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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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a new, fairer multipolar system. in any case, the western elites, intoxicated by their power and permissiveness , made a fatal mistake 25 years ago. they carelessly threw off their masks and showed their true faces. this fatal mistake of the hegemon cost him world dominance. as at the beginning of the 20th century, at the dawn of 21 old. the world burned itself out in the balkans.
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we confidently step into a new day and do it to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us. she is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, on the tips of our fingers. music inspires. makes
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us think and opens thousands of roads before us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us. i am a threat to the national security of america, i just remember how my dad hugged me, i then told him, dad, i will never leave again, americans think about this with horror, and we, as brotherly people, are proud, but personally i counted at least 12 attempts , you are the only country that has resisted, let’s be honest, the only one right. top it people in america
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they speak with a shudder. what kind of serious danger did you pose to the united states? it’s good to be a girl in a pink coat, maybe not in a pink coat, but it’s not the same, all the women there are in beautiful dresses, but it’s all on fat, ugly bodies, which seems to be what you want. so when they tell me that americans and i are alike? no, absolutely not, we are fundamentally different, they are stupid, they... hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio there is victoria popova and... duma,
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butina. good afternoon. hello. public figure, journalist, maria hello, maria, we are very glad to see you in our studio. but in belarus you are not as widely known as in russia, perhaps, so i think it’s worth telling our viewer your story, how in 2018 you were arrested in washington, you were threatened with a total of up to 15 years in prison under several articles, in you spent 467 days in prison, the president of russia, vladimir putin, maria zakharova and the entire foreign ministry, and other, so to speak, interested parties personally fought for your release. what serious danger did you pose to the united states? well, apparently, i still represent it, because i am a threat to the national security of america, i was included even before the start of isvo on all the sanctions lists that are possible, you won’t believe it, and all
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the property of great britain was even confiscated from me, but there is just one caveat: i have never been to the uk, i have never had property there, nor could i have any accounts, but personal ones have been introduced for me there. i am a deputy from kirovskaya region, which i am very proud of, here is one of these, probably the flagship folk crafts of the kirov region, this is a product made from burl root, burl root is such a certain growth on a birch tree, this is not a birch disease, this is exactly what nature does at some point ... such an interesting image, when something like this appears on a birch tree, well, like a rim or something, various products are made from it, in particular boxes, and this is not an easy box, it was bought, well, especially women loved it,
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members of the imperial families and for them right here a separate order was always made, but now here’s the main question, there is some kind of definite secret. where we could put away love letters, for example, and maybe at the end we’ll try to open it, because you know, i was going to see you on the show, and here right here, just say this, don’t be silent, but you can tell something about something so secret to myself that i have never told it anywhere, we will assume that it is like a love letter hidden somewhere there, now this box will stand ticking, i will think how can it be open, but for now let's continue, try, by the way, many men, including those with higher degrees.
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i just don’t know, maybe it will seem strange to someone, but i had the feeling that you know, as if i spent 4 months in a punishment cell, 117 days, to be precise, don’t ask about international standards, which, according to which being in a punishment cell for 15 days, the americans absolutely didn’t care about it, so i was in six prisons and 4 months in a punishment cell, and you know, when things got really bad, i had this a feeling like this: silver threads are stretching through an iron one, this is through a concrete punishment cell, through an iron door, somewhere high, high into space, then they connect me with my native land, this may somehow sound strange, maybe i i don’t know, something else was going crazy, but it helped me, and it seems to me that these threads
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were also your prayers, because everyone who is our person, yes, he saw and thought, probably, well, we are like that, we are sincere, we empathize with each other, then you know the songs, here are the songs, one for all, we we won’t stand for the price, there is only a moment, these two are probably the strongest, i sang and i read aloud - evgenia anegina, my grandmother, teacher, i was little and - she, well, i was sick, i had pneumonia , they sent me - as in the song there are 33 cows, but to the village for recovery, that’s where the grass is, everything else, so i was sent. my parents were forced, this is the village of kolunda, contrary to everything that is written on wikipedia, which is complete nonsense, do not read, as they say, wikipedia in the morning, it causes unpleasant feeling in the stomach, because, for example, i was not born selexiha, i was born in the city of barnaul and grew up in the urban village
