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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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the consequences of the disaster are not yet known in detail. it is reported that house collapses and landslides have been reported in different parts of the island. the fishermen also witnessed how almost half of one of the islands neighboring taiwan turned to dust. and this is what it looked like. panorama of taipei at the moment when the tremors were felt the most. several bridges collapsed at once, after the earthquake , water began to recede from the coastal strip, seismologists warned of the danger of a tsunami, and a number of japanese territories faced a similar threat. orange level
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a danger has been declared in belarus for today; rain is forecast in the morning and afternoon across the northern half of the country with sleet. the weather changed dramatically yesterday, this is what happened on the streets of mozyr. the wind was so strong that it uprooted trees and broke metal structures. residents of the regional center share photos and videos of bad weather on social networks. the fight for the president's hockey cup continues to provide exciting matches, battles on the ice and...
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for a minute the score was 1:1. now we can already say, don’t rush to rejoice, although in live, on monday gomel fans almost went crazy with happiness. before the home match, a 2:2 draw was looming, but that was not the case. the judges went to watch the episode for too long, studying the moment hinted that the puck would be canceled, and that’s what happened in the end. the referees conveyed their decision to gomel head coach sergei ostasyo, who eloquently made it clear that he did not agree with him. but be that as it may, the removal of two gomel players at once, one for as much as 4 minutes and the cancellation of the puck, everything turned upside down up the dwarf, zhlobin took advantage, almost immediately. 2:1 and after the game this comment by sergei stasi is still the most discussed in the entire playoffs. i will tell you that we were better than our opponents, they did not concede, and the fact that we helped this team win today is unambiguous. everyone saw it all, the whole country saw it, all the fans saw it. but here
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it is, the neutral viewer certainly enjoyed the twisted plot, and the tickets, which are sold out within hours from the start of sales, emphasize the effect of great hockey. from now on, in the series metallurg is only a victory away from the final, in the previous two, let me remind you, the steelers won, but after such a defeat, gomel will give all its strength today, belarus 5 will start broadcasting at 17:55, it would be a bolesch crime to miss such a series and such a match. andrey kozlov, agency. news, and then we have economic news, tv news agency projects are available on social networks in the mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a successful day and see you at exactly 4 o'clock.
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russian investments in belarus based on the results last year exceeded $5 billion. the gorodsky sugar refinery is increasing export sales. and the russian car market is showing rapid growth. we will not only talk about this in the coming minutes. economic news is on air. in the studio alina lopot. good morning. russian investments in belarus grew by $1.2 billion at the end of last year. and the total amount exceeded 5 billion. such data were presented by belstat. main area of ​​investment - let me remind you that at the end of last year, mutual trade between belarus and russia increased by six small percentage. among the goods that were exported from our country are dairy and meat products, passenger cars, televisions, as well as tractors and tractors . at the same time , oil, gas and ferrous metals were most actively supplied from russia. exchange trading is also not slowing down; according to the results of the first quarter, the amount of transactions between. belarus and russia have almost reached
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$200 million, and the number of accredited companies from our eastern neighbor country on our universal commodity exchange is already almost 400. gorodeya sugar the plant updated its five-year maximum for beet processing, a figure that is a quarter higher than in the previous season, and supplies to foreign markets increased by more than 5% last year, relative to 2022, said the general director of the company. the geography of exports today is 17 countries with a trial batch entered the american market. it turned out to be promising. with kazakhstan and turkmenistan this year they expect to reach the african continent. the dollar and the chinese yon have risen in price, the russian ruble has fallen in price, these are the results of trading on the currency and stock market stock exchange so, the following rates have been established: american currency costs 3 rubles 26 kopecks. euro according to the national bank - 3.50. 10 yuaniya costs 4 rubles 48
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kopecks. and 100 russian - 3.52 belarusian. over the 22 years of its operation, the belanter expo company has organized participation in almost 300 international exhibitions - these are more than 50 countries of the world, the company notes that recently there has been an increased interest in events in the countries of the middle east, the african continent, as well as in china. for this year , the calendar of events has already been formed, about thirty exhibitions are planned in twenty countries. we have planned an event in african countries, first of all, this is a very important market for us now, and we have been entering this market for a long time, but... of course, we haven’t had such a geography of countries in africa for a long time, don’t forget about the middle east , at the end of the release, sales of new cars in russia in the first quarter increased by 74% compared to the same period last year, almost 400,000 cars were sold, reports the ministry of industry and trade
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of russia. there were 265% more electric vehicles, while the share of cars manufactured in russia amounted to 17%. dominant position. in the ulada market, the chinese brand took second place. and that’s all for me, have a good day and be productive in your business, see you later. airing on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues in zone x. i’m yuri shevchuk, hello. a resident of minsk invested in gazprom shares to buy an apartment for her son, but instead of income she received only huge losses and debts to the bank. all because the investment advertisement that appeared
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on the internet turned out to be fraudulent - told the capital's police. according to their information, the woman lost a total of 170,000 rubles. i contributed. funds, i saw this money that cryptocurrency was coming to the exchange, i really liked it, i had to take out loans, i have a lot of loans, which means they are scary because now your account will be blocked forever, you will lose it, the woman registered on an online platform and regularly replenished the balance under the guidance of a curator, he also persuaded her to invest the money received from the sale of the apartment into gazprom. deceased relative. later, menchanka decided to withdraw part of the investment, but she was informed that this was impossible without additional investments. after several transfers of payment for money withdrawal services, the woman realized that she had become a victim of deception. either they’re zombifying me, or i don’t know, they’re hypnotizing me,
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what’s happening, i don’t know, i’m a normal, adequate person, but something like this happened to me, and now i just don’t know how to deal with it. a criminal case has been opened regarding fraud. the police were once again reminded that before investing money in investment projects, you should verify the reliability of the offers, for example, by calling the telephone numbers of organizations listed on official websites. we will continue the release and review of criminal and emergency incidents later in the program. the theft of hundreds of tons of feed has been uncovered. a successful special operation was carried out by law enforcement officers in the grodno region. we are talking about a large batch of senaj, which was. stolen from one of the agricultural enterprises in the slunim region. according to the police, the thirty-year-old director of the organization illegally allowed the forty-year-old head of the peasant farmers farms to take feed for livestock that was stored at the enterprise. but there is one thing. he allowed sinaj to be taken free of charge.
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thus, 220 tons of feed were stolen, and the organization suffered damage in excess of 25,000 rubles. subsequently, the defendant gave illegal instructions. to his employees to prepare fictitious documents to conceal the shortage, but did not carry his criminal intent to completion, since law enforcement became aware of this, theft by abuse of official... he stole icons, carpentry tools, bed linen accessories and household appliances. in the borisov district, zhullik snuck into someone else's house and took everything he could carry. spoiler alert: the person involved has been detained. the owner of the home contacted the police and reported that property worth about 1,200 rubles had disappeared from her country house. an intruder entered her house by breaking a window. it was not difficult for detectives to find the suspect. he turned out to be a forty-year-old resident of a neighboring village. he had previously had problems with the law.


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