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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 12:10am-12:31am MSK

12:10 am
why are you doing this? your grandmother called you until the last minute, asked when you would come, i will never forgive you, what happened, nothing, something serious, abruptly, let’s go, what do these women want,
12:11 am
not even 3 hours after the elections, it appears on the website of the us state department . statement of the fictitiousness of the elections, the european union used exactly the same term in assessing our elections, this is stupidity, inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, they are simply enemies, their assessments have nothing to do with either the law or the real processes that is happening in our country, they set a task: the overthrow of alexander lukashenko, bringing their puppets to power. a complete change
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in our political regime, repression of patriotic forces, separation of belarus from russia, this collective lukashenko, about whom they talk so much now, that is, mass support for the policy, the course that is being pursued, institutionalized in the form of an all-belarus people's assembly, elections are an exam for the authorities, this is an exam for political parties, for the entire electoral system, this is also an exam for citizens on their consciously. before the navukou. gets from the old school of kruger know about minsk and...
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enjoy our hours. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the history and past of belarus. pytaytsya sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka or takhtamysha's yard, no one knows. alekhan takhtamysh was at lidze, he lives here. and also, let’s remember folk traditions. the name itself is white-eyed, it’s very palatial, it’s also very patterned. malyunak could have been on our panyamon handbrake. and muggle wouldn’t be in trouble. the bridegrooms were married, they were in the stakes, they were around the same bride, then, who chose the bridegroom, who left this year herself. smatryce project "cultural padarozhe". on the tv channel belarus 24.
12:14 am
give me the money, sit down. come on, give it to me, the child is already big, i need it, i don’t have any more, he’s clinging to his mother like he’s clinging to his mother, more money , okay, otherwise think again, if your man left you, then i have weed, no need , i would have quit myself, it’s not necessary, it’s not necessary.
12:15 am
only, otherwise the police will come running and they will quickly arrest you and me, lie down, eh! and three pairs of socks, i put you there, uh, a saucepan, here are also these, here is a heating pad, a heating pad, no, okay, i don’t want it, i need it, well, no, i don’t want it, a heating pad
12:16 am
is a must, with your health, you are now just like your grandmother said, and i’ve been your grandmother for a long time, it’s not good, you should have called the ghoul and said goodbye, it’s not good. i’ve already said goodbye, yes, when it’s wrong, it’s her, she’s still young, stupid, she’s an adult and should be responsible for her words and actions, hello, oh, there was such a crush, thank you, vasilyevna, i was there, thank you, panechka, thank you, my dear. well, shall we sit in front of the road?
12:17 am
well, leni, let's go, let's go! so, so, so, calmly, my little girl , my girl, you sleep, sleep, just like that, rest, my girl, let's rest, you sleep, sleep, little girl, rest, yes, where is zoya, and soya left for a long time she left, now the doctor will come, dmitry
12:18 am
sergeevich, an acquaintance of pavlycha, yes, on the women’s side, he will tell you everything, what happened to you, how, why the medicine, oh, this is it, i’ll go and open it.
12:19 am
you're a relative, look girl, please, what's really going on, me can anyone explain what's going on here, fuck it, what? well, well, doctor, what's wrong with her? well, i beg you, tell me, now i’ll write out the prescription. oh, okay, give it, give it, just like that, let him drink.
12:20 am
calcium solution, yeah, two tablespoons five times a day, yeah, yeah, there seem to be no complications, thank god. when will they replace these repeat offender midwives? what did they say, if it weren’t for your relative, honestly, i would have reported where it should be with great pleasure, in the 20th century, clandestine abortions, game, like a ghoul, a gulushka? but what next,
12:21 am
what will happen to my girl, your girl punished herself, she won’t have any more children, excuse me, i’ll bow down too, i’ll see you off, god, how is this.
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yes, what do you understand about men in your russia? stephen.
12:25 am
let's settle down, rest, for about 20 minutes, let's rest, comrade commander, and eat when they give us, conversations,
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12:28 am
national importance, you know, come on, and if i don't want to transfer anywhere, and no one asks you, major tupilin's trophy dismantling brigade, that's all the same as a sanatorium, i’m right, let’s go, where we have a photojournalist, hey, also pyatigorsky, i, here’s some material for the newspaper, hello, hello, the kulibins have not disappeared in russia, about how i’m recruiting major tupilin.
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12:30 am
we are partners in the region and are expanding the geography of close cooperation with russian regions. orlovskaya is our guest, we’ll tell you what we agreed on. and we’ll go to orenburg ourselves. the steppe capital of russia and the birthplace of the famous down scarves are also ready to cooperate. and a convenient loan for your belarusian goods. the country's leading bank has expanded its list. products that are now you can buy more profitably than before. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you. hello. the dollar bar in trade with russian regions is not the highest, but for those who still have modest indicators, the breakthrough promises to be impressive, at least this is how
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belarus and the oryol region assess the mutual potential of cooperation, expecting to at least double the trade turnover. as drivers, the traditionally strong sectors of the economy of the oryol region are agriculture, microelectronics, investment sphere, on our part, a significant increase will be provided by the supply of various equipment.


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