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of kulunda, a magnificent place, and my grandmother, due to the fact that i did not go to kindergarten, i really wanted to go to school , i incredibly wanted to go to school, here... a song, you remember some poems from your own family, very, very, very, there will be a moment when i am often asked, and by people who, well, served and were in hot spots, who saw a lot when i know the reaction to their book, but the most it was strong when one day an adult man, a general, called me at night after reading a book, practically in tears. speaking of the fact that i don’t understand how you survived this, each of us, each of you would have survived this, you
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, you know, are athletes, and i, as a person who runs with experience, so let’s say, it’s like a second wind , at some point - i remember how it was, the americans just practice it, well , i think it’s a very humiliating practice, they probably took it from the nazis, when a whole group comes to you five times a day guards, they force you to undress, out of duty, that is, to cough, it ’s like they’re looking for contraband, in fact, metal detectors are already used all over the world, well, there are other sensors, there are a lot of x-rays of all kinds, everything , that they are perverts, when you squat, sometimes it’s not 5 minutes, it’s a very long time, naked, it’s very unpleasant, i remember after another such inspection, i was just sitting in this concrete sump in the corner, i didn’t even want to. get dressed because it's five times a the day was happening, it’s cold in the cell, you want it, believe it or not, my
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fists are just clenching, i understand that i will fight, you won’t get this from the cycle, this is what my ancestors were strong, my grandparents , great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, great nations, a large theater older than all of america taken together, here you are at some point, this is what gathers inside you. that's it, and then i got up, after that, they came to me for the next inspection, i undressed, threw my things next to me, said something else necessary, by the way, let's watch a video of how immediately after your return, how you were greeted at the airport and what you said then, despite the fact that you looked quite confused, but you could feel the strength of spirit, let's listen,
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the money is on mine protection, i am incredibly glad to see my family, thank you very much to the mead and the diplomats who fought for me every day and made their way to all the places where i was kept, they did and did and are doing everything they could, thank you very much to all public organizations that supported me guys, i didn't give up just because i knew that i just don't have the right, i just can't, thank you very much and you know, i just wanted to say, i once... talked about this in one of my videos, for these russians don’t give up, that i
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never watched this video, you see it for the first time, i never watched it, what i felt, i just remember how my dad hugged me, i told him then, dad, i’ll never leave again, and nowhere at all don’t leave, now you can be with your loved ones and you will appreciate every day, when i was on the bunk... i woke up, i realized that she has 15 years in sight, i began to count, grandmothers, this year i will, god willing, be 90, then she is well over 80, i understand that +15, that’s it, dad’s heart is weak, that’s it, mom , god willing, women live longer, but i don’t know, my sister will probably suffer all her life and then put it on pause, i’m with her in general. i tried, well, i didn’t talk to her for a long time, i wanted her to forget me, she didn’t forget me, and just when i didn’t think
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that i would come back at all, so when they tell me there how the book appeared, that’s it, i grandfather bequeathed to keep diaries, i kept them, i never watched this video, you know, i just feel it emotionally, it’s still hard, of course, it’s just not even that hard, it was a moment of confusion of what i, i remember , my dad met me, there was my foreign passport and deportation documents, nothing more, i returned it with this, everything, and i just held this in my hands everywhere, i was afraid that they would take me back somewhere, i never thought how this meeting would happen, i wasn’t expecting it until my dad hugged me that's it, well, you maria are a rare person here who
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does not have any illusions about democracy in the usa today, the us theme of legality , observance of human rights, and i was very supported in 1920 by your notes in the telegram channel about what we need to think about, people , you are simply naive, like a stadovets, you were very supportive, because you have such an experience that, well, few people, of course, live, why did you then decide to pay attention to what is in belarus? happens at our events because you are very unique country, i’ll just tell you honestly, like in russia, probably, well, if you ask the average person, yes, he probably heard about the twentieth year, well , he probably heard that there were other attempts at coups d’etat, well, personally, i’m not a scientific figure there i pretend, but personally i
