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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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psychological support for children with disabilities. israel's provocative strike on the iranian consulate in damascus could lead to serious consequences in the middle east. iran has vowed to avenge the deaths of the two generals. in total, 13 people became victims of the israeli terrorist attack. tehran says it continues to support the palestinians in gaza and is not afraid of israel.
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zelensky signed the corresponding law under the heading of war until the last ukrainian. as recently as march, former us senator and declared russophobe lynsey graham upon his arrival in kiev, he personally called on ukrainians to die for the interests of the united states. according to the washington post, he strongly recommended that the kiev authorities send young people under twenty-five to the front, which washington’s henchman zelensky did. in addition, another law was signed, in accordance with. which the norm on limited military service is repealed, they must undergo a second commission in order to fall under one of the remaining categories of fit or unfit. as part of the combat readiness check in belarus, monitoring of forces is also taking place territorial defense. so in the gomel and grodno regions , command and staff exercises began with the territories of the rogachev, kormyansky and vornovsky districts. the purpose of the maneuvers is to improve the skills of reserve officers in the manual...
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they are assigned weapons and subsequently they carry out tasks to assist territorial internal affairs bodies in ensuring law and order. during the exercise , it is planned to work out the issue of security and defense of a territorial defense facility, participation in ensuring martial law measures with the involvement of militia volunteers. ukrainian children are like goods to replenish the depleted demographic fund of the european union. where? children are being smuggled out
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by the paramilitary ukrainian organization white angels, which allegedly trades under the guise of good intentions, but is in fact an element in the large and profitable international business of human trafficking. in the recently liberated avdiivka, donetsk people's republic, there are only two children left, the rest were forcibly evacuated under threats to take the children away from their parents and send fathers to the front. the four-year-old boy dima was hidden from prying eyes by his parents for 2 years. in the hope of saving them, the family left with the children, i don’t know, to some village, from avdeevka, they were found by the chief of police at that time in our avdeevka, first there were conversations, conversations, and then threats began, we will take your child away from you, i so i say, mom, well, you’re trying to persuade me to go with him to ukraine, i’m saying, well, essentially, what will change, that here they are threatening to take him away, that there will be a threat there, that’s why we stayed, because these are...
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organizations with supposedly good intentions. see the details today immediately after the panorama in the author's program of ksenia lebedeva - this is different. sports fans, get ready. immediately after the news release, all hockey fans should turn on the belarus 5 tv channel. literally in a minute there will be a starting throw-in in the semi-final series of the president's cup between salegorsk shakhtar and brest. let us remind you that the confrontation is currently 2:2.
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we will find out who will come out ahead from the live broadcast. and in in a parallel series, metallurg and gomel are fighting. the day before the match, which took place in a rut, left me with mixed feelings. our sports one. correspondent, kristina kamysh , looked into the official book of rules of the game of hockey to find out whether the rules were violated or whether the result was fair? what happened yesterday at the zhlobin ice palace was a bad coincidence; unfortunately, it was the gomel hockey players who were forced to drink this bitter cup. to commander-in-chief resey sergei stasius, who is always so reasonable, intelligent and noble it was, oh, how difficult it was to contain your irritation at the flash interview post. duel with the metallurgist. i will tell you that we were better than our opponents, they did not concede. and the fact that we helped this team win today is unambiguous. everyone saw it all, the whole country saw it, all the fans saw it. so, the initial data. gomel played in the semi-finals against metallurg 1:2. of course,
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a lot depended on yesterday’s match, because the score in the series up to four wins could have been either 2:2 or 1:3. but the difference in these figures for southerners is not worth explaining. the first period passed without heads in the second and third , antipov responded to shaibukovsky. in the final segment of the game, the commentators began to slowly hint at overtime, but the ill-fated 51 minutes arrived. voronov brought the lynxes ahead, but this goal was later cancelled. two gomel residents, bynitsky and nesterov, found themselves on the penalty bench. let's ask a question, how i once did it. alexander gertson. who is guilty? of course the judges. 18 seconds before voronov's puck, buinitsky played with his stick raised high. for this, the dissector borikova is sent off for 2 minutes, for blood - more plus two. it was a difficult episode, the timing of which was not understood by the referees of the match.
