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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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and the parish of st. michael the archangel. in the summer of 2024, the church in gnezdno is expecting a big celebration. on august 11, ksions roman will cordially welcome every guest within these ancient walls to share the joy of the five-century anniversary of the shrine, which is significant for many believers. sens roman, what are the most revered, let ’s say, icons in your church by parishioners? the main thing in the altar is. a copy of the seksin madonna, all parishioners always look at the main altar, but the main patron of the church and the parish is st. michael the archangel, his appearance is in barrel altar, but as i understand it, not only he alone , let’s say, guards the temple, but also the patron... for 100 years, when the lively
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cult of veneration is also saint casimir korolevich, whom the church venerates on march 4th. under the patronage of its heavenly intercessors, the church is about to enter a new century of its history, and the first day of my journey through the volkovysk region has come to an end, i have discovered so many new things. that one issue won’t be enough, nothing, i ask for time off from work and take a second day off, because in the vicinity of volkovysk there is many interesting places that are definitely worth seeing.
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it is currently possible to obtain military professional education in military educational institutions of the republic of belarus, which are represented by the military academy of the republic of belarus, the military medical institute at the belarusian state medical university and six military faculties, the leading educational institutions of the country. of course, all military specialties are unique and in demand, but certain ones are certainly more popular among young people, well... in the past year, the most popular specialties were ideological work in units of the armed forces, practical psychology in military affairs, information security, unmanned aerial systems and military medicine. it is also pleasant to note that the demand among applicants for engineering specialties is growing every year, for example , the aviation department and the air defense departments were popular at the military academy. recently
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, belarusian universities are increasingly opening military faculties and departments, why do you think the military profession is so in demand today? well, the military profession has always been and remains one of the most honorable and respected in belarus. why is this happening? well, i think that in light of recent events in the world, our region in these difficult times is the profession of an officer. boys, as well as girls, choose it because it is , first of all, an investment in future high social status, career prospects , material well-being and confidence in the future. for today the day you graduate from a military educational institution guarantees stable and decent monetary benefits and preferential loans for housing construction, nutritional medical support, annual leave from 30 to 45 days, well, what are not arguments in favor. isn’t it
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the specialty that girls choose today? yes, only representatives of the stronger sex, what results of the latest admission campaigns demonstrate that the popularity of studying at universities among girls is growing from year to year, for example, last year there was a competition for the specialty of practical psychology in in military affairs there were more than five people per place, in legal work in the military sphere there were eight people per place, so what can we say about points? recruited by girls, so in 2023 girls entered the military academy with scores of 395-396, which would definitely be enough for admission to any specialized and prestigious educational institution in the country, well, this year we plan to recruit more than seventy girls to the military educational institution, well the main recruitment will take place at the military academy of the republic of belarus, the belarusian military system education.
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today , military personnel from the people's republic of china, the republic of kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and myanmar are undergoing training in the republic of belarus. can belarusians also receive military education abroad? yes, the training of belarusian citizens is transferred to universities of the ministry of defense
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of the russian federation. currently , more than 200 people are studying there in 14 universities, in more than 40 specialties. why is this being done? first, training. military specialists are carried out in small-numbered specialties in organizing training, which in the republic of belarus is very expensive. secondly, this approach allows for a fruitful exchange of experiences and ensures effective interaction between personnel at all levels of management when solving joint tasks as intended.
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the partisan brigade tried to find out from a young, striking woman her genuine interest in all the affairs of the commander of the partisan brigade, dmitry gulyaev, who operated in the leozna area.
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something didn’t add up here, having a connection with the minsk underground asked for information, as expected, they didn’t know about it there. a message from minsk underground fighters was placed in front of the woman. a moment, and just recently, the flirtatious young lady pulled out a pistol, but she was quick. neutralized by special officers. the germans used every opportunity to introduce their agents into the leadership of the partisan
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detachments. in the front line, german intelligence has organized a network of intelligence schools that are recruiting. the task of the fascists is to oust the partisans from the territories they occupy and destroy them. the reports to the german center were disappointing. special document number 1921/43.
