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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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drink with everyone, which the west did not succeed from the beginning from its own, the goal was initially to isolate belarus and russia from the whole world, this is a complete failure, the middle east with russia and belarus, which means others, latin america is with us, africa is with us, asia with us, how to act, so the terrorist attacks are aimed at this, i can’t help but say, well, i can’t, where did terrorism come from over the past decades, where, from what, the reason, what is terror, it’s extreme. a form of struggle, that is, radicals, who created these radicals, where did they come from, i want to remind you, 2003, iraq, the invasion of iraq, millions killed, refugees, tens of millions left without anything, children are born to them, money is invested in them, hatred, it all spreads throughout the world, and yugoslavia, so we remembered, i mean, those who bombed it celebrated there, for them it is a holiday of democracy. they bombed yugoslavia, but
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that terror from there did not spread throughout europe, and that someone does not understand that from ukraine, even if the war ends today, there are still dozens of years, weapons, terrorists, that’s all, absolutely, and yuriyvich, look, bortnikov, whom we have already quoted, also said yesterday, the head of gur budanov is a legitimate target for the armed forces of the russian federation, like everyone who commits a crime against russia, journalists immediately ask him the question, why then budanov before still alive. that bortnikov turned around, well , he also needed literally 2 seconds to think, and answered, everything is ahead, how do you look at what happened and where the traces lead? due to the tragedy that occurred, the hearts of belarusians are filled with grief, sadness, we we stood in solidarity with the fraternal russian people, and i completely agree with the opinions expressed.
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this is just an attempt to change the concept, to divert the investigation, another very important point, thanks to the brilliant work of the special services, they were detained alive, this is a very important point, because the customers, the initiators, the intermediaries, of course, they expected that, relatively speaking, they they will destroy it in moscow, perhaps plan b was destroyed. i don’t think they would have been greeted in
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ukraine with flowers, because you can imagine, this is an image disaster, after the security council unanimously condemned this tragedy, after everyone stood up, yes, that means, they honored the memory with minutes of silence, perhaps they were told that we will greet you like flowers, and this was operational information from the special services, well, of course they would have been eliminated on the approaches to the border, this is very important. the traces are obvious not only to us, but in the united states they are also talking about this, i offer a fragment of reflection, an interview, perhaps even such, you know, a cry of common sense in the storm of lies that is now observed in the united states in the states of america, ex-cia officer larry johnson is confident that kiev and the united states are behind the terrorist attack in moscow. could not have known, we
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still don’t know how many attackers there were, we still don’t know what weapons were used, we heard about shots and explosions, but no one knows anything concrete, yet the state department said that ukraine did not did, no, they knew that ukraine did it, that’s how we know this: on march 7 , the us and british embassies in moscow issue a warning advising americans and britons to avoid large meetings. within 48 hours because there will be a terrorist attack, this did not happen, such a warning is only issued if you have reliable information, you cannot prevent the attack, which means the us knew that ukraine was preparing something, they guessed, what the ukrainians are going to do, it's not just that ukraine was behind the terrorist attack, it carried it out with the aid of weapons provided by the us, that's what scared the living daylights out of. it is necessary to conduct an investigation, what
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right do you have to blame, although europe, which simply humiliated her, the americans blew up the nord stream, they said, be patient, buy shale gas, a terrorist attack immediately took place, literally an hour later the statements of the us state department and european officials began that this is not ukraine, listen, why do you think everyone is fools, then there you are, not expecting an investigation, not expecting any information, not knowing anything, this is definitely not...
