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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 4:05am-4:50am MSK

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the state of every cathedral at this hour we know, and all the gallouns are leaving the temple, it is just dawning on you when it comes to the exit, the windows are coming, niche, heat...
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sleeping in the architecture of high adrage, it is coming ideas without end and not only capture, but also navat uzmatsnіў pachutstsevy pachatak arkhitektury. baroque is characterized by unusual scales: partals and windows are 10 times larger than the scale. the basic rules are endlessly repeated, duplicated and passed on. unrastynichnye captured, which will protect and... protect everything as soon as they are expressed, there are already few special columns, and they, as soon as possible, are replaced by pairs. lack of expressiveness is created in a fashionable manner, and they are torn apart, if they are different, on a smaller scale. the hallowed façade of the tsarka, on which...
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there are high and high arched doorways with squishy crabs. the framed façade has roman architectural designs, more traditionally three-tailed. campasians, in which case the long part of the basilica is decorated with a system of pilasters, and the mountain part is decorated with three-cornered pediments. openwork on the facade we have given the following instructions to you in a straightforward manner and in a profound way. in the 18th century , belarusian architecture, sacred architecture, was ideal just in these styles. if there were more european trots, then... just at the 18th year
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we gained a higher level, we gained enough strength to show something new and aryginal. what is vilenskaya baroka? sennya, of course, there are apalages of this terminus, others seem to be that this miphalagema was created by the belarusian and polish descendants of the 920-30th years, but not yet no, nelga say that our... illustrated and all the lynxes of our abarok are abrasive from the hell of the european. no, not in any way, there would be agul european cantext, as the appreciative meat traditions are translated just from the lacal version of baroque. the roof of the nave of the temple consists of cylindrical slabs with strippings. haras are placed above the women of the temple. the weak scene is characterized by the layout of the plaster and wide frames. cornice paisams,
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the decor of which is reflected in the washed-out dary fabric from the handcrafted matted halo of the façade. for the decoration of the ceiling, for the decoration of the lampshade and the ribs of the formwork are aligned, and the geometrical ornamentation is characteristic. baroque style is filled with composition, theatricality and unpredictability. here wiseness and exaggerated ematization are transferred to other planes. kogasty, symmetrical and ancestral forms of the style of the era of adrage. the scenes are decorated with elements of the order. kali uzyatsya baroka in belarus and uzyatsya , kali yanno pachynalas, this is so very deep, and everything is here in ivyantsy, here is a monastery, kali created, yon memory, geta pachatak 18 centuries, and lybinyu serednyavechcha, yon i remember well, and this... fartyfikatsyya,
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this extraordinary work, so that we can give aid to the abaronians, and that we can gain some secrets for the enemy, and that we look at the monastery. big agarozhu, tall, deaf abarozhu, and i know the nava, geta and abaroncha vezha, poinym sensee getaga words. the walls of the building adjoin and enter the side of the temple. ge, similar in terms of two-pavement budynaks, covered with hipped dakhas. the items are placed throughout the building and reflect the architectural and architectural accents of the complex. yana is a three-part campaigner.
