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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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engineering specialties have already determined the dates for the points of centralized testing. the ct will be held from may 27 to june 6, you must register from april 9 to 22. belavia continues to develop the capabilities of regional airports, including in brest. the day before , the first regular flight from moscow was met here. the flight took only an hour and 45 minutes. flights will take place on wednesday and saturday. cleanliness if there is demand. we are confident that direct flights will increase in belarus and russia, and will open up new prospects for tourism and cultural exchange. relatively recently, work began to open flights from our regional centers, you probably know very well, remember that last year we opened such a flight from gomel to moscow, and it has already proven itself very well, we started from vnukovo airport, now it is already flying to sheremetyevo, at the end of march a flight opened from gomel. petersburg, therefore, this is the
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vector that we are setting. of course, any opening of such a flight is a new point of growth for our belarusian-russian integration in general, but especially for its regional component, which , as you can clearly see, has recently intensified significantly. in the near future there are plans to increase the frequency of flights, so on may thirteenth it is planned to resume charter flights from brest to antalya. the first finalist in the president's hockey cup was determined, it was the zhlobin metallurgist. the gomel team showed character, fought until the last seconds, but still ran out of luck a little. in the city above sozh , our sports columnist stanislav libsky followed the most important meeting. and that's it match details and surroundings right now. the stunning and bright surroundings did not help kobel to extend the semi-final series of the president's cup against be on the eve.
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the teams scored only 10 goals in the first four matches of the series , so the experts did not count on any scoring in gomel the day before, but to the delight of the fans, they were wrong; a flurry of goals was scored by the squads. metallurg , having opened with... this game, no longer lost the lead, the steelmakers made their fans nervous at the end of the meeting, conceding after the guest's throw, the stasis was removed goalkeeper, but the home team couldn’t even the score, in some places they lacked luck, and in others they lacked strength. 5:4 metalg is stronger in the match and 4:1 in the polesko derby. when i passed by the slomensky fans, they didn’t say women’s age, but adult women.
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700 treasured tickets for this game, in order to strengthen support, the management of hockey gomel decides to sell tickets under the arches of the arena, but even this did not help the southerners the day before, and from zhlobin four buses with fans came to gomel to support the steel players, such an entourage, of course but it will remain in the memory forever, today everyone will have a sore throat after the game, in any case, and the voice will disappear, sometimes you don’t attend some.
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sergei pushkov's team. the start of this game is at 19:25, live broadcast of the meeting, belarus 5 will be waiting for you. stanislav filipsky, nikolai loskevich, telenews agency. the great escape in china, hundreds of husky dogs escaped from a pet cafe and raced around a shopping center, barking joyfully. one of the visitors to the establishment did not close the front door and a fluffy wave instantly overwhelmed the building.
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they caught the animals for an hour, but fortunately no one got lost, and in the end the dogs were returned to their place and fed chicken legs. and i didn’t want to run away in the future. these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks, in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch our broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , relevant ones. interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands,
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germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania. serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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we are expanding the geography of our regional partners close cooperation. orlovskoye is our guest, we’ll tell you what we agreed on, we’ll go to orenburg ourselves. the steppe capital of russia and the birthplace of the famous down scarves is also ready to cooperate. and a convenient loan for your belarusian goods. the country's leading bank has expanded the list of products that can now be purchased more profitably than before. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you. hello. billion dollars, the bar in trade with russian regions is not the highest, but for those who still have modest indicators, the breakthrough promises to be impressive. at least, this is how belarus and the oryol region assess the mutual potential of cooperation, expecting to increase trade turnover at least twice. as drivers,
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the traditionally strong sectors of the economy of the oryol region are agriculture, microelectronics, and the investment sector; on our part, a significant increase will be provided by the supply of equipment. various road, construction, utilities and so on, and of course, we will continue our projects on import substitution and cooperation. everything is important our own, ranging from elite seeds to a high degree of localization. in industry, what else they were interested in, and most importantly, what was agreed upon, svetlana lukinyuk knows. at the level of the president and government of belarus , much attention is paid to regional cooperation; it is the driver of relations with russia. the oryol region is an agricultural region, so the agro-industrial sector itself, everything around it, is also a promising area today and tomorrow. delegation of the russian region. we visited many industrial enterprises, at gomselmash, for example, i was definitely impressed
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our new product is titan unmanned combine harvesters. we are creating this project for partners from the istanbul region, but we are ready to offer it to other regions as well. the technology is new, albeit remotely, but you need to be able to operate it, so there is a proposal to create specialized classes in orel. great potential for the use of belarusian agricultural machinery. in addition, we have historically accumulated experience in... with our enterprises, the tsensk plant, municipal equipment, so today, i think, having discussed the issue, we will to work on the initiative to create a multi-brand service center in delver in the oryol region, i think it will have a good effect, because even in the first quarter of twenty-four there were already almost five dozen units of equipment. purchased the remaining year, also about 80 units we are ready to purchase. this conversation
