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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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according to the ministry of emergency situations, 45 cases of falling trees were recorded in the brest, gomel, minsk and mogilev regions, there were no casualties. there have been power outages in some areas of minsk over the past 24 hours; power engineers are monitoring the situation. tv news agency presents.
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when working with such small details, even the most insignificant adhesion transactions and marriages, the man has to take care of unnecessary reporting. control over all pharmaceutical devices. pavyalichanyya ў dozens of times the details are adjusted according to the control templates. machines will be used to mark the future of our parent enterprise. the gray one has the most efficient planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign. businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from the minsk brand paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world. here are the acts of the patryman patryyatichny patchynd.
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eight years ago. as of today, the plant has launched production of new cardan shafts and k-700 tractors. the stone worker cheslav kazimiravich bagensky persham received a heavy duty stamp at the factory. yakasts. under these mottos, the abbotniks were working , but the money was lying around. hell shtearshchytsy
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ramualda rows and hell tyazhtytsy galina kandymavay, hell all the charmers who wandered around this day, bring joy to the purchasers. zaruka tamu, gety ganarovy henagon. nato aggression against yugoslavia is a mistake hegemon. a special issue of the cac program is authorized to be announced from serbia. behind me are the ruins of the former building of the general staff and the ministry of defense of yugoslavia. familiar from pictures from ukraine, traces of the arrival of cruise missiles, only american ones. those who
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today lament the fighting in europe, 25 years ago, did not hesitate to order bombs in the very center of one of the european capitals. it was here that a sharp turn began in the development of the system of international relations, which pushed us towards a new cold war and brought us to the brink nuclear conflict. about why nato aggression against yugoslavia is so important for understanding today's tragic events. we will tell you in a special edition of the program. sas is authorized to announce from serbia. the nato military operation against yugoslavia was a turning point in international politics. in the nineties of the last century, washington decided to destroy yugoslavia and reduce russia's influence in the region. the situation in the balkans was a litmus test for european integration. as soon as the situation there escalated, contradictions between members immediately surfaced.
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eu. although historically kosovo is serbian territory, the belgrade authorities paid insufficient attention to the albanian minority, which escalated the situation in the region. russia, together with the un, developed a plan. kosovo's gradual transition to autonomy. later , this proposal formed the basis for the work of the first stage of an international conference with the participation of a representative of the kosovo albanians in the suburbs of paris. the discussion was difficult, but gradually an acceptable option emerged, to which they were ready to agree in belgrade. them over time, nato formed its own vision of the development of events. representatives of the bloc announced the need to deploy 30,000 troops to maintain order in kosovo. on march 18, 1999, the albanian, american and british delegations signed the so-called rambouillet agreements, but the serbian and russian delegations refused. on march 24 of the same year , nato bombing of yugoslavia began. they lasted 78 days. according to serbian authorities,
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nato's operation allied force claimed between 3.5 and 400 lives. about 10,000 more people were injured. 2/3 of the losses were among civilians . it was i who proposed to bomb belgrade, it was i who proposed sending american pilots to blow up all the bridges on the danube, it was i who proposed to take away all their fuel reserves, it was i who proposed all this. mr. janich, today we are recording our interview on a truly tragic day for the future. serbia, yugoslavia, today, march 24 , marks the 25th anniversary of the start of nato aggression against yugoslavia. this truly tragedy claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent people. and brought the beginning to the end
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existence of the federal republic of yugoslavia. what do you think are the key reasons that led to this? western promised service.
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slovenia, croatia, bosnia and herzegovina,
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montenegro, then the former federal republic of macedonia became the republic of north macedonia, and then even the autonomous regions, kosovo and vojvodina, were torn away from serbia, and thereby.
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interfered with you in something, and without even thinking about what international laws you are violating , the charter doesn’t matter, and i don’t even pay attention to it.
