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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

5:05 pm
after yesterday's hurricane, the number of victims in moscow increased to 19 people, two people died, wind gusts reached 21 m/s. the lvov park near moscow was flooded, a nearby river overflowed its banks, using all possible tricks we managed to evacuate 12 out of 14 cats, the remaining animals are found... on a four-meter bed there is no threat to their lives. the reason for hospitalization of bntu lyceum students to the minsk children's infectious diseases hospital has become known. naravirus was confirmed in young patients. this acute intestinal infection may not be caused by observing the rules of personal hygiene. according to doctors, the condition of the children being treated at the children's infectious diseases hospital is stable. some teenagers are receiving outpatient treatment at home. the situation is under the control of the relevant minister. department.
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according to doctors, with this type of infection , health should return to normal within a few days. by this time i have everything. see you at 19:00.
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hello everyone, my name is kaylya, i have arrived. from venezuela you belarus learn russian, in the end you were kept here for 8 years because i fell in love, i love this country, the people, and also the herring popshuba and the cold one, and most importantly, i love to travel and shoot videos. niho, my name is kai, i came to belarus from china 4 years ago, i really like this country, this is a completely new world for me, a different culture and such wonderful people, i can say that mine began here. new life,
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i have made many belarusian friends, i feel like tom in the circle of a large and loving family. kayla, guess where you are? i have no idea, kai, but i already like this city, why? because look what a beautiful embankment! this is regga arrive, and we arrived in one of the oldest cities of the belarusian region - how great it is, that means we will find many interesting sights here, but where will we start, i think under the traditions of the museum, oh, we agree 100%, i think there they will tell us exactly what to see in this city, they did.
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hello, my name is kayla and i am from venezuela, and my name is from china, kagaila and i really love traveling around belarus, and i just wanted to ask. why is this particular museum called poleska veda? very interesting name. hello, i am very glad to see you in our museum. my name is vitalina, i will answer your questions. polesian veda, translated from the ancient aryan language, means knowledge, wisdom. ah, wisdom. and by this name was meant the knowledge that existed on the territory of the mozor forest. ameria. we crossed the threshold and found ourselves in a house; the house was the place that protected a person from the influence of undeveloped nature. already not far from the village there was
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a forest, people were afraid of it, they believed that there evil spirits live, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits , a horse shoe was nailed over the door frame, a knife or... a good life was often stuck into the door frame, if the dream was disturbing, restless, then it is better to look for another place, and also necessarily when building a new house, then it was necessary to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, a log house had already been placed on them; i believed that everything
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good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house, i really liked the beginning, but i i want to know something else it’s interesting to see, and look at it in your museum, you see in this chest, we call it krynya, you see, it’s not a scarf, it’s a namitka or namitka, in the place where we found it in this in this area, it ’s called cheesepanok, this is the headdress of a married woman, yeah, that is, for marriage. there was a moment when they took off the wreath with the bride, did a woman’s hairstyle on her head, curled this cheesecake or on the midka, well, there are a lot of them, we traveled around a huge number of villages before we found him, and how many years this peregrine? this is the second half of the 19th century,
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the fact is that these hats went out of use immediately after the first world war, yes, because i haven’t seen them before. called choven, choven, yeah, a boat that is hollowed out of a single tree trunk, yeah, in the spring, when the rivers flood, it was the main means of transportation, kayla, kai, by the way, in our museum you can not only look and listen, but try yourself
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as a master, take part in a master class, and with your own hands, oh, this is already interesting, we love this business, so you ready. and i would like to introduce you to our master vera vladimirovna, who will teach you how to work on a recoil machine, hello, it’s very nice to meet you, very nice, i can’t wait to work, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, others say, the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say that a hybrid war is being waged, well , it’s very, very difficult for the average person to understand, this is a step towards escalation, they are trying to escalate the situation as much as possible
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in order to test russia once again on us including. today, the west has significantly reduced its standard of living, its resource base is depleting, in fact it doesn’t exist, they are really preparing. and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to anyone who wants to touch us. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work. oh, komvol is the soul of art. this is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our work is an art, creating high quality fabrics with
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wool content. ready to share knowledge. the basics of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge in a person’s life. and show one day from your life. i love it, honestly, i love my job, i really love it. in production, receipt, tape, yarn, it.
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but i can already see it, how the car drives, the drawing is here in these threads, this drawing here is made in threads, uh-huh, so that you can find out, so now look at my legs too, how i press the knives and draw here. which one will be on the strings, just watch to see if it works for me the drawing continues, i press on the other leggings and you see how the base works for me, then to finish my drawing, again i work with my legs, you see, and it is imperative that the base goes with a linen thread, i wonder if you want try, of course, if i understand correctly, then if... you change this, yes , i worked with the knives with my feet, which means the drawing will be different, yes, yes, i completely press
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the pedal forward, yes, the pedals are on the knives , so why is it difficult, oh? to be honest, it's not like that it’s just that my head doesn’t even have time to think, work, in short, this, but i said, you need to try it yourself and you’ll understand, maybe it’s not necessary, maybe that’s enough, please, i ’ll sort it out later, it’s okay, oh god, that’s it, press on the pedal forward, i will cut it for you, so we work at the beginning with one shuttle.
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thank you very much, sir, it was just a master class, but we wanted to ask, what else can you see in this city? well, of course, our mazyr castle, vitalina talibzhanovna will see you off, the castle, i didn’t even know, but that’s it, great! thank you very much. let's go, and i noticed that the castle stands at a height, it was specially made that way, yes, of course, actually we are on the territory of an ancient settlement, from this very place...