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we assume that they simply overlooked it; now on your screens you are seeing a set of rules. and the referees acted according to the letter of the law, no matter what anyone thought. at the first stop, look. a controversial episode, yes, the metallurgist pointed out to it, but the zhlabin residents followed, according to the club’s interests, the cooks, there should be no questions at all, and the hate that fell on the team was groundless, the judges, according to the regulations , were forced to impose a large fine on striker, cancel the defender's puck and rewind the game time back, the captain sat down for not restraining himself, how it all ended, gomel survived the game 3:5, but 50 seconds of a big penalty... they were impatient, korytov set the final numbers on the scoreboard 2 :1 in favor of the metallurgist and 1.3 in the series. let’s ask the question, as nikolai chernyushevsky once did, what to do? gomel needs
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to win. on wednesday at 18:00 the starting throw-in in the fifth match of the confrontation. attendance will be above 100%. since standing tickets went on sale today places, as all tickets. the stands were sold out last week. kristina kamysh, tv news agency. that’s all for me, tatyana korol will sum up the informational results of the day in the panorama at 9 pm. thank you for your attention and all the best.
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about the unique features of the oldest belarusian churches, the vault, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, at the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross. faith in god, including faith in yourself , in the fact that god can immediately overcome our
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fears, our lack of confidence, about god’s help in various situations. everyone has their own faith, someone may be asking for strengthening of faith, and this unites us, both those who lived before us and those who may live after us, to come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer , people now... a large, large crowd comes here to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god. this kind of living prayer happens here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years. look at spiritual and educational projects on tv channel belarus 24.
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the purpose of this hall is to distract children from the street, to attract them to boxing, so that they spend their free time and train in the hall, and not somewhere on the street. i was born in the logoisk region, in a village. the village was small, there was nothing there, no,
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no sports sections, nothing, this is the logoisk district, the village of krutki, i studied there until the fourth grade, then they sent me to school in logoisk, i entered the first school, they sent me away, as my parents thought that i have a talent for music, so they gave it away me to a music school, so i... studied at a music school and after music school i entered the cultural education school, when i was still studying music in logoisk in logoisk already in an urban village. at the department store they brought gloves to us, as i remember now, boxing gloves, they cost 850, so i remember, they gave me 20 kopecks for lunch, and i collected these 20 kopecks, i didn’t have lunch, so i collected this, i collected this money there, it worked out like this for me, after some time i bought two pairs of gloves, so what to do there,
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so we are already with friends, culture of sports, and there, under the leadership of coach boris kupriyanovich rusak, in the kutuchilishche, when i was studying, i had such a fate in store that i had to graduate from college, was assigned to go to work for a year, then to the region and so on my fate was already somehow predetermined, to which i did not want
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to go and somehow connected my fate with... this wonderful sport there, this sport, well, let's put it this way, here it is somehow , because at that time it was also not very good good, let's say, there, you could go to the store, they could take your money if you came to another area, they could beat you if you didn't know anyone there, that's why boxing there - it wasn't like that, that there you wanted to become a champion, but that there it seemed to give you some kind of security to stand up for yourself, to occupy some kind of niche in the social environment, i’ll tell you for children, they are no one for children either wants there, no one comes there to become a champion, they also come just like us, the guys suppress these complexes, that’s why the score there was won by some republic there or a region or a city, there he suppressed
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the complexes there and he lives comfortably and, as a rule, they can... he quits sports, so the coach needs to notice in time to set new goals, new tasks, achievements some kind of thing, you need to catch this moment, for a very long time in this area, and i want to tell you that for a long time, but i always dreamed of such a hall, which now exists. we are located in the city of minsk, on kosmonavta street 56, in the physical health resort in the center of the moscow region, where in 1919 a boxing section was created for difficult, low-income and large children, so
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when we came here, there was an absolutely empty hall, nothing here... there was absolutely nothing for boxing, gradually at the expense of, well i really wanted to, because there are a lot of children who are not busy with anything, who just spend a lot of time on the street for a very long time , there are a lot of all sorts of temptations there, like drugs, like alcohol, smoking, and so on and so forth, there are other crimes there, to prevent this from happening, this section was created to attract children. they were here uh busy uh to distract them from the street, to distract them from uh all sorts of bad thoughts, and you know, i want to tell you, this is the second attempt, this was our first attempt, this is 95, 1995, funzivsky district, house of pioneers, i’ll even mention the name shmagorevskaya
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svetlana viktorovna, there is someone from the leadership of 3214, then still young again. the created special forces , the same section was created for difficult teenagers, we had two sections, this is zh-101 cool sergey aleksandrovich, in my opinion, he was leading there, but i don’t think he was running a hallbox there on september 3, where i was one of those children who worked, i ’ll tell you the result was very good, the children became neurosurgeons, judges of the city court, military personnel in the internal troops, who they already serve there as well... worthy people, but after some time they decided to create one here in the moscow region, it worked out pretty great with these children, they come here to study.
