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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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arism, for example, with the arab emirates, well , there is still an all-belarusian people's assembly ahead, that's what the candidate said, let's listen: in the belarusian people's assembly it is planned to adopt new legal acts of strategic importance, this is an updated concept of national security of the republic of belarus and the military doctrine of the state. we have a lot of work ahead of us. to bring the provisions of the laws in accordance with these documents, well, now the nomination of candidates continues, we will monitor what is happening here in the oval hall, let me remind you that after all 14 candidates are presented here in the oval hall, voting will begin, the deputies will receive ballots, voting will take place here in the lobby in front of the oval hall, there are voting booths, as well as ballot boxes, after the votes are counted in about 30 minutes they will already be known. thank you,
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svetlana lukinyuk from the oval hall. the missile attack on the consulate building of the islamic republic in damascus was discussed in new york, and a security council meeting was convened at the initiative of russia. moscow strongly condemned the actions israel. as russia's permanent representative vasily nebendya stated, such behavior leads to further escalation of the middle east conflict. china also condemned the strike, calling it out. iran in damascus, among the dead are syrians and iranians. it is noteworthy that not a single western country condemned israel’s actions during the security council meeting. moreover, france blamed iran for the escalation of the conflict in the region. the number of children killed as a result of the terrorist attack in cityhole near moscow has increased to six, five are still in hospitals, two are in serious condition. condition,
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let me remind you that the terrorist attack took place on march 22, terrorists in camouflage burst into the crocus building, started shooting at people and set fire to the concert hall, killing over 140 people, three of them belarusians, injuring more than 50,050. lithuania is negotiating with major nato allies on the introduction of country's rotational air defense model, a decision could be made in a few months, president nauset said. the netherlands will send patriot air defense systems to the republic for several weeks during the exercises. residents of lithuania warned about military equipment on roads due to regular nato maneuvers. for regular alliance exercises, vilnius is modernizing training grounds, building military camps, actively developing military infrastructure and trying to strengthen the border. and all this, despite the fact that the baltic republic is experiencing high inflation and a decline in the standard of living of the population.
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plowing under control throughout the country , mobile monitoring groups have been formed, special attention to the safety and technical condition of agricultural machinery and, despite the importance of the moment and sowing has just begun, the ministry of internal affairs has already identified 56 crimes over 1,400 administrative offenses. mostly, criminal cases were initiated for theft of fuels , lubricants or spare parts. the facts of bribes are hidden. based on material from the grodnich region , criminal cases have been initiated against an official of an agricultural enterprise in the berestovitsky district for accepting a bribe. he valued his services for the supply of inventory items to the farm at more than 12,000 rubles. almost 400 petty thefts were documented, and 44 tons of grain were seized. over 100 identified employees of professional services who performed their duties while intoxicated. 12 of them drove agricultural machinery. as before, in all regions, cases of slaughter of mechanical yards are recorded. the ministry of internal affairs notes
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that raids and preventive measures continue, police officers will help farmers in the uninterrupted conduct of the sowing campaign. why belarus, despite all the crises and economic difficulties, managed to make a breakthrough in the meat and dairy industry. today in the project studio “say not to be silent,” anatoly grishuk, honorary citizen of the city of grodno, honored worker of agriculture, ex-director of the grodno meat processing plant.
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they are being made, well, it’s very modern, and what ’s nice to me is that young people love the city, young people praise the city, which has already traveled around the world, but what did the president say? and i said, you know, by the next visit we will make, you will call it a diamond. let's talk about the numerous projects of anatoly grishuk, this is the agrotourism complex korobchitsy, the museum of ceremonial weapons, open air and reshchiki tree, and we will also find out why the guest was awarded a rare award, the order of a smile from unesco, about this and other things in the broadcast version of the project , don’t be silent, on the youtube channel belarus 1 in the telegram channel, better. television projects, original radio programs, articles for magazines and newspapers, online publications, young journalists competed in such categories. the final stage of the junior bai competition festival took place at the minsk palace of children and youth. in total, students created projects in six categories. help children escape from
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some kind of shell, to find your place in life, to find a profession, that is, we have education, training and vocational guidance. this is what our festival children's competition is pursuing. youth media junkor bai, before this, for almost 20 years we had a competition change for the better, it had a good reputation, but in our opinion it has accelerated, now there will be a festival, i am trying myself in different directions, in radio, in television, in print publications, but so far most of all, i am working with printed publications, we have such a magazine in the palace butler, we publish a lot of articles, so i’m giving all of myself for now, well, more.