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has already been continued in the government. all requests for agricultural machinery can be completed as quickly as possible, assures deputy prime minister pyotr parkhomchik. as for the multi-brand center, this is already belarusian strategy for promoting products, where there is not just sales, but also the whole service. we are building one in the krasnodar region and there is a site in novosibirsk. creation of a multi-brand center in the oryol region. what supports this work, the main thing is to choose the right site, well, in principle, all of our industrial manufacturers will be represented on this site with their products, providing the required number of spare parts, training, service, well, everything that is accompanied by the sale of equipment. demand for belarusian cars are stable, including for passenger vehicles produced by our enterprises belkomunmash and minsk automobiles. factory. we offer a wide range of products, but
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we continued to discuss purchases of belarusian equipment and industrial cooperation specifically at enterprises. this is amkador. here, connections have already been established, but we are ready to develop new agreements: outdoor construction equipment, municipal and forestry machines. belarusian producers offer both traditional items and their new products in the field of agriculture. in history amkadora, the city of oreol occupies a special place, one of the letters o. in our abbreviation is the city of orel, there was a plant there, the oryol loader plant, so there is something to discuss, there is something to remember, there is something to offer, every year we supply from 10 to 40 units various equipment to this region, but its climatic conditions today mainly focus us on cooperation in the field of agriculture, so we will focus on agricultural engineering, as deputy prime minister pyotr parkhomchik noted with the oryol region in belarus long-term successful work is taking shape, growth points are determined by mutual complementarity
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and willingness to share the best practices, this is in food production, as well as in breeding. we are ready to participate in the construction of farms, vegetable and potato storage facilities, using belarusian technologies and with our equipment. all this equipment has already been tested in real belarusian conditions, which allows us to annually achieve very good results in exports. belarusian builders will be involved. svetlana lukenyuk, andrey novgorodtsev, sphere interests. at the start of summer, the belarusian capital
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will once again host the belagro agrarian forum to traditionally present all the new products of the agricultural sector. many delegations from russian regions, including from orenburg, have already expressed their interest in participating. and this is just one of the planned meetings this year. we are also looking forward to a visit from the regional governor, denis pasler. general relations with the region. in 2 years it has doubled significantly, but there will be more to come. we went to the homeland of the famous down scarves to find out what else the russian volga region is interesting to the belarusian. tourists and business. report by anton malyuta. we arrived at the orenburg radiator. over the eighty-year history of the plant, the specialization has not changed. as the name implies, an important element for cooling engines is produced here. and given this very
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importance, security requirements are only becoming stricter. all radio products. must be sealed, now we see the radiator being tested for leaks in a water bath, tests are carried out under a pressure of three atmospheres for at least 30 seconds the product you see now will be installed on belarusian tractors. mtz is one of the main partners of the enterprise, and they also work with amkador and gomselmash. strong connections have been proven for decades. therefore, when 2 years ago the situation in the markets heated up to the limit. this did not affect the degree of cooperation in any way. we fight for the quality of the product, we fight for the best, so to speak, performance indicators of our products. probably, the main assessment of our consumer is when he places another order. if placed another order, which means our products are competitive and the consumer is satisfied. despite the fact that
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the minsk tractor plant has many different models in its package, 82 remain. this is the most popular, a classic is a classic. sergey sevryugin once bet on mtz equipment, and he was right. our tractors were well known back in soviet times, but now their reputation does not raise any questions. and let russian chinese manufacturers breathe in your back. such competition only hardens belarusians. this year we expect a record delivery to the region, 450 cars we must ensure that the equipment we supplied is supported by service. the local agricultural university knows what
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components make up the success of a brand; instead of boring lectures, there are practical classes with such visual aids. so let’s see how all these parts work for us, in particular , there is a cut-out of the pump, the drive axle, the front drive axle, there are a lot of people here who want to take the initiative, or rather the steering wheel of the tractor, in their own hands, these skills will soon be needed, in the summer students will replace the walls of the classroom with endless ones open spaces fields, i have a lot of friends and parents work in this industry, my father is a mechanic, i like technical subjects. technical profile, i came here purposefully, i like to work, well , no matter how strange it may be in agriculture, even though i am a girl and i plan to work in my profession, such training is no longer even a trend, the requirements of the time, the corporate audience of agricultural brands is a contribution to personnel training and additional advertising. mtz announced itself in the academic environment of orenburg 3 years ago, and
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still remain ahead of all competitors, there are excursions for the youngest visitors and advanced courses. qualifications for already experienced machine operators, enterprises very willingly respond to such courses, sending their employees, ranging from senior engineering staff, chief engineers, maintenance engineers, ending directly with those people whom we call machine operators who work on this equipment. belarus is one of the main partners for the orenburg region; every year trade turnover is growing from two the parties have an understanding of what needs to be seriously worked on in 2024. partners, like true friends, are always in touch. anton malyuta, alexey petrov and nikolai yuzyfovich, area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement, then we will tell you about the exchange rates of the credit program for national goods, which have been changed. the country's leading bank has expanded the list of products that can be purchased more profitably than before. a... leading
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stage master, actress of the grodno regional puppet theater. hello, silent. in the seventh grade at the age of 14, i suddenly decided i would be an artist. news talking with her is a pleasure; whatever a phrase, it’s a godsend; whatever a minute, it’s a funny or instructive story from rich practice. so i will. to pretend to be wounded, that means i came up with the idea that i was wounded, and i think, well, i need to take the wig, i get up, in the hall, when the wig fell and we fell, there was a pause in the hall and everything was like that, but here... and her rich puppet world, because we are in the puppet theater, we are equal to ballet dancers.


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