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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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they could sleep during the day, get enough sleep, otherwise this is a direct violation of everything, well , there was also something about genders, this is a separate story, such a strange document, this man, with his statement, drove another nail into the coffin of international structures of their authority, and for him , in short, to speak a lot is possible , a lot, in short, buddy, buddy, it means come to the belarusian border , please, figure out where the corpses are coming from, which we documented, are being killed by polish and... baltic border guards, how many criminal cases have been opened, well come, look, figure out where ukrainian children are going in europe, where they are, deal with the murdered children, i’m not even talking about the middle east, here in europe, eventually go to kosovo and figure out what’s being prepared there, europe is coming soon they will blow up, that’s his every statement, he is now destroying international structures, and we, i say, as a deputy, will fight for international structures to be the structures they should be, to defend justice and peace. you know, i
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really had this allegory that our modern technological express, under the control of driver lukashenko, has passed the station of strengthening independence, strengthening sovereignty, strengthening well-being and is moving there forward to the station of strategic development and progressive development of belarus, their rusty train is still...
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the right to exist in the family of peoples of europe, no one gives us must, we have historically defended ourselves and no one has the right to tell us how... we should live, how we should build our own, our sovereignty, whether we should fly into space or not , whether we should support the russian federation or not to support, in the end i want to say, we are a sovereign state, we are an established state, and i want to say, we will never abandon and have never abandoned our allies, and today we are together with the russian federation, and as we said in the program, the enemy is clearly defined, we have only one enemy, russia. i thank you for this conversation, but finish, finish. i would like
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this, in spite of everything, even despite the stubborn, but important in such matters, automation, belarus is opening a new page in space, and doing it beautifully. charm marina vasilevskaya hits right on target, there is something in her from gagarin’s legendary smile, as if we are declaring to the universe, look, we are much more than squabbles over stones and sand, beautiful, truly ours, we wish her good luck, but this is not only about beauty, it’s not even about space, which... of course brings a scientific school and production into a new orbit, this is an act of special will and spirit: they beat us, and instead of fixing our eyes on the ground, we consider our place among the stars and find it’s there, everything for today, it’s great, not far away, i'm starting the journey.
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i came, for example, 500 people, 2,500 left, they made 400 tons of sausage, 2,500 left, well, then in the nineteenth year they left the post of a big star in the meat business, they also call you a philanthropist, often our fellow journalists in their...
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you know these gretas who believe that if you get an animal, you have already upset the balance, but the rest of the people, 90%, will forget all physics in six months, and will dance all their lives. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest, honorary citizen of the city of grodno, anatoly grishuk. good afternoon, anatoly georgievich. for more than 30 years you were in leadership positions, in
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particular, you headed the grodno meat processing plant for more than one decade, but then in 1919 you left the position of a big star in the meat business, why do i call it that, because there are... 400 tons of sausage, 2,500 left, but uh, still the requirements are modern, very high for a leader, but for example, i’m not that self-critical, believe me, they persuaded me and told me, you’re crazy, well, i’m ready
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to repeat this question, no doubt, and my experience would probably be needed somewhere, but i have prepared a worthy replacement, in fact, on my own initiative, this is a big one.
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took made today makes 800 tons of sausages, this is a lot for lida, many farms are still being added to agricultural enterprises, i would deny this.
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it’s not very good in stories there, so my father didn’t tell me much, but his grandfather died in
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the first world war, in the archives, to confirm, i gave a request to warsaw, and there indeed ivan gryshuk was in the protection of the legends junior officer, well, everything that follows that we will discuss today, it seems to me, follows from this story, and it throws up interesting tricks on... i really don’t like it when they completely lower him there and i proudly wore
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the october badge, a pioneer tie, a komsomol badge, and was a communist, yeah, in our family they always say that it was thanks to our system that our brothers and sister received higher education, achieved great success, and my older brother was the head doctor...
