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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 9:45pm-10:50pm MSK

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the national agency for investment and privatization of belarus and the association of russian clusters also signed cooperation agreements. thus, the groundwork has been created for the further development of industrial cooperation and business ties between countries. we are showing good growth in exports to the russian federation, and more than 80% of our enterprise supplies products specifically to russia. over the past 3 months of this year there has also been good growth in exports. i think that today’s event will help us connect russia and belarus with closer ties business. we have planned a huge number of meetings, within the framework of these meetings, of course, the main emphasis is on commercial cooperation interest between our countries, between our enterprises in the localization and production of a new product. free economic zone. is developing dynamically,
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more than 100 residents are registered, six more new companies are currently being developed, and in the near future they will replenish the pool of residents. we move from the concept of import substitution to technological sovereignty. the union economy is in the spotlight today and talk show experts economic environment. joint projects will increase belarus' gdp by $8 billion. this figure is voiced by analysts, based on data on the development of cooperation ties between belarus and russia. industrial.
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down we are born, so that they give birth early, so that these are young families, if we talk about technology, the economic environment, in simple language, we continue to talk about the complex economic processes that are taking place in the country outside its borders, do not miss it today immediately after the panorama, we are getting closer in all directions, now a direct air route has connected brest and moscow, the first flight was greeted today according to... all traditions, direct
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air service is confident in belarus and russia will not only help strengthen business contacts, but will also open up new prospects for the development of tourism and cultural exchange. the geography of regional flights will continue to expand. by the way, the first flight from moscow to brest and back was carried out by an embrayer 175 aircraft in a space levy. the same airliner that delivered relatives of cosmonauts aleg novitsky and marina vasilevskaya at baikanur airport. the topic will be continued by veronica buta. until now, getting from moscow to brest was only possible with transfers, but now everything is much easier and faster, almost 2 hours of direct route and you ’re welcome. the first in 30 years. a historic
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flight from the russian capital to the city above the bug, in the economy class of emrair 175 there was a full boarding, worse flights actually awaited and not only in moscow and prest. we are flying from indonesia. 23 hours on the road, so we are very glad that there are only two left and we will already be finally in brest. this is my first time flying to belarus and i’m flying to a friend, accompanying my daughter, just with my grandson. i’m actually a citizen of ukraine, and i was in moscow visiting my children, and i’m even proud of myself that i was able to overcome this path. i am generally grateful that such a route exists, because i was able to be my family.
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russia in brest these days are the days of musfilm, a series of film screenings, creative meetings, a new flight, by the way, there is integration in an absolutely visible form, because the more we fly to each other, than the more we fly within each other, the more connections we have, i am for any method of transportation, but above all , we strive higher and higher and higher for the flight of our birds, air traffic between moscow and... the restaurant resumes symbolically in april, when we celebrate the day of unity peoples of belarus and russia. such flights certainly have a very large multiplier effect. in addition to tourist flows, this will certainly contribute to the further deepening of our contacts between companies and
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entrepreneurs. this is also significant will simplify the organization of various types of visits. allied flights are in demand; last year there were more flights between our countries. will also develop. from gomel, flights are already flying to moscow and st. petersburg. today, another step has been taken in the project to restore air travel from regional airports. of course, he won’t stay in the country. vitsepsk, there will be flights. these are regular flights, a little later, further development of regular flights from these airports, we are looking at sochi, we are looking at georgia, others directions, immediate plans include an increase in charter programs from regional centers. in the near future we expect flights from
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the belarusian capital to arkhangelsk and makhachkala, and routes to other russian cities are also being developed. direct flights from brest to moscow will contribute not only to strengthening already established business contacts. with partners from russia, it will open up new prospects for the development of tourism and cultural exchange between our fraternal peoples. moscow brest is now scheduled twice a week, according to wednesdays and saturdays, 46 euros one way, minimum 85 round trip. the cleanliness of flights can be increased, as they say, if there is demand. in the meantime, the load from moscow to brest and back to the russian capital is almost full, for the first flight - this is a success. veronica buta, vitaly selyavka, telenews agency, moscow-brest. our doctors again confirmed their high level. for the first time in the cis, transcaterial implantation of the nitinol pulmonary valve was performed . this is the development of foreign colleagues. belarus is the fourteenth country where steel
