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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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and the rest should be provided by european partners. meanwhile, among military experts there is a growing opinion that biden will not provide the much-heralded help to kiev. moreover, the white house had no intention of providing it from the very beginning of the conflict. and in ukraine itself there is a growing campaign demanding the immediate holding of presidential elections. according to the country's constitution, they were supposed to take place on march 31. accordingly, zelensky is currently formally. president who has completed his term of office, will become fully illegitimate from may 20, ukrainians in on social networks they publish materials with the hashtag “choice found.” and in many public places, expired zelensky stickers appeared. however, it seems that he does not intend to leave his chair. the day before, the head of the kiev regime signed a decree reducing the conscription age by 2 years, now from 25 years. because mobilization in ukraine today is used as the main thing. repressive mechanism,
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it seems zelensky has found a way to pacify his opponents. in poland, in a high- profile corruption scandal, prominent officials are charged with dishonest treatment of government officials money. during the period of pan -european covid psychosis, almost all eu governments obtained medical masks by hook or by crook, buying them in billions wherever possible. in poland, it has been established that $7 million worth of defective masks have been purchased. however, we suspect that this is just the tip of the iceberg. he suspects the prime minister of the law and justice party, morawiecki, as well as his closest associates, of involvement in the scam. it is characteristic that a rare european official avoided the temptation to warm his hands on medical procurement during the period covid. for example, the head of the european commission, vonderleen, is being investigated in connection with the criminal procurement of vaccines. it’s true here, we are talking about a corrupt interest worth several billion euros. a powerful earthquake in
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taiwan recorded tremors with a magnitude of 7.5 on the island, and then a second one with a magnitude of 6.5. the violence continues to this day; four people are known to have died and about a hundred injured. in different parts of the island , houses, bridges, roads were destroyed, and tens of thousands of residents were without electricity. descended in the east a powerful landslide, fishermen witnessed how almost half of one neighboring taiwan turned to dust. immediately after the earthquake , water began to recede from the coastal strip, seismologists warned of the danger of a tsunami, and a number of japanese territories and the philippines faced a similar threat. this is france, in the southwest of the country, there is severe flooding, local rivers overflowed their banks due to heavy rains, the streets of a number of cities turned into a lake, three people were reported dead, four are listed as missing, in the river gartempe, level at 2 m...
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according to power engineers, over the past 24 hours, 256 settlements across the country had problems with power supply, the minsk and gomel regions suffered the most from the bad weather, restoration work continues. the best television projects, original radio programs, articles for magazines and newspapers, and online publications competed in such categories.
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more to find your place in life, to find yourself help children break out of some kind of shell, a profession, that is, we have education, and training, and vocational guidance, that’s this is haunting our festival, a competition for children and youth media, junior youth media, before that, for almost 20 years we had a competition for the better, it... had a good reputation, but in our opinion, it is outdated, now there will be a festival. i try myself in different directions, in radio, television, in printed publications, but so far most of all, i am working with printed publications, we have such a magazine in the palace, dvoretsky, so we publish a lot of articles, so i give all of myself for now, well, most of it, okay, not all of myself, but i spend most of my time being a butler and i also work at the same time. also here within
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these same palace walls. in the future, i would like to become a journalist, so for me junior correspondent is a great opportunity to prove myself. i am a student of the basic print journalism group here in the minsk state. palace of children and youth, i have been working here for the third year, and we produce the dvoretsky magazine, this year i became its editor-in-chief. uncorby - a new format of the competition is aimed at enhancing the activities of school press centers and editorial offices audiovisual creative studios. once again , full stands are expected. minsk basketball players will play their penultimate home match in the vtb united league. alexey sukhovetsky's guys will meet saratovsky.
