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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 1:05pm-2:01pm MSK

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we show on the territory of our preschool educational institution there is an ecological trail, an ecological trail with various stops, this is a weather station, a flower bed, an oak, a spruce, a green pharmacy, a vegetable garden, the pupils all know about these stops, each stop is marked with a specific sign, there are their own garden bed, where they plant tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, and... more than twenty green associations have been opened in kindergartens in the minsk region; pupils are taught to take care of nature and take care of its biodiversity. the children also take part in environmental events and help with landscaping and landscaping. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 on our air, all the best.
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on the air, a weekly socio-political talk show, in essence, today, without jokes, we will talk about what worries everyone, about our comfortable life in our... clean, well-groomed country, on whom it depends, who is more responsible for road repairs, for cleanliness in yards, citizens or states, we will talk about other subtleties today, as always in the studio kirill kazakov and alena syrova, in studio, our experts, as always, you can join our program, ask any question that concerns you, share your opinion, there is a qr code at the bottom of the screen, please point your smartphone screen at it and... go to the chat on our
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youtube channel , well, in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel, where you can find out more about what we think behind the scenes, i’ll probably start like this, i turned this pyramid upside down, because well, usually how people suffer, how do they think it’s that they have no roads, no the elevators are running, they don’t pick up the trash, well , it’s always like this, they go where, they go to the local authorities, they go... somewhere higher, they write to journalists, help, film, figure it out, i’m on my instagram for the weekend i wrote such a post because i see that, for example, in minsk, where you and i live, they have been cleaning since march 11, they are cleaning there, they are planting trees, bushes, everything is as it should be, everything is fine, i have a question, who is doing this , and uh, we sort of conducted a small survey on the street, we just walked around and asked if you were ready to go out on a cleanup day, if no one told you, didn’t force you, didn’t ask, didn’t work at
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the enterprise, and many came to such an amazing conclusion: i don’t get paid for this, i won’t do it. the president literally a few weeks ago, saying that well , yes, indeed in minsk it is necessary to clean up, patch up the potholes in the courtyards, on the roads, this is such a normal belarusian tradition every spring to put the city and not only ours, all the cities of belarus in order, he said even such a formula: 98% is that the state, enterprise, companies, that is, the state, which serves must clean up and 2% are people. maybe he meant business, or maybe he meant us, all belarusians, because well, again, let's think about dog walkers who don't clean up after themselves, people who throw away trash cans, people who throw away bottles from the window, it ’s all cigarette butts, it’s all flying, lying around, it’s all the snow coming off, spring shows who did what where, this is really not good, but the question arises, on the one hand, here are our citizens, i’ll call it consumer extremism, they sometimes demand this... you
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must do it, you must remove it, on the other hand, sometimes we are faced with real problems, because well, these are purely journalistic questions, why has our asphalt not been in place for 2-3 years, yes, why our road markings don’t last for 2-3 years, many complain about the climate, well, you look at norway, and everything seems to be fine there, such questions arise as if at the journalistic level, the everyday level, but sometimes it’s understandable, like with this should be and how to find a compromise and what will we end up with in the year of quality, we we're talking about quality, let's talk, oleg vladimirovich, since we all live in minsk, the first question is for you, but the question is simple, every year we carry out this cleaning, every year the mayor flies by helicopter, you go with him by rail drive, the heads of administration are watching, every day we see trees being planted, but at the same time, every year i understand that the trees were planted last year. the yards were patched last year,
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the year before last, that’s where this problem lies, we really have such a climate, or something is wrong, well, good afternoon. to plant a tree, relatively speaking, so there is something to strive for, and in order to really, we can say that the children of asphalt live here, yes, in order to have more greenery, more oxygen, that ’s why these plantings are planted, well, of course , i just wanted to say,
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of course, the same events that take place in the winter, when we sprinkle the roads with a sand-salt mixture in order to ensure that people are not... slippery on pedestrian connections, this also gives its own result, in the same time we have carried out a number of activities, but this will be an understanding somewhere, probably by may or june, where we have selected several points according to which we will look at the reagents that can be used and how we can protect certain green spaces in order for the future, but you know, i’ll add a fly in the ointment to your green theme, so...