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counted at least 12 attempts, you are the only country that has resisted, let’s be honest, the only one. we now see ukraine, we saw armenia, georgia, we saw kyrgyzstan, we saw kazakhstan, select a country , show me, moldova, and you are the only country that has resisted, i don’t know, like mine, mine are these notes to you, i’ve been doing a whole program, i studied belarus very deeply. special emphasis on the high-tech park, because you have legal cryptocurrencies, we still don’t, and in america they talk about your it specialists with disgust, do you know why? there is such a great book, i studied cybersecurity, this is international security, and there is a cybersecurity profile, the most terrible, the very
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first virus that the americans made together with the israelis, called staxnet, this is a virus that caused a certain turbulence, this is iran, it interfered with the nuclear program, they created such software, and planted it through a contractor there, so that uranium was enriched to the required extent, who found this virus? belarusians, the belarusian programmer, and americans think about this with horror, and we, as a brotherly people, think about it with pride. in the united states, you studied in graduate school, and with the famous, now infamous, frank vecherka, what can you tell about him, did you remember him, unfortunately, well, i would like him to be forgotten, so that i don’t have nightmares i had a dream, yes, we were studying in the same group, indeed, we had
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three russian speakers, actually me, him and a young man from turkmenistan, well, a young man from turkmenistan. was very silent, and frank was too talkative, in general men are too talkative - this is a maverick in itself, to be honest, but in fact, as then, as now, i would really like to turn to frank once again to say only one thing: no, well, i don’t like you, frank, well, no, it’s just that after this didn’t happen, it started, me they started calling me names that i was putin’s prostitute there. speak in class, i , in turn, spoke in class, defended my country and my president, said that this was harassment, demanded that the teachers, well , generally speaking, this cannot be done, in general in america this is not possible, but he doesn’t mind it wasn’t, well, that the man worked at radio liberty, these painful film screenings, when they assembled the semi-university and we
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watched some strange clumsy picture where the unfortunate franoch served in the army, i told him so somehow it’s just... well, you know ladies, why, in general, this story didn’t work for me from the very beginning, we went our separate ways, but he’s like this, what kind of person do you think this is? some kind of careerist or still ideological, or you know his mouth, there is such a category of people, it’s something in between, yes, but these are ideas
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and to the fullest, and he hates belarus, you know, that is, here you are, i'm sorry, i'm just a person who is very empathic, you see it in me, it's palpable that i'm here with you in the studio, i'm not i’m formally telling you some kind of interview, and he’s just this. you see, he would be ready to tear belarus into pieces, and uh, i don’t know what it is, dad, this or something else, that is, like this, you understand, we have one feature in our mentality, here we can scold our government as much as we want, no problem, no matter if we sit down, we ’ll grind it out with you, we’ll take sunflower seeds, it’s all there, but if we, our government, are scolded there, i absolutely agree, that’s what i mean...
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the whole hall, that means , the americans stand up like this in applause, and i’m sitting there, and everyone is looking at me like that this, well, how is this, what is this, this, i say, i
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won’t, no stand, i won’t stand up, they are such americans, how are you, why is this there, i say, because if you want to tell your opponent that - to his face, i say, it’s customary here, you go and say that you’re paying for other people’s money, in addition to everything else , you go and... scold to order, ugh, this is disgusting, i say, i won’t get up, he for me, not a hero, a hero is when you go out onto the battlefield, one on one, this is how it is with us, so mine, i have exactly the same attitude towards frank, this is unworthy, you don’t agree, okay, argue your position, when you’re also sitting there, receiving money from radio liberty, and disgustingly barking like this from the corner, but can you say? that this is still a naive nation, you already said, a beautiful comparison about the big theater, that it is older than the entire united states, all of america, somehow these
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gatherings of their applause, these motivational speeches, it’s all like -it seems naive to me, you can say that this is exactly so, but i’ll tell you what it is, it’s called pre-english, this is a very interesting concept, this is a very, this is a huge complex of american culture, you know, so... when i was just preparing for a trip, this is my first trip to minsk, i watched a lot, read about belarus, and for me, that this is polotsk, i understand, i understand what it is, what history each city is connected with, i understand what it is, minsk was erased from the face of the earth and restored anew, the richest stories and artifacts that are on the territory today.