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i, therefore, support us and i think sincerely. will the native walls help minsk this time? the live broadcast of the fight will be shown on belarus 5 tv channel, beginning at 18:15. and these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks, in the mobile application, qr code on the screen. watch our broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country,
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feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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the cities of electric buses zhodina and shklov in your electric car already in august. in september the first samples, we will tell the main thing about belarusian developments and plans for power engineers. in belarus, there is a new basic rental value, an experiment in paying sick leave, and the daily allowance will soon increase. during business trips. about everything in detail. and 30 exhibitions in twenty countries of the world from bel-interexpo. what is the effect for the enterprise and what tools are used to promote goods to foreign markets? this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. shklov and zhodina have become cities of electric buses; these modern vehicles are already in the capital and regional centers. on average there are at least 150 of them, but that’s it. so that the whole city is electric, this is the first time we have this, each city ordered its own color,
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green and azure white, the manufacturers are also different, these are belkomunmash in shklov and mas in zhodino. drivers and passengers switched from buses to modern eco-cars. the cruising range of these two electric buses is from 200 to 250 km, which is enough to work for a day in the city, in the area and to charge at night. we are actively moving forward. using our own component base, as well as creating our own electric car. all this, including our own electric car, and the localization of up to 90% of our own in electric buses, perfectly demonstrates our capabilities and growth points, which were created and developed thanks to the belarusian nuclear power plant. under high demand and for modern charging, including super-fast ones, electric ones are also being modernized. in the twenty-third year , the length of our networks has increased significantly
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; 2.7 km have been modernized, reconstructed, built, compared to the twenty-second year , an increase of 1.00 km; in parallel, work is being carried out on the modernization and construction of new substations of various voltage classes, the same work will be continued in the twenty- fourth and subsequent years, and we plan to reach digital levels by modernizing the reconstruction and building new networks of at least 3.00 km. v this year, the government is confident that there will be more cities with electric buses, and production volumes will be higher, because orders are growing from our russian partners, with special attention to creating our own component base. these buses, and the squirrel is important and is localized as much as possible today by minsk, this is a very important point, because all the main components are practically produced in the republic of belarus, with the exception of the battery, and then we make the battery so-called cells, then we assemble the battery itself. developed by squirrelmonmash, maz has his own our own product for managing this battery, the cooling system for this battery,
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well, all the other components that we see are completely and entirely produced in the republic of belarus, so at the initial stage we transferred everything that we achieved on ordinary passenger transport here for the production of an electric bus, 11 new chargers in shklov and nine in zhodino, there are 1050 of them in the country so for now... of the total volume of consumption in the country to meet the need for electrical energy this year this percentage will be increase and we understand that taking into account the operation at full capacity, the specific gravity of the nuclear power plant will increase, that is, one of the tasks: taking into account the water of the belarusian nuclear power plant is to meet the increasing needs of creating conditions,
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that is, stimulating conditions for the use of electrical energy in various other related industries and especially electric transport. there are now 11 thousand electric trains on belarusian roads, these are all imports, but we are actively working on our belarusian cars. the deputy prime minister was asked when will ours get on wheels? a comprehensive program for the production of a pilot industrial batch in quantity has been approved. pieces, there is no doubt that the task will be completed on time, we plan to complete the production of these five luxury cars in august, september, then trial operation of the test, well, by the end of the year we will approach mass production of these cars, right away on this stage we are considering the production of the entire component base at the enterprises of the ministry of industry republic of belarus, that is, the definition is specific.
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regarding the battery itself, which will be used, we also have a very strict instruction from the president; in august our national academy of the republic of belarus must report on... the production and organization of the first belarusian battery, which we should also begin to test by the end of the year, for now battery option for trucks of the minsk automobile plant and belkomunsh, but in any case this is a step forward, if everything is successful, if we confirm those, say, technical characteristics that our
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academicians laid down, then we will say that we have comprehensively solved the tasks set by the president of our country. with high demand, there is also energy. the belarusian nuclear power plant will cover all requests, the minister assures. every year it will generate 18 billion kv to cover more than 40% of the country’s internal needs. in total , since the first power unit was connected to the network , the belarusian nuclear power plant has produced more than 27 billion kwh of electrical energy, which allowed the estimated replace over 7 billion m3 of natural gas. but so does the nuclear power plant. makes a significant contribution to shifting the effects of climate change; in total, during this period , emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere were calculated to be reduced by more than 12 million tons. modern, environmentally friendly and economical is the calling card of belarus today for years to come, and the green city project will expand into new territories.
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now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange have strengthened our ruble against the russian ruble. so installed. more rates: dollar 3 rubles, 26 kopecks. for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 48 kopecks. and 3.52 costs 100 russian rubles. euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 50 kopecks. this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement, then in the program in belarus there is a new basic rental value and an experiment on paying sick leave, we will tell you about everything in detail, and 30 exhibitions in twenty countries around the world from bel-interexpo, what effect will it have for the enterprise? our region through the eyes of foreigners, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i have everything here
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i like it, it’s clear that the country is clean, quiet, but for... it was better for me to live in belarus, how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here? i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i have still been living in belarus for 25 years, but no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came as a tourist, then my wife met.
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this is the process of marking the state border on the ground. yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis the fact that in the word demarcation there is, well, the root of the word marking can lead to the fact that well, this is really a process of marking the state border. what kind of delimitation process is this? can you rely only on your own strength here? 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0 0. it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but...
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and i know the project on the belarus24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest and we continue. the new month always brings innovations to belarusians . concerns the daily life of each of us. and this april was no exception. as for the economic agenda, a number of the changes have already entered into force. so in belarus there is a new basic rent. an experiment has begun on paying sick leave according to the new rules, and soon the daily allowance for business trips will increase. anton malyuta will tell you about everything in order. let's start with the fact
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that the conditions for duty-free import of goods have changed. on april 1, at midnight , new limits came into effect: for portable transport - 500 euros and 25 kg, for international parcels - 200 euros. and 31 kg, by the way, the limits for goods transported on airplanes remain unchanged: 10,000 euros and 50 kg. the government decision also came into force.


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