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successfully use a unique device. my colleague, katerina strikha, met the patients of the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, who have gained the right to a new life. looking at the cheerful sixteen-year-old vera, who moves freely along the hospital corridors and eats food on her own, it is difficult to believe that less than a day has passed since the operation. when the girl was still in the womb, doctors made a disappointing diagnosis: titradaphalo, this is the so -called blue threshold of the heart, which combines four anomalies at once. the girl had her first operation in 2008. already in the twenty-first year things started to worsen, as it were. with regard to health, it was the ultrasound that revealed that a large load was being placed on the right side of the heart, we were waiting for the valve, they brought it, we live in such a country with such wonderful staff, doctors and such sciences. previously, patients with congenital
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heart defects were treated only through open surgery. this significantly increased the risk of complications. now thanks to a unique development. a korean -made biological valve at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery will be available for implantation for a larger number of patients. this is also a valve, also a leg. which is delivered to the required area with the help of a catheter, a small tube, that is, it is netyanol, fin or with titanium, which enters the warm environment of the body, begins to expand to the size that the structure is designed for, and as soon as it expands, it begins to function, that's when it opens when blood flows from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, that's when it closes.
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more than 8 years have passed since the first implantation, now about 500 have been performed. i was amazed by the knowledge and experience of the doctors of the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, this allows them to use new technology at a high level, i am pleased to see that they also have the support of the head of state. the normal operation lasts about 3 hours. after a few days the patient can return to... will be operated on tv news agency. the best are seven more. katerina strikha, anzor tuzhaev, branded cheeses, the only squirrel museum in belarus and a rich cultural heritage. today in our section place to live we will talk about the urban village of bolshaya berestovitsa, in the very west of the grodno region. he also received magdeburg law.
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i was born and raised in large beristovitsa, i love my village very much, so after studying i returned to my small homeland, i’m very happy about it. always take precautions. famous for its cultural traditions. at your local center folk art culture today
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there are more than sixty clubs and interest groups. vocal, choreographic groups , arts and crafts group. and even an amateur folk theater, in which, by the way, i work as a director. about 700 people from all over the region study here. our pride is the only squirrel museum in the country. the fluffy beauty is a symbol of the great grestovitsa. she has been a companion of the village for several centuries. a squirrel under a golden crown appeared on the coat of arms of the village back in the 18th century, when it received the magdeburg right. an unusual museum is where the exhibition of animals intersects with history. district.
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residents of the village honor their history. even schoolchildren know that during the war a partisan group was created in the village, which was subsequently completely destroyed by the germans. its fighters and about 200 more soldiers of the red army who died during the liberation of the beristovitsky district in july 40, 1940, were buried in a mass grave in the very center of the urban village. this is a sacred place for every local resident. a reminder of how priceless peace is. and also beristovitsa is famous for its cheeses, which have already become a brand of the region in the production plant, which is produced more than once. tons of different cheeses, the range is expanding every year,
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modernization of production for the enterprise is the key to competitiveness, but the main thing is people. the team consists of real professionals in their field, many young specialists. greater beristovitsa has huge prospects for young people, so young professionals are returning here more and more often after studying, i’m sure. i can say that my village is the best place to live.
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and this is the information picture on april 3, further on. our broadcast will continue the economic environment project, today the focus of the experts of the talk show "union economy". with this i say goodbye, all the best, goodbye. good evening, economic environment is on the air on one of the satellites in belarus. on the belarus24 tv channel. an investment program for the twenty-fourth year has been adopted in belarus, and the head of state signed a corresponding decree. in total, the document includes 120 objects, the third of them is planned to be introduced into operation already this year. among the sixteen new ones on which funds will be spent are roads, orphanages, hospitals and infrastructure. over 2 billion rubles are provided for financing.
