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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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spiritual, intellectual and physical for a righteous life and for the right and fair mercenary com- munications of the people, god's blessings. the name is aitz, and the son, and the holy spirit. amen.
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel lazovik, good morning, in this issue: belarus continues to strengthen the political system, elections to the council of the republic will take place today. the cia in ukraine is leading the fight between kiev and moscow, the revelation of the american congresswoman in an interview with tucker. explore the advantage of each university and check passing scores, a specialized website for belarusian applicants has started working. milata of the day in china , hundreds of huskies caused chaos in a shopping center by escaping from the zoo. elections of members of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation will be held in belarus today. the body is a chamber of territorial representation and consists of:
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belarus will soon become the tenth full member of the shanghai cooperation organization, for the first time it will be a completely european country whose borders do not extend to asia or the middle east. actually belarus will act as a kind of western corridor for the sco; our state has something to contribute to the organization’s common treasury. just some time ago i spoke with the secretary general of the shanghai organization, mr. man, here. and he
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assured me that all states had signed all the relevant protocol documents, all that remains is to put an end to it, the official summit of heads of state will accept our country into the shanghai organization. the entry of our country into the shanghai organization will further strengthen security issues and will expand the scope of international interaction and the scope of economic opportunities for improving the well-being of our country. in observer status.
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where the russian military decides to launch a concentrated attack, even the f-16 fighters that they needed so much last year will be useless, because russia is ready to effectively resist them. officers believe they now need simple weapons and drones, about 4 million shells and 2 million drones. however, even the entire west is not able to find so much ammunition. and the us congress finally admitted the obvious, the cia is in charge. the confrontation between kiev and moscow , congresswoman marjarie taylor greene, in an interview with journalist tucker carlson, said that the american authorities are financing the war and are responsible for its continuation. at the same time, the cia directly works on the territory of the square and leads the conflict. the politician is confident that this goes beyond what is permitted for any country. and she noted that the introduction of a proxy war in ukraine does not serve the interests of us national security. at the same time , americans want to see the world. agreement between
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russia and ukraine, the actions of the current white house authorities are only bringing the third world war closer. rising oil prices could threaten biden's election campaign, according to information. bloomberg, the current us president, probably has an advantage over trump, but not on the issue of oil prices. as the authors of the article report, the price of oil is one of the key success factors for any president; in the united states it has increased by more than 20%. this creates the ground for a decrease in support for the authorities. moreover, geopolitical tension due to events in ukraine the middle east conflict, to which the states are directly related, also does not benefit biden’s election desires. development of direct ties, cooperation, representatives of russian business from ten regions of the neighboring country are studying the industrial and investment opportunities of belarus. the guests visited the belgidravlika enterprise, a resident of the minsk free economic zone.
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the program also includes ss grod narathon, minsk city technopark, and great stone industrial park. plans for the development of industrial infrastructure and investment interactions. ambitious. the conditions that free economic zones and parks provide on the territory of the republic of belarus and the conditions that special economic zones provide in the russian federation are approximately the same. there is a preferential regime here, and of course, when we talk about russian business entering the territory of the republic of belarus, or vice versa, belarusian enterprises coming to us, we must provide them with comfortable work on such sites. the free economic zone of minsk signed immediately eight documents on partnership with russian colleagues, the national agency for investment and privatization and the association of clusters of russia also agreed on cooperation. our
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doctors again confirmed their high level. for the first time in the cis, transcatheter implantation of a biological non-tenol valve, the pulmonary artery, was performed. this is a development from south korea. the operation lasted. about 3 hours, after a few days the patient can return to normal life. previously, people with congenital types of heart defects provided assistance only through open surgery, this significantly increased the risk of complications. this is also a valve, also a catheter valve, which is delivered to the required area using a catheter, a small tube, a flower, a fin, or with titanium, which, when it enters the warm environment of the body, begins.
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i was amazed by the knowledge of the experience of the doctors of the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, this allows them to apply new technology at a high level, i am pleased to see and understand what they have and support of the head of state. belarus is the fourteenth country in the world where the unique device has been successfully used. the scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery will operate on 10 children and another 12 on the waiting list. a specialized website for applicants has begun to operate in belarus ; the system helps to study the advantages of each university, and also analyze the content of qualifications. it also spells out the rules for the admission procedure, statistics of admissions companies, and connections between institutions and the labor market. with using the built-in calculator, you can
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check passing scores. for convenience, all universities are divided into six blocks according to territoriality. the news section includes information about open days. also, by going to the universal. site applicants, their parents learn about preparatory courses, it is possible to select an institution of higher education, knowing the specialty they plan to enroll in, they can choose a specialty based on a set of certificates of a centralized exam and centralized testing, that is select the appropriate profile, you can also evaluate your capabilities, that is, taking into account the admission company of last year, enter preliminary results. from this testing and centralized exam, see how they would have entered the chosen specialty last year, whether they would have had such opportunities or not. by the way, the number of budget places this year in belarusian universities will increase by about 3,000, this will affect pedagogical, medical, and
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engineering specialties, which have already been determined timing of centralized testing points, ct will be held from may 27 to june 6, you need to register from 9 to 20. belavia continues to develop the capabilities of regional airports, including in brest. on the eve, the first regular flight from moscow was met here. flights will be on wednesday saturday, the frequency will increase if there is demand, direct flights are confident in belarus and russia, it will open up new prospects for tourism and cultural exchange. relatively recently, work began to open flights from our regional centers, you probably know very well, remember that last year we opened such a flight from gomel to moscow, and it has already proven itself very well, we started from vnuk airport. now it flies to sheremetyevo; at the end of march, a flight opened from gomel.


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