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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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the first flight in 30 years was greeted today according to all traditions. a thunderstorm front abruptly changed the weather and dominated belarus. while we were eliminating the consequences, the hurricane reached moscow. let's burst into the midst of the fight for reaching the final of the president's cup. live broadcast from gomel. and the results of the golden puck tournament are also on our broadcast. joining. in belarus, the shanghai cooperation organization is expected to take place on july 4 in astana. this, among other things, was discussed today in kazakhstan at the regular meeting of the sco security council secretaries of state. our the country will become the tenth full participant in this representative integration formation in the eurasian space and the middle east. recently it has been rapidly expanding due to new applications. in the twenty-second year , six new dialogue partners joined the organization. four of which are arab countries,
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uae, egypt, bahrain and kuwait. last year iran became a full member of the sco. just some time ago i spoke with the secretary general of the shanghai organization, mr. man, here. and he assured me that all states have signed all relevant protocol documents. all that remains is to put an end to the official summit of heads of state to accept our country as members of the shanghai organization. it is symbolic that this will take place, firstly, on july 4, almost immediately after we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory, the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, this is symbolic the very next day, which is why our country’s entry into the shanghai organization is even more will strengthen security issues and expand the scope international interaction and economic opportunity framework. improving
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the well-being of our country. today on the agenda of the meeting is the situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the sco - the main threat of our time, international terrorism. also, among the targets for the fight are drug trafficking, information pressure, and cyber threats. ways of counteraction have been outlined. the sco's potential here is very great. in addition, there was talk about strengthening economic security. at a meeting with secretaries of state, zash, the president of kazakhstan noted. belarus, what once again proves the high authority of our common organization. currently , preparations are underway for the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in astana and we are paying increased attention to this event.
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preparatory activities are carried out through various mechanisms, including a meeting of the secretaries of the sco security councils. kazakhstan, as a country, the chairman proposes. develop a new vector of economic cooperation in the sco. there is a proposal to create a joint investment fund. he will contribute intensifying economic and investment interaction. the development of transit and transport connections, the creation of new corridors for the movement of goods, also has great potential. the practice of public discussion of draft laws will continue. this was stated by the chairman of the house of representatives igor sergienko today at the meeting of the first session. believes that parliamentary hearings, visiting commission meetings, seminars and round tables are important. deputies should already think through possible directions of this kind today. activities. and today the house of representatives, by secret ballot, determined who will be responsible for which areas
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of legislative work. the number of standing committees remains unchanged at 14, ranging from national security to economic policy and social issues. and, of course, work efficiency. and the quality of bills also depends on who works in the commission and who heads it. first of all, of course, these are interparliamentary platforms associated with the commonwealth of independent states, these are the ipa, the cis, very what is important at this stage of geopolitical turbulence is the continuation of such aggressive collective pressure. west to the republic of belarus and the russian federation, work in the csto parliamentary assembly. and we have actually already joined the club of the shanghai cooperation organization, and here our initiative is to create a parliamentary dimension of the sco. the topics are very
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multifaceted, labor and social issues, social protection. as for labor, we understand that this is key for our people, for any person. it's worthy work decent work is labor relations, this is the labor code, these are the rights and responsibilities not only of the individual, but of the employer, building social partnerships, tripartism - these are the employers of the government and trade unions, of course the key is the creation of decent working conditions, a lot has been done in this direction when immersing yourself in any draft law, it is important to see the practice, it is important to see the problems, to hear the people who raise them. in the current composition, three ladies chaired the commission, two deputies retained their seats from the previous convocation. on friday , the quantitative composition of the commissions and deputy chairmen will be determined. state symbols are a mirror of our national