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in the twenty-fourth year , financial resources and the development bank will focus on infrastructure facilities. at the end of the twenty-third year , the volume of financing of the belarusian economy from the bank increased by a quarter compared to the level of the twenty-second year. the main areas of investment are exports and support for small medium-sized businesses. retail networks belarus will continue to provide social discounts. the corresponding agreement was extended for the second quarter of this year. according to march, 13 retail chains will continue to support vulnerable categories of the population by providing a discount of up to 10%. since january twenty-second. the total amount of discounts under the agreement exceeded 64 million. the french budget deficit at the end of the twenty-third year amounted to 5.5% of gdp, which significantly exceeded the forecast parameter. such data is contained in the report of the country's statistical department. compared to the plan, the deficit has grown by 15.8 billion euros. exceeding the estimated limits is explained by low budget revenues
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due to the slowdown in economic growth. the sugar industry in belarus is on the rise. according to the concern. department of the state food industry , sugar production in the twenty-third year reached a historical record of 670,000 tons, plus 15-17% to the level of the twenty-second year. this strengthens the export potential of belarus, especially in the context of rising world prices for sugar, and the domestic market is secured. according to the concern’s forecasts, production volume this year will be at least 150% of consumption levels product in the country. investments in fixed assets continue to grow in belarus, belstat reports. in the first 2 months of this year, their volume amounted to 4.7 billion rubles. the growth rate is over 117% compared to the same period of 23 years. exchange trade turnover between belarus and russia increased 3.8 times. this data is provided by the belarusian universal commodity exchange. based on the results of the first quarter of this year, the amount of transactions between entities of the union state amounted to almost
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$200 million. growth through trade agricultural products. how it develops. what results have been achieved, whether there are difficulties and where additional drivers for the development of integration processes lie, we will discuss with competent experts right now. today we have an expert in our studio. permanent committee of the union state in minsk, igor nazaruk, deputy minister of foreign affairs, yuri zalatarev, trade representative of the russian federation in the republic of belarus, irina novikova, head of the department of the belarusian
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state technological university. dear guests, good evening, good evening, good evening, hello. yesterday, april 2, we all celebrated the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia for the twenty-fifth time, a quarter of a century, dear experts, what does this holiday mean to you, what does it mean? indeed, on april 2 , 1996, an agreement was first signed on the creation of a community of belarus with russia, then on april 2, 1997, an agreement on the creation of a union of belarus. a lot has been done, and industry, the agricultural sector, science, and education, so that we have made very great achievements in any area, but this cannot be done if there is no
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support of the people, if there is no support of the two peoples, then there will be no movement forward, therefore this is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, this is the locomotive, this is the driving force, this is the resultant a direction that leads us to building a union. based on the function of the trade mission, which is primarily to realize the national interests of the russian federation on the belarusian track, well, i would like to immediately emphasize that we have exactly trade and economic relations are a two-way street, my thoughts are first of all, of course, about the economy, this is the unification of our economies. we are moving very consistently in this direction, which is why, of course, the starting point, which refreshed the entire process there, the entire history of bilateral relations, including
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the trade and economic sphere, was the signing there in november of the twenty-first year of precisely the integration package, including including 28 programs, one of them is the union program on the formation unified industrial policy, i want to say to get such space, can you imagine?
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the economy must come first, our president emphasized this thesis during a meeting with the governor of the novosibirsk region in minsk. it is on interaction with the regions of our neighboring country that we focus in industrial cooperation. we offer our capabilities in updating the fleet of passenger transport and other equipment. the two countries have everything necessary to develop cooperation, produce new products and create joint ventures. our country has now set a course for restructuring its capabilities for...
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basically, maybe the russians don’t like it, they are state-owned and work well, they are managed, at least, and today there is powerful cooperation, we just can’t allow now there is no extra money, duplication of production, then what we have, it will always work on the russian market, what you have, we will always buy, if there is such a need and will be, this is unity, this is, first of all, economics, unity.
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development of the union state, first of all this is security and defense, and we felt it now more than ever, yeah, so, of course, this year we are also implementing programs on border security, on military infrastructure in the interests of the regional grouping of troops, these programs, if you count them, then in principle they are here in this industry, in this area , 19, yeah, 18 programs have been implemented in the field of microelectronics and electronics, and
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we know very well that... belarus has retained an excellent base and excellent developments, and even a scientific school, including unique teams, and if we even look at the main directions that were adopted at the last highest state council on the implementation of the provisions of the treaty on the union state for 2024-2026, then it is also noted in the industrial policy that a roadmap in the field of microelectronics should be implemented, what we are doing through programs, for example, this year in 2024.