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krypavany fronton. acno, mixed in the gap of the fronton, decaravane to the plastic parts, which means protruding forward. attachments of the front, which constitute a special treatment of the baruchnaga exterior, are completed. decoration of the central part of the façade's gallery, including, i would say, a worthy element. cornices. extraordinary, cali on torn in baroque, heta sustrakaetstsa, curved, more often than not there will be such cornices, here you can know the cornice, which is well below the surface, the cornice is overhanging, right, and curved from the bottom, and the beast hu ўrodze,
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as if they were extraordinary, and i need to understand, i need to solve such a riddle, i’m lost... well, not so, if i respected that he’s such an adzinok, i need to be respected, and if i respected igo, you understand, that’s and rarely . the most important aspect of baroque architecture can be considered as a tendency to change the tectonic part with the anti-tectonic part. if the architecture of classicism will be based on clear visual differences in its fundamental parts and parts, in any case, it will be carried out, then in the future. in the baroka style , these adnosins are inconceivable, verticles contrast with garisanthals, cantiles with abacus, triglyphs with metopes. the fear of emptiness is characteristic of baroka's doilism, and this is not just a jumping metaphare, but
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a pasture principle, a form of creation. the vastness of the architecture, the flatness of the design or the ceiling, the detailing in such a way that we would like to build structures. vianecki cathedral paustae ў 18 stagodzi. yes, this time of baroka in belarus, the price of the baronka has already fallen, the change, the worsening and the growth of the so-called stage of the vilensk baronka. at 16 stagodzі asnovўnym, asnovўnym the ideologists of this style were the jesuits. we say the original jezu baroque. yana first, jan velma fashionable in these styles. at 17 stagodzi. baroka robitstsa so-called sarmatian, geta baroka zabratskikh ardynova. daminicans, franciscans, timid nobles, jumping, cold, sculpted temples, just behind such national implications, such a nostalgia for chivalry,
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as if it were no good. and ў 18 stagodzi period zalata century uniyak baroque. there are dozens of temples and cliches, famous baruns, bulls. zhyrovichs, berazvedchys, here you can call the great masters of architecture, however, not all of them have been left behind, since all of the 18th century rays have been associated with the uniad, and if the parauna uniad, the vilensk baroque and the whole of our cascade and the evintsy, then we don’t know all the unnecessary elements, but the solution is ğ chym, geta kastsel , who belonged to the order of the french, and the yans, as if they had not worked, so have 18 centuries. let’s face it, as it is necessary, we were all thoroughly practicing our traditions, we were very, let’s say, cohesive, and thus we were honoring our loyalty and our responsibility to the law. paslya another everyday war will be like a temple, it will be vykarystovaya like the edge and the salted workshop of the dry cantor.
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the old school, and then the experimental workshop of the minsk project, softened the former klyashtara. worked out, what it is, it represents a general map of the russian federation, eight regions, within the regions
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there are subsections, and what is the peculiarity of this map, directly, there is its color design, there are regions in which we have established cooperation and are developing very much, there are regions where we just started, there are those which for some direct reasons we... did not cover, then, when we open this map, we see programs, we see directly statistical data for this region, as for the construction industry, this is the presence of design organizations, construction organizations, the presence of programs housing construction, the cost per square meter, the cost of average housing in this market, that is, in principle, such a complex of problems that are necessary... to get a very long time to work, today you can without any problems
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just with one click you can get this information, and in the context of both construction and design work, whether it is planned in the future to develop similar interactive maps for other countries. in principle, when we formed the assignment, we assumed that direct cooperation in the field of construction services would extend to eu countries. to the countries of our community, and of course, the closest partner of the russian federation. a project like this also helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services. in your opinion, why today our builders are so in demand abroad, in which countries have they been represented, first of all, for so many years in russia? yes, today, our builders are in demand everywhere, of course, the closest region is the russian federation. about 82% of services, the amount today is 790
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million us dollars, these services are provided directly abroad, if earlier the dynamics were completely opposite, today we can say that the export is actually exported outside the republic, which is our the advantage is that we have preserved the old soviet school, we today... are developing our construction industry in different directions, this includes digitalization, this is in the field of designing norms and standards, this is in the field of building materials and competencies, this is in the field of construction services, we have preserved them, increased them, well, as for our country, what large objects are we building today and what is happening with the volume of housing being built, well, in principle, this year i see it very interesting, this is a children's technology park, which will be in
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starobinsky district, this is the development of the kobrensky memorial of the brest fortress, this is probably one of the landmarks of grodno, this is the construction of the third hospital and an oncology center, a non-day issue that interests everyone is always on the agenda, this is the amount of construction. in 2023 we built 4 1993 m, of which 1.49. this is for people in need of improved housing conditions, recently we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we built about 316 of them. in the twenty-fourth year the plans are also quite intense, we are planning
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introduce 4 ml 400,000 km of housing, of which 1,400 are for those in need, 355,000 are for rental housing for persons who are directly identified by documents.