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take everything else, we have relatives in european continent, they abandoned their families, abandoned their wives, children, ran away to nowhere and never maintained contact with them,
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created. rap, and that’s not it, i have a friend, she was very happy at one time, she won a green card to america, now she works three jobs, she is a teacher at gertsinku, who graduated with a higher education, and she teaches russian courses language, read for free at a local school, works as a cosmetics consultant and also works part-time as a tutor on private orders, this is
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a person... making ends meet, but she has now there are children there, she says: if i knew how this would turn out, i would never leave, so she tells me, a wonderful poem, helen, god bless, it’s good to be a girl in a pink coat, maybe not in a pink one, but already not that, this is about the americans, this is not the same, they really want it, i was at trump’s inauguration ball, yes, when the inauguration is, there are all the women in beautiful dresses, but all this... on fat, ugly bodies, you know, it seems like it’s like, you want it, like this, like we started talking about frank, it’s like this, uh-huh, he wants to be part of the great, well , his tuxedo is already too much for him, unfortunately, somehow he quickly assimilated, and for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer guests communications. the “say
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don’t be silent” program is on air again and today our guest is state duma deputy, journalist, public figure, strong but at the same time fragile girl, maria butina. and what you tell us, maria just begs to be shown on the screen, will there be a film adaptation of your book, prison diary? i decided that there would be a film adaptation, and i can tell you that i spent a whole year supporting our state, and i spent a whole year looking for a director who would feel the same way as i feel, and this person was found, and just the other day i i found out that he made one of the most beloved series, alexander grigorievich, the series is called leningrad 46, and the name of this
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director is igor kopylov. uh-huh, when he saw me, i came, i came with a book, my hands were shaking, it’s just me i love him, he also did a piece about two russian pilots shot down in syria, and i came to him with a book to ask him to take it, well , get to work, he says, how am i, i listened to you on the radio, but i was following your story, and i would really like to film it, you understand, it’s just like that, and it feels like we have a complete coincidence, and i went for... an exceptional thing, because there is a play based on the book, i don’t an actress, not a director, our ministry of justice, but specifically the butyrka theater in syn russia - this is the director, i prisoners don’t act, this is a departmental theater, i have nothing to do with it, i just saw the direction there, i was at two rehearsals, in the case of the series it’s eight episodes, another story, i’m a co-author of the script, that is , i’m responsible for what will happen, and to be honest, i literally
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saw today what it’s doing on maz, and this is my first time, it was my childhood dream to get to maz, i ended up on maz, i saw this conveyor belt that makes everything out of nothing, a whole car , i just watched dakar for a long time, and then i watched the silk road and there kamaz and masanovaniye, and now i understand who i’m rooting for, you also already understand, well , who i’ve never been to a kamaz, so also to my colleagues, and it’s just that apparently they produce a certain type of cars that... i will probably really need it as a prop, and i will be greatly honored if they take part in this business, i think with pleasure, especially since the series, like a book, is doomed to success, because well , the story is unique yours, the americans are doomed to failure in this case, they banned my book, it was already published russian, english and serbian languages, now
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we are planning a translation into... us independence, we did it, well, my friends from the kirov region helped me, we sewed a prison uniform, placed a qr code on it with a link to the english version of the book, and sent it to the us embassy to the dpr-1 square with a wish to read it as an instruction, someday they will need it, immediately after returning margarita simonyan supported you, offered you a job, you were the presenter. the program beautiful russia bubu-bu, now on the same channel you run the project “we don’t abandon our own.” initially, it was intended to help russians who found themselves in difficult situations abroad. now, as i understand it, you are helping
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not only russian citizens? he has expanded the project, now, look, in the same way as in belarus, i, because i’m watching belarus-1, i see that you have a great project. about migrants, that is, those who came from abroad and found their home in belarus, because here, you know, the first feeling you get in minsk is safety, someone is speaking purely, i agree, but this is this calm feeling of security, i , as a woman, feel it in the air, it’s true, so my project has expanded and it, i have transformed into such a russia-family. because people from different countries of the world began to contact us from i in the committee on international affairs in the state duma, this is canada, this is the united states, quite a few, this is france, this is germany, many countries are from a completely
