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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 3:40am-4:03am MSK

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not only us, but is the largest source of income for our country, they made fun of us that we did not sell the enterprises to buy, today agriculture feeds those left after the collapse of the ussr, and today these enterprises are busy saving not only belarus, but also russia from sanctions, let them fool around, that’s all, it’s great, well, i’ll also start with why they’re fooling around, well, first of all, i would like to say right away, as i said, let them continue to fool around, because we...
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and oleg novitsky, he ours too, look on his chest, he has two flags, and how much he did for our state, even remember, in the twentieth year, he unfurled these flags, but i think this is my, purely my opinion, well, he deserved to be, i was pleased that he was a hero of belarus , we have such oleg viktorovich navitsky, because a person who, well, carries the banner of belarus high, you know, is a real belarusian, a belarusian, who, well, must be carried in his arms, we must remember this for, but one aspect is important here, why do we need space. what it is? we say, yes we are a space power, yes we are we strive to get there, but many don’t understand what it is? at one time, the thirty-fifth president of the united states, john kennedy, said a very interesting thing, he said that the cold expanses of the universe should not be an arena for an even colder war. we approached these aspects at different times, you will remember, there were warming events associated there and the apollo alliance, then the program that was associated with the world shuttle and so on. the soviet
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union and the united states, who will be the first to fly into space, who will be the first to go into space, who will conquer the moon and so on and so forth, but everywhere space has always been military, you look at the connection, you look, even though we are talking about peaceful space, well, our first compatriot who flew into space, yuri gagarin, he was a military man, the first who came out?
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states and today, near space is no longer a distant prospect, but this is a short-term prospect, you will remember this probe that the chinese flew, and already in near space, and today they are talking about technologies related to high-speed rockets, hypersounds, this is all this space, and if we do not declare today that we are a space power and do not provide tasks related specifically to the protection, including near space, its research, the launch of our spacecraft,
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and nuclear weapons and fly into space , we don’t want to dwell on this yet, i have an important topic, we need to have time to touch on it too, for now we are our cosmonaut in space. there are people who want to continue to stay on earth and drag us there for some reason? control volker, the un high commissioner for human rights, gave birth to another report on belarus, the song here is old, the repressions, of course, are especially impressive in the inhumane conditions in the punishment cells, this is how they write, i’ll even quote here, prisoners were not allowed to have any personal belongings or do something personal, and also sleep during. let's put jokes aside, the conclusion from the report is that crimes against humanity are being committed in belarus, i will ask for a little time, this person needs to be answered, who obviously lives in his
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own reality, he does not see what is happening in the middle east, what israel is doing, he does not see where the terrorists, on whose hands the blood has not yet dried, are tearing their claws. he absolutely needs to ensure that people in our pre-trial detention centers can sleep and get enough sleep during the day, otherwise this is a direct violation of everything, well, there was also something about gender, this is a separate story, such a strange document, this man with his statement drove another nail into the coffin of international structures their authority, and to put it briefly, he says very a lot is possible, a lot, briefly, buddy, buddy, that means, come to the belarusian border, please figure out where the corpse or... the children in europe are from, where they are, figure it out , look, figure out where the ukrainian murdered children are being taken, i’m not even talking about about the middle east, here in europe, go to the end
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. how many criminal cases have been opened, well, come to kosovo and find out what they are preparing there, europe will soon be blown up, here is his statement to each, he is now destroying international structures, and we, i say, deputy, we will fight for... their rusty train still remains at the station with the name of anger, lies, hypocrisy, failure, envy, everything that goes along with it, so we move on and don’t listen to any
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un, no commissioners, no fugitives, no legal , moral, ethical possibilities to tell us what to do in our state. these characters no longer have, they have gone bankrupt in all directions, all over the world, oleg sergeevich is absolutely right, there is no faith, no, no trust, all double standards have already become common knowledge, so we we ourselves, on our own land, according to our own laws , will decide how to live. andrei petrovich, well, i agree with my colleagues here, that we have our own path, no one should tell us, we have historically defended the right to exist in the family of peoples of europe. and no one has the right to tell us how we should live, how we should build our own, our own sovereignty, whether we should fly into space or not, whether we should support the russian federation or not, in the end i want to say, we are a
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sovereign state, we are an established state , and i i want to say, we will never abandon and have never abandoned our allies, and today we are together with the russian federation, and as we said in the program, the enemy is clearly defined as our enemy.