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china's military technology has reduced it to nothing and thereby put an end to unipolarity, but the first blow to the myth of the indestructibility of american military equipment was dealt by serbian anti-aircraft gunners. behind me is the serbian aeronautics museum. it is there that the wreckage of the legendary stealth plane is stored. 117 stetels shot down on march 27, 1999 from
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the soviet s-125 air defense system supplied to yugoslavia. this is crumpled iron in the serbian aviation museum. perhaps one of the reasons that american planes have not yet appeared in the skies of ukraine. here it is, the same one the soviet s-125m anti-aircraft missile system, from which the american stealth, which was considered invulnerable, was shot down. already in 1999 , it was believed that this complex was very outdated, because it was used against the americans back in vietnam. but the more significant and valuable is the contribution of this veteran in debunking the legend of the wunderwaf, allegedly produced in the west. mr. general, there is an opinion that in the confrontation with the nato military machine , the yugoslav army did not have...
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as a result of which the civilian population would have been left without water, food and electricity. a we understand what life is like in large cities without these three basic conditions. mr. general, tell me, what if russia had decided to provide military assistance to yugoslavia, despite the deplorable situation that was then developing in the russian army. would there be a chance then to change the situation?
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i saw already at the international level how dirty this policy and those people who make it are. the visit of alexander lukashenko did not force nato to lay down its arms. the alliance did not even guarantee the safety of the belarusian president’s flight to yugoslavia. moreover, completely neglected this circumstance. twice during the negotiations between the belarusian leader and slobodan milosevic , sirens sounded, notifying residents that the air forces of the north atlantic alliance. crossed the border of yugoslavia, but despite all the intimidation of the military-political bloc, the visit still took place, albeit under the bombs of democracy. the main result of the meeting, according to
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the belarusian leader, was that the president of yugoslavia and the people of this country had once and for all determined for themselves a line beyond which they would never retreat. slobodan milosevic praised the visit of alexander lukashenko as a sign of great solidarity of the leadership of belarus and a real masculine act. what alexander grigorievich did then, serbia still remembers as a very bright page in our history, and i think precisely because of that act, not only, but in the first place because of that act, well, maybe , one might say, even heroic in a sense, he still has this respect of the serbian people, he is one of the most respected, beloved, one might say, leaders. world leaders in our country, we never forget that it was he who dared then, the only person to come, we understand that well, as if
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lukashenko could not defeat nato, yes, but you understand, at the moment when such aggression is being committed against you when you are in complete isolation, the president of another country comes to you, it is clear that this is friendly and all that, but firstly, this is courage, this is a message, that is, it is clear that here are the brotherly people of seb, here i am... the only people and country and president, who stood up in our defense at the most difficult moments was the president of belarus lukashenko. the people who are very close to us, who have always supported us, we are introducing
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sanctions to please whom, to please what, that is , we are introducing sanctions against our friends at the expense of our enemies, you know, and accordingly, we are like a parliamentary party, we are the voice of the people , i personally, we talked with our faction that we will fight for the lifting of sanctions. that they simply don’t understand their times, they act according to a template, and accordingly power, because without power i am not interested in pressure, but if you are the president
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of the country, if you are the ruler of the country, if you... we see what meetings, quite important, conversations are taking place with mr. vucic, milorad doldik, alexander lukashenko, do you believe that sooner or later the serbian lands will be reunited, do you count on the support of the republic of belarus, the russian federation in this matter, because then you were left alone with your problem, but today, 25 years later , the situation is completely different, yes, absolutely
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exactly, well, first of all, you need to understand that... he’s sitting, by the way, i think lukashenko also said that the serbian government there needs the president to decide too, that’s why we’re following his statements, that’s why even president lukashenko himself understands that ours are sitting on two chairs, he says, one will fall anyway, excuse me, someone else will end up on the floor, and we will also improve relations with belarus, that is, we will eat like factions, we will naturally put pressure on the authorities so that the authorities cannot