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unfriendly list, from there people move with their families to russia, the first thing they are running from is all this terrible coven with lgbt people with this whole thing, they tell scary stories, these are families, really. this is mom, dad and normal children, and parents say this, i want that when my son is born, that he be a boy, when i have a girl, she is a daughter, i want it to be like this, you just understand, we may not be fully, but i’m closer to this story, because i saw it when this whole untraditional thing was just beginning, i saw for the first time... a normal traditional family, when chinese was celebrated new year's eve in washington, because everything on campus is all over the place, why? you see, the americans raised this as a preference, that is, at first it all started with radical female feminism, and then it went into the idea that
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if you are heterosexual, that is, you like the opposite sex, then you have no preferences, and if you have something there... then, then you can get a benefit there, or some kind of grant here. and over time, this became part of the culture, and it began to be instilled in children in all seriousness, i recently had a completely shocking interview on artie, which, well, she went on air, where the family is, and she’s interesting, he’s from latvia, he was a citizen of latvia, well, in fact, he considers himself the same russian, soviet, like probably all of us, and she’s from kharkov from ukraine, so they came together, and the things that he says, they lived in... for quite a long time, and he is famous, he is a very famous boxer, and he says, i was just shocked when our children at the age of six, as a compulsory program organized dress-up days, once every
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week, boys dressed up as girls, girls dressed up as boys, we don’t feel the severity of this problem, we’ll laugh at it, does american society feel it, or are they , like, completely silent herds? look for where it is more profitable, that is, you see what kind of migration they have, they don’t even buy houses,
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constant moving, life in trailers, where does it come from, because in one state the legislation is much more profitable, a wave of migration, in another state it is much more profitable for property, hop there , migration, they do not. they came there to live because they wanted to live there it’s profitable, so brother, this is a brotherly war, let’s unite brotherly, this is pain, this is all, they don’t understand it, they live where it’s profitable, if troops come to america tomorrow, they will kill someone, they didn’t agree that way, this is a society, philosophically, think about it, this is a society that believes that initially, according to the gods, there was a war of all against all, and if between us and...
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that together we could not survive, if we were further away they would be there , where it is profitable, therefore otherwise, if the social contract is violated and it’s no longer profitable for me, it’s no longer profitable for me to be a girl, i’ll change clothes there, it’s more profitable for me to be a boy, and therefore, probably, these are the sanctions that they are introducing against both russia and belarus, they expect that society will rear up, yes, will go to overthrow their power, but nothing works out for them, they cannot understand that we are different, they do not understand, because we are under pressure. that they are together, and they are under pressure,
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that i went, just think about it, i saw this in master’s classes, we are thinking about how to cheat, this whole thing the story that you let a friend copy it, and you are silent when they ask, you became like a partisan, like this young guard, i will never say , everyone in balaclavas everyone did it, or when everyone was told to leave the lesson, like the teacher was late ? everyone like that left the lesson after 15 minutes, if someone was left alone, you’re a rat, uh-huh, you set the whole class up, i’m not saying now whether it’s good or bad, it’s true, it’s part of the culture, snitching is bad, in america snitching is good, why, don't judge them, try to understand their logic, the point is that for us, the highest concept of everything is justice, it is in our blood, and we can break the law for the sake of justice.
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and if you come to a teacher and rat him out on a friend, this is not fair, but according to the law it is correct, that is, it is good for them, so when they tell me that the americans and i are similar, no, absolutely not, we are fundamentally different, there is another interesting factor, why we irritate them so much, why they cling to us so much, the whole point is that we are similar in appearance, but...
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we destroyed our education system, because that teaching your own people is expensive, why? they have been accustomed since the end of the second world war to outbid the best minds, why goto, their logic is simple, why invest their own, if you can take the indians, they are ready to buy, there are no nuances there.
