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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 11:10pm-12:11am MSK

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24 and discover belarus. it's far away, far away, there. the village is mine
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and my serbia and my village is mine and my strength i am there far away where the lights are purring there. my serbian troops edi nebіrstsі nedzі nebіrala.
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tamosuda, ate father and son, also quietly, confusedly moravian, that momi icon remains and its godly glory. it was a terrible hour for the world.
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the anglo-saxons reached the peak of their power. the city on the hill was built. their dream had come true and there was no one who could even raise their head while kneeling in front of them. and during lent they dealt over the last unconquered slavic orthodox people. a lie is not the truth, the truth is always one. my name is grigory azaryonok, this is the secret spring of politics. and he was alone, was he alone?
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but i’ll say that not everyone then understood, in fact, what, what, what level of step he was taking, because well, let’s figure it out, now, when they talk about it, everyone understands that the president flew through a closed sky, and nato did not give the presidential plane guarantees to fly to belgrade, you know what we’re talking about, it was flying on a civilian plane, at any moment ... could be shot down, europe and america actually told him about this in plain text. fine? will you get on the plane? under such conditions? the second moment actually came under bombs, knowing that they were bombing, knowing that all the power of the alliance was concentrated on wiping belgrade off the face of the earth. i don’t think, or rather, actually, i don’t think, we see footage, this is a hospital, this is not a bunker. this
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is not an underground bunker, this is a normal hospital, which can be flown to at any moment, this is how? and the president walks around, communicates, shakes hands, supports, encourages. and when he looks at the wounded children, his throat trembles, like all normal people, yes, this craving for peace, this understanding of how valuable the world is, it’s there, it’s roots are there, it’s from there, well, here's another thing, let's not forget, belarusians, he was the only one of our leaders who did this, the serbs will never forget this, and the whole christian world knows that he has... a leader, strong, brave, merciful, he will approach the wounded, he will save will help, it was at that moment when alexander lukashenko’s plane entered the bombing zone, the unipolar world began its fall, the first pebble fell on the hill,
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now there is an avalanche, but what happened the other day, moldovan kids were driving home after a performance in poland and belarus , but their children with the wording... a threat to national security were kept at the border for two days, they weren’t even allowed out of the bus, lithuanian and polish fastas, murderers, it’s good that it’s not like with the kurds they beat them up and throw them into the forest, but we sheltered, warmed, fed, again belarus is saving children from the nazis, we saved jews during the occupation, we saved refugees on the border, we are saving moldovans...
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with humanity, we will tenfold continue the five-year steps, stay en masse, stronger, closer to each other, time flies will sweep away, cut off the ballast, weighed down with rubbish, the ballast, devastated by unbelief, that’s how our president, he rushes through the storms of times, he cuts off everything that is dead, vile, western, liberal, filthy, vile, and in vain they behave this way, he said...
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but at the moment you have to to resist the baltic republics and part of poland, you grab a small northern part there and the north-eastern part is planned; you are sure that this is the territory along the front, you will hold it with your troops, there are military planning documents, all actions are planned, issues of combat readiness are being worked out. personnel are preparing - including what is provided for, set in your instructions, is now being carried out by order of the minister of defense as part of the preparation of fortified areas, we are not just we go out in the area of ​​the field exit and
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in the area of ​​the exercise, including us, like now in real areas, so that the personnel and officers know the terrain, know the roads, know where, how, what, in order to expediently enter the area. only, but none of them were for the belarusians on the gaspadars in the west of vilni, and the national svyadomastsiya, and none of them , the belarusian zeinasts, past the past, when they survived, not in oh, there, there i'm flying, that geta was belarusian, was belarusian
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propaganda on, at the polish intares, it would it’s simple for the lithuanians of polish culture, for the polish patriarchs, that’s how it works for me. well, higher than christ, no less. but pan polyak, who stupidly knows the real story, came out and said
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to the prostitute frank, no, according to national knowledge, vincent was a pole from poles. after all, in theory, the world collapsed, the keystone of all ideologies was blatantly taken away. she should have been indignant, said, hands off the yaska, gospodar, don’t you dare say that, this is ours, but paan is sitting, and in front of the gentleman is only kneeling on his elbow.
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we live in cleanliness, long live the department cleansing, 100 generations, unbroken path, 1,100 generations, war for the truth, belarus will stand unconquered, a kind of brand, a brand of quality, if gubov is here now for all time, the steel is unbreakable, the throne is unbreakable. if we are serious about the country for a long time, we cannot find roads or secret paths where
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a cup would not stand guard, we stand back to back against nazism, and it is better not to expect mercy for extremists, every traitor is nurtured.
