvious example of the consumption of our
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products is fitness, people, they eat sports nutrition, there is wheat clicowa, gluten, macroelements, microelements, vitamins, essential amino acids, and he is handsome or beautiful, as they say now, sexy, so without our amino acids, well, it won’t turn out sexy piglet, no sexy farel. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most
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perverted form, but this is different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, and inability. form their own opinion, they consider themselves young, free and independent, in fact very are susceptible to external pressure , this is a constant attempt to get people emotional , this strategy for most opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, and what opposition resources can offer their readers now is a reprint of the belarusian state media, only with its own emotional coloring, where everything is often upside down over the top. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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conventionally, bnbc products can be divided into three large blocks because. a list of manufactured products under 150 items , these are compound feeds and premixes for farm animals, these are compound feeds for valuable fish species, these are amino acids, these are food products such as wheat gluten and so on and so on, along with other by- products, because we have a waste-free technology, everything we produce, in principle , everything is sold. therefore, the project is called full-cycle deep processing of grain. this is the beginning of biotechnological production. on the left side is the flour mill. byller plant. the capacity of this production is
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1,000 tons of grain we process per day. the produced bran goes to the wheat product plant, also the spare parts into which we divided the grain, these are wheat fibers, wheat pintasans, non-fermentable starch b, also in the form of a solution, comes to this plant, through these pipes it goes to this plant. porridge is made on the basis of wheat bran, then in these huge ovens it’s all... dried, the resulting product is, as we say, food for eating, we feed our food, that we eat, eggs, milk, meat, fish , and so on, and when making food for eating, we
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understand perfectly well that this food can also be eaten, that is, essentially it is fried wheat with a double portion of starch. is it possible to feed wheat to cattle? you can, but 60% of this wheat will go into manure, it’s called feed digestion, and it costs 150 dollars, and if you feed it, 90% will be digested into meat, and it costs only 100 dollars, this is the production of starch separation, one of the key industries which ends. glucose production here flour comes from the flour mill, a mash is made from flour together with water, and this mash must fly, travel 94 km along all rubles in order to be divided into five important products, this is
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starch a, this is starch b, wheat fiber, wheat pintasans, wheat gluten. ultimately, our... main goal in this production is to obtain high-quality starch, which will subsequently turn into glucose, starch is real starch, it is saccharified, and glucose can be made from it and fermented. b-starch. on at the molecular level, a starch molecule, a carbohydrate, a protein molecule are stuck to each other. we launder here. and we separate the products with water, this is not washed off at the molecular level with water, this protein molecule subsequently prevents the carbohydrate from fermenting. prevents starch from turning into sugar, so we
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send it to the combi pocket, and we send pure starch to the glucose plant. we are located in the production of glucose, which processes the product of the previous plant and starch and is a supplier of the main raw materials for subsequent lysine fermentation plant. separation of starch, we isolated the main product of starch for us, we call it starch
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milk, because it looks like milk, after preparing the starch we go to fermentation, we get this pure glucose, it is thirty-five percent glucose for our bacteria, until it goes, after that we return to the second floor and filtration takes place there, we remove excess water from it, we get sixty-five percent glucose, this is a broth for the cultural liquid that eats our strains, bacteria, and produce essential amino acids for us, this is our fermentation and extraction production. this installation is a 500 times reduced copy of the current bndc production. well,
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a huge production begins with this small test tube. we need to take just one cell from this propagation in order to ensure our huge production. we took our bacteria out of the freezer, now we need to make it fat. we are hanging out. on a nutrient medium, on a petria dish, well, this is roughly what bacterial growth looks like lively. how they used to choose a worker, put a big cup of food, who ate a lot, who was hired, we do this in the scientific and practical center, the bacterium that loves to multiply the most, and for this it eats the most, is our worker. we are located in the central
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laboratory of biotechnological production. here, on these laboratory iniculators , all technological processes are worked out, which are then simulated in reality in production. here all batches of strains are checked before they arrive. in the factory enzymes only when their productivity, their viability, and fermentation rate have been verified in the laboratory, after which they are delivered to the plant. we are in the operator's factory for the fermentation of gasoline, and the workshop is noisy because there is a large supply of steam and air, bacteria from the laboratory are planted in the inoculator, and there are bacteria there. gets used to the environment, the temperature, the culture liquid, the food we
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feed them, they grow, multiply, when they no longer fit in the aniculator, we transplant them with a prefermenter, this is a vessel 600 cubes, imagine, in my kitchen there is a saucepan in which 10 female sis are placed in one saucepan, our task is to maintain the temperature, our task is to provide everyone with delicious food, create conditions for their productivity and reproduction. their waste products are essential amino acids. when the biosynthesis process is completed, we kill these bacteria, this whole process goes further to crystallization, then precipitation. purity, and after
