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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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as far as i know, you use about 240 cubic meters of shot per year, minimum. in each episode, the presenters undergo tests to get a taste of rural life. i would like it to take on a little bit of the appearance of being more or less new, that is, uh, paint it, at your discretion, what color, well, what’s the most important thing after the bath? sleep? borscht, ah, lard, bread, so, this is sacred, to eat.
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the news is live in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue. belarus will join the shanghai cooperation organization in july, strategic plans were announced at a meeting of secretaries of state of the security council in kazakhstan. a responsible choice in belarus continues to nominate delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly, the brest region has been determined. dead, hundreds injured,
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skyscrapers destroyed and trembling bridges. a strong earthquake hits the island of taiwan, from unexpectedly pleasant summer to march frost. a thunderstorm front abruptly changed the weather in belarus and caused a lot of damage. about eliminating the consequences in the release. the accession of belarus to the shanghai organization of cooperation is expected on july 4 in astana. this was also discussed today in kazakhstan at the regular meeting of state secretaries of the sco security council. our country will become the tenth full participant in this representative integration formation in the eurasian space and the middle east. recently it has been rapidly expanding due to new applications. in the twenty-second year , six new dialogue partners joined the organization. four of which are arab countries,
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uae, egypt, bahrain and kuwait. last year iran became a full member of the sco. just some time ago i spoke with the secretary general of the shanghai organization, mr. man, here. and he assured me that all states had signed all the relevant protocol documents. all that remains to be done is to officially admit our country to the shanghai organization at the summit of heads of state. it's symbolic that. this will take place, firstly, on july 4, almost immediately after we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the liberation of belarus from the nazis invaders, this is symbolically the very next day, which is why our country’s entry into the shanghai organization will further strengthen security issues and expand the scope of international interaction and the scope of economic opportunities for improvement.
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and the well-being of our country. today, the agenda of the meeting discussed the situation in the sco area of ​​responsibility. the main threat of our time is international terrorism. also, among the targets for the fight are drug trafficking, information pressure, and cyber threats. ways of counteraction have been outlined. the sco's potential here is very great. in addition, there was talk about strengthening economic security. at a meeting with secretaries of state , sovezh, the president of kazakhstan noted. the upcoming entry of belarus into the organization is proof of the high authority of the shanghai cooperation organization. it will represent the entry of the republic of belarus into the shanghai cooperation organization, which once again proves the high authority of our common organization. preparations are currently underway for the shanghai cooperation organization summit here in astana and we attach importance to this event. increased
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attention and preparatory activities are carried out through various mechanisms, including a meeting of the secretaries of the sco security councils. kazakhstan, as... the chairman country, proposes to develop a new vector of economic cooperation in the show. there is a proposal to create a joint investment fund. it will help intensify economic and investment cooperation. the development of transit and transport connections, the creation of new corridors for the movement of goods. in belarus , the nomination of delegates from local councils of deputies to the all-belarusian people's assembly in the brest region continues
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. the consequences of bad weather continue to be eliminated in belarus, power supply has been restored in almost all affected regions, as a result. four settlements in the gomel and mogilev regions were damaged, the roofs of agricultural buildings in the bragin and kalinkovichi regions, the roof of a residential building and the building of an ambulance station in osipovichi were damaged. the torn sheet of slate damaged and ambulance. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 45 cases of falling trees were recorded in the bresse, gomel, minsk and mogilev regions. a billboard fell in kalinkovichi. there were no casualties. power outages were noted in minsk, in the loshitsa microdistrict on partizansky avenue. in the gomel region , the gomel, svetlogorsk, mozyr and klimovich districts suffered the most from the bad weather. at the central market of gomel, the wind blew away tents; in the region , several farm roofs and one billboard. the wind
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was so strong that part of the wall collapsed residential five-story building. luckily there were no casualties. since late evening, the special services and a specially created commission have been examining the place. the commission left for the first time yesterday evening immediately after the collapse, examined the apartments, the roof, it was decided that there was no threat to life, all the structural elements were... safely operational, this morning there was a meeting, an emergency meeting of the emergency commission in the district executive committee and then together with the entire commission went to the site, certain instructions were given, a project will be developed entirely for insulation, making houses lighter materials to prevent further destruction. and today in belarus there is an orange level of danger throughout the country with forecasts for snow, rain and wind up to 20 m/s. tomorrow the weather pattern will not change. the strongest earthquake in china in a quarter of a century on the island of taiwan killed.


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