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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 5:35pm-6:02pm MSK

5:35 pm
this is such a story, and you are engaged in the restoration of some, well, this is for the museum, this is even for the museum, please tell me, you’ve been working for a long time, 40 years, you have enough perseverance, in the beginning it was difficult to sit still, a person passionate about his work , this was immediately obvious, because he was unstoppable, they made a medallion of two coins for photographs, read the year.
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and maybe some very important person was holding them, did you get all the answers to the questions about the watch, but you did get some answers, but the most interesting thing, you know, we can’t get an answer to how time works in general for us, yes, how it does, listen, you approach, as always, from the creative side, from the point of view... ask a question, if you want to become the hero of our project, record a video, send it to us, and we 'll find out together how it's done.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, a high city, so, according to the chronicles, this place was called from the 15th century, and there are many attractions here, i will try to tell you about them all, it is high, and we begin our acquaintance and go to an exciting journey, by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, water mills, a little later there were even electric mills, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes , but they assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is, the road between sinu and shklovo is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park, this is a recording from diary of catherine ii.
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there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz aginski. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work. oh, komvoli. art is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our job is the art of creating high-quality fabrics containing wool. ready to share your knowledge? the basis of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge in human life and to show.
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i love my job, i really love, in production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this is one day in my life, i love, honestly, i ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, it’s very nice to know that our visitors leaving our security center, they leave with such a wealth of knowledge that they will definitely... need it in life, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, as...
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hospitable, bright and festival-like, generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant
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events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
5:42 pm
the army unsuccessfully tried to restore contact with army group south in the area between pripyat and the dnieper, but all attempts to bring troops there ended in failure. tipelskikh didn’t even try to justify himself, he simply stated the facts: the railway in the area
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pripyat swamps, the carrying capacity, which is already limited, is constantly disabled by partisans. i... the partisans threw up their hands, another piece of information from the commander of the security forces corps of the central army group was sent to the headquarters of the hitlerite command. the partisans
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carried out an operation of unprecedented proportions to disrupt the german supply through a systematic sudden disruption of the railway... and further, disappointing statistics: 6784 explosions in the first two nights of august in the corps section, the number of successful explosions of the rail in mid-august increased to 15 thousand. by the end of the month, the partisans everywhere declared war on them, real. on the night of august 2-3, forty-third. its first stage began with powerful explosions on all the main highways of the occupied republic. there is panic among the germans and a lack of understanding of what is happening. only the next morning it became clear. a disaster has occurred.
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hundreds of kilometers of railroad tracks were destroyed, tens of thousands of rails were blown up, and traffic throughout was completely paralyzed for several days. the nazis were forced to begin transporting rails from occupied countries and germany itself. according to reports, just to export realities in august 1943, the nazis used about 500 two-axle platforms and hundreds of steam locomotives, but still the measures taken did not allow for regular and safe advance of troops even in secondary directions. the railway lines of the vitebsk, gomel, mogilev, molodechensk,
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polesie and pinsk regions were under continuous attacks by partisan detachments. the partisan line of belarus, it became a real nightmare for the germans and strategically important for the reds. army, it was here that the headquarters of the supreme high command, in an atmosphere of special secrecy, prepared the decisive offensive of the soviet troops. it was supposed to open up the troops' unhindered advance to the west. one of the components of the upcoming operation is the destruction of communications behind enemy lines. it was taken into account. the experience of the partisans, from the first weeks and months of the war, when the partisan detachments were just being formed,
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they began their struggle with sabotage on the railways, trying to contain advance of fascist echelons to the front line. the commander of the kostyukovichi partisan detachment, stefan anuevich narchuk, with two soldiers, who were known as brainy and craftsmen, were trying to assemble either a device or some kind of device. having once again assessed their work, they shook their heads negatively, disassembled the inventions and began to conjure over it again. there is an anti-tank mine and a grenade on the table. everyone began to discuss something together again. finally everything came together.