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just tell us that we don’t feel sorry for any strength in order to protect the country in this battle, attention, readiness, we work according to the comanti, accepted, we work, you won’t find a gift, you won’t find the storm on which you... did not stand kubos, unbreakable strel, the cable is not broken,
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if for the country for a long time and seriously, you won’t find a second one, cast-in pipes , where a cubot would not stand guard. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. land of pragna, nasychaetstsa volgazziu, kab adradzitsy zhytstso again. and that means, let’s give
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it a try. we don’t throw away the vandrons in the countryside, so as to protect our wealth...
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here, svetlana nikolaevna, thank you, please, thank you, thank you, good luck,
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whatever you need, please contact me, thank you, but this is nonsense, maybe i’ll have a ghoul, and what is it, i would like it personally, but the ghoul is not at home, she’s in the village, with my relatives. i felt unwell, i had to send it, but what happened? please tell me that my grandmother is very sick, she would really like to see her, when she arrives, i’ll tell you to look for me in the hospital, in the x-ray room, i now work there. okay, sing, this is for us, goodbye to
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those who came, really for work, tomorrow there is a health inspection. "forgive me, little goofy, how can i i want to get drunk, why am i so sick, again, it’s as if i want to cry, it’s clear, in your situation, who died among us?” kalandarov, like a kalandar, that we’re crowding together,
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blocking the passage. inna petrovna, you told valentina palovna about kalandarova. calmly, 12 o'clock, all the staff of the department. come to me for a meeting, except you, and you too, i killed another one, let's go, or so, and we too, comrade, i gathered you to understand the emergency that happened in in our hospital, due to the fault of the doctor , the trampled plant went out of order... the patient was not diagnosed in a timely manner, which is why the fighter kalandarov
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died tonight, i turned a blind eye for a long time to many things that rostopchina arranged, lidia ivanovna, you want to say something, but she is a pest, it’s been a long time, clearly, i’m here the other day i go in, and she’s in it... this is a specialist technician who should be poking around in it, but she immediately took the screwdriver out and stopped poking around, that you guys found something funny, but it’s nothing funny, they say that god gave the police a piece. heaven on earth, this area was surrounded by a large a ridge, it separated the swampy area in the south, and the forests, which were ready to be plowed. land in the north,
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the calves were driven 120 kg each in the spring, and in the fall the collective farm took 300, 350 kg each, various herbs, it is very useful, they got better in their eyes, they all sparkled in the fall, but they themselves do not create paradise with their hard work and incredible craving for life, raspberries, potatoes, your own vegetable, your tomato, everything of your own, this is the grace of god, at...
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meals, it is thanks to him that our dishes remain beautiful for many years, while science has not yet given us those household the cleaning chemicals that we use now, housewives most often got rid of dirt and rust with the help of vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 5.00 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in russia in the 19th century. vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in europe at the end of the 14th century, charles vi approved a whole guild of vinegar brews. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary for so that the surface molecule of the active substance can perform its function. if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent.
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look in the project. science is nearby. on tv channel belarus 24. people ivanna, a simple person, from the people, may not express herself very well, but her heart is sensitive to any untruth, yes, i sensed something in her heart. so i’m not ivanovna, but linishina. ah, lady linishina, of course, of course, here is a document where we all, as soviet doctors, ask you to accept appropriate measures to doctor rastopchina, quietly tell me, i’ll tell you, i’ve already signed it. yes, great. so, well, let's take a quick look at the departments. what do you have? a wounded oarsman admitted with a severe contusion was found to have leg swelling of unclear etymology.
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comrades, this cannot be signed. zoya vasilievna examined kalandarova and said about the need for urgent surgery. and you, inna petrovna, knew about this and should have warned valentina pavlovna. i don’t remember, i’m new here. i have an entry in the duty log. comrades, what is this? is that? in our hospital, the mortality rate has tripled because we are not treating people, but signing papers saying that everything is fine with us. and the wounded die. first of all, sit down, golubeva, this is slander, but do you know what happens for slander? yes, i have trampling recorded in my journal; she personally asked me to write it down. why are you frozen, comrade shepelina? or maybe you are very interested in listening to this nonsense? subscribe. don't sign anything, it's a lie. and i won't sign it. check the facts. well done. i
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'll. how can you tribunal? yes, what do you think do you allow? yes, and then i’ll tell you how ignatkin died from painful shock on your operating table? uh, wow, remember? girls, why? no, what are you doing, get someone to tell me that? yes, give me, give me water, i’m lost for it, i have nights. drink, drink, go, work, go, go, go, well, drink, pop, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, how can this be, magazine, now, evidence, i have three children, three, you know , magazine, what’s wrong with the okolandar’s entry, velitka, wait, what are you up to,
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steal the magazine. look, don’t choke, you fool, it’s an infection, you won’t be able to digest it, after all, zoya vasilievna ate everything she could digest. after everything that happened, i think you should not continue to work in our hospital, i ask you to immediately
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leave this medical institution, do you hear me, that’s all. be yourself, everyone knows your worth.