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zorka valeria vyacheslavovna, that’s very cool they helped, they brought these children, uh, they controlled them, they even trained with them themselves. i'll tell you, in 1919, just when we arrived, a moscow court convicted a boy.
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actions sometimes children are children, they are, but they need to be treated fairly, children love justice, if you act fairly towards them and don’t deceive them honestly, they
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pay you double for the same, that’s why there are no strangers’ children, children, they are one family , this is a single team like this, well , in general, my dream, here are the trainings, we worked out, drank tea, talked, maybe went to school together... yes, i want to tell you that these children with leadership qualities who are there, they help me, through them i influence other children,
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through them, here they help me, they help me a lot, somewhere they talk, somewhere they come they say that anatoi ivanovich, here they are, that one there, that one there doesn’t lead very well, there’s this and that, we call him, we talk there , and somehow it’s like this, we’re putting on the path of truth, there are no other people’s children, they’re all ours, they’re all. ours than the more children there are, the better it will be to walk here, to train, then we have, we have children, and talented people, people with strong-willed qualities, there are olympic, future olympic champions, world champions and so on, there, i’ll tell you , there should be such halls, it seems to me, they should be in every district, this is the kind of work that should be carried out in every district of the city of minsk and beyond.
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i couldn’t answer this question, really for some reason, but i said who, if not me, and you know, from here take the past, my youth, my childhood, let’s say , yes, if it weren’t for sports, if it weren’t for, well, we don’t know where we were, those old old coaches, the old ones who...
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they’re there in every way, you know, but they played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, just as i would like, i would like to continue the work that they once started, i need to be distracted, but now it’s not very possible lately. attracted uh, because uh, for this hall to work at full capacity, you basically have to work a lot, at six 15, 6:30 to get up, to work there, that’s like how people come to exercise, and then it went, went, went, went according to the script, sometimes i come, then at 6:15 i arrive, and somewhere around 9-10 o’clock i’m just at home, to recover, well, it recovers depending on how you set your mood, how you set your mood, how
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you tweak it where, everything will be there, well, at least to rest... it happens that it doesn’t work out, it happens that it doesn’t work out with children, it happens that somewhere on there’s no work, i’m giving up, it seems like there’s a wall, that’s it, it’s already the edge of nowhere, it’s the same there, well, something like this, you know, i suffered, i felt sorry for myself, i shook myself up a little, i slept a little, and then forward, probably, you - i started with the same thing as it is, but if only, perhaps, i would have tried more persistently. so that such a hall in a residential area would appear much much earlier, the children are grateful, the children , they understand if you treat them with love and kindness, they give it away twice in the family, i told the parents in the family, the parents , to talk more with the children, to do more music, fishing physical sports culture there, anything, i was at a conference of a scientific conference there and i don’t remember
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any professor speaking there, i said, according to statistics, if the mother in the family is involved in physical education, then 50%, that the child, the children will do it, if she does dad, 40%, if dad and mom, then 90-100% of the children will engage in physical education, happiness to see successful children, happiness if they got a good grade there, won some competitions, eh?