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last year, on the eve of the spring season , we were trying to figure out a lot in general, we were talking about how to help the state, maybe even somewhere, well focus attention where something is needed i, as an ordinary citizen , last year applied to 115 several times , to be honest. the reaction came only after i contacted the district administration directly, and this year i’m conducting the same experiment, i also contacted 115, so far there’s silence, but we understand perfectly well that if you want, you can get through by phone, that’s what i was talking about kirill,
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go to the very top, i don’t know, to the most important thing , our parliamentary executive authorities, thank god, each resolve their own issue, but this shows that... mm, rather all in all, the system is failing somewhere, that’s where? well , it’s hard to say, in fact, if we call 115, we understand perfectly well, and we are given a report that there are operators there, the operator may misunderstand the problem, but he will ask again, but let’s say, there is a certain link in the chain until it gets to performer, they can distort everything in an incomprehensible way, so this is my guess, but in fact, as for the roads directly that... you indicated, well , maybe for information, in our city in general minsk has 1,377 streets, the area of ​​which is, well, let’s say, about 20 million square meters, and uh, at once, or there,
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relatively speaking, within a week, which means that we, of course, do these pothole repairs, which in the winter we we can’t do it, no matter how much we want, even what you ’re saying, we also carried out... a certain experiment - in terms of completely replacing the coating and where they were scraped, and that’s not a little, but this winter we had about 100 zero crossings, plus precipitation, naturally there are certain defects in the road network, therefore, where there was a complete replacement of the coating, it worked well, where there are certain points, but at such a volume, well, unfortunately, yes there is a problem, but we strive to ensure that these applications that are received , well , unfortunately... it’s better directly than through an intermediary, then why do we need an intermediary? no, well, i mean that it doesn’t always reach the way we would like this information to reach, intermediaries, but the point is that to ask you a question in the field of engineering, well it is unlikely that you can, relatively speaking, answer,
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yes, or in electrical engineering, in energy supply, so this situation may happen here, but here is one point that directly concerns the operator, contact...
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with teams, educational institutions, fosters labor education in children,
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is attracted to work, yes, we have all this at will, we have the concept of socially useful work, these are the basic skills of self-care in a class group, this is cleaning the board, sweeping the classroom, what we had in our childhood, in soviet childhood, i found this period very grateful to the school for what it... the school taught me, because really that class teacher, i can now openly say, evgenia nikolaevna meleshka, who stood over us and said, press the broom with your hand, because you need sweep the floor well, it’s like with subbotniks, sometimes you need to force, and i ’m not afraid of this word, people need to show that if you haven’t cleaned up after the dog, you will clean up the subbotniks, but there are still such moments, for example, with regard to minsk, we have already held three cleanup days, which means
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that we are striving to interest the same children, so that these cleanup days are themed, we involve the state traffic inspectorate, we involve the ministry of emergency situations, the fauna of the city, which means a special autotrans commune that deals with waste and at the same time at the same time, we show various kinds of events during these cleanup days, well, yes, how these stories react to minsk, for example, they are also the global education system in the republic. the most important thing is that if the work in the team is organized correctly, only two bipolarity, teacher, student, the most important thing is that there were three unities: teacher, student are legal representatives, and in many teaching staff, if the teaching staff attracts parents and the parents willingly go for it, then believe me, in the family it is brought up and perceived correctly, but as you rightly said, it’s also greedy. yes, we have appeals to the ministry of education, why my child was put to work, or
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forced to clean the blackboard there, or sweep the classroom, we explain, we explain what is a regulatory document of the ministry of education, socially useful work, that teaching staff did everything right, because the example of a teacher or a legal representative of a parent is fundamental for a child, and there are still works, no one has canceled them, this is how things stand in your area with this story with
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involving schoolchildren? again, i don’t insist that this should be the case, but it seems to me that there is a certain thing when, well , children, like adults, need to be shown that they need to work to clean up after themselves, the country, it well, it won’t clean itself, someone will clean it up for your taxes, or you will sweep it up yourself, it seems to me that this is the right story, good evening everyone, in the deep and glubotsky region... a system has already been created, a joint decision has been made glubotsky executive committee and the district council of deputies on the assignment of all public places, all streets, all... monuments of all children's playgrounds to organizations, we have already established this, we do not update it, we have it all, so we constantly monitor it all , there aren't any there today moments that some will be there, some won’t, including schools, today parks, today playgrounds are assigned to schools, today they come out here, well, that’s how, for example, they say, here’s a video they showed how the kids we went to remove stones from the field,