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make such decisions independently. here in belarus belarusians have many friends, reliable partners of serbia, just go out into the street and talk to passers-by to see how many people, serbian citizens, have great sympathy for our country, today’s very difficult situation in the european region. on a broader scale cannot but affect our bilateral cooperation, i am convinced that following the formation of the new government of serbia, working bodies in the newly elected parliaments of serbia and belarus following the parliamentary elections, new conditions for work will be created interstate mechanisms that we have, primarily the commission on trade and economic cooperation. today it is very important for us to jointly look for those
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points of mutual contact. kosovo, and then unilaterally seized the territory from a sovereign state, recognizing the independence of the new country. but for a huge number of serbs this issue is not closed. kosovo remains a bleeding wound for many, here anti-nato sentiment is growing, right now we can see a rally condemning cruelty and aggression of the alliance. the bombing of yugoslavia was unprecedented in the fact that by that time everyone had become accustomed to the fact that the world was divided into three parts: there is the golden
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billion, there is the developed world, there is the developing world and there is the third world, the so- called, the problems of the third world did not bother this one at all here, relatively speaking, the first world, and the developing world, and the precedent of yugoslavia was, excuse the cynicism, in the fact that, in general, it was not the third world, yugoslavia was never the third world, it was the first, second world, yes, but not the third at some point they saw that it turned out...
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the nato pact came to the aid of terrorists, real terrorists, albanians in kosovo, and they really wanted to show the whole world with this example what would happen if someone did not agree with nato orders. serbia has never
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agreed to this and will never agree. today we have kosovo as a value that is passed on from generation to generation. you see, from the 13th century to the present day. we have it going on all the time, that is, there are whole epics, that is, poetry, songs related, then there is a whole cultural culture and such a deep historical process is connected specifically with kosovo and metohija, and naturally, kosovo and metohija, kos is a bird, metoh is a possession, a church possession of land, that is , the name itself says that it is church estate, this is how ordinary serbs express their disagreement with the actions of the west regarding... kosovo, in their hands they hold posters depicting icons located in cathedrals on the territory of kosovo, today for the serbs this is truly open wound. our state was created in kosovo,
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our orthodox church was created in kosovo, everything that is ours, and this is what we are, this is kosovo, kosovo, truly the heart of serbia, it is impossible to live without a heart. what is the general attitude towards the kosovo issue among young people today, how acute is it among young people, the new generation, because there is an opinion that not everyone is as concerned about this issue as acute, for example, as representatives of your age group, and are even ready to say goodbye .
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that the very process that took place around kosovo and metohija, pressure there, aggression and so on, and what we got in the end upset young people, and they think that what’s the point of fighting, we ’ll lose it anyway, that is, they don’t have the motivation, not so much there is the european union, because they live here normally, they will not get anything new there, as much as they are disappointed in justice, in law, in the truth, which they realized that in essence it does not exist. this is the initiative of everyone, you know, the kind of person who understands that this is the future - this is really valuable things that are not worth discussing, not worth bargaining for, but selling your homeland, that is, these are not attempts by the authorities
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to push towards this love, no, no, no, on the contrary, maybe the authorities would like it not to be like this love, but in fact, of course, i say, we even studied these in schools...
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when they take away their documents, take away their real estate, take away their cars, force them, that is, you know, that is, this is incredible, that is, this a place where like europe tells us about some kind of democratic values, and despite the fact that serbs have no right there at all. we talked with serbian youth to find out their opinion, whether they are ready to accept the loss of kosovo in exchange for serbia's membership in the european union and what feelings it makes them feel.
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this is a difficult question for me, i don’t know much about it. i don’t care if serbia is with or without kosovo, it’s 50/50 for me. we will never agree to this, there are certain trends, but i do not believe that we will ever become members of the european union.