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i buried my soul with you, glory be to the earth, our bright name, glory to the people of the orthodox union, our beloved mother, rodzina,
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bus our beloved mother, our beloved mother, truth, besma zhi ge'. evening prime time and this is a panorama,
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tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's sum up this day together. our strength is in unity, belarus and russia historically and mentally, brothers, a strong union of two peoples cannot be broken by threats and challenges on the day of unity, we are talking about union opportunities and a common future. the hunt for ukrainian children, why or who they are being sent en masse to the eu, the story of the residents of avdiivka, who hid their child for 2 years. double standards of western democracy or one step before war, israel's attack on the iranian embassy, ​​why the world community is silent. my colleagues will continue announcing the program. the weather turned bad in the grodno region, but this did not interfere with the president’s working trip today.
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russia celebrates unity day, why exactly april 2 and what key points of integration they are, we will tell you in a panorama. today in astana, consultations of state secretaries of the security councils of the shanghai cooperation organization began, the first negotiations, the first bilateral meetings. let's talk about saboteurs who successfully disguise themselves, for example, by pretending to be teachers about the indifference of those around them to what is happening.
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sports day is only about bright speakers, the main sensation of the russian biathlon championship belarus stepan danilov, the new commander in chief basketball minsk alexey sukhavetsky. and of course, there will be a lot of great hockey competition for the president’s cup; we won’t miss anything important. start. the construction of a new hospital, a recently completed project for the production of glass containers, all using innovative technologies, this is what the news from the grodno region looks like today. both projects are extremely significant for the region; they mean new jobs, a new level of comfort and a new level of medical care. in general, the west of belarus is doing well. the main indicator for people is salaries grew by 18%. investment projects and government programs produce results. today at the market. country
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agriculture. the president demands diligence and a reasonable approach. belarus - there is criticism towards those who control limited natural resources, but there is land, and it needs to be protected, the president talks about this. details of the working trip to grodno from katerina krutalevich. will allow us to carry out timely diagnostics and many other procedures, of course, we are waiting. our patients need to be very comfortable , not only the patients, but the staff.
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it will be more convenient for everyone for sure. the new city hospital, no number yet, will solve many issues at the moment, essentially replacing one of several large grodno clinics in the future. it is designed so that in the event of a new wave of the pandemic, the hospital can be covered with wings. the current governor, former minister of health. vladimir karanik has a lot of experience in this matter, and in this hospital he used it to the maximum. the president's helicopter will land not far from the construction site; in general, everything is quite good in grodno compact. the new hospital, by the way, will be located in the oktyabrsky district. folush, halshanka, vesenny, these are all, as the locals say, zaneman construction projects, residential areas that are growing very quickly and which, of course, need infrastructure on site. these are very expensive social guarantees that are implemented in belarus. regardless of the year on the calendar, we need to make medicine, well, as we used to say, people say, this is not enough, this is not enough, there are not enough doctors, nurses, listen, we have
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enough of everything.
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there is, it is unprofitable, it is impossible to extract, and so on, we need to understand where we are, we need to explain this to doctors, they are terrible people, and not only is there no oil, there is no gas, there is gold in the ground, if doctors, the healthcare sector, which we don’t really feel directly on our pockets, from visiting the clinic to complex operations, even emergency surgery, even elective surgery, for example, oncology, is actually far from free, such a clinic from
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the start only costs approximately construction. 87 million dollars, that's only build it, then comes the filling, at this stage expenses begin to grow significantly, when i tell people that funding for the healthcare system in our country is six times more than funding for the ministry of internal affairs, this causes great surprise to many, i think that in addition to healthcare, there is education, the minister of the interior will come for money, so i will say more, twice as much as the air force and the ministry of defense combined, so this is clear, that is, in fact. implementation of projects continues, this also applies to the health center in slonim, this is a school in pervomaisk in the liski district that was commissioned, this is a continuation of the construction of an oncology clinic, an interchange in lida, the voshmyana gardens did not build a dispensary, we first opened it, then it seems to continue, funding continues, equipment is supplied somewhere with problems, somewhere this, but it will be introduced, the builders started promising within 3 years, while the approximate.