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hello, hello, and you are a citizen, i ask everything, i forget how, under what document you live here, and you? "ask from the police, i am a link group of the mpvo, i live here since the twentieth year, i know everyone here, which means not everyone, so we go, we look for saboteurs, hello, we look for, and under our noses, whoever wants to, move in, even lilya"?
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well, let's go without? let's remember grandma, sleep well, friend - my only one, my bright angel, pray to god for us sinners. it’s a pity that guli is not with us, don’t protect her, my grandmother was so
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worried about her, i’ll never forgive her, maybe she really doesn’t feel well. i would have crawled back dead, all my life i will have my grandmother’s face before my eyes when she called her, well no, aunt lily, for me this... the person no longer exists, palych, why did you jump, it’s a wake, and the doctor said, i need to walk more, your doctor has nothing to do, so he prescribes walking for everyone, sit down, sit down, sit down, just like that, zoya vasilyevna, don’t think that this is... lilya insisted that i move here, and i could
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completely look after myself, what did you say, i won’t embarrass you, what have i got to do with it here? , this is liliya samuilovna’s house, she is the owner here, tsoi, come on, how can you say that, why are you doing that? zoyushka, well, well, what's wrong with you it became like this, don’t say a word to you directly, i’m already afraid of you, really, i fell, that he’s afraid of you, excuse me, i’m tired, you’re tired, tired, my dear, my dear, you’re tired, my dear, you need to rest, you need to rest, oh, this is a ghoul, a ghoul, i wish, a ghoul. i came, come in, come in, lel samuilovna, solya,
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it’s with you. wait, wait, i just need potatoes, let me eat, girl, i’m not even eating anything.
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i went to the shop. don't forget the soap, musya. certainly. yes, i hurt myself. musya, come on, go shopping, and you
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come on, get out of here, take your bike, go, madam, i'm so glad to meet you unexpectedly, wait a minute, i wanted to say that i know how to build houses, so i can work great, great, and i also sing, take me with from your neighbor, you love music, mauris chevalier, cheval, you are a terrible talker, but your happiness, i need help, i will ask you to give you to me, hey, hey, hey, go to work, madam, i'm coming, i'm coming to you, uh, here, uh, please hit. that
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martynova stabbed five man, you don’t want to see these facts, she claims the opposite, accusing you of negligence. actually, martynova’s appeal was only the reason for your detention. smersh is interested in you, which is apparently a great honor. zoya vasilyevna, they received serious evidence that in winter.
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he loved you, you managed to deceive him, but you will not deceive yourself, no matter how beautiful goals you explain this, deep down you know who you are and what you are, well, finish the deal, you are a judas, i’m glad that i can... .to tell you this, we will tell you about progressive experience
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various organizations in our country. there was also a goal, to create not just a museum. atmosphere, all this did not happen in one fur, it all happened gradually, of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these such shed-shells, and by keeping them in their place, yes, but with global modernization, we will get to know: people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and in general the ideological inspirer of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here,
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so we are always happy, see the project "sign" quality" on our tv channel. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but that's different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind. emotions, this is the strategy of the majority , this constant attempt to bring people to opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, but what opposition resources can
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offer their readers now is a reprint of the belarusian state media, only with its own emotional overtones, where everything is often turned upside down. be careful and maintain information hygiene. ksenia lebedeva's author's view of the policy of double standards in the project is another matter. watch on tv channel belarus 244. also, again, i love the undercut, thank you, shank, you ate with me, oh, hold it, hold it, it’s bad.