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a new war may break out. serbia against violence is the name of the serbian opposition coalition that opposes the current government of vučić. the party receives funding from washington, so it is not surprising that activists working on western orders allegedly did not accept the results of the parliamentary elections in the country. observers did not record any serious violations and the protesters had to retreat. but the united states is not ready to retreat from its plans. the white house has already announced its intention to increase its presence. nato forces in kosovo. in the 25 years since the start of the bombing of belgrade, targets
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the north atlantic alliance have not undergone major changes. nato still has a geopolitical interest in strengthening its position in the region and minimizing russian influence. despite the fact that there are still sparks between serbia and kosovo, it seems that belgrade’s position has changed somewhat, and has become a little softer over the years. last summer, joint exercises between the serbian troops and the north atlantic alliance took place, which they call:
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the last 200 years and there will be some more years, tens or hundreds of years, a powder keg of europe, as venston churchel correctly called the balkans, but on the one hand, this is true on the one hand, on the other hand, in all countries, territories, all peoples that survived a bloody war, there is an inoculation of war, there is an inoculation of blood, people who shed blood know. the price of peace, they know the value of a simple, calm human life, for this reason i believe that this explosive danger will smolder for a long time, if not always, in bosnia and herzegovina, where there may be the most
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explosive situation in all the balkans, in kosovo, but it won’t explode, but it won’t explode, because at the last moment... there were only serbs, and the serbs remember this, which is why the monument to the tsar rises literally 200 meters from the residence of the president of the republic. in 1999, the newly emerged union state was not strong enough to protect serbia, but it was then that the people and
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elites woke up from their liberal sleep and heard lukashenko’s opinion. it is impossible to rely on the good location of the west there. are considered only strong, after belgrade there may be minsk and moscow, falling to the roar of yugoslavia bombs began to collapse the unipolar world order, the bombing of yugoslavia became a precedent for beijing, for moscow, but not only, in fact, we are talking about the largest countries, but there were many such countries, countries that are not involved in the architecture of the global west, for it's for all of them. became a challenge, because for all these countries they put themselves in the place of yugoslavia, in the place of a european, greater yugoslavia, yes, even though it had already been divided after its collapse in the ninety- first year, but nevertheless they put themselves they realized that where is the guarantee that tomorrow they will not be in the place of belgrade,
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that bombs will not fall on their capital tomorrow, of course, this became an unconditional impetus for rethinking their relations with the west, but the story with china was connected primarily , not even just with the fact of the bombing, with the fact that one day one of the bombs fell on the chinese embassy, ​​there is still no final version, whether it fell intentionally or not intentionally, yes, i doubt that anyone specifically wanted bomb the chinese embassy so that, most likely this is an annoying mistake, but nevertheless... this mistake also played a role, and china began to look at the united states differently. the end of the 20th century, peacetime, suddenly, the bombing of not the last european capital, belgrade. this fact also struck those who were previously ready to move towards the west. 25 years ago, russian prime minister yevgeny pryamakov was on his way to negotiations in
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the united states, but gave the command to turn the plane around and return home. this was preceded by a telephone call from the vice president of the states of alberta. he informed primakov about the imminent the beginning of the bombing of yugoslavia. the russian prime minister, in turn, considered it impossible to conduct a dialogue in such conditions. the attitude towards primakov’s gesture still remains ambiguous. there were also those who accused the russian prime minister of betraying national interests. then the country, due to his failed negotiations with the american side, de facto lost $15 billion. others argued that the turn over the atlantic returned russia to the peaceful arena and called it a symbol of turns. this is what protesters in moscow threw eggs at painted the facade of the american embassy, ​​shouted chants in support of the serbs
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and insults against us president bill clinton. until that moment, one could hardly have thought that the pause that arose in russia’s relations with the greater west would be interrupted by civil society. the protests, although they were very sporadic, very spontaneous, and in fact no one even controlled them. and for the first few days there they made some noise, and then a well-known provocation was committed with an attempt to allegedly fire a grenade launcher at the building of the american embassy and under the pretext of what this provocation meant, they tried to curtail these actions as much as possible, such a sobering up in relation to the west began, a massive sobering up, moreover, i have my own version, which says that... if not for these , this aggression against yugoslavia, not these bombings of belgrade, then perhaps there
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would not have been such a request for a politician like vladimir putin. moscow not only said its word in response to the bombing of yugoslavia, but also punched nato in the nose, as boris yeltsin said. in june 99 russian the peacekeepers carried out a single battle. forced march of 600 km and captured the slatina airfield in the kosovo capital pristina. for nato, this scenario came as a complete surprise. but the kosovo serbs, having learned that russian armored vehicles were moving towards slatina, went out onto the street with flowers and gifts. they took it as salvation. meanwhile, the british surrounded the airport but took no action pending further instructions. an order came from washington not to escalate. seeing how hopeless the situation is for the authorities. usa and russia began organizing urgent negotiations, which took place in helsinki. moscow has won the right to deploy a peacekeeping contingent in the north of kosovo.