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physical education, well, it’s not necessary that they achieve any results, that’s it, but so that they were strong, physical, so that they were smart, let's say, well-read people, yes, harmoniously developed personalities, this is my dream, and so that as many as possible, so that they, so that this hall that we have on cosmonauts 56, so that from 6 o'clock to 11 o'clock he was in full swing with work. this is my dream, if i see you, well, it will be mine, i will probably be the happiest person there.
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alexander lukashenko visited grodno on a working trip. in the regional center, the head of state visited the construction site of an important social facility for the city, city ​​clinical hospital on yanka kupala avenue. the conversation turned to improving the quality and accessibility of medical care for the population. during the working trip, the head of state’s attention was also focused on the development of the industrial potential of grodno. april 2nd is celebrated.
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in the soviet space, the experience gained over a quarter of a century allows us to quickly and effectively respond to the unprecedented threat challenges that our countries have faced, to consolidate and defend common interests in the international arena. in turn, vladimir putin, in his congratulations, noted that recently, despite difficult international conditions, we have managed to do a lot to develop multifaceted russian-belarusian ties and strengthen the institutions of the union state. the validity of the loan for the population for the purchase of domestic goods - native goods has been extended until the end of 2025, in addition, the list of available goods has been expanded, the corresponding resolution has been adopted by the government, now you can take out a loan at 4%
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per annum for up to 3 years, can be used for wooden windows and doors, house kits, laminated flooring, carpets and much more. the ministry of antimonopoly regulation notes the loan program for purchases. domestic goods turned out to be in demand among citizens; in 3 months almost 20 thousand contracts were concluded, the amount exceeded 100 million rubles. all our manufacturers noted that the rate of retail trade turnover increased by about 20% thanks to the loan. and if in the city of minsk this percentage is lower, then it is in the regions that our the population began to actively use this program, folk goods. the list has been expanded taking into account requests... transport arteries are being renewed after winter; more than 400 thousand square meters of snow-white enamels will be applied on the roads of minsk this season. in addition to paint, specialists are increasingly resorting to
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the use of plastic; it is more durable, resistant and better reflects the light of car headlights. as of today, this year we have 28 crews of marking equipment, which is a larger number with enamels. as well as thermoplastic and cold plastic, this year we will place our main emphasis, of course, on durable materials - plastics, so today we have already started applying cold plastic markings on winners avenue, and we will continue to increase volumes; plastic markings can perform their functions for up to 3 years after application , all areas with plastic stripes on asphalt in the electronic database, specialists. check the condition of these areas to monitor material wear. forestry enterprises of belarus conduct industrial harvesting birch sap, plans to collect tens of thousands of tons of natural drink per season, part of which will be sent to
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the country's processing enterprises, the rest is sold to the population. this year, the mass collection of birch sap began late; night frosts held back the flow of sap in the trees, but now foresters on the plantations work from morning until evening. in some fields the harvest is harvested twice a day. to collect sap, foresters use exclusively trees that have reached their ripeness, and these are birches over 60 years old. last year we prepared 100 tons, it was all bought by the population. to collect birch sap, we have harvested 25 hectares of trees, so that it is convenient for everyone to get there and buy birch sap from us. the law on the responsible treatment of... the document is aimed at ensuring the rights of the legitimate interests of breeders of pet owners, the adoption of animals, this provides for the establishment of general rules for the treatment of animals, for everyone, and with service pets, with those who are attracted
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in cultural activities and sports. it must be said that the bill has been in the attention of deputies for a long time. we developed it for almost 3 years, the working group included numerous government bodies. comprehensively, so to speak, developed from different directions, this law was worked out, as a result, i think that we put in there the maximum of those requirements , the basis that is necessary first of all for us as a modern state. increased requirements and for those who keep dangerous breeds of dogs, owners will be required to undergo special courses and obtaining certificates, going to a store, clinic or cinema , sports grounds with dogs are closed, not counting guide dogs. the main provisions of the law come into force. from january 1, 2025. the belarusian open swimming championship starts in brest. teams from all regions and the city of minsk, as well as teams from foreign countries, take part in the main tournament of the country. according to the competition regulations, each athlete has the right to participate in
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an unlimited number of individual types of programs and relay races. tournament for belarusian swimmers qualify for the russian championships.


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