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girl, please connect me to hospital number 23, hello, hello, yes, i’m listening. hello, zoya vasilievna zatopchina, can i come to the phone? rastopchina, a member of the cabinet, does not work. how does it not work? that's it, she quit, she quit completely. why did you quit? i don’t know, they say she died. a relative she quit, which relative died, like grandmother or mother, i don’t know, hello, hello,
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girl, girl, why are you silent, hello, hello, girl, hello, you felt bad again, baby, you felt sick, well , it’s okay, it happens in your situation, you worry, don’t forget to drop by petrovna today, i talked to her yesterday, she said, everything is fine with you, everything, even maybe it will be a boy, although i want a girl, sparkle, yes, well, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy, that ’s fine too, until goodbye, dear, goodbye,
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my salt shaker, maybe i’ll be back later today, goodbye. and sadness, you feel bad, breathe, try breathe deeply, to help, i'm dying, to help, a person is dying, trampled on the way out. but what happened, this czech woman has been going to the next world for a long time, go, go, you, the boss in
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the office has been waiting for you, stand, hands behind your back, let’s move, oh, i wish you good health, i wish you good health, meet me, where is zektor mairovich, move , move, yes , it’s ready for transfer to another cell, well, move, it’s standing up, it’s trampling. step, march, what do you think, hunchbacked bitch, we don’t know anything about you, you think idiots are sitting here, but the sentence is i’m already ready for you, sign the testimony, i won’t sign it, i didn’t say that, you won’t, but i’ll record everything on your faces, understand? put skobelev, viktor anatolyevich, does not want to admit it, counter, on what basis are you pursuing knowledge, there is
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a release order, signed by the head of the department, signed, you are free, signed, so signed, you need to warn in advance, water? here, read, kiselyov, nikolai ivanovich refused to sign statements against you, two witnesses, nurse shepelina and golubeva, confirm your innocence, i managed to persuade the management that you were negligent, but not maliciously, in your personal file there will be a note that you can engage in a profession. and you will work as a doctor, of course, you are a good investigator, and he is evil, and why
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should i give names and become a traitor? zoya vasilievna, i did not betray your father, yes i did. really worked on behalf of the authorities at the department, but initially your father aroused suspicion in me, but the denunciation to the authorities was written by the head of the department pedin, and i found out about it too much late, then they started checking me, i spent 3 months in a pre-trial detention center and time passed, i really really sincerely loved your father. everyone loved dad, it was impossible not to love him, asso, a special meeting, sentenced
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you to 10 years of exile, without rights. next residence in large cities of the union significance, zoya vasilievna, you will leave this week, i think that you will want to say goodbye to your family, sign if you agree. how can i, this is purely an accident, another such accident, and disqualification,
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agree. i’m leaving tomorrow evening, to the kharovsky district, i’ll work there, oh, why so far away, it’s impossible to find a job somewhere closer, no, you were exiled. lord, they beat you there, oh, but they didn’t kill you, can i have tea, tea, tea, tea, now, tea, tea, palych, oh, ivan pavlovich, i’m glad you’re here, i’m glad, i’m
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glad you’re here . good girl.
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mom, god, it’s heaven to look at you, you look great, you grew up so well, come in, come in, who is this, is this sonobs, is this russian still here? mom, i asked you. karl, well where should i put it, the harvest is coming, i need help. tell me, how long will you stay on your own? i was released for a month, a month, you were gone for so long, it was only a month of vacation. and at school i think that vacation is relaxing. only the best are given a month.
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yes, you're hungry, i'll make you something to eat. hello, boya vasilievna, how are you, dear. thank you, go far away, light, go, make an appointment, lord, zoya vasilievna, my dear, how i miss you, my dear, hello, hello, oh, what a miracle this is, anechka, vasilievna, when the lady told everything, i almost killed her at first, and then instead... why are you standing there, help me, take the books, well, i won’t guess it myself, or something, woman, zoiva vasilievna, well, how about you , go on the phone, i’m leaving today for the kharovsky district, i’ll be
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working in a rural outpatient clinic, i’m picking up the documents, lord, they deported you, doctors are needed everywhere, especially in the countryside, uh-huh, resentment, why bother you, but now i’m a real horseman with a stick. but with a medal, let's go, tell me, how did you get there after the hospital? not worry about your engineering troops, and volodya and i are back in the infantry, and volodya, be careful, how he feels, zoya vasilievna, volodya died on the second day.
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yes, i just wasn’t interested, you feel bad with us, you’re suffocating and live alone, why are you doing this? grandma called you until the last minute, asked when you would come, i’ll never forgive you, zo, what happened, nothing, something
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serious, abruptly, let’s go, what do these women want,
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not even 3 hours have passed since the elections on the website of the us state department a statement appears.


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