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and again, full stands are expected, minsk basketball players will play their penultimate home match in the vtb united league, alexei sukhovetsky’s boys will meet with saratov avtodor. there is a big family, so we are supported and i think sincerely. will the native walls help minsk this time? the live broadcast of the fight will be shown on belarus 5 tv channel, starting at 18:15. and my colleagues will also tell you about sports. tv news agency projects are also available in
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social networks, in the mobile application qr code on the screen. new information already in the afternoon. see you. sensational game by sergei pushkov's guys. brest beat shakhtar 2:1. kuliyev scored for the soligord residents, and sushko and melnikov scored for the guests. the bisons are ahead in the best-of-four series 3:2. now breshchane is one step away from reaching the final of the president's cup, for the first time in its history. yegor sharongovich scored the twenty-ninth goal of the season, but calgary still lost to anaheim 3:5 and practically lost access to the playoffs. for the belarusian this is already the 54th point, ahead of the record mikhail grobovsky remains to be recruited.
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the year 1948 for minsk and the city became rich in supplies, with the growth of new engines. the boss here was given adzenna, created by belarusian designers. souvenirs, costumes that were demonstrated in the house of madela, these painful experiences and fantasies, fashionable trends and national traditions. as a matter of fact, you can purchase them freely from the package. party. urak washes all the goods so that the assortment of crops and the production of berries is available to the population. this message is for
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residents of the capital was especially important. the republic was healing its war wounds and returning to peaceful life. a sign of the times , the desire to look good and finally afford to buy a beautiful thing returned to people. or just a new thing. the first model house is also a sign of the times. this meant that light industry was experiencing its rebirth, a post-war revival. in january... 946, a somewhat unusual meeting
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of the bureau was held at the central committee of the communist party of belarus. at first it was urgently convened, but before it could begin, it immediately ended. from meeting room, under the surprised glances of the secretariat employees, one after another, its participants hurriedly exited, excited and flushed. the last one, swearing as he walked. the first secretary of the central committee, pantileimon panomarenko, literally burst into the reception room. he looked around at the frightened and uncomprehending employees. and you go there too, go change clothes, and so that i don’t see this second-hand junk on anyone else. this is how the memorial bureau of the central committee, the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, nadezhda grekova, described it.
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the reason turned out to be banal. employees we decided to try on clothes from the next batch of humanitarian aid. it went through the unra, the united nations relief and reconstruction administration, the first international organization created in washington on november 9.
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medicines, but clothes. no matter how angry panteleimonevich is, people are people. everyone wanted something. purchase from the next delivery, and even a foreign one, because there is practically nothing anywhere. in the country it was necessary to actually dress the population in civilian clothes, but there was no clothing, the raw material base was also destroyed, destroyed there were also production facilities. during the years
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of occupation, 946 textile industry buildings were destroyed. or almost 80%. light industry enterprises evacuated from the republic sharply changed direction and produced overcoat cloth, fabric for tunics, padded jackets, and underwear. at the radio house on revolutionary 3, the announcers were preparing to go on air with their next program about leading production workers. the kupavina fine cloth
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factory was encouraged by the republic of pachyn navatars for the limited production of cheese to hell of a lot of products produced. and then, as the father of paspyakhova, we live in the activities of light thought of our republic, the list of sheets that we receive from our editorial office. widespread developments in the republic will include the experiences of the farmers of the garodzen abooth factory of hanna rodchankavai. greater rational methods of revealing the waste allowed it to provide significant savings to chrome. on vitsebskaya about. chervony kastrychnik, peragledzhany sastarelya norms, all this gave good birth. november 21, 1946 at minsk it was a special day at the thälmann shoe factory. solemnity was felt in everything.