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highlight here support the words of our president, how good it is that we have preserved what was developed earlier, because after all, in order to work with space, and this is practically the whole filling, the whole content part.
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there is a result, yes, there is practical significance, there is funding, and this means that, well , the programs are being implemented to a high degree, i am always very afraid of superlatives
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of excellent grades, so i would probably say that it can be more effective and can be adopted faster, and more can be done initiatives, because the presidents said it’s not about money, because basically... the budget is formed through shared contributions belarus and russia, if there are good programs, projects, funding will always be there, money loves money, but it must work, it must work and also give effective results. belarus has transformed and received the status of a nuclear power, but well, firstly, you know that in november last year the commissioning of two units of the belarusian nuclear power plant was ensured. we were discussing this just recently.
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industry, well, the second point is that the creation of an aircraft manufacturing industry in belarus now our two countries are already implementing it there, these are
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industries, this is also very important, a decision has already been made there that the republic of belarus will ensure, among other things , the assembly of two motor nineteen-seater aircraft, this is being done along the line first of all. 558 of the plant, which is located in baranovichi, and of the ural civil aviation plant, in this regard, if i’m not mistaken, the 407 civil aviation plant, pyotr aleksandrovich parkhomchik, the deputy prime minister who supervises, is very actively involved in including industry, if i’m not mistaken, he has already at least indicated that by the twenty -sixth year the first two prototypes will be built, and by the thirtieth year this bar, the amount of ...
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industry, here, and here, and here, is pride takes that we are engaged in science, and this is how it should be, but we need to deepen, we need to expand, not stop there, yuri vasilyevich, i remember with pleasure our...
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the main product items that form the basis of belarusian exports are, first of all, meat and dairy products, here we go to say that recently dankvert, this is our head of rosselkhonazor, we are very good, well, it’s clear, but we treat him with sympathy, with respect, naturally, so he emphasized that of all the imports of meat products into the russian federation, it is 50% was supplied from the republic. belarus, and he emphasized that this is a very good contribution, and
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this is also a distinctive sign of precisely the integration format, which is the union state, which is why, in addition to this, of course, transport products, mechanical engineering products, power equipment, chemical products, this is all that at least makes up the top five main positions in the product range, namely belarusian exports, we still still dope the products of the fuel and energy complex, here we are in any case, we still supply large volumes of both oil and gas, you know, gas supplies are decreasing, they are decreasing quite logically, that’s why, because, among other things , the belarusian nuclear power plant has already appeared power plant, the need for raw materials for the thermal power plant is no longer there, that’s of course. including equipment
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and machinery, that is, we are ferrous metals , products made from them, plastics and products from them, why would i like to emphasize that, of course, trade and economic relations between russia and belarus are a two-way street, oh what i always say, even encouraging there may be export of belarusian final products in the form of tractors already ready there, there, respectively, quarry samosmalov bilas, including us latently. including encouraging russian intermediate and the same individual components, assemblies, metal, of course, the ministry of foreign affairs in our country is responsible for bilateral trade, well, in this case, from the russian federation without any doubt, so we know that belarusian exports to russia in the twenty -third year grew by more than 9% and amounted to an impressive 25 billion dollars for our country. tell me, do you have forecasts for
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exports to russia for this year, and if more broadly, how do you assess the development of bilateral cooperation between our countries? forecasts are made not only and not so much by me or mead, but by the head of state, who, by corresponding decrees , approved clear parameters for the socio-economic development of our country for the current year, and we are obliged to them... but we are talking in general about foreign trade, and
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russia is a key partner for us, trade with russia exceeds 60%, so trade with russia will naturally have an impact on this integral indicator significant influence, we supply our products to the russian market, maybe according to the same nomenclature, but in pieces, in liters, in kilograms we are growing. more noticeable. irina vasilyevna, please tell me, you are a systematic person, yes, a doctor of economics, a professor, if we talk about the union economy, although in general.