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the svistoch river, there very very beautiful place our house was near the church, there was a believing
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family nearby, probably all this served, it was a very beautiful place, it so happened that my mother was posted on the side of the svislych, then it turned out to be in poland, and we were on the very border, the very border, the ninth outpost is my favorite the sub -post from our house, the former house, then we had our father build it again, and moved the first one. the house was near the church, the border passed through a vegetable garden, so of course i was a very great friend of the border guard, and the rivers, yes, i understand why you later wanted them make up?
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they gave us a recommendation for admission to the novosibirsk institute of game management and anatoly went, my friend went there and studied there, but i didn’t go, i went in for sports and you played handball and chose a university where there was only a handball team, i have all my love for economics came down. but, but uh, professor marchenko, i remember, accounting is still in full swing, i, oddly enough, i fell in love with bukhuchot, for its specificity, this, well, now it’s inconvenient for girls to tell that a man loves vakhuchet, but this is a specific science, and i i was the chief accountant at the plant for 5 years, and i’m proud of it, you were a passionate goalkeeper in
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handball, tell me, have you ever felt fear of a penalty, just? excitement, just excitement, not in this case fear, no, no, no, what are you afraid of? i only worry about the health of my relatives, for everyone around me, i once worried about all 2,500 people, and like for everyone, well, if there is fear over the little things, when, as always on the hunt, the wild boar is running out, the cartridges have run out, it was, not i had the last cartridge left, it fell in my legs, but by and large... i, if i was not afraid to ride horses, to sit on an unsafe horse, it developed character, what fate is that you had to head the meat processing plant for so long, so you knew how to ride horses, they knew how to stand gunballs at the gates, they sorted out accounting, but here, well, i ’ll tell you why i got into
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the meat and dairy industry in the first place, yeah, the competition was just on the day of distribution at ... the highway, the bus must have broken down when we were returning and if i had a merchant at orzheniki factory, where are the computing machines, yes, they were supposed to pick me up, and i was here to play handball, the bus broke down, 140, there were six groups, 140 people, as i remember, i arrived already 135 were distributed, that is, there was nothing, everything is already done, and my merchant left, he said, all the sweet pieces have already been sorted out, yes, yes, yes, i just asked, what is there in the grodno region? ashmyany says ashmyany butter cheese factory had a good look at the forest there is a river there will go live you can you young people were not afraid of anything and then i come to the ministry of meat and dairy industry there is such a war veteran druzdov says anatoly you are a candidate master
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of sports excellent in accounting which ashmyans choose brest vitebsk.
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and after 10 years they came to us to study, why? they still had a little bit of the old one, but we did the newest thing, that is , this modernization, about which there was a lot of criticism, yes, it is still decisive, we would have suffocated with our products, if we had not done it, we would not have been certified by factories , this is so timely, by the way, and the head of state helped in this matter, with god's help with the help of alexander grigorievich, he said, we’ll do it. yes, i remember that at that time belarus was considered a raw materials republic, raw meat and urine from cultivation were sold, no one talks about processing in general, and there was a very smart decision, and
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we just beat the time in terms of certifications, then when the russians arrived, and we ready, but today we are celebrating or celebrating or proclaiming the year of quality, we are interested in your personal favorite product at the nagrodno meat processing plant, is there such a thing? no, well, this is a tolerant answer, of course, well, if so, here you are friends are coming, you run a company store, that you recommend st. george’s, half-smoked, you can grill it, fry it in a frying pan, and cut it like that, that’s for sure, well, the moscow classics, boiled smoked, raw smoked, well, they’re all equally good, but they’re just a little slightly different from what they were 30 years ago, but what has changed in them has matured earlier. product 45 days, now 18, it’s all economics, you know, when i came from europe, i said that the sausage there, yes, is not
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tasty, but not because there are bad technologies, economics and trade dictate there network and says, i need a sausage for one and a half euros, five factories arrive, so i’ll choose this one and that one, and what are you doing there, well, of course, it’s allowed within the limits, no one there... the fact that the raw materials are all standardized for food, but it happens and better and worse, if of course, very good, then ours will cost 3.5 euros, and one and a half there, well, edible, there will be mechanical meat, rolls, poultry, a little soy, a little, but technology, i understand, this is what the dictate of the market is already, we are also approaching, yes, that is , this reduction, but belarus is among all, the best position.