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fermentation, if we salt all this liquid and dry it, there will be lysine sulfate, it is 70%, this lesine monochloride, frequency 98.5, this is our final product, our large-scale production, our production capacity per month is 3,200 then, this is also our product lysine sulfate, you see that both... it differs in color, purity, it is more a pure product, this is an ordinary product, the next stage is our warehouse, from which our consumers receive finished products, for belarusian customers we keep
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an emergency stock of 2000 tons, this is the total need of the entire republic of belarus for 100%. we collect, dry, granulate bacteria, this live meat, 82% protein of animal origin, we add it to fish feed, this is a very expensive product, and sometimes i am asked the question, what is the waste at the bnbk? we have two types of waste
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that we do not sell, this is sterile air, and why is it sterile, we collect air from all factories, pass it through a discharge of 400 thousand v, then precipitate it with cold water, at the exit we have, like after a thunderstorm ozone is good, it smells fresh, this is the air we emit into the atmosphere, and after our treatment facilities we discharge it into the drichensky canal water of a fish standard, a fish standard according to the state standards of the republic of belarus, this is water... we are going on expeditions in the corners of our country, the land of the land,
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we are in full swing, so that we can get to work again. we don’t sleep at all. rovki on the edge, to uzbegatst our current state of affairs since the last minute, this is a folklore expedition for us, so what happens again and again from the past to the very end of the country, let’s follow the story yyu and myastsovye nonsense, as you muggles understand, sonnya we jumped into the towns of dabryn elsk district. the lankevichs, dy and pagorskaya, the geta, were settled here, according to the legends there were squads of the most important warrior who dealt with the crimean tatars, i dachshund sunny.
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in one of the six laboratories of our corporation in the laboratory of agro-industrial production. the purpose of this laboratory is to control the incoming quality of raw materials. every machine, every barrel, every pallet is checked for
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compliance with its standards and the declared quality parameters for which we paid money. and of course, this is for us important. because this is health, this is food. this is the volume of ingredients, basic, basic, that we use for... why is it important for the food to float? the first is eatability, it will float until the fish eats it, everything you put in water will be eaten. secondly, there is a high
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protein content here, and what does protein do at temperature, it deteriorates, then it starts to smell bad, when in the old technology we use sinking food to feed fish, then it is mixed with clay, which means it is undernourished. if we have a conflict with you and you if you say that we have made low-quality food for you, we will take this sample from the archive and we can
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resolve our dispute with you from a third party, for this we need high-tech laboratories, we have six of them at bnbc, all of them are equipped with the most modern equipment. i’ll tell you this, in belarus there are only a few laboratories that have similar equipment and have the right to issue official conclusions about their results, we are one of them. the buyer of this batch is the kletsky feed mill, which will produce feed for suckling piglets. and especially for this co...
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processors, at large enterprises , we believed and believe that large enterprises should have joint responsibility for the development of affairs in agriculture, at bnbk, first of all. why? these are our clients, these are our partners, this is the industry for which bnbc was built. here's our client. he was born on november 8th, he already has mixed feed in the feeder, kr1, it is complete,
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complete, with the right mixes, made using extrusion technology with exposure of feed, this will allow him to have proper health from the first days of life, it will grow into a good heifer that will give good things. of course, our main idea was grains, we are deep grain processing, last year we collected almost 200,000 tons of grain there, this is a very good result out of the 700,000 tons that we need, what is the most valuable or priceless in bnbk technologies? a difficult question, perhaps the most priceless. these are our people, the average age is 35 years, we gathered them, if you like, one by one, we trained these 1,800 people from all over the country, we have no analogues, because
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that no one has ever been involved in industrial biosynthesis in belarus, our chinese colleagues gave us bacterial strains, gave us technologies, we launched together with them and went through training cycles, now... this unique project and the technology for creating this project were invented by our president when he gave to me.
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milk has passed 25 years, 30 years, today we sell the same milk for export for 8 billion dollars, he saw it, maybe sometimes it’s not customary for us or it’s somehow embarrassing to praise ourselves, but sometimes it’s necessary, wood processing, a nuclear power plant is a look at the future, at least 70 to 100 years into the future, i can... maybe again i’ll praise bnbc a little, no, i’ll praise the president, i hope he will forgive me. bnbk is a look at the future in the 22nd century. we sometimes say that our slogan is bnbk, let's build the future together.
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you can do it in 24 hours. a lot, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and will cheer you up. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday.
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on air news now, yulia pertsova is with you, hello, president on a working trip to grodno. in the regional center, the head of state visited the construction site of something important for the city.


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