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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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remains here purely symbolically, applause, thank you very much, very nice. igor alexandrovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your questions. i will ask one question to everyone at once, please tell me, do you have a dream? i have a dream of becoming a great artist, because i am learning to draw, i am promoting this cause. my dream is to finish all 11 classes with excellent marks and enter a prestigious school. igor alexandrovich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. so, doctor and scientist,
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head of the department of infectious diseases belarusian state medical university igor aleksandrovich karpov, i’ll ask you to stay here. igor alexandrovich, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? well, probably the damned hippocrates, these are questions related to the virus of love. today you managed to answer 67 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? why not? i address our audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? who thinks yes raise a hand. why do you think so? i believe that igor alexandrovich answered very sincerely, and this was heard in his voice. knows
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the answers to all questions, he answered frankly, he went into a lot of detail, even about his personal life, so it was very inviting and it was clear that he was sincere in all aspects. igor aleksandrovich answered each question as thoroughly as possible, and also a person who works with people’s health, he cannot lie about it. who thinks that our guest was cunning and did not finish speaking? lift up hand. igor aleksandrovich, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. you know, it’s not always such a blessing to talk to children like this, despite the cameras, it’s very sincerely very interesting, so thank you very much.
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you can love him, you can stand with him, he can give you something, his whole family left for america a long time ago, at any moment he, an accomplished artist with successful exhibitions and sales of his paintings behind him, could have done this. all over the world, i once went to america, i lived on the hawaiian islands, and god immediately gave me: if you want happiness, you have happiness, try what it is, what this earthly happiness is, i tried it, i realized it’s not the same, having become a believer at the age of 16, in the distant seventies in his ninth year, he accepted his path with all its pros and cons, and as an adult, he found his destiny, to help the weak, the disadvantaged without...
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it’s funny to us that someone feeds the homeless, the homeless , but when you yourself become homeless , walk under my entrance and in the neighboring one former store. candidate of sciences who wrote the book, he is homeless now, most people turn away from those whom he helps, and he, seeing this, says in response: don’t promise, no one knows what will happen to you in old age, there are different people on the street , this is not a cat or a dog, this is a man, no matter how bad, unsuccessful he may be, and so on, he is a man, god created him just like us, alexander chernitsky, an artist, a believer, a philanthropist, a man who has already 27 has been feeding the homeless and poor for years, he is sure only through helping the weak and needy are great souls raised, or that same generosity that is so lacking in our
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time. so literally 2 minutes and we will have a lesson, yura, hello, we’ve already finished, yes, okay, good afternoon, okay, good, glad to see you all, please have a seat, every weekend. it begins exactly like this for many decades: addresses changed, people changed, volunteers left and came, support groups appeared and disappeared, but invariably, for the past 27 years , alexander has been feeding the homeless and poor people, at the beginning before lunch, according to
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established tradition, a bible lesson. many people, reading the holy scripture, found meaning in their lives, they found new paths, but... for most of these people who come here to eat, warm up, get some things, the holy scripture is something very distant and incomprehensible, but alexander patiently month after month, year after year does not tire of talking about god and quoting the psalter: 90%. he thinks that you would rather finish sasha so that i can eat, but i’ll tell you, that 10% listen, i will say that some homeless people begin to attend church, no matter protestant, catholic or orthodox, they begin to move towards god, they change, they socialize, they
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begin to work, they begin to rent apartments, rooms, they have a foundation and a spiritual core, which is why it is very important in my dining room... to give people a spiritual preparation for the table, others arrive. vladislav and the foundation. while the lecture is going on and only volunteers tatyana is here for the third time, before that they helped with food and medicine, with with the onset of cold weather, acquaintances, friends, neighbors, together with other caring people, collected warm clothes and brought them here. you know, at first, maybe a person has such feelings that if i help someone, i will thereby help myself. but over time, when you do it all the time, you do it, some kind of, probably some kind of transformation happens, and you are already doing it selflessly, you just do it from the heart and do it, selfless help to your neighbor, it would seem, what the mission may
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be more worthy and noble, but any volunteer at least once, but came across statements from the outside, like they found someone to help, drunks are homeless, send them all to work and that’s it. with the end, and how many times alexander had to hear something like this over decades of work cannot be counted. it’s funny to us that someone feeds the homeless, the homeless, but when you yourself become homeless, they walk under my entrance and in the neighboring store, exes, a candidate for u, he’s homeless now, but he was a celebrity, he wrote a book, he had property, several apartments, so he showed photographs of everything. he is a drunkard, so the person who laughs simply does not understand how much god can turn his life around. alexander can write a book about the stories of people who find themselves on the street. there are former afghans, old people who were kicked out of the door by their own children,