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servant in the english man club in these english ones, remember the titanic, when the gentlemen leave, smoke cigars, they still have this culture, all the servants are black, because this is racism, this is how it is, when i
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had relationships with blacks in general very good always, why, they are something similar to us, not similar externally, it’s just the opposite story, but internally it’s similar, the more... they lied about me on tv, the less they believed in it, because the state constantly deceives them, america constantly lies to them, so they they said that they scold her so much, and some experts predict that this is a lie, it will someday creep out in the sense that there will be some protests, do you believe in some , there will be a revolution in america, there will be, in america there will be an absolute revolution, but it will not be connected with ideological reasons, it will be connected there will be a redistribution. now look what is happening, now there is a very large breakdown of old and new money, old money is large, large financial corporations, banks, pharmaceuticals and everything else, the so-called black rock, yes, there is new money, just don’t be deceived yet, this is still not soon,
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because the old money is the same investors from wall street who invest in these it companies, this is a story about the fact that you... will now come to silicon valley, and complete bullshit awaits you there, because that without starting capital you will not start nothing, but the start-up capital is given by wall street, which means they will own you, and you will be a puppet, well, just hired employees like in mcdonald's, the system is the same, that they have a high in the park, moreover, coming back to this famous character of yours, whom we will mention today, to the party. they kicked him, he broke his leg , he called an american ambulance, the american ambulance came and took him, treated him and said
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25 greens, 25 thousand dollars in greens, he said, how can this be, i’m great? well, many familiar faces are visible here, yes, that is, politicians are also puppets, in which case the question is, who is the puppeteer? and this is
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a great question, in every program that you watch, i crawl, get close to this puppeteer. i’ll explain it this way, and not, again, it’s like good or bad, don’t try to put our pattern on their logic, the fact is that we have a system, in itself, it doesn’t matter whether it’s russian or belarusian, it’s hierarchical, we have the leader, and we are the ones who follow him, we have a shepherd, well this is already biblical, yes, there is a herd, this does not mean that the herd is stupid, but... we follow the leader, our whole system is built this way, they have this system like an octopus, it is structural, so when we try to say the world the government, as we imagine it, well, there’s a round table and they’re sitting there, that means the bourgeoisie, that’s not right, or there are three
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fat men, that’s not right, they have a system, it’s networked, let’s do this, imagine that our control system. this is a comet, a bright star and a huge tail, and their system is like the solar system, with even in the absence of the sun, that is, with these different gravities, that is, the planet is gaining strength , elements are attracted to it, the planet is gaining strength, a number of objects are attracted to it, this is their system, so it is very difficult for us to evaluate it, now this is what i began to tell you what... america will be connected with a revolution with the redistribution of old money, which were big planets, but planets like us for americans will be very difficult to understand among the statistics, but we understand, over time the planet. there are just say elon musk - is this a new comet? no, elon musk receives contracts from the pentagon, drawing strings,
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you begin to see that in general it’s all a bird of a feather, all these politicians, so i’m glad that now a certain epiphany is happening in society, well, it’s still happening, yes is this in the us or just here, no, they have become stupid, they have eaten, forgive your brains, chicken wings so much that this is already.
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before the navukou. gets from the old school of kruger know about minsk and love our watches. darechy, hi im the point.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest, state duma deputy, public figure, journalist maria butina. let's talk about the state duma, we also recently began to occupy high political positions, public figures, those people who proved themselves, including in the twentieth year, does working in the duma help you? i made a decision when to get elected in general, it was not easy, i’ll say right away, ladies, it’s not easy at all, because at that moment i was normal. god bless margarita simonyan, because she by the way, the first public figure in general who donated money
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to my lawyer, when de facto, as if they almost abandoned me, but there was no money at all, my family is not very rich, and my boyfriend, everything that i was stolen, well, i wrote about it in the book, but how it was, well, that’s how we women are, so we are loved, so we need them to be here, and then we don’t want to believe it, well, okay, it was and was, state i think why? i decided to try myself there, was elected in the kirov region, she gives me very big opportunities to help people, and i believe that this is my life mission. in america, in the alexandria prison there was a gas leak three times, according to the protocol, prisoners are simply taken into the crankcases, all of them are evacuated, and the locks are electronic, that is, if something explodes or you simply suffocate, no one cares, according to the protocol they shut up, well, just they're gassing me, in short, so i understand, i'm standing in the middle. cameras, solitary confinement, and i think, here i am 30 years old, i wanted to celebrate the original thirtieth anniversary, i celebrated it, so be careful
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in my desires, and i stand in the middle of the cell and think how it’s been 30 years, that’s all, i feel sorry for my parents, the second moment, which i was very much like, how come i haven’t done anything good for the country, so i remembered this feeling, and this was my farewell to life, because i, well... i think, well, everything kind of stinks of gas, i want to sleep, i don’t know, since then i ’ve been back, i realized that i have to something... then it’s easier to do with the state duma with a deputy mandate, i hope i will be useful to it within the framework of the union state, because i i’ve seen in just a few days, since i ’ve been here, a lot of things that i would like to adopt as experience from belarus, many managerial things are interesting to me through the parliamentary line... they don’t pass quickly, then
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other people are already working there, that’s for me now they said on maz, that is, everything the president says is straight forward, and there is no hanging around inside bureaucratic journals. i ’m now talking more about comparing two state systems, belarus and russia, and what i learned from you is not even with from the point of view of parliament, in principle, within the framework of the union state within the framework of some ministries and governments, students, so i hope that in the near future i really hope. i won’t be able to visit the brest fortress, and it’s impossible not to visit the brest fortress, there is an enterprise, there are places that i should visit next, because this time i will definitely visit, but the first day i was definitely the memorial complex hotel, and this is very strong, i can't talk about magnificence because it's wrong word, but the museum that was opened is gorgeous,
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the museum is truly emotional, it’s to the depths of the soul, how... this is just a low bow to you, huge gratitude, i wrote this in my cart when the president gave instructions to open the museum and create it , he said that this should be such a place that your heart breaks, it turned out that way, especially you know that the white room, so you go through all this and the stream, of course, here is a bloody stream, that is, you, i caught myself to think, i couldn’t step on the glass, that is, i couldn’t, very they say that this is a difficult test...