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the pristina march marked russia's return to the world stage. until then , the prevailing opinion in the west was that after the collapse of the ussr the country was in political decline. this bombing of the nato-pact was carried out without the consent of the united nations security council. a very bad precedent and practically all the rules have ceased, all international laws have ceased, and this date will be in history is very, very important, what they did, that is, the west and america, what they did in kosovo and metohija, they opened pandora’s box, that is, they thereby violated international law, violated the right of inviolability of the border, sovereignty there gos. and so on, that is, all this was done by their hands, and we, unfortunately, as the serbian people, as serbs, always paid a high price
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for their experiments, that is, first there was yugoslavia, which they destroyed, then they began to destroy serbia, they took it away kosovo and metohija, they started nato aggression, all of this, in fact, it was all a prelude to what awaits other countries, especially russia, belarus, ukraine, well, the soviet state, because they needed to make this influence, we cannot help but discuss it, so as today.
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first this happened in 2014, then this comes to power of some people, others who, instead of - building relations with neighbors with russia, they are still fraternal people, no matter what they do there, it is clear that now there is a lot of war changed, but the point is that what the reason, that is, the same reason as ours, that is, kosovo was divided, separated, then they say: let’s join the european union without borders, but why don’t you create borders, now he says,
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too, it owns 60-70% of the land of ukraine , this is trillions of dollars, this is all, this is all money, so excuse me, here’s an example, on the 24th, when there were bombings for this, and i spoke with svoboda milosevic at the very end of these bombings, when they brought him ultimatum, when they said, listen, or we will raze belgrade to the ground for you tomorrow, or you sign this agreement, that is, i just want to compare what a statesman is and what a traitor is, that is... please, an example of what milosevic did, he gathered the government people and said: “listen, our perspective is this, these crazy people , they really want to compare belgrade to the ground." what are our prospects? well, he says: well, shall we fight? no, he says, we will not fight, that is, i am not ready for the sake of power - that is, to destroy belgrade or kill people. i will resign and we will sign the agreement, understanding that death awaits him after this. what is
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zelensky doing? that is, let him learn by example. of a real state leader, how to protect the interests of his own country, if he had done this, this war would have ended long ago for the serbs, for the serbian people, here are the peoples of russia, belarus, ukraine, they are absolutely brotherly for us, to some extent we believe these people are one people in a broader sense, it’s very painful for us to look at all this, how everything is happening, we want this war to end as soon as possible, it’s in our...
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this street is named after gavrilo princip, the shot of this serbian youth in the heart of the austrian archduke frans ferdind ignited the fire of the first world war. nato bombs 85 years later gave rise to those changes that will eventually end, either in a new big war, or, as we all hope,
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in the construction of a new, more... they carelessly threw off their masks and showed their true faces. this is a fatal mistake. the hegemon cost him world dominance. just like at the beginning of the 20th century, at the dawn of the 21st century, the old world burned itself out in the balkans. we follow the sports life of our country, we probably need to invest a lot in children, probably from childhood we should try,
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let alone try, probably to live their lives, probably to the detriment of many of our interests, our own, our hobbies, probably just to live , we review the most interesting event, and what is luck, luck is work, if someone... even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment.
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exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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