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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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the meaning is at the same time simple and complex: auls specializes in cullet; in general, glass is classically obtained from sand using technology, and this is a more expensive complex system than remelting broken glass. it took 2 and a half years to build the production site under the control of the president. if grodinsky was once in a pre-bankruptcy state, there was a question in principle about the existence of the container industry in the republic, then thanks precisely to the president, the government, the bankers who... believed in the team of the grodno glass factory, in leaders at that time of the grodno glass factory, we can now sum up what was said today in the president’s report, that the packaging industry in the republic of belarus is not just developing, it continues to increase capacity, it multiplies its production significantly . three glass melting furnace lines with a capacity of 220 tons per day, and new jobs for more than 100 people, while... the scale of production of the entire plant
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thanks to auhls grows by more than half, and there are still practically no restrictions by design, but there is a machine that glaziers call a miracle; the grodno enterprise does not yet have one. we will go to an exhibition in shanghai and this is really something we can learn from the chinese. we are considering just a similar project, well, this is our further one, let’s say, separately from groden, if you find it, then you will say, our people have everything, they are missing a miracle.
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and the president will also be asked about the date of november 19, when workers in the glass industry could celebrate their professional holiday, while he doesn’t have them, the question is right away will be decided, on this positive note the working trip will come to an end, the region obviously sees where it is going and is obviously doing it in the interests of the state, that ’s how effective time will tell, today
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is a landmark date - the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, when the international community is going through a difficult time of conflicts crises, the unity of our countries is of particular value. despite difficult external conditions, we managed to prevent a decline in production, maintain employment and the dynamics of economic development, noted congratulations on the holiday from the chairman of the supreme state council. union state, president of belarus. the union has a pronounced social orientation, citizens of the two countries enjoy equal rights and guarantees, and can actually experience the benefits of living, working, studying and traveling within the union state without restrictions. and this is not a complete list of achievements that allow millions of belarusians and russians to look to the future with confidence. in turn, vladimir putin noted in his congratulations that for lately.
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there were strong players in the region and any integration, especially such a close one, makes it better to be friends and how to live, since the collapse of the great soviet country, the united states has not needed hysteria, why exactly april 2 became significant and was chosen for the holiday, the reference point of our integration in the report alesya
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vysotskaya: i have a russian passport, my husband has a belarusian passport, we had a wedding in russia, a red urban village, and we live in belarus, the belarusian border region, vitebsk region, an agricultural town. international the timashkov family is 12 years old, 300 meters from the house to the border, on the other side, and not frequent guests, our uncle ruslan lives there, that’s my dad’s brother, i don’t notice much of a difference, people there, people here, basically all the same , they joke about the border here, in every house there is a union state in miniature, people communicate, make friends, get married, a single people is not divided by nationality, they literally meet... last year or the year before, both the krasnenskys and our lednyanskys met, organized a concert, exchanged gifts. this happened on april 2, 1996, presidents boris eltin, alexander lukashenko, the kremlin and the agreement on the formation of a community between russia and belarus will soon approve a holiday,
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the day of unity of peoples, a little more time will pass, a union will appear, and these are the first bricks of the foundation of integration. the state will become a union state in the winter of ninety-nine already at the beginning of 2000.