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buildings of the complex - this is an old bernardine monastery built in 1870, one building was built in 69, in the eighty-sixth year a hostel, which is the building that flew as a dormitory, it was repurposed into a hospital facility, the ladies' staff treats this hospital very carefully, to say
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that there are complaints about unsanitary conditions there, no. but there are restrictions associated with the narrow corridors of the monastery, narrow corridors of the dormitory, it is impossible to create modern peace, we are taking away the center, but there is no opportunity here to have fun, we are taking the hospital from here, this will be transferred to the city, given that it is not far from the center, i think it can transferred not transferred, but maybe on this base it’s a good base to do something there or maybe a hotel complex, since grodno is very attractive for tourists, this will bring more income.
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the head of state is also waiting for a fresh look at a whole range of issues; if something needs to be corrected somewhere, get ready, report, polish it, we didn’t destroy anything, there are complaints here. it shouldn’t be from people, so you have to tell me, if it’s good, well, we’ll move in this direction, if somewhere we haven’t looked at something, anything can happen, let’s correct it, people were already waiting for alexander lukashenko by this moment, grodno the region is a border region, it is logical that the standard of living here is always assessed by looking at its neighbors, but only by looking at the belarusian territory of grodno, and unfortunately, in the conditions of current geopolitics, this obvious thesis needs to be repeated periodically. grodno is our country, our land, ours. the city , we won’t give anything up to anyone here, you’ve probably noticed this, well, if someone feels bad, it’s difficult here, then we don’t keep anyone, it’s a pity, of course, that some leave, but we don’t keep anyone, but i i remember the former
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today, you can already say, the mayor of grodno, this is him i was driving in a car a couple of years ago, he says, i say, well, your people are leaving, something is wrong here, he says, alexander, he says, your enterprises also pay taxes, they pass by on the cheap to get medical treatment. the situation is really expensive, medical price tags in the west have long been a thing of the past, poland fell ill with bronchitis, an appointment with a therapist will cost 60 euros, which is approximately 210
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belarusian rubles. in the states , home ambulance calls alone cost up to a thousand dollars. there is no free healthcare, and the cost of insurance every month eats up to quarter of income. germany is not lagging behind, for example, the examination costs from 2 to 6. the pandemic, which resulted in coronopsychosis, almost went crazy, we went through it with dignity, here is a person who was standing next to us when we rushed, the only thing in the world, we went with it way, bad, good, but
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today there is only one conclusion, if we had not taken this path, we would not exist, and 90% of those standing here then did not support me, did not understand, well, this is your right, your business, but i had to do , i say, the doctors need... help, they are working in difficult times, they are afraid there and so on, let’s go with you to the wards, to intensive care units and so on, and the new minister came, we went around showing people that we are not on the sidelines, he brought a proposal regarding the financial situation, and offered additional payments, so he admitted today, he did not expect , i doubled it for him, again our people are like that, time has passed, all this has been forgotten, and many say, you know, there aren’t enough doctors, there aren’t enough nurses, and the salary is somehow not enough, well, listen, how much do we earn? , i don’t take it for myself, and vladimir stepanovich doesn’t hide it here, we we are trying to help you, but if there is not enough, this is
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a blessing, it means that the doctor should work for the neighbor, at least half, for the nurse, earn money, otherwise, i will say unpopularly, as the boss just said, everyone wants to come from us. we bake it, but then everything is for ourselves, and you look how many homeless people you will have, how many people will lie under the fence, how many will die, there is money, we are treating, there is no money, goodbye, we cannot accept such principles and such politics, we have
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a socially oriented state, i i know what a simple person is, and this is half of our people, they will not be able to live, we gradually, gradually, even you don’t notice, sometimes we go into this.
