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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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service pets with those who are involved in cultural activities and sports. it must be said that the bill has been in the attention of deputies for a long time. we developed it for almost 3 years, the working group included numerous government bodies, all of them were, so to speak, developed, this law was worked out from different directions, as a result, i think that we put in there the maximum of those requirements , the basis that necessary first of all for us as a modern state. increasing demands and topics. who keeps dangerous breeds dogs, owners will be required to take special courses and receive certificates; going to a store, clinic or cinema ; sports grounds with dogs are closed, not counting guide dogs. the main provisions of the law come into force on january 1, 2025. the belarusian open swimming championship starts in brest. teams from all regions and the city of minsk, as well as teams from foreign countries, take part in the main tournament of the country. according to the competition regulations, everyone.
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the athlete has the right to participate in an unlimited number of individual types of programs and relay races. the tournament for belarusian swimmers is a qualifying tournament for the russian championships.
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“hello, they won’t give us a quiet life,” the president said when meeting with the russian governor on monday. unfortunately, russians and belarusians have to convince themselves of this from their own experience. a black date in the history of russia, march 22, the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus. terrorists shoot those who come to the concert at point-blank range in cold blood.
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they were partly mercenaries, partly, unfortunately, volunteers, neo-nazis, ukrainian, bukovinian kuren, who killed their fellow tribesmen, you need to look at, unfortunately, the names of the victims, but i am sure that among them there were also muslim believers, so this is a crime not on religious grounds, this is terror aimed at intimidating the entire society, then the same thing happened in khatyn, it seems like our loved ones, relatives... this already speaks of the ideological
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component, the president of russia said this, the ideological component is this radical frustration. she still kills people, or not people, and the third thing communications, isis, now the entire world press is making noise about this, the americans are saying, the british, the french, there from the level of the president, starting and below, that isis, who raised isis, whose toy is it, let the experts correct me, but in the modern world 90 , if not more than a percent of terrorist attacks, are carried out with the indirect or personal participation of intelligence agents and the intelligence services themselves, those that are out of control, those that solve political problems, intimidate their geopolitical opponents, therefore isis is a tool, isis was nurtured in this
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american generals openly admitted at congressional hearings, and israeli politicians on israeli television channels, that isis was being nurtured for...
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time, this is close interaction between the belarusian and russian intelligence services, it is no longer a secret that, including in detaining terrorists, belarus played a huge role role, this is normal, for a long time, understanding that the common threats are terrorist, that the threats of extremism, for both belarus and russia, they come from the same decision-making centers, we act together, that provides us with a certain security, why certain, for today, terror. this is an instrument of hybrid war and geopolitical confrontation, an ordinary instrument, like sanctions, no matter how cynical it may sound, but in the west, sanctions don’t work, direct military invasion, we are afraid of a direct war, because if we lose, then we use terror, that ’s the truth of life, that’s you started with what is
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the similarity between khatyn and the terrorist attack that occurred in moscow, it is obvious similarity, why did the germans burn khatyn by policemen and bandera? we see that yesterday the russian fsb said that the customers of this terrorist attack were great britain and ukraine, and no one wanted to send banderra, for example, or anyone else, so that the trail would be clearly visible. there is one more task, the most important thing for the americans - to introduce an ethnic conflict into the territory not
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only of russia, but into the territory of belarus, into the territory of the entire post-soviet space, to quarrel us with the entire muslim world, so that a wave of nationalism rises, so that people hate a particular nationality , this... he twitched his journalists sideways, asked this question, he answered without hesitation, of course, ukraine, but how can there be any doubt
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about this today? well, to question, of course , paturshev’s words will probably not be entirely correct, let me add further then, i will further add, the day before, fsb director bortnikov also spoke about the trace of ukraine, we will listen now, please answer, the bandits intended to go abroad, precisely on the territory of ukraine, according to our preliminary operational...
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moscow, and there are continuous traffic jams there, and there was for them and the channel through which they came out, the direction. which was elected, why did they fly towards ukraine? yes, first of all , these
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customers needed this war party, since russia has already started asking questions, since the west has begun to raise questions about the need to negotiate, no, we will now make sure that there will be no talk about the fact that the circle of those who accompanied this operation much more widely, even than those who agreed, they were interested, they had to go to this ukraine, from here it was necessary to take them hot and quickly split them, to reveal the most.