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boast that they have developed production. moscow and minsk have almost completed the transition to payments in national currencies. another important direction logistics. in the twenty-third year, belarus almost doubled the transportation of goods through russian transport corridors, and in the first 2 months there was another increase by a quarter. belarus has a special interest in aircraft manufacturing, there is already a program, companies communicate directly. now russia is making very serious efforts to revive civil aviation production. civil aviation in russia in kazan, the capabilities of the aviation plant
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voronezh, irkutsk, and belarusian enterprises that supplied their products back in soviet times to the same factories are expanding, now they really have the opportunity to get an additional boost to their development. beloes is the largest project showing how developing the energy sector can give a powerful impetus... this concerns not only the issue of support, technical scientific support for the operation of a nuclear power plant, radioactive waste management, but also other areas, such as additive technologies, digital technologies, and simulator construction. another victory of the union state is the approved strategy for scientific and technological development until the year 35, it will combine the experience of two scientific schools. belarusians and russians together. in space, literally on the edge of the earth, in antarctica, and the union state has succeeded in training
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personnel, a unified educational space is being formed. today, seven state universities in the republic of belarus are implementing joint educational programs with the russian federation, in simple terms, after graduation, students of these joint educational programs receive two diplomas, one from the republic of belarus, the other from the russian federation, and here we are very open already in the last introductory period. company, we accepted our russian friends into our universities based on the results of the unified state exam, we are talking with the minister of culture at the national library, here today an agreement was signed to create a center for remote access to the resources of the yeltsin presidential library, a landmark event opens up new horizons for researchers: it is necessary to create the same conditions , because we are not just neighbors, we are friends, we are brothers and... we have invested in the meaning of this word deep concepts, because this is true,
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closer than ours, russian brothers, we don’t have those people, and we must build our relationships on very clear, transparent semantic loads. shoulder to shoulder, belarusians and russians fought for their native land, this memory today is protected from attempts to rewrite history. this year marks our eightieth anniversary. liberation of belarus , connection between generations, participants in the international patriotic project today in trostenets. first of all, i wanted to show our youth how valuable that memory, namely the memory of those who innocently suffered at the hands of the fascists in the great patriotic war, and yet this memory carries on from these very young years. a beautiful ceremony took place today at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill, in honor of the unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. russian guard cadets unfurled five-meter flags of the two countries. my brother fought on the belarusian front and was
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wounded, but he defended our fraternal people, the belarusians. belarus is our most important ally. one memory for two peoples, one history. olesya vysotskaya, olga moslovskaya, yulia khmel, tv news agency. national security issues are relevant for any country today, the secretary of state stated. security council of belarus alexander volfovich in ostan. kazakhstan is hosting the nineteenth meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of the shanghai cooperation organization. about the events of the first day and the main topics - a report by evgeny gorin. meetings of the state secretaries of the security councils of the shanghai cooperation organization are held at least once a year. this is the most important coordination mechanism. consultations and negotiations at this level allow.
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people, hospitable people, hardworking people, these are both belarusians and kazakhs, we don’t need someone else’s, but as the president says, we will defend our territory, i remember the lessons of history, we remember history, we know, we teach these lessons blonezh in order not to repeat those tragic mistakes that, unfortunately, took place 80 years ago, so today,
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being here, i receive satisfaction from what i asked 2 years ago, this idea was reflected. because it's necessary today not only belarus needs as much as kazakhstan, belarus and our children need. the first bilateral meeting of the secretary of state of the security council took place with the iranian side. iran last year became the ninth full member of the sco. the process of raising the status from observer to the current one began for the islamic republic in the twenty -first year, and for belarus a similar procedure was launched in the twenty-second year. at the end of the negotiations, the parties exchanged gifts. next will be a meeting with representatives of mongolia. it was previously stated that, like belarus, mongolia will join the shanghai cooperation organization this year. the membership of the sco is constantly expanding. this convincingly demonstrates the growing international prestige and influence of the organization. economic integration within
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the framework of the shanghai initiative is a priority for mongolia. this is the pre-fundamental impulse in the trade sector. investment, agriculture, mining, energy, transport and logistics, infrastructure and tourism, one of the initiatives of this country is the issue of cargo transportation for landlocked countries. tomorrow is the main day of consultations. the secretaries of state of the security councils are scheduled to meet with the president of kazakhstan. kazakhstan is chairing the organization this year. let me remind you that belarus has the status of an observer country, but this is already the case. in the summer in astana, at the next sco summit with the participation of heads of state , a final decision is planned on giving belarus full status as a member country of the shanghai cooperation organization. evgeny gorin and andrey novgorodtsev, kazakhstan, astana, atn. and this is