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overcome, and this event itself is also a message
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to our neighbors, i’m talking about this once again because it’s relevant, while i was walking here, to this site, i caught myself thinking, we’re also digging the ground now, he dug, how much they too, we dig the ground, like them, very close to the border, only our goals are completely different, they dig trenches there, trenches, in general an example of a very expensive mismanagement, this will all remain
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for the next generation, it seems like an obvious thing, but that’s why everything that is now changing in belarus for the better needs to be protected, it doesn’t matter if it’s a school, a hospital, a factory, new equipment, just a different scale, this stone through a month or two will be in the combine, and the combine costs half a million dollars, and i grew up and worked in the fields, where stone is stone, when i worked as a director of the farm, i would have half of the 6,000 hectares. sand stones, half are good, at this time all office, all the bosses, i’m in front, we collect stones every year to preserve the equipment, so then no one considered them this equipment in the soviet union, they gave these combines from tractors, and they bought us for money, and vladimir stepanovich comes to me every spring , someone is rummaging through their pockets, so in jewish style he will get it, something is missing, give me more, when i see it, well, we help and give. and he allocates from the budget when i see
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such an attitude towards this money, which doctors and teachers lack, especially a pensioner, well imagine my mood, that’s the point, so don’t think that out of rage i saw the stones, i started scolding my assistant or the governor, this is depth, everything went through my heart, we must be thrifty more than ever, we have big plans, we will still do a lot with you, but... the main thing is that we must make sure that our children, based on what we have done, do more, we must give our children some small groundwork, these are our children , they are more valuable to us than we are to ourselves, how it all began, after a while, the laid capsule will remind you, a symbol in stone for sure for many years, we begin the solemn ceremony of signing a message to the descendants of the laid capsule, in honor of the start of construction of
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the city clinical hospital on yanka kupala avenue. the message addresses the descendants, who will open it many years later with a call to take care of belarus, just as ardently and selflessly as we do. and, of course, such an event is not complete without communication, no one knows who the president will talk to, but from journalistic experience on the spot one can feel that people are determined, and the president really notices this. i noticed that you were preoccupied with something, i’m an old lecturer and teacher, and when i speak, i always look at the audience, but in your face i noticed that you were always thinking about something preoccupied, well, honestly speaking, they spoke good words, and you just
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listened attentively, yes, but i thought you were worried about something, no, thank you very much, no, i’m kidding, i noticed that you perceived it normally. well, i was just making a joke on purpose, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, thank you for the fact that you came to us for exactly this is unambiguous, i am ready to come constantly, if there is such a thing, so that only the stones can be collected, well, the stones are private, but in general our staff and leaders all live well for the governor, you accepted him very much, so he ours, why not mine ours, no he is ours.
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he’s definitely attracted, well, i’d like to come to this hospital, i’ll see how vladimir stepanovich will operate there, i’ll be his teaching assistant, stick together, don’t fight, we have enough of everything, we have enough land when we have our own land, then we will live normally, you look there, walk, look, you can stop by and buy something, but remember that you will lose your support. and you have to value your roots here, your trouble, so that you don’t ask to come back later. the main economy, where there is money and discipline, a priori cannot be bad there, so the second point on the working trip is the new production site of auls, the grodno glass factory, in general the parent enterprise, one of the largest companies in the industry
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in the country itself. started in the twenties last century from apothecary bottles. this site is completely new, but there are much older workshops that are gradually being modernized. in the main workshop, all extraneous negative influences are excluded, which can then subsequently affect the quality of the product, clean raw materials come out of here, and with cullet, this composite workshop can provide double the power of the furnace, double it, if the power, there is no need to do anything here, that’s what happened right away drawn to the prospect of a solution, the meaning is at the same time simple and complex,
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auls specializes in cullet, in general glass is classically obtained from sand using technology, and this is more expensive. a complex system rather than remelting broken glass, they built a production site for 2 years under the control of the president; if once the grudeno seclador was in a pre-bankruptcy state, there was a question in principle about the existence of the container industry in the republic, then thanks precisely to the president, the government.


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