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to central asia, to central asia, to transcaucasia, and then they are just waiting for this for some reason, in order to stir up these regions against us, to create all the conditions associated with the first. ukraine, central asia, transcaucasia, the very regions that will rise after this, where russophobia will go off scale, this collective security treaty organization, which will collapse against the backdrop of everything else that is happening in armenia, this is what they will really face in this situation, in this situation, what to do russian federation? in my opinion,
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the president of russia acted very wisely, we have only one thing left: to accept the game of the west, the one who is going there... yes, this is central asia, this is transcaucasia, these are the interests of whom, these are the interests of britain and france, the creation of a large turan and a clash, armenia, which today supports france with the same turkey, why turkey is also stirring there, some ears are also growing from there, in all likelihood, so that’s what remains for the russian federation, namely to support the idea and isis, but isis were not the customers, but those who controlled it, these customers need to be shown, shown to the whole world. there is no doubt that customers will be found, i have no doubt about it, another thing that everyone
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should understand is that there is no money, for example, no terror, no money, no color revolution, that is, everything is tied to...
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brilliant the work of the special services, they were detained alive, this is a very important point, because the customers, initiators, intermediaries, of course, they expected that, relatively speaking, they would be destroyed back in moscow, perhaps plan b was destruction, i don’t think they would have been greeted in ukraine like with flowers, because you can imagine, this is an image disaster after the security council. unanimously condemned this tragedy, after everyone stood up, yes, that means, they honored the memory with minutes of silence, perhaps they were told that we will greet you like flowers, and this was operational information. for the special services, well, of course they would have been eliminated on the approaches to the border, these are very important points. the traces are obvious
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not only to us, but in the united states itself they also talk about this, i offer a fragment of reflection, an interview, perhaps you even know this, a cry of common sense in the storm of lies that is now observed. in the united states of america, ex-cro employee larry johnson is confident that kiev is behind the terrorist attack in moscow, and the united states could not have known about it. we still don't know how many attackers there were, we still don't know what weapons were used, we heard about gunshots and explosions, but no one knows anything concrete, yet the state department said that ukraine did not did. no, they knew that ukraine did it, that's how we know it. march 7 embassy. britain in moscow issue a warning advising americans and britons to avoid large gatherings for 48 hours because a terrorist attack will occur, this did not happen,
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such a warning is only issued if you have reliable information, you cannot prevent an attack. this means that the united states knew that ukraine was preparing something. they guessed what the ukrainians were going to do. it's not just a matter of that ukraine was behind the terrorist attack. "she did it with the help of weapons provided by the united states, this is what scared the white house to death, they are blowing up the nord stream, so far, that's how much time has passed, not all the intelligence services, there are americans, britain, says, we don’t know who blew up , everyone knows who blew it up, but they don’t know, an investigation needs to be carried out, what right do you have to blame, although europe, which simply humiliated it, the americans blew up the nord stream for them, said: “be patient, buy shale gas, right there.” a terrorist attack took place, literally an hour later the us state department and european officials began making statements that this is not ukraine,
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listen, do you think everyone is a fool, that is, you, without expecting an investigation, without expecting any information, without knowing anything, this is definitely not ukraine , there is only one reason, geopolitics, here they are, for the kievsky regime, which they support, they can do everything, and this didn’t start yesterday, here’s alek sergeevich, everything. these are just before the trade unions, who condemned western leaders when they burned people in the house of trade unions, who condemned 8 years of extermination of the children of donbass, no one, and we must proceed from this, and lastly, iraqis, children, i remember iraq today, or serbian children, yugoslav children, who today condemned the death in america, the murder of children and the elderly, olbra, clearly said that it was worth it, you know what andrei petrovich wanted now at such a moment. to record, our viewers are watching us now, at the same time they are there on telegram, in tiktok, i think you noticed how many accounts are now, including new ones, on
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who now begin to work exclusively with information and psychological tools, no factual information, they begin to look at the number of men in blue t-shirts in this room, from this they conclude that these are all employees of the russian special services, such a wave of absurdity, because in fact, if you look at it differently from the angle of this room one wonders, how many men in white are there? t-shirts, in yellow t-shirts, you will see an even greater number and quantity, what am i talking about, now they will be on a high emotional upsurge, which always blocks critical thinking, works on the population, andrey evgenievich, you, as a media expert, can tell us about this, in order to shift the emphasis, and this says that for them the terrorist operation is not over yet, they continue it as a dispersal of interethnic conflicts, migration riots , which may still be the next stage. so an information company in order to say that almost the kremlin benefited from this terrible tragedy, which is absurd and another insult to the russian people by such accusations, humiliation, of course, but any
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modern act of terrorism is impossible without media accompaniment, it begins with this, then this media wave, that is , in order to create chaos, panic, uncertainty, insecurity, a feeling of insecurity, to encourage people to do crazy things. actions are just using this media wave, but pay attention, in fact, in the united states of america there are talented journalists and experts who separate the wheat from the chaff and get to the bottom of the truth, let’s take a warning, supposedly a warning on march 7, when a warning appeared on the websites of the american, american, british, and russian embassies that us citizens and british subjects should not visit en masse.