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this was actually a shock for many, it ’s like children have stones in the field... what is it, well , they don’t remove them somewhere, but they help agriculture, today if you approach it like that , this is, if approached with some benefit, that it is beneficial or unprofitable, then well, it’s difficult, you know, maybe i want to dwell on the fact that deep down there is such a position, given that today is the year of quality, we are doing this, or it’s creating, say, jobs, or it’s doing some kind of business or something, we always approach... like this: how would your parents evaluate this act? here’s any business, or we sweep it, or we do it, or we’re on a collective farm today, it’s difficult to lift stones or something, you can walk like this, or you can do it like that, and we always evaluate it, so a workplace is created there, everything, as it were, leads to this your attitude parents would appreciate it positively, let’s go, if they don’t appreciate it, it means we are doing everything to make
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it happen, you know, i just think that it’s unfortunate, very unfortunate. and behind this it’s clean, because someone, for example, after a city day or some evening concert came to the center, saw how many people in orange robes were cleaning it up, this is an organization, an elementary example, i don’t like it, of course, but after 2020 , when some of our citizens went out in august and did lawlessness at night, did anyone wonder who would clean up after them?
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scattered flowerpots and broken blocks, these same people. in these yellow vests, andrei mikhailovich, well, here we are discussing, yes, stones, roads, green spaces and so on and so forth, last year, in my opinion , there was a figure that the most complaints, complaints in general for the residents of the country, just in terms of housing and communal services, what is the problem, one of the ones we mentioned above, or maybe you will voice some other one, number one for today, considering, good afternoon, first, considering our...
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question is that it needs to be repaired annually year, everything is impossible, all districts have work plans that they form based on the condition of courtyard areas, residential buildings, look, i’ll return the question to its beginning, okay, we live south of norway, well, it doesn’t seem right to me, alena for the second year in a row it shows the same hole, that is , it turns out that it was done, next year they do it again, and then they will do it again, so the question arises again, well, i gave an example, you can buy. sneakers for 100 rubles, but buy three pairs of them within six months, and you can buy one pair of sneakers, wear them out in 2 years, here the question arises: this is a family budget, you can spend as much as you like, why isn’t this done with asphalt, why wasn’t it laid right away and it sits there for 3 years, you practically summed up the topic yourself just with my monologue, that we have come to the conclusion that we are increasingly
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using concrete, the repair intervals for concrete are higher than those for asphalt and concrete, that is, its corresponding use is growing, i plan in the same way. in its further use, if you pay attention to there are many courtyard areas, on driveways, on driveways, where we use it in the form of tiles and so on, so work on improvement is underway, complaints are being collected, as you said, on the quality of materials that are used for tactile tiles and so on, then there are those moments that are problematic, they are immediately localized, sent by the manufacturer, that is, work in this direction is constantly being carried out, to say that no one is doing or analyzing this is impossible to say, as for what concerns, you are talking about what to do everything at once, there are work plans, people on the ground know what. the courtyard area really needs repairs today, first of all, are you sure that they know, people on the ground know, they have this subjective opinion, then ask every second person, he will say, my yard is bad, of course it’s bad. no, the point is that our people, here we are holding meetings with the population, we need to go to people more and show what we are doing, i agree with you, we need to talk to people when we come to people and
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start telling at a meeting with population, let’s say in a village council or in some area of ​​the city, and we explain that in a neighboring yard or street we have built so many kilometers of road network, we have created so many courtyard areas, people are interested specifically in their yard, where they live, the fact that we sadden them completely, it ’s called envy, it’s a normal human feeling, well, what’s absolutely perfect here. often , when we go into one yard and do it well and efficiently, we receive a huge number of requests from neighboring yards, why didn't do it with us? we then explain that this is an older house, the yard area was worse, and so on, there are lists that we work on, to do as you say, we submitted the application, yes, there are costs that everyone needs to consider today, that is there is a year of quality, where we are doing well, but we also need to consider the economy, behind everything there must be an economy first of all, and today we cannot run the same machine around to fulfill requests and scattered police officers.