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and husbands who nobly transferred all their property to their wives after a divorce; it’s unlikely that any of these people ever imagined that they would end up on the street and be happy with a plate of hot food, at least... charity recognizes the pain and suffering of another person anyone who has come face to face with them in their life can understand. among such people was elena at one time. she lived abroad for a long time, and then returned to her homeland in belarus. the husband stayed in another country and did not give up the children. because this is depression, when you have voices in your head, in order for all this to stop, i took pills, i took them, but god. he saved me, they pumped me out, and he told me, it’s not time for you to die, there’s still a very long
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way to go, and you need to help a lot of people, look, there are 10 people, each of them has a cut finger, one hurts like this, one hurts like that, one hurts differently, but they all hurt, and i realized that there is no one else’s pain. elena took over the documentation, financial reporting, and organizational issues, because feeding the homeless is only part of the project. many people who come to the canteen here are helped to fill out documents, get medicine, and even find a roof over their heads in a nursing home. you see who needs what, someone can be refused, because that you know that this is a person, but he does not need. and i tell you right away that i don’t feel sorry for these people, i just love them.
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our every trip to palessa is a genuine cultural-historical expedition, we went out to this hill, which is large, and then we saw that somewhere we could stop, build houses, a forest nearby, well, it turned out like joy from this word joy, and so on ...
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between wrexham and sheffield united the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is clear even for players who do not distinguish colors, what exactly what is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl.
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sasha, then we bring it, she is in a difficult situation, of course, for one basic one, she bought a huge complex, but she does not have the means to restore it, so that the commission will accept it and so that she can do more. could expand the work, so she called me, she needs about 15 toilets, shower trays, wallpaper, linoleum, various building materials, so that the only building that is still suitable for living is rehabilitated, completed and so that it can accommodate more people. alexander admits that there are
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a considerable number of people who spend their time and money helping disadvantaged people. when a man in gold rings drives up in an expensive car to peel several buckets of potatoes in the kitchen for lunch for the homeless, sasha says this is their personal conversation with higher powers, and i understand them. his own dialogue with god began a lot years ago, back in soviet times. alexander's family - real representatives of the belarusian intelligentsia - had a large library at home. among sasha's favorite authors was dostoevsky. everywhere in his works he left pieces of quotation from the gospels, they terrorized my soul, when i read these passages, they hooked me, and i wanted to get the whole gospel and read it. and i had a childhood friend, i told him: “i want to get the gospel.” i don't know where this book is. it was '79. and he said to me: “does my mother have the gospel?” and so she gave it to me for 3 days
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an old, thick gospel, published before the revolution with the slavic ones. in letters yat, she captivated me, she hooked me, i found simply amazing teachings of christ, i realized that this was something that i had been missing for my 16 years. since then, the life of a sixteen-year-old boy has changed dramatically, as well as the life of his entire family. the father held a high position, was a member of the party, and the fact that his son became a believer in those years meant the end of his career. it happened. and alexander himself had a hard time. seven times he unsuccessfully applied for painting at the minsk theater and art institute, as soon as the commission found out that the guy was a believer and was not a member of the komsomol, he was, as they say, cut down in the exam. alexander went to what was then leningrad and, as a free listener, attended lectures at the famous repin academy of arts. he still became an artist. his paintings are now successfully
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sold, including abroad. this is his bread, his way of... immersing and dissolving, he helps me, he saves me. many of alexander’s paintings depict not only biblical scenes, but also children. this is a tribute to memories, the very beginning of his story as a philanthropist. ninety-five years old, returning home, sasha sees two street children at his entrance. then there was
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a moment of such poverty when we found many children stealing and washing cars. rich people, they sniffed glue, begged, that is, i live in the center of the city, i constantly watched them when i went to the store, bought food for myself, and it hurt me, of course, to see these hungry children, i sometimes felt like a criminal, that i'm going to buy dry sausage, there's good food there, and these children wash other people's cars, so in order to get some pennies, alexander took those two boys to his home, it turned out they were brothers, there were six of them in the family and... everyone was homeless. after a while, i found four more and opened a private orphanage for children. one children were replaced by others. in 1997, in a canteen on brovka street, alexander fed the first hundred street children. the project has not stopped since then. over time, the problem of homeless children was solved.