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didn’t see solidarity, for me this is a serious issue, i rarely touch on this group for various reasons, primarily because they are not interesting to me or our viewers, i’m sure, but in this case it’s symptomatic when we see these on the one hand, these same days are monstrous crimes, more and more footage there with throats being slit and so on, they suddenly begin to think about men who were not allowed to have lawyers and who are under pressure, in a stressful state, remember the stele, so i want to tell you, i stood on the stele, who do you need
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to be to so...
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on this, and ineptly, dirtyly, even in their comments they write: listen bastards, that you people should, that people have already been taught by experience how to treat this, here i would like to say that yes, in general there are no terrible or not terrible terrorist attacks, there are only terrorist attacks that are distinguished by their cynicism, the degree of cynicism, this one is probably in terms of the degree of cynicism, well, you can give a higher score to this particular terrorist act, which was also broadcast live, so that’s what concerns lawyers, what concerns depressed people... well, let us , of course, omit the point that the russian federation, everyone probably understands this, is in a state of war, no matter what it calls it, special, that is, even if so, then people who are not combatants, who do not have signs differences, everything else, they practically do not fall under any laws at all, you can do whatever you want with them, absolutely any military person will tell you this, but we even put this aside, how the russian special services acted, they risked their lives,
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they detained these... i don’t know, scoundrels, but i’ll call them so softly, i’ll choose a word for them , so that in the future they will be presented with lawyers, and in order to then give them a prison term for the rest of their lives, because the moratorium there is the death penalty, feed them and to support at the expense of those people who have lost their very, very close ones, this is what really happened, so the words about lawyers are depressed, it is inappropriate here, andrey petrovich, what do you think about this fact, which was noticed, but not those , who... now regrets that lawyers were not allowed to see the terrorists, which means that about the cut throat, an important detail: during the exercises in wiesbadani back in 2021, army general mark milley, until recently he served as head of the chiefs of staff committee usa, in these words parting words of ukrainian officers, there should not be a single russian who would go to bed without wondering if his throat will be cut in the middle of the night, you must go back there
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and organize a campaign in tula. we understand perfectly well how the americans plan all their operations, we see how they carry out this all over the world, afghanistan alone is enough for us, yes, we saw what chaos was going on there, so today they said that egil was taking revenge for what -afghanistan, which has been completed for 35 years ago, and today all the current residents of afghanistan remember with great pleasure, precisely the period when the soviet contingent was there in limited numbers.
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and postpone the decision until the last minute, but now the authorities do not trust any of their western colleagues, yuri valerievich, i will support the minister of foreign affairs of russia, all this is hypocrisy, because words speak about one thing, and
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you can even stand with representatives of russia during a minute of silence, but actions speak of something else, which means there are no prerequisites.
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still have a belarusian passport, they also went on a rampage during the great historical event, the witnesses we became this week, we will come to this later, we will definitely come, an absolutely correct remark, but look, and oleg sergeevich said this a little earlier and here is yuri valeevich, dehumanization, we have one enemy today with russia, one, then look further, they will continue to dehumanize, they will, they will continue, and the media components are on a high emotional level...
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the streets are on alert with machine guns this the police are walking around shopping centers for absolutely the right reasons. they gave more powers to our special services, they are ready to give even more, they must understand everything, the times when someone might think that he could raise a hand against a person in uniform are over, he raised his hand, there is no hand, he is standing on ceremony on the territory of belarus, here i am yesterday i liked the president’s words; they relate to security and, by and large, internal security.