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don’t fly into space in the literal sense of the word, well , if it’s in your yard, roughly speaking a mess, then in general people will not be happy about space and so on, anyway , we have come to the point that people are concerned about these small issues first, and then about some global goals, if we get stuck from the year per year, we are talking about the fact that somewhere the system is slipping, i in no way doubt your competence there...
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i don’t know how it is in the city of minsk, but in regional centers it was everywhere, there were cleaning schedules stairwells, between, say, in our house, there were four apartments on the floor, i cleaned, the staircase was cleaned and two flights of stairs were cleaned, and no one was indignant, we children at that time helped our parents and went out to sweep, mother...
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i’m telling you again, just last week there was a poll on the streets of minsk, tell me, are you ready to go out on a cleanup day? , every second person said, no, i’m not ready, i pay taxes, i want them to clean my taxes, so we said behind the scenes, cleaning the entrance is a ruble. what can we say about cleaning the entrance, if every year in the winter, when there is heavy snowfall, we are faced with crooked faces, excuse me and reactions to the fact that they were asked to clear the snow or, at best, just drive it away so that the equipment could simply pass, so the question here is that probably our society, on some such altruistic principles, is not yet ready for this, perhaps we people have already been accustomed to this, on the one hand.
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they won’t steal it, instead of not removing enough, the windshield won’t be removed, the car has a lot of free parking spaces in the parking lots, so the yards would be empty and everything would be fine, so let’s designate it this way, that it seems to me that the problem is, roughly speaking, candy wrappers lying around.
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there, absolutely, probably, yes, i will say, because, probably, so, well, the whole west, yes, today, yes, i understand that the border with brest, grodno, brest, they somehow always probably stood out in this parts, and for us it has always been fundamental that, when entering the western gates of our country, it should probably be purely neat, therefore, on the one hand, what we discussed are utility companies, yes, which.
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from the window for leaving trash in the recreation area after barbecues, fines for leaving excrement after walking their dogs, and for janitors to conscientiously clean the area, fines, so people, when i met as a confidant, they said, we really need to fine, so fine, fine, so that it can be seen on the cameras, also somehow, here you are, as the head of the city, are you ready to simply and actually fine people for not cleaning up after themselves, especially dog ​​owners,
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it concerns, everyone gives an example, there is singapore, there threw the gum, you, maybe we have this, frankly, i’d probably say yes, because first with a stick, and then with a carrot, you will get the desired result. if today we’re practically in the city, i’ll say in brest , we’ve probably organized about a dozen places there for walking dogs, they are actively used, then in the perimeter, so to speak, of individual courtyards, when the same utility services come to notice, well, excuse me, maybe...
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we have enough gru-cameras to identify the violator, and even charge him with a fine, for starters, how to indicate this first , and then still, you can still start somewhere necessary to guide. the police will say thank you, here as one of the options, let’s say , again, as for minsk, it means that literally the year before last the minsk city council network made a decision, these are the same pests, let’s call them that, who paint with spray cans and so on then, in a hundredfold amount, i bought one little thing for 5 rubles, drew it in order to paint over the wall, well, having received a hundredfold amount of what the utilities incurred, what costs did they incur, viktor pavlovich, i have a question about this topic, but a little bit still not this one. here in the summer, student teams are formed, and there are a lot of guys who stay, the so-called service teams, who help clean up, just in your opinion, this is a story, it helps you understand that when you go, for example,
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to remove stones, this is also work, but it’s as if they don’t pay money for it, but you get something else, you know, yes, that the units are in demand, they have been revived, if at first... it was difficult for the youth, because they did not understand what it was, now they are in demand, based on the results of 2023 year, almost 51,500 young people worked in student teams, and they really felt what it was like to earn their first salary with their work, and many guys work all summer, yes there are breaks that they must observe, but they work ...