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foster families and guardianship institutions appeared. and here the problem of homeless adults remained, it turned out that there was such a thing. a charity canteen is needed just as it was more than 20 years ago; we need not only food, but also warmth, attention, and of course, hope. if you remember, we had this andryusha chernozhukov, maybe someone remembers him, he got a job at a factory, yes, he got a hostel and felt great, then i brought him here, showed him, i said, guys, look at him, see, look, what car is worth understand that there is one for all of you. possibility of something to change in your life there should only be some kind of foundation for you, some kind of push, some kind of motivation, for each of these people, alexander tries to find that very... motivation or push. sasha says: these are people, sometimes degenerate, drinking, weak, but people, and even if the majority of those around him will
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say the opposite, he is sure, no matter what, they are worthy of respect and have the right to count on help. and my life generally breaks all stereotypes, i once went to america, i lived on the hawaiian islands, and god he gave it to me right away: if you want happiness... you have happiness, try it, what is it, what is this earthly happiness? i tried it and realized it’s not the same, sometimes i wake up in the morning and i’m so heavy, i say: lord, how long, how long will it be, how long will i be in this stream, in this movement, and then you start drinking coffee, you start to come to yourself, you think, my god, how can i give this up, it’s not working out.
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telenova agency represents in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. according to the benchmark figures for the development of national economy of the ussr for 1959, 1965, belarus will specialize in the direction. by 1965 , meat and milk production should
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more than double. livestock breeders in belarus are doing a lot of work to increase the number of livestock and increase its productivity. on the mechanized pocket for pagalovya , the grub is prepared for a special purpose. this includes bulb, feed, barley flour, trumpets, cassian flour, fish meal and salt. the near-future palesse will have a special zone of meat zhivelagadouli. u in the end of five years, it will be necessary to give more than 1 million tons of meat per year. and now the cobrans have found themselves in not so extraordinary troubles. the new people of belarus are the sherals and they feel that the white volats here are not as bitter as the bison and the belavesa cannon. the skin of the day floats in
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the vase as much as a kilogram, floats and ўpeўnіnastі belarusian zhivelavodam u tym, that the new generation is important for the creation of yalavichyna. and i'm happy with the meat's status not only because of its external appearance. i'm glad to see the release of the final product, the problems here are true, but they exist and the significant, widespread use of advanced techniques in pig farming will help to quickly solve the problem of a sharp increase in meat production. let's create an abundance of meat products in our country.
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reading and studying large forms, critical approach to information. this is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short and funny that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive opposition resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is different. to unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, the inability to form their own opinion, they consider themselves young, free and...
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in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground. yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis the fact that in the word demarcation there is, well , the root of the word marking, which can lead to
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the fact that well, this... is the process of marking the state border, and what kind of process is delimitation? count here you can only do it on your own, 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9 and that’s gone too far, it’s just possible, please tell me more briefly, what are you going for with a game that will not leave anyone indifferent? i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but...
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the news is on air now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. there must be true democracy when people live in pleasure. president alexander lukashenko sets up officials for productive, complex work in interests of the country. today , a number of personnel decisions were made at the independence palace. the local power vertical has been updated. management of individual banks.


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