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lives were wasted in vain, so you stand on khatyn and understand that you must not forget, especially since we now have such a common mournful date, unfortunately, which will not give us forget, but you know, there is still one date that will unite us with another people, a very proud people, the only, i would say, people in europe now, which... in the future, surrounded by nato countries , did not break, these are the serbs, after all , there are bombings on march 25, we all need to hold on together, i see their strength, i see your strength, i know our strength, and my friends, this is the only way, and this is our main secret, we know how to stick together, by the way, about the secret, i’ll give you
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a hint, perhaps the burl box is yours , so let’s say, in the image and likeness there is a box from the scandinavian countries, but the person who made it was blind, and well , he foresaw some kind of secret mechanism, which of you, tanya with us for dexterity riddles, look, by the way, i i’m not afraid to put it in your hands, because unlike male engineers, you won’t break it physically, and i won’t lose it, try it, there’s still a little hint there, it’s better to put it, because it’s still a box, yeah, well, if the person was blind, then you need to act by touch, right, obviously, well, there are no buttons, there are no buttons , oh, you are in my memory, i’m telling you seriously, everyone, everyone to whom i brought something like this, the first
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person who figured out how to do it, he was blind, that’s why there is... i tried to pick it up for you for your studio there won’t be any contradictions here it’s just great we had guests with gifts, books and some of our products, but to get into the interior, only a girl could feel us so subtly that we would need it, tatyana shcherbina. victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, maria butina is speaking now. dear comrades, dear belarusians, dear friends, this is my first time here in minsk, i feel our soul, let’s stick together, let’s just say, keep it up comrades, we will defeat everyone, only together. maria, well, i’ll ask you to leave your autograph and some
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a wish for us, our viewers, i will leave an autograph. perhaps, here in the corner, and my main wish would be that you have a wonderful name for the program, tell me, don’t be silent, and i’ll add here this three and that... and i’ll say, i’ll write nothing but the truth, in fact, that in your program and they do, thank you.
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and she was in the village with my relatives, she felt unwell, why do i really want to cry again, it’s understandable in your situation, 12 o’clock, the whole staff of the department is coming to me. to the meeting, except for you, by it was the doctor’s fault that the x-ray unit was out of order, so i sensed the enemy in her heart, lil, samuilovna, solya, this is with you, just don’t yell, otherwise the police will come running, they’ll quickly judge you and me, we need to run after your dogs, they will take the trail, you need to give something to wear so that... what kind of guests, all wet and torn, come with me, i will sew you up, watch the series, i will be back on the belarus 24 tv channel, not even
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3 hours have passed since the elections , on the website of the us state department a statement appears about the fictitiousness of the elections, the european union used exactly the same term in assessing our elections. this is stupidity, inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, they are simply enemies, their assessments have nothing to do with either the law or the real processes that are happening in our country, they set the task: overthrowing alexander lukashenko, bringing their puppets to power , a complete change in our political regime, repression of patriotic forces, separation of belarus from russia. this the collective lukashenko, about whom they talk so much now, that is, mass support for the policy, the course that is being pursued, is institutionalized in the form of an all-belarus people's assembly. elections are a test for the authorities, a test for political parties,
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for the entire electoral system, and a test for citizens on their consciousness. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.


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