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about this yes, it was a pennant, on the one hand, you know, this is such feedback in soviet times, because we, well, only they were red, but on the other hand, we did it, they taught us here, well, i understand, the just question is , as far as this story is concerned, it is now it works, well, i really say it, because now, it seems to me, the whole society is very mercantilized to the fullest , krillo vladimirovich, so this is the result of what we have, as i already said. is being done today in our country, headed by a deputy, the sanitation station, ecology, specialists, we go around every street, we outline plans, because that year, the next year, we have about seventy families, well, single ones, even if
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he broke down, he no one will do it, we do it at the expense of the budget, so this is a contribution is being done, this is what we are summing up in the fall , every village council, every yard, every street, today this is the result of what we are doing, in the winter we too... look, after all, just like in minsk, we can talk about that yes, we really have a lot of streets, a lot of courtyards, a lot of people live, it’s clear that we are really saying, there are potholes there, the asphalt is broken, something else is missing, in small towns how do people react to this , they also say, well, no, there is also, for example, a pit there, they complain about the pits, well, i understand that they are probably complaining. of course, there are people there too, like in minsk, they also want to live, more or less in civilization, but we don’t wait, as i already said, so we go around, today we help housing and communal services at the expense of the budget, we bought a car that sweeps today , you know, somehow
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there was such a position, when at the beginning there are these people with brooms, sweeping, you can, as you said, force, so the team come out and sweep, so we will force you, but today we helped, paid the fee budget for lysine, we bought a car, we are in deep trouble today...
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a children's playground, i'll tell it like it is, for example, for me this is not relevant, i don't have children, so if i have a playground, i won't, i'm absolutely as if, well , this is such a position, but for him, but for him it's relevant, and for some people out there this area for walking dogs is more relevant, that is, here’s how, how to decide, perhaps i’ll say, from the spot, as a manager who only yesterday worked in the field, how interesting it is that people’s approach changes when they participate financially in any construction project in any object, or did something yourself, oh what do we say when we buy complexes.
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not just principles, but priorities, probably not one deep approach, we have a deep approach to us, no one will go to restore order, no one, even if they go, they should help, we must do it all ourselves, we have it, how lucky you are , in minsk they think that we pay taxes, everyone owes us, but we think that we ourselves owe it all, these are citizens, what can we do, and people want it, and people write, people take part in subbotniks, for what? the most active thing to do is to clean up the trash, okay, maybe they don’t want it that way, here’s a tree?
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yes, it exists today in minsk, it’s called green yard together, yes, you can apply for 112, sign up for landing and they will provide 112, not 115, i won’t 112, and they will provide the territory, well, from the twenty- ninth there were 73 a tree was planted, for what period, this is for spring, first of spring, in one month 73 trees 73 de expressed a desire. 112 people, 73 were imprisoned, i
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’ll tell you, for a city of two million - it’s so -so, it’s not about anything at all, it’s so-so, it’s not about anything, i completely agree with you, while that over 4,000 trees and 22 thousand shrubs will be planted in the courtyard areas, so let’s say there is plenty of front for this work, here is oleg vladimirovich, so we now started talking about the fact that if you invested yourself, yes, then you , you will probably treat it a little differently, here in minsk, for example, there is a very... obvious story, when with residential complexes, for example, housing complexes, they belong to the association of owners, it seems like they throw off all theirs there to collect, there is a difference between what is on the balance sheet, for example, of the state. treat what i also said, that only together we can restore order, and this is absolutely not a slogan, and the head of state indicated that it is necessary to involve the population as much as possible in
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the improvement of courtyard areas, so if we do this, it means we have already distributed the schedule and determined it. which exists throughout the city, from april to august we will go around every yard and talk with the population about this topic, we will look at what people want, what they strive for, exactly the same situation, let's say we have such a good tradition in the city, you probably know that twice a year, this is on independence day, on the birthday of the city, each district, which means it provides two recreation areas, and we have those 45 already, which means these recreation areas.
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for example, regarding landscaping and so on and so forth, perhaps this is an omission of journalists, including ours, that we don’t talk about it so much, and we don’t tell so often where to get equipment, but it seems to me that if this it was visual accessible to a person, yes, that i can go without looking for a conditionally
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responsible person running around the yard, but i know where i can go, get this rake, then maybe there would be more people willing, so maybe you somehow ask this question. first of all, of course, there must be motivation and motivation here , both ideological and material, it takes place, and for myself i see that when you involve our citizens in all the processes of public utilities, it is financially, and even the return from this is greater. i will give an example using the example of, so to speak, housing and communal services, which in within the framework of the tariff, yes, our houses are serviced by housing and communal services, an association of owners, where for every sneeze the chairman calls a meeting, collects money, let's do it, in the housing and communal services service there is no such thing, we essentially perform the same functions that they do, and for the money that we collect, so maybe
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today this parity can first be changed, so that people understand that what the housing and communal services service does practically at the expense of budgetary funds, or for...