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an example of double standards of western policy. under the motto is different. the israeli authorities are simply silent after the military aggression against the iranian representative office in damascus, where 13 people were killed. the world community is also silent, although iran rightly demands that this be condemned. only in the usa they started an old song about how washington knew nothing and had nothing to do with it. another thing is the incident in the gas sector, where the tsakhal carried out an airstrike on the car of an international charity organization, killing him. employees immediately the collective west demands an urgent investigation, and the corrupt democracy of tel aviv without punishment, material by evgeny belousov. a terrorist attack, military aggression, a planned provocation or a fatal mistake, the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed after an israeli
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airstrike, as reported by the media, as a result of the attack 13 people were killed, including two iranian generals from the islamic revolutionary guard corps, as well as citizens syria and lebanon. amazingly, there was a bloody attack held during a national holiday. in iran, april 1 marks the founding day of the islamic republic. of course, the zionist regime knows better than anyone else that such crimes, violations of international law, will be answered in due course. of course, there is no talk of a real military response now. tehran, distinguished by restraint in its desire to maintain peace, called the strike a terrorist attack and said that the country reserves the legitimate right , within the framework of international law, to respond to the crime. in the meantime, let's go diplomatic channels and demands to hold everyone involved accountable, but the supposedly civilized west is in no hurry to listen to appeals, but the people of iran are calling for an armed response. hundreds of people
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took to the streets of tehran, chanting death for america and israel. everything that israel has done is inseparable from the coordination of the us, which i believe gave israel the green light for this attack. traffic light officials represented by the states are pretty tense, because they understand that they may well be in favor of friendship with israel too brought to account. therefore , the us administration reported that washington did not know in advance about the impending strike and did not participate in it at all. does not have any information, in tel aviv, after a long silence, they began to rattle weapons. we act everywhere, every day, to prevent our enemies from gaining strength. and to make it clear to all who act against us throughout the middle east, the cost of acting against israel will be high. but what price will israel have to pay because of the rash
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actions of its authorities, and what does this mean? the entire middle east region is still unknown. everything depends on tehran. there are, of course, two options for the development of events. first, iran, of course, can respond asymmetrically, exactly the same in relation to israel, on the territory of some other state. but then iran runs the risk of ruining relations with this very third state, with this third country, yes, and this is not beneficial for it, secondly, then israel will also not remain, let’s say, it won’t go out of its way to answer, then this is an inevitable war , which means iran will get caught into this trap, and that means that what the west needed to do was to push two strong states in the middle east region against each other, chaos would have broken out there, and naturally the americans could profit well from this, but...
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in this very home in the middle east, and accordingly, to show the whole world, and ourselves, including, and above all, most likely ourselves, that no one can afford to talk to iran like that. in the meantime, with the connivance of the west, it was israel that once again proved to the whole world that the interests of one state, multiplied by money and secret connections, make it possible to ignore everyone and remain unpunished, but when it comes to the interests of global players,
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world central kitchen has already announced the suspension of its activities in palestine, a number of countries including britain, poland and australia have announced that they will conduct an investigation into the murder of their citizens and will seek to bring the perpetrators to justice. if this mood continues, then today’s meeting of the un security council, initiated by russia, is promising. hot, the israeli side will have to give answers to many questions, first of all, what is the point of tzimus’ unmotivated attacks? evgeny belousov, telenews agency.
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the armed forces of belarus continue to check their combat readiness; active training is being carried out with units of the 120th anti-aircraft missile brigade. at new deployment points in various areas of the terrain, fighters hone their individual skills and mastery, study tactical medicine in practice, and equip themselves. engineering positions are trained in shooting techniques from various provisions, in the current situation it is worth noting that protecting the air borders of our country is a priority task, therefore , our unit was faced with the task of being re-equipped, deployed to the position area and carried out tasks to ensure air safety. space. during such maneuvers, the military improves their training and develops an algorithm of actions to reduce the period of readiness of units to
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enter new areas. the garden of eden of barel became a real jungle for ukrainian refugees. the social services of the eu countries confiscated ukrainian citizens already have 255 children. the most cases are in germany, over seventy. then come poland, italy, czech republic, sweden. it is noted that children most often. the rest were allegedly evacuated under threats of taking their children away from their parents and sending their fathers to the front. the four-year-old boy dima was hidden by his parents for 2 years to protect him.