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not of course, of course, i invited a technologist from spain, everything worked, he said we won’t achieve spanish taste, but what you are doing is why won’t we achieve it, nature, climate, everything influences, no, raising pigs is a special breed and special feeding on acorns, there for homo, that is, in our latitudes it is simply impossible to reproduce this, it is not necessary, there is no need why, because our our is quite tasty ours, that is, ours. everyone is 2
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months, then the classic homon is 2 years, then maybe 3 years, can you imagine what they need, they have been working towards this for centuries, they need huge storage rooms, maturation, flow, that’s what you call it when you’re retired, in the know about all the affairs of your enterprise, believe me, no, in the know , yes, well, i meet people, that’s all, but i certainly don’t fit in how is everything, and for now we ’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch, the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today we have an honorary citizen as our guest
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grodno, honored. rural worker economy, anatoly grishuk, you are also called a philanthropist, often by our fellow journalists in their publications, but you deny this definition, why? well, you know, god gave me the opportunity to help, and i did it with pleasure, if i sinned in some way, if i didn’t have time to help someone, help sports, help.
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in grodno there is your museum of ceremonial weapons , greshuk arsenal, it’s called, you founded the annual plein air of river workers, a pheasantry in porechye and implemented a lot of other projects, we will talk about them in more detail now, but let’s start i would like a quiet photograph, and what is shown in it, please tell me, this is in the village of golynka, there is also an earlier photograph nearby, there is one to the left... there is also a cross made of granite, here in this place there was a temple, church, after rummaging through the archives of the grodno diocese, i discovered that there were two countesses who sponsored the construction of this temple, there are several graves of priests, they were completely abandoned, not well-groomed, here is a 10-meter border with belarus, like a control
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strip here comes and of course. i’ll tell you exactly how i, as a board of directors , raised funds, who i didn’t call, all the directors gave money, but 15,000 was missing, i turned to my relatives, businessmen from minsk, they transferred it to me, and then it turned out that i saved a little money , there are 10, 5,000 left, and so with this remaining money i built it here from from from this uh from marble.
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everything is written there, who, which countesses did it, in what year, well, but in the future, would you like to be there or is it unrealistic to restore this temple there, well, no, of course, no, no, i fulfilled my mission as a church in the boxes at the partisan camp, a small chapel was built there, and there is an icon of the mother of god of august, this is very important and even yesterday always. he comes there, there is a prayer, he honors the soldiers who gave to live for their fatherland, so i believe that i scored a goal, clearly, but there is a legendary story, yes, how the president came to the box for a few minutes for literally 25 minutes, yes in 2018 this was the year, the president liked it then, they call me and
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say that the president will come, let’s say, they called on friday, and on tuesday he had already arrived, he came to gorgo university, i was all in a panic, well, what can’t be cooked during this time. you relaxed him, the atmosphere was conducive, apparently, yes, yes, yes, everything, so he obliged everything, not only mead, everything, an even stronger drink, i didn’t consume it myself, but obliged everyone to give an assessment, yes, there was a small mistake
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we tried so hard, there was no plan to visit a restaurant at all, he asks me what it is, i say, well, the restaurant was recognized as the best restaurant in the country, well, let's go, eh we are ready there, but we also overdid it a little. the potato pancakes were very fatty and they weren’t such classic dry ones, he still said: “well, you don’t know how, but the potato pancakes are fatty, you don’t know how to cook potato pancakes, you come and i’ll teach you there,” he says, it was a shame, everything else praised, but yes, it was a period when we were turning away tourists, but we wanted to focus on domestic tourism, and during the pandemic you felt this influx of interest in '...