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alexander lukashenko visited grodno on a working trip. in the regional center, the head of state visited the construction site of an important social facility for the city , the city clinical hospital on yanka kupala avenue. the conversation turned to improving the quality and accessibility of medical care for the population. during the working trip, the attention of the head of state was also focused on development. industrial potential of grodno. april 2 is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. the heads
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of state exchanged congratulations. alexander lukashenko noted in his message: the union state is a unique joint project, an example of the most successful integration in the post-soviet space. the experience gained over a quarter of a century allows us to quickly and effectively respond to the unprecedented challenges and threats that our countries have faced, to promote and defend in a consolidated manner are common. interests in the international arena. in turn, vladimir putin, in his congratulations, noted that recently, despite difficult international conditions, we have managed to do a lot to develop multifaceted russian-belarusian ties and strengthen the institutions of the union state. the validity of the loan for the population for the purchase of domestic goods and native goods has been extended until the end of 2025. in addition, the list of available products corresponding to this has been expanded. the resolution was adopted by the government, now take a loan at 4% an annual period of up to 3 years is possible for wooden
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windows and doors, house kits, laminated flooring, carpets and much more. the ministry of antimonopoly regulation notes that the loan program for the purchase of domestic goods has proven to be in demand among citizens. in 3 months , almost 20,000 contracts were concluded, the amount exceeded 100 million rubles. all our manufacturers noted that... simple retail trade turnover increased thanks to the loan by about 20%. and if in the city of minsk this percentage is lower, then it is in the regions that our the population began to actively use this program. folk goods. the list was expanded taking into account requests from manufacturers, as well as requests from the population. transport arteries are being renewed after winter; more than 400,000 km of snow-white enamel will be applied to the roads of minsk this season. except. paint specialists are increasingly resorting to using plastic; it is more durable, resistant and better reflects the light
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of car headlights. as of today, this year we have 28 crews of marking equipment, which is a larger number with enamels, and also thermoplastic and cold plastic. this year we will focus, of course, on durable materials - plastics, so we have already started today. plastic markings can perform their functions for up to 3 years after application, all areas with plastic stripes on asphalt are in the electronic database. specialists regularly check the condition of these areas to monitor material wear. forestry enterprises of belarus are conducting industrial procurement of birch sap, with plans to collect tens of thousands of tons per season natural. part of which will be directed to the country's processing enterprise, the rest will be sold to the population. this year
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, the mass procurement of birch sap began late, night frosts held back the flow of sap in the trees, but now foresters on the plantations work from morning until evening, and on some clearings they harvest the crop twice a day. to collect sap, foresters use exclusively trees that have reached their ripeness, and these are birches over 60 years old. last year we prepared. 100 tons, it was all bought by the population to harvest birch sap , we have 25 trees trimmed to make it convenient for everyone... the law on the responsible treatment of animals was signed by the president the day before, the document is aimed at ensuring the rights of legitimate interests of breeders and pet owners when handling animals, this provides for the establishment of general rules for the treatment of animals, for everyone, including service pets and those who are involved in cultural activities and sports. it must
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be said that the bill has long been in to the attention of deputies. we have been developing it over the course of... the main provisions of the law come into force on january 1, 2025. the belarusian open swimming championship starts in brest. teams from all regions and the city of minsk, as well as teams from foreign countries, take part in the main tournament of the country. according to the competition regulations, each athlete has the right to participate in an unlimited number
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of individual types of programs and relay races. the tournament for belarusian swimmers is a qualifying tournament for the russian championships.
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mother, such a living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two millennia, look at the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. yago’s nephew uladzislav vankovich. the stone towers of the cathedral and the monastery were erected on the hill. as if they were made of stones and coal. budaўnіki did not fall into the sea of ​​​​the river crayfish of the volma, in this area, dze yana jumped and the monastery, so long as agaroja did not flood. kali appears as an ideal temple in the baroque era for the french, this was a basilical church without a transept. hutchy for everything, navat without respect, so all the great ones are conservative and cold.
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from the papyrus transepts, which is in the plan of the latvian roofs. on the tanks of the façade there are wrought-out barucha five-tiered curtains, which are attached to two-tiered two
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-tiered curtains, which are on the tanks of the hall of the façade, a rather extraordinary problem in the architecture of the cathedral at that time, but there is a great jump here yes, and you can have a wild one, so i thank you for that, the creation of scenes on the lower cover, yes there is light there, and maybe two meters, ale geta pachatak baroque, and here we go, and all the scenes of the tanney, and geta are not only... there is not only a design, an economy of materials, but also a very expressive handcrafted image, which shows the quality of the detail k, these details
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are jumpy, a thin, silhouette is given by the tsikava, and a completed, slim-shaped form with hammered roofs at the top, a dachshund of great jumping, but this is an extraordinary shape, the shmat of some cascels at that time we will know. and all the halls are going to the temple, it is emerging from the base of the exit, and there are windows, niche, heat the windows are right from the balconies, there the hets are right from the door, and the skin of the beast is folded, the geta is not curved, so simple, not a circular shape, and the velma is folded, laid out, for the sapral master, this work... not so much and folded, ale still, this form of sustrakaetsta is rare. baroque style.


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