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it is necessary, no matter where you live, i will say that within the framework of this we have 115 for the last for six months there was a small surge in the cooperative, where we closed the garbage chutes, everything was welded around the city, today we have one hundred percent collection through containers on the street, and people made noise, and in some places it is understandable inconvenience, but nevertheless today we came to the conclusion that we have increased waste collection, and recycling, and people today are accustomed to the fact that there is a site, there is today... to have, well, probably, negativity or dissatisfaction, but this also comes with the realization that this is probably better, more profitable for services and for
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citizens. anatoly viktorovich, here you are, well, already in the new composition of parliament, do you plan to adopt any laws, either toughening, for example, punishments, this is what we said about the same dogs and garbage, or, on the contrary, encouraging that if a person takes any part in the same cleanup or cleaning or landscaping, he... will receive something more, that’s what we’re talking about now, that is, if you involve a person in some, well, let’s say, financial component of all this improvement, he and will give more returns. i agree completely with my colleague, we need people involve and correctly said that there are many ways, how and if this is needed at the legislative level, then the house of representatives will consider all issues, as our chairman of the house of representatives igor petrovich says, if you criticize.
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were you asked questions about housing and communal services when the order was given? regarding housing and communal services, yes, there were questions, but i’ll tell you, i was the one who ran for the twenty-second district of dokshevo, this includes three districts, this is dokshevo, glubokoe iimiorsky district, there were no questions at all for glubokoe district, there was one of the following questions the most pressing issue is the replacement of the vehicle fleet, the bus fleet throughout the city, but it is really outdated, it needs to be changed according to the major issues.
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and it was completed in a short time and they called me back personally, it happened at night, and they personally called me back at 12 at night, they asked that everything was really fine, everything was done, but indeed it was, i think that this did not concern the current repairs. no one here will object to this , but the base probably still needs some work, what innovations does it plan
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to introduce? first of all in the year-quality we let's start monitoring all of our requests, reviewing them in more detail, so that they are completed on time and with high quality, that is, this is what the state requires of us, we will continue to do this, we will continue to involve our population and work for the good, well , okay, how to involve, here we go again ? persuade, convince, coerce, punish, speak by your own example, yes, and, again, by personal example, the republican subbotnik, well, in general, yes, it’s no secret, there the head of state also attracts journalists, including for the purpose of that we trees were planted, but i think that in the company of the head of state, every citizen of belarus would be willing to plant trees, the problem is that not every citizen...
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has been built for years, i’ll give you just one figure: every year we are renovating, more than 1,600 courtyard areas in residential buildings are being overhauled, this work is planned annually, that is, it is built, then we will attract the population, further develop this, but the work is underway, when we talk about that today, the media information, you will notice how much negativity is in our direction, but there is a hole here, there is bad asphalt, we see that there is
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negativity, we do not show the good, that is, a reproach on your side, which also needs to be shown. year, if you remember, an entire political campaign was launched precisely to show what had not been completed, it turns out that these people, they are just showing rickety fences, holes in the yards, unpainted inscriptions, this is exactly... and yet he says, look, the authorities are not finalizing their work, you say everything correctly, there is system, there is work. there is footage of the roads that we are building, but those who want to fight with us, and we are going into the twenty-fifth year, the presidential year, they will put pressure and beat on this, when sometimes they tell journalists, they don’t show it, that’s where they show it, let us tell you better, show you, you are right, someone doesn’t notice, journalists try to notice, here, you know how it happens, the good is just familiar, the bad we have to
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talk about it, that’s what we say, yes we need to get people out... to be strong, if we are afraid of someone, something, today in the depths there is also such a position, as i already said, a commission has been created that goes to raise the shortcomings, today there is garbage, there is a landfill somewhere, if this is critical material being published in the newspaper, accordingly, then it’s not that we ’re afraid there, it’s so easy it seems, to get around all this, but then, as you said, it will come out and then it will be even more painful, so we’d better...


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