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for the first time in many months, the first batch was released here. shoes, its production in the women's shoe workshop has been put on stream. this was a great victory for the labor collective. welcoming speeches from the management of the enterprise, excited employees, words of gratitude addressed to them. among the most distinguished are stanislav antilevsky and leonid kovalevsky. they were rewarded with valuable prizes. voucher for the purchase of one item of clothing out of turn and one pair of shoes. the situation when a shoemaker without boots, the workers of the enterprise stanislav antilevsky and leonid
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kovalevsky were clearly not satisfied, there are not enough raw materials and a lot is done by hand, which means... to improve every operation that they performed, to save more material in order to produce a larger volume of products . the initiative was supported by many light industry enterprises of the republic. at the factory itself , innovation and initiative became a tradition
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that was never changed. then there was all-union republic. competitions, when they were the winner of every five-year plan, the sour cream prize, well, first of all, i was a foreman, the team, as a rule, was always the winner, here are the five-year plans and these very competitions, shock workers, rebirth, as the workers of the minsk shoe factory named after telman called day... november 21, 1946. enterprises, after the most difficult months of post-war reconstruction, resumed their work. during the war, the oldest factory in the republic, which in the pre-war period produced almost 6,000 pairs in just one shift were completely
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destroyed, the equipment was taken to germany. it took a lot of time and effort for people to restore the production that was before the great patriotic war in the first place. to restore our buildings, which were significantly destroyed, it was necessary to restore production flows; initially , manual labor was mainly used; in 1946, the factory returned to its usual work. in 2 years, in 2024 we will be celebrating the centenary of our company is a very big story. this is a long way that we have come, uh, and most importantly, we have come a long way in the post-war years. thanks to the dedicated work of our military,
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the building was preserved, which, in fact, began the next stage in the development of the beam. it was very important to preserve this personnel potential - our workers - in the post-war years, because - all the years - sweden was golden. there was practically nothing, raw materials, sufficient funds, but the task was to provide the population with clothes and shoes. shoes had to be produced from various materials, those that could be used for the production of shoes, but the design of the models themselves was much different.
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stakhanov, there was a prize named after smetanin, that is, high performance. in the early sixties, there were already six
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shoe companies, on the basis of which the luch association arose. in terms of production volumes, it came in second place in the soviet union. if in the post-war years the main task was to ensure that shoes were of high quality and reliable, then today it is.
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the industry was taking its first steps to satisfy the population's needs for much- needed footwear products. in the minsk fashion house on sovetskaya street 12, in the early autumn of 1949, another show of a new clothing collection took place; it aroused particular interest, and not only because it was exclusive, there was no mass production of clothing, no more than 600 models were produced per year. for the first time, they demonstrated a coat and a women's business suit, made from fabric from the newly created minsk fine cloth mill, and in different colors. which also
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it was the first time, because traditionally monochromatic ones prevailed. the history of the minsk tank cloth factory began at the end of 1945, when a decision was made to begin construction of a new enterprise on the site of two pre-war ones. the weight repair plant udarnik and the oldest clothing production plant in the republic, the oktyabr factory, which was badly damaged during the occupation. in 1946, the reparation plant began to receive equipment from germany, 456 cars worth 7,400 thousand rubles. a new direction in textile industry was born in the republic industry. in the first post-war.
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during the five-year period, an enterprise was created that, along with traditional thick woolen ones , began to develop finely clothed woolen and half-woolen fabrics for dress and costume groups, different in weave color. the heroism of the people was such that already on july 1, 1947 , the first stage of the plant came into operation, in one work shift... 337 m of the first belarusian coat fabrics were produced, they became so popular in the clothing industry of the republic of the ussr that literally decades later the plant was already had his own trading sign, fabrics under the brand name cloth. a new collection of clothes, made from fabrics from the restored
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komvol plant, was also demonstrated at the model house. he released his first meter in 1947, when equipment was still being installed and technology was being developed. as our veterans recalled, their corpse was heavier, more tame, there was fabric, the sentiment of the fabric was low, the fabric was coarser, we produced woolen fabrics, half-woolen fabrics, but... people’s work, ingenuity, innovation, personnel who started cooking literally from the first days restoration of the plant had their results. just 2 years later, the enterprise was already reaching full capacity for fabric production. in the post-war period, the brand of the enterprise was considered to be purely woolen, half-woolen fabric. during the soviet union, it was the flagship of our textile industry. and
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okkovol provided the entire post-soviet space with fabrics; at that time, the fabrics were mainly for departmental purposes and in a small proportion civilian. before modernization, olkovol also collaborated with sewing factories of the republic of belarus, komentern with model's house, also in those distant years they took fabric from us for sewing. men's suit and school uniform. an event for residents of the capital and its guests was a demonstration in the house of models of exclusive samples of men's suits, presented by the oldest enterprise in the republic , gomel komentern. fashion existed in those days and certain trends in men's clothing were fashionable, and this fashion
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was developed. in our republic there was a model house that existed in the city of minsk, they developed patterns for us, there was very close cooperation, the designers and artists who were assigned to this assortment in the model house did not come here to our enterprise with their development, then in 1949 hardly anyone remembered how the revival of the factory began. in november , the city of gomel was liberated; already in december , a decision was made to restore, in fact , restoration, because the building of the komentern was destroyed to the ground, at the beginning of sovetskaya street, an adapted room with former stubble.


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