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this is atlantic determination, where they constantly
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transfer and transfer everything here, supposedly under the pretext of rotation armament in military equipment, the fact that they have already given a damn, trampled all the constitutions of all our neighboring countries, i won’t even just talk about it, these countries are already in a state of occupation, the fact that the head of state today drew attention to the fact that exercises are taking place is already almost close to our territory, the fact that their number is simply off the charts, we only recently witnessed these exercises of the 2000 dragoons... 24 today the question is already about some kind of large quadriga that galloped all over europe, and so on, that is, the aspect, today's military aspect is that well, we are on the verge of a very grandiose, grandiose problem, why? because the maximum concentration of troops will be achieved against the backdrop of these exercises, the defender of europe, the staunch defender, and so on, what is being carried out there today, at most it will be may, the end of may. june here, there may be
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some very serious ultimatums and provocations, from there all these terrorist attacks, from here and there this is pressure on the russian federation, today this is pressure on us, why did the head of state visit this particular direction, this is the north-western operational direction, this is the direction that the ashmyany direction is, firstly, it borders of course with lithuania and latvia, the second thing is that the ashmyany tactical direction is the shortest way to the center. further and the most important thing is that it is necessary to say what is the importance, in addition to the fact that this is
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the shortest path, there is a nuclear power plant in the same direction, therefore there are three points, three points in which it is precisely this tactical direction that is dangerous, first, this is a terrorist danger, this is connected with the nuclear power plant, with our capital, other cities and provocations on the territory precisely on the state border, second, we saw what happened in moscow, the second is sabotage. .. activities, namely provocative activities, which we are already constantly doing today, either helicopters fly over, or some sabotage groups operate along our state borders, this should not go unnoticed, because it the shortest route is the most dangerous, and the third, of course, is the military component, as i said, in order to carry out an operation and go through belarus to reach minsk, it will be enough at a pace of 20-25 km, a provocation of about one week, another provocation, therefore this direction protects.
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only strength, what does that mean? we don’t want war, he said this yesterday that , god forbid, we don’t need your territory, this is clear and obvious to everyone, but for... everything they throw in, they come in the west saying that we want to attack, that we are there we want to apply nuclear weapons, although neither putin nor lukashenko have ever threatened with nuclear weapons, they write about this in the west, no one has ever talked about it, this is being done for one purpose, to justify some kind of provocation against us, here is the state’s phrase, they understand
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the head of state, that they only understand the forces, what it’s about, they don’t only attack by force, we don’t just say in words, climb, we will destroy you. we are strengthening our military security every day, that is, everything that we did in 3 years, if we had not done this, if if we had not done what we have been doing for 30 years, we would have attacked long ago, so we must clearly understand, we would have attacked belarus a long time ago and there would have been a war a long time ago. we continue, march 23, 2024, 15:36, time. which will forever go down in the history of belarus. a successful start to our marina vasilevskaya.
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let me remind you of belarusian. the belarusians will not stop at the stars, so we expect a touch, a touch in the indicators clearly there is, there is, there is, ukraine estimates 18:0258,
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many belarusians on saturday until monday evening had the feeling that they too rotating around the earth waiting for a stance. we weren’t so nervous, we were worried, we wanted to see marina, to find out that everything was fine with her, we saw, now andrei evgenevich’s work, i’m sure you too, as the whole country watched live, thanks to our colleagues who showed this historical event, here i want to note several aspects, the first, of course, is so close to us, journalists, media, this is a qualitative evidence of the power of belarus, which... has entered the club of not only nuclear, but now also space powers, and the crown its cosmonaut, its citizen in space, there are many arguments, there are big countries, small countries, weak economically, weak technologically, but belarus entered and thereby showed that in an alliance with russia
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it can demonstrate, can conquer the most complex technological problems, the second is directly related to technology, belarus has made a huge contribution to the development of space and not only manned flights, not only our wonderful cosmonaut heroes, but take technology, these are new materials, which belarus is developing and which are used, including in the russian space program, from deep space exploration and the passage of radio signals to the actual plating materials of ee zone ships.
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people who transferred from thursday to saturday from the networks, but this is also an indicator that they were met with schadenfreude, well, the litmus test showed who was who, we made conclusions a long time ago, our viewers and listeners all made conclusions long ago, and that’s why . within the framework of this space project, so it’s possible, is it really necessary to leave the planet so that we become russian-american in one
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i also came to this thought, it turns out that we have to leave the planet in order to calmly, calmly solve scientific problems in a constructive atmosphere, this is wonderful, and we saw it with our own eyes, that means this can be done on earth, but i’ll still say about the bad citizens, i can’t help but say, here they were. yes, yes, yes, yes, because people should know that they were making fun not only about, uh, our flight into space, and well, that they are making jokes, it means everything will be fine, i remind you that they were making jokes about the nuclear power plant for many years, it was put into operation, it is working today, they were making jokes about the fact that it is necessary to preserve the special services, it is necessary to develop the ministry of internal affairs and the army, today these special services and the army is saving our country, they made fun of agriculture and said that we were in vain with... we saved collective farms, why are we even doing this, this is nonsense, there is no need to grow anything, we just need to buy everything, today our agriculture feeds not only us ,
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but it is the largest source of income for our country, they made fun of us that we didn’t sell the enterprise that remained after the collapse of the ussr, and today these enterprises are busy saving not only belarus, but also russia from sanctions, let them make fun of them, that’s all, that’s great, so, well, i’ll also start with the fact that why are they making fun of me? well, first of all, i would like to say right away, as i said, let them continue to juggle, because we have flown away and we see the path to our bright future, but we are already in space, and they are left lying here in this the mud that is constantly poured on us on the side of this road, and let them lie there, but the most important thing is to say that we have two more cosmonauts, this is marina vasilevskaya, this is anastasia lenkova, who is also a cosmonaut today in perspective.