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that for them the terrorist operation is not over yet, they are continuing it as a dispersal of inter-ethnic conflicts, migration riots, which may yet be next stage, and an information company in order to say that almost the kremlin benefited from this terrible tragedy, which is absurd and another insult to the russian people with such accusations, humiliation, of course, but any modern act of terrorism is impossible without media accompaniment, he from this begins, then this wave. that is, in order to create chaos, panic, uncertainty, insecurity, a feeling of insecurity, to encourage people to do crazy things, this media wave is used, but pay attention, indeed, in the united states of america, there are talented journalists and experts
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who separate the wheat from the chaff and get to the bottom of the truth, let’s take a warning, supposedly a warning on march 7, when... on the websites of the american embassies, american, british, in the russian federation, a warning appears about the fact that us citizens are subjects in the uk, do not attend mass protests, which means that the americans already had information about the preparation of a terrorist attack, and they already had a rough idea, they knew, perhaps through infiltrated agents, maybe through their counterparts in gur, the sbu and other terrorist organizations, they already knew that something was being prepared in moscow, but they acted according to protocol, because the americans are very rude. people who love procedures, if they hadn’t warned the embassy of the united states of america, on their own, on their official page, god forbid even one american would have died or been injured in the city hall crocus, the american government, the american intelligence services would have been to blame, they would have paid billions, what’s the matter? due to our reaction
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fugitives, look, because by and large we did not see solidarity, for me this is a serious issue, i rarely touch on this group for various reasons, primarily because they are not interesting to me. not for our viewers, i’m sure, but in this case it’s symptomatic, when we see these monstrous crimes on the one hand on these same days, more and more new footage of throats being cut and so on, they suddenly begin to think about men who were not allowed lawyers and who are under pressure, in a state of stress, but remember the stele, here i am i want to tell you, i stood at the stele, who do you have to be to see what was happening like that, these were our people who were once with us on the same land, our people, here i was standing at the stele, there was an explosion of the stele,
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in terms of the degree of cynicism, probably, well you can give a higher score to this particular terrorist act, which was also
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broadcast live. so, as for lawyers, as for depressed people, well, let us omit, of course, the point that the russian federation, everyone probably understands this, is in a state of war, as it were it was not called there, a special military, that is, even if so, then people who are not combatants, who do not have insignia, everything else, they practically do not fall under any laws at all, you can do whatever you want with them. absolutely any military person will tell you this, but we even put this aside, how the russian special services acted, they risked their lives to detain these, i don’t know, scoundrels, but i’ll put it mildly, i’ll pick up the money and for that, so that they can be presented with lawyers later and in order to then give them a prison term for the rest of their lives, because a moratorium is the death penalty, to feed and support them at the expense of those people who have lost their very, very close ones. this is what really happened, so the words about the lawyers are depressed, it is inappropriate here,
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andrei petrovich, what do you think about this fact, which was noticed, but not by those who regret that the lawyers were not allowed to see the terrorists? so, about the slit throat, an important detail: during the exercises in wiesbadan back in 2022, general of the army mark milley, until recently , served as head of the us joint chiefs of staff; these were his parting words to ukrainian officers. there shouldn't be a single russian who goes to bed without wondering if his throat will be cut in the middle of the night, you should go back there and organize a campaign in tulo. we understand perfectly well how the americans plan all their operations, we see how they carry out this all over the world, afghanistan alone is enough for us, yes, we saw what chaos was going on there, as of today day they said that egil was taking revenge for some afghanistan, which he ended 35 years ago and... today all the current residents of afghanistan remember with great
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pleasure exactly that period when there was a limited soviet contingent there. mark mile is a man who was removed in september 2023, precisely because of the failures that the united states suffered around the world. i don’t think that now, first of all in ukraine, first of all in ukraine, that’s what he wants to say, that’s what he says.
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give an example related even to artificial intelligence, recently in the states there was a program adopted for 100 years for its development, and it’s called, that is , imagine what kind of strong planning they have in the field of politics, this is in addition to the fact that they have the best in the world technologies for entertainment, for working with mass media, for working with the collective unconscious,
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we have one enemy today with russia, one, one, then look further, they will continue to dehumanize, they will, they will continue, and the media component is on a high emotional level will be at the forefront of the rise, the ministry of internal affairs reports, telegram users in belarus began to receive messages with calls to commit terrorist attacks, including shooting in shopping centers, and first of all, such texts come to young people and schoolchildren, that is, they work on our brains now.
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seriously tightened the legislation, gave more powers to our intelligence services, are ready to give even more, they must understand everything, the times when someone might think that he could raise a hand against a person in uniform are over, he raised his hand, there is no hand, they stand on ceremony on the territory of belarus, yesterday i liked the words of the president, they relate to security and, by and large, internal security, violated, he said 1 cm of the belarusian border, destroyed, the same thing...