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the challenge is of course military security, food security, and the third is technological sovereignty, because in order to develop, it is clear that we can establish cooperation ties between countries, between enterprises, and you don’t just need to reduce integration processes to trade and economic relations, i listened here, you are mainly talking about building up these ties, but the modern world , the modern economy is developing through... the development of international business has already spoken about it the president, in particular, when it came to the far east, he promised to help build, in my opinion, in chukotka, that means, an agricultural enterprise,
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he promised to help with builders, what does this mean, this means that our enterprises are going to russian...
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yes, that is, it would be good if it were common intellectual property, yes, but for now our approaches are still the same, that’s why we say that there should be rapprochement and there should be interest, that is, this is what it should be like a snowball, this innovation, it should grow, by the way, we talked about trade ties, so if , for example, in my opinion, 53 constituent entities of the federation, the russian federation increased their trade turnover last year, this is also with belarus, this is good figure, that is, look how much.
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the figure is announced by analysts, based on data on the development of cooperation ties between belarus and russia. industrial policy at the forefront of cooperation. and sanctions pressure became an impetus to increase competencies in a number of related industries. where previously there was an absolute import, today it is a union product, and
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this is an indicator that together, in unity, we can face any challenge. union programs, projects, support points for the development of integration. in the report of the economic environment, please, the big one is seen from a distance, with heights of the iss, space relations between the allies become brighter in color, in every sense. belarus is a space power , as evidenced by the implemented union programs. belarusians participated in the creation of technical innovations, without which space flights are unthinkable. we were able to create a basis for the development of a whole series of and... a spacecraft, when it moves through the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, undergoes heating, and if the heat-protective
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materials are made and calculated incorrectly, the device burns out. allied programs have flight normal, so one of them gave the allied state technology for decrypting space images for monitoring objects. participating in space research is like playing in the major league, that is, there are very few countries that have the technology and can be. pioneers in space research, experimental equipment for sensing the earth was also included in the union program, these are a number of high-tech projects, our satellite information acquisition system, this is already in the union economy, is used in the interests of many industries, and our income exceeds the cost of maintaining space control for the first spacecraft by more than $40 million. integration of belarus and russia for many states from the outside. clean space , since the approval of 28 union programs , almost all areas have reached new heights, and industry is the driver;
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it took a long time to achieve a unified approach so that the status of russian and belarusian products would be equal. last year, trade turnover amounted to $54 billion, our total trade turnover, for comparison i can say that it is 35% more than russia’s trade turnover with all cis countries, except belarus. belarus is the only cis country that has a positive balance of foreign trade with russia. to replace imports, we are creating a union product in the work of 24 integration projects supported by a russian loan. cooperation in the machine tool industry and microelectronics also predicts new stars. with your wonderful ones there, yes, i consider planara integral ultra-modern enterprises. at the integral, together with russian enterprises, it will be created new four. new technological processes for the production of products within the framework of an electronic component base, on a planar - these are photo masks, this is a real challenge, because
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few countries in the world can boast that they have developed production. beloes is the largest project, an indicator of how developing the energy sector can give a powerful impetus to a number of industries. the comprehensive program signed on the sidelines of the atomexpo international forum, which had a record number of participants , is already being implemented. we have essentially created a program. startups, here is a flying taxi, a wheelchair with mobility on stairs , a glass heater. such joint cooperation, when belarusian companies
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come to us in order to enter the russian market with their products, we, of course, help them with this. for a breakthrough , personnel are needed; the formation of a unified educational space is already underway. after graduation, students receive two diplomas, one from the republic of belarus, the other from the russian federation. and here we are very open, already in the last introductory campaign we accepted. our russian friends, to our universities based on the results of the unified state exam. moscow and minsk are switching to payments in national currencies. another important area is logistics. in the twenty-third , belarus almost doubled the transportation of goods through russian transport corridors. the sanctions pressure has brought belarus and russia closer in all respects, where previously there was import, today it is a union product, both in industry, science, tourism, and culture. festivals, by the way, are also a plus for economy. with a plus for the economy, well, maryana akindinovna, we watched the story, you had comments, maybe additions, no, i
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was just delighted to see pyotr alexandrovich, to see vladimir grigorievichakov and i immediately remembered that the first prize of the union state in the field of science and technology, it was just for activities in the field of space, and it was a prize for creating a remote sensing system for the earth, for creating an effective one. electromagnetic protection systems for the creation of a new generation of sensors for on-board equipment, and these were the first prizes, but in general within the framework of the union state, we have prizes in the field of literature and art, there are prizes in the field of science and technology, and now the issue is being worked out, it has already been discussed at the very top level, this is for young scientists, for this is the responsibility of our state committee for science and technology, the ministry of education, naturally the russian country, the ministries of science and higher education, that’s right, we need talented people.