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values, the identity of our people. this was emphasized by deputy head of the presidential administration igor lutsky. a meeting of the republican interdepartmental coordination council for patriotic education was held in minsk, representatives of various public organizations and government bodies presented their work on the topic of developing respect for state symbols, the relevance of the issue can be seen through car and bike rides, flag shows, as well as in the digital environment in the form of challenges on social networks. we belarusians have always been proud of our symbols, you can imagine, our flag has a unique pattern that comes from the depths of our centuries, our consciousness is encoded there. these are symbols of a sovereign state, it is very important that in this regard we start from the first steps of young
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people already from school, there is excellent experience in preparing cartoons that popularize the symbols and explain to young people people, what does the ornament mean, what does red mean. the range of products with elements of state national symbols includes about 160 models only in the system of bellykhprom enterprises. last year they produced about 160,000 products. in the twenty- fourth they plan to increase the volumes. brest and moscow are connected by a direct air route. the flight will take only 1 hour 45 minutes. the first flight was greeted today according to all traditions. the start of the flight in
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the first days of april is symbolic in the context of celebrating the day of unity of two fraternal peoples. direct message brest moscow not will only strengthen business contacts, but also open up new prospects. for the development of tourism and cultural exchange, the geography of regional flights will expand, of course it will not remain in the country, vicepsk, there will be flights, these are regular flights. egypt is already flying from gomel and vitebsk, there will also be antalya, turkey, from brest, gomel and vitebsk, well, the season will begin, this is the month of may, from brest to the russian capital. we will fly back twice a week, on wednesday and saturday on an mbrayer 175 aircraft. loading the first economy class flight from
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moscow was the maximum. the cleanliness of flights will be increased if there is demand. and hockey is traditionally the focus of sports fans' attention in the spring. the semi-finals of the president's cup are already underway. today we can find out the name of the first finalist. in gomel, right at these minutes, the fifth match of the series is taking place between the local team of the same name. and zhlobin metallurgist. tickets for the game sold out in just 3 hours. our sports columnist stanislav libsky personally felt the excitement around the meeting. he is in direct contact with the studio. stas, hello. share your impressions. good evening, studio, hello. belarus. hockey. ocean. railway carriage. the carriage is not small. there are just so many emotions and passions that reign here today in the gombel ice
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palace, this is exactly what the head of the commentary department says and i completely agree with him, just imagine 2,700 tickets for this match were sold in 3 hours, but in order to provide maximum support to their hockey players, the gomel management decides to sell tickets under the arena vault, yes you. you're watching the game, but you're in this amazing surroundings, that's something incredible. so, the score in the semi-final series is 3:1 in favor of the current metalga champions. however, in gomel they believe that their squad will win today. let me remind you that for the second games of the cis countries, the local ice arena was updated by installing a canadian type of ice rink. as a result , this is where the game would become. faster, and therefore more spectacular, and i personally
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confirm this fact, the support from gomel today is incredible, but how could it be otherwise, after all, the final is at hand, the field derby is taking place in a very stubborn fight, these are the queues, we see them now, this is normal in gomel, there is a hockey boom, well for gomel yes, this is a normal situation, and especially the playoffs, and there was recently an announcement that additional tickets are being sold for real seats, so... today everything will be maximally loaded, maximally we will hurt, well, this is a derby, as i understand it, it’s always difficult to play with our foreheads, no matter how hard we try, but our foreheads are always a little higher by a head, as it were, that’s my opinion, well, i think that today we have no choice, today we will count the series 3:2, zlaven is the champion, zlaven is the champion, this is definitely a holiday, and today the game will be simply the best, probably of the entire playoffs, because we, we came to win, gomel has nowhere to retreat, we just
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won’t just be a holiday today, probably some kind of festival of this hockey, you can always feel the atmosphere here, it’s always been cool here, it’s always been good here, i’m glad that gomel and i are playing like this, you see, there are good emotions from the fans, so in the last three games between the teams everything was decided by one puck, perhaps today this one history will repeat itself after the first half. the score was 2:1 in the metal ring, one of the leaders of slavinsk, and the legend of belarusian hockey sergei kostitsin opened the account in the fourth minute. kusnetsov, after 9 minutes, doubled the transportation of the guests, but reduced the gap feofanov. this is such an unpleasant start for the gomel residents. the results of the first period were summed up by the hosts' coach evgeniy kovershin. we started off not very rocky, made a little mistake when leaving söhn and got a goal. then we started playing hockey a little. yes they did.