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september 1943, signed by the commander of the security forces corps of the central army group. it's voluminous. just some excerpts: for the first time, partisans carried out an operation of unprecedented proportions to disrupt railway communications. 6,684 explosions in the first two nights, the number of raids on troops doubled to 1,101 in august. 149 acts of sabotage at business enterprises, from 1.6 to 158 of the forty-third year , 1,114 transport aircraft of the red army were noted. that is, in 2 months, 2228 tons
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of supplies and further, a lot of livestock was taken away by the partisans, entire villages went to the partisans. the damage to the troops is enormous. one word constantly appears in the documents: blockade. the sixth special air field, the first third regiment
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of the traitor kaminsky, the 255th infantry division, southwest, west, north, behind the ss regiments, his battalions, the enemy intended to completely oust them from their places of deployment. a special role was given to the punisher from the ss division under the command of the former criminal dirle-wanger and local nationalists. from notes to beria, stalin, molotov, antonov, top secret. sending
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the population to germany, setting fire to villages and other reprisals against civilians. all tasks assigned to the formation were carried out scrupulously. the head of the investigative department typed out the handwritten testimony of the accused rotok vseboladavich on a typewriter. the inquiry began: how was the extermination of the civilian population carried out? answer. the germans began to gradually exterminate everyone. well-meaning, with the assistance of political criminal police department, headed
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by the kokhanovskys and turovskys. what methods were used? the methods usually included executions of the male population of villages where a mine was found or exploded on the railway or on the road, and the extermination of the population of individual villages under the pretext of fighting. he didn’t have the strength, he signaled to the guard to take
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the defendant away, while he himself was now trying to recover from yet another shock. forty -third, winter, spring of 1944, became especially difficult for the partisans, they fought... bloody battles with regular units the german army, doing everything to hold the territory liberated from the nazis. partisan zones. records of partisan combat operations by day. they say how difficult it was to withstand the onslaught of the nazis. the lenin brigade, led by commander tsakmarkin. on april 11, at 6:00 am, german troops, after
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an artillery bombardment, supported by 12 bombers and 35 tanks, 12 of... rarely hand-to-hand combat, allowed tanks to approach at a distance of 30-50 m and opened fire, but did not surrender the partisan line. 26 days of resistance when we had to retreat, give up positions and again break through, conduct heavy battles with several
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groups and in different directions at once, but the enemy brought in more and more new forces. spring festival was the name of the punitive operation against the partisans of the polotsk-lepel zone, which was personally led by the group of ss troops von godberg and the commander of the third tank army , reinhardt. 60 thousand soldiers, officers, 70 aircraft, 137 tanks, 235.
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diagrams of the military council of the first baltic front, insert of the supreme high command. the germans, seeking to cleanse rear in the polotsk direction, launched a major offensive against the partisans of the polo-lepel zone. the military council of the front, in agreement with comrade panomarenko, decided to withdraw partisan brigades from the population to the sharkovshchina lake areas. on purpose, the partisan brigades were given an order on the night of may 1 to begin a breakthrough in a westerly direction in areas north and south of lake narach baghramyan to prepare a breakthrough, only in april
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more than 200 tons of ammunition were transferred to the partisans, pilots of the third air army during the day and at night... they attacked enemy positions, long-range aviation operated. on may 5 , partisan brigades of the polotsk-lepel zone, coordinating actions with units of the red army, broke through the encirclement and withdrew their forces. civilians also fled into the resulting gap. more than 140 punitive operations were undertaken by the germans against. partisans and civilians, after which entire areas turned into scorched earth, but partisan formations were able not only to prevent the enemy from entering the conquered territories, but to maintain combat effectiveness, they united with the advancing units of the red army to begin the complete expulsion of the enemy from belarusian
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territory, the losses of the nazis in the fight against... partisans during the blockade turned out to be 30 times more than during the entire period of the war in france. liliya aleksandrovna karostoyanova, participant in the partisan movement during the great patriotic war. in the fall of 1942, having learned
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about the death of her husband, she firmly decided to go to the front. in november 1942, she was sent to a partisan detachment as a special correspondent. karostoyanova wrote articles about combat everyday life of the partisans, essays about demolitionists and called upon the population. fight the fascist invaders, while remaining a combat partisan and more than once participated in operations and partisan raids. on the night of march 15 , 1943, the newspaper's editorial office received a radiogram from a partisan unit about the death of karostoyanova in a fierce battle. on the eve of her last battle, she prepared a publication for komsomol pravda, an appeal to belarusians. she was only 25 years old; for her courage and heroism, liliya karostoyanova was awarded the order of the second patriotic war
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degree posthumously, streets in gomel and minsk were named after the correspondent. belarus celebrated an important holiday for the country - 30 years of the basic law. we created our own history, we also wrote our own laws. what matters is what we get as a result. unsquandered national wealth, preserved sovereignty, security, peace in our native land, growth, and well-being of our citizens.
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our industry has achieved this year, growth in january was almost 5.5%. over the past year , enterprises of the ministry of industry traded by $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum over a decade the level is more than 7%. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the host of the show is right at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting.
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watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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