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watch today immediately after the panorama in ksenia lebedeva’s program, it’s different. and all this is the result, crippled children's souls without a normal future. belarus, on the contrary, protects childhood, this is the policy of our state, cultivating true patriots and versatile personalities. true, some individuals who dare to call themselves a teacher are trying to sow rotten seed in children's minds. an illustrative story in the author’s section “site” right now. teacher, before your name let me humbly kneel. these famous lines are definitely not about an extremist who for some reason teaches at a minsk school and bullies a patriotic student right in the classroom. name is alexander. i don’t want to give his last name for the sake of his children.
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they have been teaching in minsk for 20 years. strangling, on the contrary, is beautiful, honorable, but the teacher hates the army of his country so fiercely that it’s a pity that even a boy was detained, he said, i have been working at school for about 20 years, i am an opponent of military-patriotic education of children in school as a whole course of our country for the patriotic education of children and youth,
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but... 4 years have passed since the very same scoundrels wrote to belarusians, beat them, cut tires, burned houses, cars, threatened teachers, factory workers, deputies, doctors, policemen, people occupying responsible positions for the country, in general, to all those who are related to the state, simply love it and support it. they ruled, as you remember, even over children, but all that was then, why are people like that around children now, why do they clog children’s heads. they eradicate from them the still nascent sense of patriotism, and the humiliation of a person in uniform is not an attempt to discredit the power bloc as a whole, in particular the understanding of the need of growing children to be a defender of their homeland, but what about the leadership at school? they didn’t know about their colleague’s inclinations to be kind, but you can’t hide such things in a bag, and if it weren’t for gubob, and if a humiliated child had done something out of emotion, for example, to himself or
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someone else... the culmination of the day of unification of belarus and russia was hosted by minsk, almost 3.00 citizens of our fraternal union gathered in the palace of the republic. in a solemn atmosphere, they emphasized economic sovereignty, equal social rights for peoples, and a reverent attitude towards the eightieth anniversary of the common victory. those problems that could have happened in 2020 when
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outside sanctions were announced on belarus.
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historically powerful, strong, and most importantly, having gone through something that this well-fed europe never dreamed of, simply never dreamed of, if they had even touched our experiences that
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the belarusians went through, they no longer lived, they didn’t have enough strength, for this people, i am ready to pray. the exhibition area of ​​the moscow house was decorated with the chronicle of the hero of the soviet union yuri gagarin, and an example of the space potential of our union is our marina vasilevskaya, who, together with the hero of russia and a native of belarus oleg navitsky, is currently conquering space. another platform for dialogue between belarus and russia is the branch of the russian center for science and culture, the russian house, which opened in grodno, for those who want to learn more about russia and its culture and receive reliable information about events. watch the latest russian plays and films, visit art exhibitions, communicate with experts, special attention to youth cooperation, these are joint volunteer, sports projects, as well as scientific cooperation. and this is skolkovo, where
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young belarusian scientists are exploring russian spaces. lydia zablotskaya about joint opportunities. from smalensk to sakhalin in two minutes. 45 seconds the largest country in the world in miniature at vdnkh, here they will clearly speak for the whole of russia, but will belarus settle down in 1.00 km. i have a great-grandmother, she came from belarus to the far east, built a new house there, i still have to travel to belarus, yes, i would love to go to gomel, in every settlement, even rural ones, there are shops with belarusian goods, belarusian cheese, belarusian milk, entrepreneurs open such points, work with you, the people are good and... friendly, you don’t feel the difference, you feel the unity, and this is exactly the kind of friendly support, strong friends, they should always be there, and in my opinion belarusians and russian strong friends, we are geeking, yes you are geeking, well, we are geeking, you will hear it
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from a thousand russian cities, belarus has been qualitatively integrated into the sympathies of the fraternal people and even into its large-scale it-clusters, the russian flint valley of skolkovo would not have happened without ours, spiritual mentors... now on these capsule offices, here are the lines of the affirmer of new art, a straight flying taxi, a wheelchair with movement on the stairs, a glass heater, reality, since its opening skolkova has been promoting belarusian innovations on the russian one.