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a grenade was first mounted into the body of the anti-tank mine to increase explosive force, they attached a tol bundle to it. the product was proudly called the first railway mine. the news is that the partisans of the kostyukovich detachment derailed their enemy train with a homemade mine. cargo quickly spread among the partisans, the experience began to be actively used everywhere, in 1943 , more than a thousand combat cargo was dropped on the partisans by aviation alone, not counting food and medicine, and more than one and a half thousand people were delivered to the detachments to provide assistance. according to the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, in total this year
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2.0 successful flights were carried out to the partisans in all regions of the republic. it was a great job with a well-established mechanism of interaction between the partisans and the center and units of the red army. together they defeated the enemy. gomel-rechet operation. it began on november 10 , 1943 and was just such an example of joint actions of the partisans and the command of the first belarusian front. before the start of the offensive, the partisans paralyzed traffic simultaneously on the minsk-gomel, brest-luninets-gomel, orsha, zhlobin. they were disrupted by impacts on the chassis roads in these areas. regrouping of enemy troops, redeployment to breakthrough sites,
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promoting the success of the red army troops. the first settlement, komarin, was liberated on september 23. gomel november 23. the second stage of the rail war, codenamed “concert,” was ending, which took place in... september-november '43, the most difficult, when the germans began to implement a plan for the complete destruction of the partisans, but even in such conditions... they caused irreparable damage to the enemy . as a result of the first two stages rail war, enemy transportation to the front through belarus decreased by 40%. the germans sent out orders of a frightening nature. the commander of the 559th rear commandant's office, in
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order number 3043 dated september 8 , demanded: the headmen of those villages through which the partisans passed, and from which this report was not received, should be severely punished after the attack; civilians should be brought in to guard the threatening areas population, placing them at a distance from dark until early morning...
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it was no longer just individual people who went out to undermine the tracks sabotage groups, and entire detachments of brigades. and the panicked reports of the germans to the main directorate of communications of the east. secretly, the situation everywhere is extremely tense. if comprehensive measures are not taken, the entire course of the matter will collapse. on the routes minsk-zhlobin, brest-lunets, zhlobin-mogilev and another voluminous list of destinations. the situation in almost every city, krichev, is very difficult, partisans are involved, all lines are closed. mogilev, the situation is difficult, movement is interrupted
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from 21 o'clock. unloading capabilities. the enemy was demoralized, plans to strangle the partisans failed, they, along with units of the red army, were preparing for a decisive battle with the enemy.
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we follow the sports life of our country, we probably need to invest a lot in children, probably from childhood we should try, let alone try, probably, to live their lives, to the detriment, probably, of many of our interests, our own, our hobbies, probably we just live, we observe the most interesting event, and what is luck, luck is work. if someone didn’t didn’t know, luck works out when he’s lucky, someone says, he’s lucky, no, he works hard, he wants it more, he turns out to be a star, we listen to the opinion of competent specialists. put the right emphasis in the game, but this is the playoffs, naturally, emotions will overwhelm a little, but you must be able to not give in to provocation, all this is in sports projects on
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the belarus 24 tv channel, good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people , hello, hello, i'm svetlana name is alexander, very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich. and they told me that we know each other, oh, how young i am here, you are always irresistible, the secrets of a good mood, how many teams, so many wives, oh well, you have such a positive face, as if that’s why in women fall in love with him, yes, accordion, handsome, so calm, it seems, and many more interesting educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in tokyo in the twenty-first year, a man became a bronze medalist in triathlon.
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its history explores the sights, because the city is called a bridge, which means, think, think, it probably
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means that there is some kind of amazing bridge, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it’s really big , and also share their vivid impressions, oh wow, hello, reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to look at something briefly.
6:00 pm
to make people emotional, this is the strategy of most opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, but what opposition resources can now offer their readers is a reprint of the belarusian state media, only with their own emotional color, where everything is often turned upside down, so be careful and maintain information hygiene. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel.
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broadcast of seradyns on tv channels belarus adzin i belarus 24 pratsyagvayutsya natiny stalytsy i volsti. darya tarasava is with you. good evening and in short, here are the steps. release of economic prospects for the union of dziarzhava, new materials for the development of business in the minsk-smalensk region. it is clear that the dekaratsyah arrangements of the world nebyspekі, the results of thermometers in the central region do not emphasize the three pros. light on the boots, which is the style of the caravan for the bike riders during the current motorcycle season.


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