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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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in the ether 24x7 project, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. on air news now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. belarus is expected to join the shanghai cooperation organization on july 4 in astana. about this, among other things. the speech was made today in kazakhstan at
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the next meeting of the sco security council secretaries of state. our country will become the tenth full participant in this representative integration formation in the eurasian space and the middle east. lately it's been fast is expanding due to new applications. in the twenty- second year , six new dialogue partners joined the organization. four of which are arab countries. uae, egypt, bahrain and kuwait. last year.
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let's celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, this is symbolically the very next day, which is why our country's entry into the shanghai organization will further strengthen security issues and expand the scope of international interaction and the scope of economic opportunities for improvement well-being of our country. today, the situation in the area of ​​responsibility was discussed on the agenda of the meeting. the main threat of our time is international terrorism; drug trafficking, information pressure, cyber threats are also identified among the targets for the fight, and ways of counteraction are outlined. the sco's potential here is very great. in addition, there was talk about strengthening economic security. at a meeting with state secretaries safbe zash, the president of kazakhstan noted that the upcoming entry of belarus into the organization is proof of high authority shanghai cooperation organization.
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demands that the republic of belarus join the shanghai cooperation organization, which once again proves the high authority of our common organization. currently, preparations are underway for the shanghai cooperation organization summit here in astana, and we are paying increased attention to this event. preparatory activities are carried out through various mechanisms, including a meeting. kazakhstan, as the chairing country, proposes to develop a new vector of economic cooperation in the sco, there is a proposal to create a joint investment fund; it will help intensify economic and investment interaction. there is great potential for the development of transit transport links and the creation of new corridors for the movement of goods. for the first time in the cis , transcatheter implantation of the nityan valve was performed. on the pulmonary artery. previously, patients
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with congenital heart defects were treated only through open surgery. this significantly increased the risk of complications. thanks to thanks to the unique development of a korean-made biological valve, implantation is available to a larger number of patients at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery. this is also a valve, also a catheter valve, which is delivered to the required area using a catheter, a small tube, this is netino.
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there are huge problems in the agricultural sector, they say, and the government is doing absolutely nothing to solve them. i have everything by this time, see you at 19:00.


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