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after all, this is in addition to the market of the republic of belarus, this is the market of the russian federation. if we are in demand on the russian market, then of course we are in demand all over the world. this is the first one to which our developments go. everyone understands that we all drive on the roads, everything is clear that new materials are needed, and this is exactly what our belarusian technical university is very developed in this direction. the era of sanctions brought scientists of the two countries closer together, the result is a scientific breakthrough. now, under the patronage of the russian academy of sciences, a unified research infrastructure of the mega science class is being formed. a large, expensive complex will also be available to belarusian scientists.
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work in the field of microelectronics and photonics is developing successfully, this is the most important thing - it is practically the infrastructure of our development, this is the basis for work in the field of artificial intelligence. the union state does not abandon the educational cluster. starting this year, russian applicants will be able to remotely take exams for admission to a number of belarusian universities, and for a budget-funded form of education. there is talk of creating a new university. we are actually creating a fortress that can withstand any onslaught from the west, that is, we now see that we are also in a good mood, in our relations, in our countries, it seems to me that even this a situation of historical challenge, it renewed us, brought fresh strength into us, the outbreaks of a scientific breakthrough were noted, lydia zablotskaya, sergey matveychuk, tv news agency, moscow. russia. and now all
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the attention is on the hockey extra-league, where the ice battles for reaching the final of the president's cup do not subside. a few minutes ago , the fifth match in the half-way series ended. brest hockey players are one step closer to the final. beating soligorsk shakhtar 2:1 on the road. maxim melnikov scored the decisive goal. kosovo, you see, is blocking, not let kosovo open. brest converts its majority, the team leads 2:1. the brez bison have already made history, in the first round, knocking vitebsk out of the fight and putting up serious resistance to the miners. sergei pushkov's boys are leading the series 3:2 and are gearing up for the sixth match, which will be played at home with the crowd in the stands. these are the main events of this day, i say goodbye to this, ahead. review and weather forecast, right now the broadcast will continue with
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ksenia lebedeva’s program, this is different, stay with us, it will be very interesting. in 1935, germany was founded organization is the source of life, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples, children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization, given german names, babies were transferred to the families of ss employees. "older children were taught german and
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indoctrinated with nazi propaganda. more than 25,000 children were taken from ukraine alone during the great patriotic war. now ukrainian neo-nazis are no better, they they export their own ukrainian children to eu countries. at the same time, in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugee women, while cases are already known when the seized children were involved in the activities of paramilitary camps of nationalist structures, where , so to speak, they are made into real ukrainians, but this is different, you need to understand, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello! education selected children in paramilitary nazi
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organizations is only one of the options for continuing their lives, because others are sent to be raised in homosexual families, those who are not suitable for adoption are supposedly too old for this, they are considered as organ donors. it’s even easier with ukrainian orphans in the west; they can be potential sex toys for pedophiles. drug dealing is not as profitable as trafficking. with vasily prozorov, this is a former ss officer, and he did a very extensive investigation, and he i found that now these children, whom they take by force, they send to great britain for pedophile networks, it’s all
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clear when you make false documents, but supposedly the original, you say that the children are orphans, when you know what they have there are parents, so... the school was with them, so she knew that these children, they have a mother, they have a father, so, you understand that this is for illegals, yes, it is not that these children will find , a super-duper surname in the usa or in europe, you understand that this is either for organs or for pedophilia, both, but you understand that this is for illegal business, and i want to understand exactly who the people are who are for... all these networks that forcibly take these children, yes, and where they send them, and what what they do to these kids is because they need western audiences to open their eyes about this, because
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as long as they support ukraine, they will support this. christelle noina is a journalist from france, march 26 marked 8 years since she arrived from... now she is also actively involved in the topic of theft and forced export ukrainian children from the territory of donbass.