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yuri gagarin flew into space, he was who, a military man, the first one to go out, leonov into open space, he was a military man, all the people, klimuk is the same, yes, uh, they were all military people, today oleg novitsky is the same most, but you must understand that first of all in at first he was a military man, and then an astronaut, and we’ll see the same thing: the astronauts we ’re talking about, the first set of these, starting today, they are all military people, so it’s impossible to say that space is non-military. but why is it important? today we are entering into such a concept as the security of our state, and today near space is
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no longer a distant prospect, but a near-term prospect, you will remember. this probe, which the chinese flew, yes, is already in near space, and today they are talking about technology, associated with high-speed rockets, hypersounds, this is all this space, and if we do not declare today that we are a space power and will not provide tasks related to the protection, including of near space, its research, the launch of our spacecraft, their today, just in case, four are in space, and by the way they bring multimillion-dollar profits to our state, then we say that we are staying, but as for, look who, that’s who we remember from some historical characters who made the greatest role for our state, this is about stalin, who took the country with a shovel, and left with nuclear weapons, i also know one person who took our country already on the verge of collapse and collapse in the nineties , and today we have nuclear energy, and nuclear weapons and flew into space,
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we don’t want to stop there yet, i have an important topic, we need to have time to touch on it too, while we, our cosmonaut in space, there are people who want to continue to remain on earth, for some reason they are dragging us there, the office of volker turk, the un high commissioner for human rights, has released another report on belarus, the song here is old, repression, of course, the inhuman conditions in punishment cells are especially impressive, that’s how they write, i’m even here i’ll quote, the prisoners were not allowed to have with them... any personal belongings or to do anything personal, or to sleep during the day, you know, in general, sleeping during the day for personal matters is not approved by any management at work, apparently this will happen to us later too once upon a time they will remember, but let’s put the jokes aside, the conclusion from the report is that crimes against humanity are being committed in belarus, i will ask for a little time, i need to answer this person, who clearly lives in his own reality, he does not see what
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is happening in his neighbor in the east, what israel is doing, he does not see where the claws are tearing. terrorists, on whose hands the blood has not yet dried, he needs to make sure that people in our pre-trial detention centers can sleep and get enough sleep during the day, otherwise this is a direct violation of everything, well, there was also something about genders, this a separate story, such a strange document, this man, with his statement , drove another nail into the coffin of international structures of their authority, and in short, he can say a lot, a lot, briefly, buddy, buddy. that means, come to the belarusian border, please, figure out where the corpses are coming from, which we documented, are being killed by polish and baltic border guards, how many criminal cases have been opened, well , come, look, figure out where ukrainian children are going in europe, where they are, deal with the murdered children , i'm not saying anymore about the middle east, here in europe, eventually go to kosovo and find out
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what they are preparing there, europe will soon be blown up, that’s his every statement. it arose that our modern , i really have such an allegory , technological express train under the control of the driver lukashenko passed the station to strengthen independence, strengthen sovereignty, strengthen welfare and is moving. there forward to the station strategic development and progressive development of belarus, their rusty train still remained at the station with called malice, lies, hypocrisy, failure, envy, everything that accompanies this, so we move on and do not listen to any un, no commissioners, no runaways, no
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legal, moral, ethical... opportunities to tell us what to do in our state, these characters no longer exist, they have gone bankrupt in all directions, all over the world, oleg sergeevich is absolutely right, there is no faith, no, no trust, all double standards have already become a byword, so we ourselves will be on our own land, according to our own laws decide how to live. andrey petrovich, well, i agree with my colleagues here that no one should tell us that we have our own path.
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today we are together with the russian federation, and as we said in the program, the enemy is clearly defined, we have one enemy with russia. i thank you for this conversation, but to end, to end, i would like not to do this.
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each of the heroes is special, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys, there were few of us girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal troops there were only six girls, who graduated, received an education on an equal basis with men, each with their own unique story, my father advised me to go to get an education as a psychologist.
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