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they only understand force, and andrei petrovich, but how you heard the president like a military idiot, although it would seem that here he is speaking frankly and directly, this message is more for western countries, yeah, look today at the escalation taking place on our western borders, well, i’m not even talking about those operations, which they endlessly conduct such as their forward presence there , some kind of atlantic determination, where they constantly transfer everything here supposedly under the pretext of rotation and transfer their weapons to... note that the exercises are already taking place almost next to our territory, that their number is simply off the charts, we only recently witnessed these dragoon 2024 exercises, today the question is already about
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some kind of large quadriga that galloped all over europe and so on, that is, the aspect today's military aspect is that, well, we are on the verge of a very big, huge problem, why? because the maximum concentration. troops will be achieved against the backdrop of these exercises , the defender of europe, the staunch defender, and so on, what is being carried out there today, at most it will be may, the end of may, june, here some very serious ultimatums and provocations are possible, from there all these terrorist attacks, from here to there this is pressure on the russian federation, today this is pressure on us, why did the head of state visit this particular direction, this is the northwestern operational direction, this is the direction that is special... to the ashmyany direction, firstly, it borders, of course, with lithuania and latvia, the second thing is that ashmyanskoye is a tactical direction, this is the shortest route to the center of our state to the capital
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of our state, to minsk, and what does this mean, that this is the shortest route, it means that there is literally 150 km in a straight line, and there are no serious barrier lines there, no rivers, no mountains, nothing that could get in the way, there is a well-developed road network, of course. the forest cover is good, there are practically no large cities along the road, there are only two such main borders, this is where ashmyany is and where ashmyany is put in place and so on, and the most important thing is that it is necessary to say what is the importance, besides the fact that this is the shortest route to in the same direction there is a nuclear power plant, so there are three points, three points in which it is this tactical that is dangerous direction, the first is the terrorist danger, this is connected with the nuclear one. namely
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provocative activities, which we are already constantly doing, either helicopters fly over, or some sabotage groups operate along our state borders, this should not go unnoticed, because this is the shortest route and the most dangerous, the third, of course, is the military component, as i said, in order to carry out the operation and...
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let me remind you that the belarusian contribution to space exploration is very significant, our fellow countrymen, oleg novitsky, which is now in one. the crew with marina was the first in the world to experience a state of weightlessness in an airplane of the belarusian laboratory, valentin danilovich, symbolically, the first woman in space, valentina tereshkova, was from a belarusian
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family, her mother and father were born. in the mogilev region, but now the first citizen of belarus, but the historical event in every sense made the automation nervous, but on the way to the stars the belarusians can no longer be stopped. we expect touches, touches, there are touches, there are touches, capture, just 18. many belarusians have from saturday to monday evening there was a feeling that they , too, were revolving around the earth, waiting for a knock, they were so nervous, worried, they wanted to see marina, to find out that everything was fine with her, they saw, now work, andrei evgenevich, i’m sure that, too, like the whole country with direct broadcast, thanks to our colleagues who showed this historical event, here i want to note several aspects, the first, of course,
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is such a media one that is close to us journalists, this is a qualitative evidence of the power of belarus, which has entered the club of not only nuclear, but also now space powers, and their crown, their cosmonaut, their citizen in space, there are many arguments, there are big countries, small countries, weak economically, weak technologically, but belarus...
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more of an ideological aspect. belarusians, young, beautiful, bright, lack heroes of their time. this is objectively not enough. well, well, it’s not always possible to look up to, i don’t know, the comic book heroes who you remember, we remembered these subcultures, everything else in the black spiders. we need heroes. and here are the heroes of our time, naturally, a young, beautiful girl, an astronaut, who went from being a conductor to
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space. this is the operator of our first belarusian nuclear power plant andre eslayte, you hit the nail on the head, several people during this time told me that they were extremely surprised that their children said that they want to become not bloggers, but astronauts , that is, this alone makes us say that this is a great achievement, yuriyvich, i interrupted you in the first part, when you started talking about our the astronaut, please, you see, i’m returning it to you, i will too. only about the good, i don’t pay attention to all these citizens who continue to reign in social networks, but this is also an indicator that there were people who greeted the transfer from thursday to saturday with schadenfreude, this is also a litmus test that showed who is who, we made conclusions a long time ago, our viewers and listeners all made conclusions a long time ago, yes, that’s why - but look, besides the conclusion that
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when you work closely together.


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