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that they didn’t tell people that they saw how they took several families, so, well, those who didn’t want, so they just hid the child as best they could, like in artyomovsky, so as not to be evacuated to ukraine, because the first one, the family there was a man, he didn’t want to fight in the ukrainian armies against russia, these are people who are for russia, and as they said,
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germany, the customer, doesn’t remind anything of how the slavs were driven away to the fascist nemechchina in the forties. second case, girl kira, she was taken to transcarpathia. from the school where she studied, they then wanted to transport her to poland, when her mother found her, she was shown the girl’s documents with the mark of an orphan. the documents, of course, were fake, and the mother brought the original. what was the surprise of the so-called educators? here are stories from the recently liberated avdeevka. there were cases
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when the family had to part, when the mother and child left for the other side, and the father... stayed, here i am, you are mine, my child and my mother left for the other side, i stayed one, that is, they had no other choice, but there wasn’t, there wasn’t, but what they said, they threatened to take the child away or, well, yes, the fact is that he was almost 18 years old that year, and then they wanted to take him even further from dimitrov, but his mother says, well... what’s the point, in 3 months the child will be 18 years old, no, you’re taking him even further, well , they went to the dnieper, they spent time there 3 months ago returned to dimitrova, there... if you don’t want to, they will forcibly take you out, they will find some excuse, there are many children, either, well, a lot of children were taken away, or mothers
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and children left, a lot, i think a lot, a lot, if it weren’t for this pressure from ukraine, and again these paramilitary organizations that were intimidated with mines and to take away the child do you think these people would leave, no, no, i have a neighbor.
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the story of a four-year-old boy, dima , is shocking: for 2 years his parents hid him from prying eyes, so that god forbid the child
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would be kidnapped or the whole family would be forced to leave for ukraine, which is foreign to them, it’s hard, a little 2 years, well, well , to put it mildly, it’s as if we weren’t at a resort, so... it’s all about remembering it all over again, well , it’s very difficult, as they say, you understand, not very well, but these went angels, little ones were taken away, under well, these are teasing pretexts, that you are traveling there, this is your safety, there is, well, this, well, this is little security, well, well, it’s with us that they , well, well, they weren’t. we were somehow lucky, lucky, yes, although there were rumors that near, well, in our area they were going from house to house,
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they asked, but somehow god made it clear that they didn’t come to us, didn’t see what was hiding with us, some, dim, tell us something, how are you in general, how is your life now, well, we we lived in a village, then in... no, tell me how you lived in ovdeevka, well, we have already discussed this, so there are two children left in avdievka, dima and another one, whose details are not disclosed for security reasons, so the family left with children, i don’t know, in some village, sovdeevka, they were found by the chief of police at that time in our avdeevka, he arrived first talk. conversations, and then threats began, we have a child from him, i say so, mom, well, you’re trying to persuade me to go with him to
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ukraine, i say, well, basically, what will change, that here they are threatening to take him away, whatever will? a threat, so we stayed, because this is our land, our home, why do we have to leave somewhere, be it by force or voluntarily, as they initially said, it will voluntarily vacate you, and then it was all, as they say, purposeful , maybe this saved us, the fact that it was smaller showed up, made themselves known less, and maybe this took us away from the white angel, who are the white angels anyway? what did you say in avdeevka about this? well, in avdeevka, we mostly listened to news on the radio, as they say, from there we knew that these were, like, volunteers, the police, well, for us it acted like the police. don’t you think that this is a greeting from the times of the great patriotic war, that everything is repeating itself again, that in an attempt to correct your genotype with slavic blood, your demography. the west is simply ready to devour those who do not
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able to resist them. remember these stories, belarusians, remember 2020, when the west so wanted us to become the same as them, or more precisely, the same as people on ukrainian soil are now, homeless, hungry and doomed to extinction, but for ukraine, this , probably something else, i was with you, ksenia lebezeva, see you in the next program.
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