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and well, we have already forgotten this pandemic and it’s not worth it remember, many of us there are now making one more remark, the head of state made, asked if there was a hotel here, and why didn’t i build a hotel, because the pandemic began, and the new leader is doing this, and the distinguished guests do not end, literally we called you on the phone to discuss our interview and you said that you now have a delegation from minsk, who did you receive?
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what else can you tell us about in the box? well, let's start with the fact that there are a lot of elite horses there, friesians, yeah, the first ones in belarus were friesians, that's very beautiful, black color, such a big tail, mane, well, there are other horses there, also of the oryol breed, but we hold a lot of competitions, there is a jumping field, then of course, you already remembered, plein air woodworking, yeah, it took 10 years, now it’s the eleventh it happened that every time...
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they gave us the sawmill, it remained there, as if it had anything to do with it, and nearby there were so -called inconveniences, yeah, well, unfortunately, some not very cultured summer residents took out the garbage there, but there was a small
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veterinary clinic, where there were two stalls, well, no immediately the association is a stall - this is where the horse is parked, yeah, right there, but those were the times, i traveled a lot and saw similar ones in lithuania, in poland. in germany i saw similar agrotourism complexes and a decision was made, well, maybe someone will scold me, without a master plan, without a project, without anything, the decision was made to build... to build what is being built, then everything is already legal, that’s it, everything is fine, and i decided to take everything better, the stable is better, the zoo is better, the restaurants are better, somewhere in that germany or poland there is a restaurant, there are no horses, there are, no, zod, there is no water, we have been producing this for 10 years, while i sometimes reproached the villagers that we are using their money, why could i... buy tractors with this money, these money was
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concentrated through import-export operations, it turned out that way, then it was still possible to buy cheap raw materials in poland, process them, in poland there was a time when beef fell, when it was unpopular, and less than dollars, we took it to ourselves and sold ours, and we made money, we earned a little more from this export to import, what are all the boxes worth? so i always say to every chairman of the farm: don’t blame me for this, it’s not your money, especially with an excellent accountant, it’s not worth arguing on these issues, and you decorated a museum in grodno, we also want to talk about it, today it it’s called the greshuk arsenal, and you know, when we were getting ready, this is a museum of ceremonial weapons, we argued that here the more ceremonial weapons are these, which are displayed in display cases, or the mural at the entrance, which probably depicts the middle
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ages, yes, ours history, all times grodenshchina, yes, yes, yes, well, look, even how you decorate the porch, but this is a work of art, it’s just what is more valuable to you today, the internal contents or this group, it seems to me, the entrance, well, this is an inappropriate comparison , of course, inside, what’s inside, yeah, what’s inside has been going on for 30 years.