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counting indicators so that we can compare it all equally, they have done all this enormous work, already, if, for example, the first thing we will take on is the implementation of a coordinated structural macroeconomic policy, including ensuring the preparation of socio-economic development forecasts, supporting the development of small medium-sized businesses, including through digital servers, platforms, and so on. if you open
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any section, today we talked a lot about industry, i’ll open the fourth section. about our joint actions in the field of foreign policy, so that it correlates, firstly, with the strategy that has been developed presidents and transferred as leadership, strategic such positions to the government level, and accordingly , the industries and the involved ministries and departments have already started here. irina vasilievna, we have already talked about threats,
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risks, yes, i’m interested in your opinion, what do you think?
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notification, sovereignty, yes, this is all important, this is certainly all important and correct, but what moves in general if we say that we still have.
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visited it, they saw how it is structured, it is distributed according to regional principle, and accordingly a very wide range of these goods is presented, the president instructed the government that the issue of creating or scaling this project to russian regions is now being very actively studied, we are first of all paying attention to cities with a population of over a million with...
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russian partners, with the authorities in the relevant regions and cities , different models of how we could implement these projects, naturally, this is a road in two directions, so we will consider exactly the same proposals implement it yourself. has been working in this direction for many years, how do you think it is possible to maintain a balance between respecting national interests and trying to maintain competition in
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the single economic space of the union state. dmitry vetoldovich, it seems to me, firstly, that it would be very correct and useful to remember the target setting that alexander grigorievich and vladimir vladimirovich gave when they were preparing to sign. development of healthy competition, here i would like to highlight two components: this again we are returning to respecting and ensuring technological sovereignty, but within the framework of a union state from
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unfriendly countries, the second is, at least, the choice of a method such as division of labor, including in the format of a union state, touching on a large number of those or other enterprises, specialized there, and so on. this is a loan of 105 billion russian rubles, then it was the equivalent of 1.7 billion us dollars, which russia allocated to the republic of belarus for integration solutions, including import-promising industries, and our approach here is completely different, healthy, correct, so we are carrying out this work through the ministry of industry of belarus, the ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation, coordination is underway.
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the side selects the project, then proposes it to the russian side and the ministry of industry and trade approves it, that is, from that position, not as some kind of controller, but as a way to, well, let’s say , build up production capacity there through belaz there or the amkodor holding there, well, here you can list a fairly wide range of those enterprises where these loans will be used, they were there , there was a line of credit. everything is aimed at precisely the production of those products, in order to avoid duplication of certain enterprises operating in the market of russia or the union state, and solving, among other things, the problems of import substitution, of course, because it is not called integration import-substituting projects from the point of view , here i would like to say that returning to that, well , at least the instructions that were given by our leaders, heads of state, here we do not exclude competition, this is competition.
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will simply happen not between russians and belarusians, but between russians, russians, belarusians and belarusians, who are specialized, we must, in the end, without excluding it, but simply go to come to the most basic point, this is the creation of a union product, this is to ensure the identity between the russian product and a specialized belarusian product, and then promoting it on the market of third countries, this is also an installation that, for a long time, was present in the work of, well, at least the economic bloc of the government of the russian federation. igor vasilyevich, we discussed behind the scenes here, including visits of various levels, both belarusian to the russian federation, and russian to belarus, and came to the conclusion that the importance of interregional interaction is, well, increasing. what do you think, this is how is interregional cooperation between belarus and russia developing? and last time we
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asked you which regions are more interesting for us, has your point of view changed, and if so, which regions of the russian federation are now of particular interest to the belarusian side, well, in the context of trade, the development of trade and economic first of all, relations, well, all others too, the ministry of foreign affairs is a rather conservative structure, so to say that we are here...


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