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thank you, stas, from all of us who didn’t buy tickets for a detailed immersion to a hockey match, we are waiting for the results in the panorama. well, we move to another tournament, where hockey intrigues also flare up, but among the younger generation. the final stage of the republican golden puck tournament for the prizes of the president of belarus ended at the chizhovka arena. teams of the younger age group in division b competed on the ice. thus, the main trophy
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of the competition was taken home by the team of the gomel region, the fire lynxes. the guys were able to win. it was very interesting to play in such a tournament, breathtaking, alarming, game, struggle. i would really like for absolutely all schoolchildren to be involved not only in hockey, but in other sports, that is , only winter ski training and so on. therefore, these competitions give the kids an impetus, they give them that very hope, faith, that they can prove themselves in these competitions, they can show some results, some
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knowledge, skills, which they can then accept in the future, when they grow up and even their children. main organizer of the golden puck tournament the presidential sports club performs. and now about the weather. power supply has been restored in almost all affected regions of belarus. as a result of the thunderstorm front, four settlements in the gomel and mogilev regions were damaged. the roofs of agricultural buildings in the bragin and kalinkovichi districts were damaged. roof of a residential building, publication of the ambulance station in osipovichi. a sheet of slate damaged an ambulance. according to information from the ministry of emergency situations, dozens of trees have been knocked down across the country, a billboard fell in kalinkovichi, but there were no casualties. power outages celebrated in minsk, in the loshitsa microdistrict on partizansky avenue. in the gomel region , the gomel, svetlogorsk and mozyr districts suffered the most from the bad weather. at the central market of gomel, the wind blew away the tents. there are several farm roofs and
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one billboard in the region. the wind was so strong that part of the wall of a five-story residential building collapsed. luckily there were no casualties. since late evening , the special services and a special commission created have been examining the scene of the emergency. the commission left for the first time yesterday evening immediately after the collapse, they inspected the apartments, the roof, it was accepted the decision that there is no threat to life, all structural elements are safely operational. this morning there was a meeting, an emergency meeting of the emergency commission in the regional executive committee, and then together with the entire commission we went to the site, certain instructions were given. the project will be developed entirely to insulate the house with lighter materials in order to prevent further destruction. tomorrow the weather pattern will not change. trash cans trying to fly, traffic lights falling window frames. the sunny weather in moscow has also changed hurricane wind. the elements uproot trees and parked cars are in danger.
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due to powerful gusts of wind, the dry closet became a part of the road traffic. eyewitnesses share footage. several parks in moscow are temporarily closed, and emergency services have been put on high alert. according to the ministry of emergency situations , wind gusts can reach more than 20 m/ second. the number of victims of the earthquake in taiwan is growing, there are already more than 960 dead. people, according to the ministry of foreign affairs of our country, there was no information about the death of belarusians, the department continue to monitor the situation. let me remind you that the day before, taiwan was shaken by the most powerful earthquake in a quarter of a century. the epicenter was located near the eastern coast of the island. the elements splashed water in the pools and caused a fall on one of the buildings. bridges
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swayed, cars literally bounced on the roads. some factories on the island have temporarily stopped working. the fashion for denunciations has returned to the united kingdom; the new scottish law on inciting hatred has caused a wide public outcry, while some are writing complaints about alleged violators, according to according to the daily mail, in just 2 days , almost 400 denunciations were written to the scottish police for the incorrect use of pronouns towards transgender people, others cannot come to terms with the promotion of non-traditional values, new opportunities for business development, representatives
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of the minsk free economic zone signed an agreement with the smolensk chamber of commerce and industry areas. the main task is to attract startups to create unique products to increase trade turnover between regions. focus on expanding products and services national producers in the markets of russia and belarus. agreed. that our residents, our businessmen cooperate more closely, we will create platforms for communication, we will bring them together for negotiations, our relations are long-term and today, of course, the vector is directed towards russia, well, smolensk is closest to us , so we will move forward step by step, but today there is quite a large number present in smolensk.
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trade turnover between belarus and russia breaks records
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from the concept of import substitution, we move on to technological sovereignty. the union economy is today the focus of attention of experts on the economic environment talk show. joint projects will increase belarus' gdp by $8 billion. this figure is announced by analysts based on development data. the sphere is unique in that it concentrates in itself all the most advanced achievements, but in fact , belarus also participated in the space programs of the soviet union, so we
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have created a unique base for the space industry was developing. entire programs of joint interaction between specialized organizations of the republic of belarus and rosatom are being developed there, which are aimed at implementing, including non-energy, non-nuclear projects there. combines, among other things , nuclear medicine and the construction of a mobile research reactor in the republic of belarus, that is, a whole palette of interaction in a very high-tech industry. our enterprises are entering the russian economy not only with cooperative connections, they create some kind of branches, because look, what does it mean to help create? to help create means it appears. a joint venture, this is already a joint business, this is already some other form, these are not only cooperation ties, as for sanctions, everything else, the president forbade
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using this factor as a justification for our some failures or omissions, on the contrary, this is a window of opportunity for us , when we can double, triple the potential, scale those productions.
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the belarusian national hockey team will play five friendly matches. first, our squad will stop in kazakhstan, where they will hold a three-day tournament with the participation of the hosts and the russia-25 team. then the belarusians and russians will go on a big national team tour, which will include three meetings in omsk, tula and minsk. the game in the capital sineokaya will take place on the 11th . belarusian women's junior team, made up of female football players. over 19 years old lost at the start of qualifying for the championship.


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