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that’s why my father forced us, even without a sword, to walk straight, not bend, and behave in a similar way as with a sword, but whatever you want. said, uh, it was like this, if you take out a sword, you must use it, never not do, excuse me, show off, don’t rush anything, and don’t take out your sword in vain, i mean in words too, when we asked what you do, you said with such a charming smile about hunting and fishing that, well, it’s clear that this is the most natural thus, all your hobbies are included, and there is even a trophy in the museum and hunting hall. yes, yes, yes, yes, it was in my garages, there at home, everything,
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i concentrated them, added a little, yes, there is a company that was formed about 20 years ago, we went to volga, kazakhstan, norway, and then the guys were already so mature, young people, they began to look for where to go next, and we went to the oceans, little by little we go every year, they are already professionals, i am with them. but i’m their mascot, they don’t travel without me anymore, there’s a lot of controversy about this now, they don’t really like hunters, and this is not a fashionable topic, you know those gretas who believe that if you hunted an animal, you’ve already upset the balance or so on , i have a photograph there, a hunted wild boar and a bear and a little blood on the snow, they don’t cry there, well, rarely, but mostly everyone they understand that... but this is a reasonable
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regulation of the number, today , under the president, we have created the protection of nature, flora and fauna, state inspection, state inspections, they are fulfilling their mission, well , very much too much for me as a hunter, for example, today they opened it late hunting a goose, but it has already flown by, only then open it, this is so for example, but as for artiodactyls... uh, if you remember about 20 years ago - you rarely see deer, roe deer, elk, today it’s already full, it seems to me , as many as there are already. he won't be there anymore the pine tree will grow, it will eat these tops, spoil the forest, spoil the forest, but you still say one day, there is a photograph of a bear who sprinkled red
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snow, but you yourself didn’t shoot once, no, no, no, and why, because it was in chukotka, i understand with... vers should be a little on an equal footing to have a chance, more chances, i got rasverine there, but wolverine is a harmful predator and he’s just like a wolf there, they recommend even as shooting, but as an undesirable element, yes, but with us the wolf, the fox are considered to be such an element, and the bears we go out on snowmobiles, at this time they are after hibernation on the ground, it was in may, they go to... the ocean to eat, well, find something, but there is still a lot of snow, a lot of snow, and you're on a snowmobile, and he, and he comes, half asleep, half asleep goes to a watering hole, yes, yes, but then, you know, i didn't really regret this, this is what the guys got, because they were preparing for our arrival, they prepared
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a trailer there , they prepared food, salt, a mattress , everything, he climbed through the window, tore everything, that is they atomized him, subconsciously your friendship with our great athlete alexander medvedev also affects you, he also left a saber for your museum, yes, not a saber, a sword, a sword, yes, for you, why did he simply appreciate what was in this museum arsenal also has an olympic hall of fame, yes, here it is, the olympic hall of fame, you see, alexander nikolaevich kurlovich with a barbell, he is just the world champion, the olympic champion. these are gold medals, by the way, although those are not gold medals either for first places, only these are small medals, bench press, clean and jerk, that’s all he three-time world champion, four-time european champion, these are his photographs, this one below on the left is the cup of the strongest man
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on the planet in 1994, in belarus, i don’t know, god forbid, that someone else would appear like this glorifying the country. there was a tournament in his memory, he passed away at the age of 59, a tournament in his memory and he came, how they respect him, the head of the federation came from saudi arabia, the world to the tournament, everyone from russia, they came everywhere from all over the world, just to bow to the memory of alexander nikolaevich , i'm with he was friends with him and visited him for his 55th anniversary , and gave the bear a chablub? schwarzenegger yes, yes, yes, but i will tell you in a nutshell, schwarzenegger gave him a masonic sword, schwarzenegger always did not hide the fact that he was involved in physical education or sports, thanks largely to the bear, he
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is invincible and he admired him, and he i often said this when it was his anniversary, he told him, i took all my impudence, i think i’ll ask. i came to him with his friend maksimovich from grodno, and also a wrestler, an honored coach of the soviet union, such still from those times, and we stopped by, but everything is like there, how is he doing there, i say, excuse me, there is a museum, i showed him the book, all that, you know what he said, honestly, he says, anatoly, you know, how much they gave me is probably in there somewhere. he has all these caucasian swords, sabi, we went with our son to look at it, it was one masonic, amazing story, now we will take a break for a while, after a short pause, we will return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent , all ours look for episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1 on the website of the bel tv and radio company, two
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adult children, and now a daughter and a son, they live in belarus, what professions have they chosen? you know, they are not far from the agro-industrial complex, you can invite your daughter separately, she will tell you more than me, she is the only one in eastern europe, well, at least in the cis, samia amedovi samili, in our father’s family, grandfather always had bees, she... graduated from our university, but somehow, by the will of fate, she and her husband took up beekeeping products, this very interesting, she is vitali. defended this diploma, you know, she was even invited to a program in moscow, amazing people, she
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was there, there were 14, in my opinion, types of honey, she just knew them all, which of which flowers, son, she and her friends are doing , they have a garden of several tens of hectares of garden, they grow apples, it’s nice to see that he is very passionate about this, no, unusual to some extent, but this is given for helping children, there is such a thing in the country on june 1 , children’s day, children’s day, from the first
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days of the formation of the box from june 1st we they invited, well, 500-600 disabled children from all over the country, from children's schools, from boarding schools, well, those slightly deprived of fate, and one day this commission. they were passing through from poland, these are us boxes at the border to poland, they stopped by, they saw it, they were very surprised, this is the most valuable thing, that you didn’t bother to be nominated for this award, here i’m being honest i didn’t know about it myself, people saw your work and you got it, but no, they were the first, they then also instructed the grodno residents to work on me, so is this, do i have any negative points other than this, really. but i
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’m really proud of this, since few people have been awarded, i know that sergei exemplars, here’s the theater, the puppet theater in moscow was awarded, puppets, and i know, it’s appropriate to say, john paul ii took only this award, he had for his help children, but children everything.
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write a letter to the minister of education, i have been asking for one thing for 15 years: introduce dancing at school, compulsory dance training, it will change children, not globally, but it will change, today there are evenings, ballroom dancing, and rhythmics there is some kind somewhere, but not necessarily, children communicate when every child knows that he...
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uh, physicists, let people inclined towards physics study in circles, develop, you teach physics in your institutes and universities, we need physics, but the rest of the people, 90% , will forget all physics in six months, and will dance all their lives, i’m sure it’s not there, yes, but for some reason it’s not verified that we’re talking about reforms, here’s a reform, i’m submitting a reform, this is a fantastic idea , secondly, i also had the idea of ​​​​creating a beautiful fund. city, this one mural, what we said, it’s me in spite of, here’s in defiance, what was not created, they started, i’m afraid
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of offending my...
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we will do it in the city, and we are directors, we will coordinate with the architecture, everything, but exactly that, that we, that the directorate, we will decide, and you will each be involved, you are your team, and this does not need millions of money, for us, if we collected 5000 in a year, then we would already have something, by the way, as artists, we had the director of the national art museum will be delighted with this idea, they will have the opportunity to realize themselves, wait, rejoice.
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after all, well, beautifying the city is always necessary, but these should be very significant projects, well , now, when you look at grodno, what do you see? i love my city very much, it’s really great that the center has been preserved and will be made, well, it’s very modern, and what’s nice to me is that young people love the city, young people praise the city, which has already traveled around the world, and as the president said, it’s a pearl. and i said, you know, by the next visit we will make it, you will call it a diamond, but we have no doubt about it, the article on second, because they noted that you not only have a lot of ideas, but also a rare ability to implement them, thank you very much for today’s conversation, for our meeting, for our acquaintance, you opened our eyes to the grodno region again, we and we loved
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the grodno region so much, but now we’ll probably definitely go at your invitation in a box and...
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and continue with something new to new heights. anatoly georgievich, we also had a unique mural here. our guests leave autographs of wishes here, we ask you to do so same thing. that's how it is, right? yes.
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even i can see it. everything is fine, the norm should not be a feat, yes. about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian ones.
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and the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer. people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god. such a living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two millennia, watch the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. in constant not only the muscles need training, but also
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the brain. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major athletics tournaments? alyona. diamond. diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was the first, it stands for english premier league, of course, according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. what is the name of the head coach of the dynamo minsk hockey club in the 22-23 season. oh my god who will prove that he is the main sports expert in the country. where the first games of the cis countries took place. kazan. astrakhan took, kazan, took. this is the correct answer. kazan, absolutely true. well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively, that is, there were options. watch an intellectual sports
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show, head game. on our tv channel.
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watch the top news in noon live with you.


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