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children, but they were imperfect, in the 15th century yeah, yes, at first there were fortifications in the form of a decision was made to build a castle, this place was very convenient, the height of the mountain in ancient times, at the highest point reached 44 m, oh, in belarus we saw a lot of castles, but in the beginning this territory was wooden or... eastern european fortified castle, it was an example of art, it consisted of the castle itself and the parkan, that is, the territory that protected the castle from the most vulnerable side, the castle had exclusively defensive functions, consisted of three towers and towns
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between them, gorodni are walls, do excursions for tourists often take place here now? excursions take place daily, and i suggest you take a walk around the castle to get acquainted with its history, great, let's go, let's go, we go up to the observation deck, from where there is a stunning view of the outskirts of our city, oh, how beautiful, some scientists suggest that the ancient riverbed of pripyat approached the very foot... of the castle mountain, and the river, yes, there was a river flowing below, lenin square, here it is on the other side , the modern name, gorky square were the bays of pripyat, it turns out that on three sides the castle was practically invulnerable, the tallest tower
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of the ancient castle was called the bird, a fire signal of danger. was visible from this tower in the bird spot, which is located 30 km from mozyr, yeah, most likely it was somewhere in this place, yeah, now in our tower there is a bell, which, as tourists say, makes a wish come true, but only if you manage to hit it, and why is there a possibility that i can’t hit, sometimes this happens, aha, let’s see. this is already interesting, let's go, let's go, let's go, okay, you want to be first, try, yes, of course, let me try, you think, okay, make a wish, then, that's it, blow,
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oh, thrill, damn it, just calm down. and he, he plays like pinyata, as if there are pinyata, like kai ate today, come on, after 5 hours, well, let's try, oh well, just once. will be used up, we were also wondering why this city has such a name, and what does mozr, mozr mean, yes, a very interesting, unusual name, and there are several scientific explanations for the name of the city, but there are also legends, one of
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them says that at the place where we are now, there was a crossing over pripyat, through...
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and it is located 20 km from the city, great, we need to go for a ride, that’s it, let’s go there, let's go, have a nice trip, thank you very much, the twenty-fifth answer, may, i'm listening, the twenty-fifth, go.
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21 km, but if we count it in a double-track version, then the length of our route is 42 km, oh, oh, 42 km, yes, there and back, when
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the morzian tram was launched for the first time, we consider august 1, 1988 to be the day when regular transportation began, then we have been transporting our passengers for 36 years, but do you have a lot in general? we all have 55 trams, namely those that carry 47 passengers, these 47 trams, they are as old as our management, thirty-six years old, we operate the same ones, then we are lucky, because we will ride in the theme of the original trams that were launched more than 30 years ago, here are the most important moments in the tram, absolutely everything is repaired, checked, every day, here it is washed, it is the heart
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of the tram, yes, yes, this is the most difficult part, this is the electric motor, trucks, gearboxes, wheels, they are now deflated, yes, they are removed and will be repaired, we just we are in a workshop where these engines are being repaired and almost all the electrical parts that are on the car are being repaired here, but what is the most difficult thing when driving a tram? this is the question you will ask the person who is directly on the carriage.
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before i set off, i wanted to ask is it difficult to learn to drive a tram? it’s not difficult to study, everything is very good, right? yes, how long will it take for 3.5 months of training. to get category f, but i thought that category f, f, who can you can’t drive a car, no, but i
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thought it was possible, no, well, that’s it, let’s go, but we need to compensate for a ticket or tolens here, but i don’t know how to use it, probably like this, and then we’ll try, strongly, well, now. fire station, well, because they thought that electric was very expensive.
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hurray, it was easy, ciao, thank you very much, bye, goodbye, and have a great trip, it was my first time riding on such a carriage. one sky, how was it for you, it’s just amazing, you know, i have this i feel like i’m not riding on a tram, on a train, i completely agree with you, but kai, you’re not relaxing, because i have a surprise for you, wow, what an interesting one, but i won’t tell you yet, it’s all on the roads, well, there, there, let's go, oh, we didn't get there,
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but well, you still have the strength to travel, well , yes, now it's interesting, one two, three, tada, wow, where are we, gaila, i guessed right, yes, what a place, you like it, yes, very much, and what are you doing, and to swim, we worked a lot today, so we had a little rest, oh, you're my good one, thank you. that's it, let's go, quickly, let's see, let's go, a holiday on the foreshore is what you need, it's so beautifully calm here, kayla gave me an amazing surprise, our recreation center can accommodate 50 people, we have wedding rooms, rooms with a fireplace, rooms with a sauna, well , in general you can have 100, but it’s the slechlekh that can
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accommodate 50. five people, oh, that’s enough, okay, let’s go, let’s go, i’ll show you what rooms there are, i want to show you the best rooms, this is the wedding room me, married, okay, let's see, come on, it's all handmade, that's all, ivan vasilyevich made it with his own hands, this bed, you see, it's all done with his own hands, everything seems so simple, but very beautiful, very tasteful, and i i wanted to ask who ibam vasilyevich is, and ibam vasilyevich is the boss who created, yes, a recreation center, then you too vasilyevich, please don’t change your profession, everything is very beautiful and issy, and then we have another number from the fireplace, maybe from the fireplace, this is what i wanted to watch, you want from the fireplace,
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ok let's see. vodaniska is also a room for kai, how beautiful it is here, such bonito, just a chic room, it seems to me that on sky we have a very difficult choice, there are so many interesting options for relaxation, what should we choose, stone scissors and paper, come on, come on. ..
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well, you have already decided where you will be, here or there, i think you already understand, by the way, we have very nice neighbors, look how beautiful, what melaskas, hello, it was an amazing day, i really appreciate it i liked mozyr, wonderful people live here. kai, i i think that any trip simply expands our resonances and refreshes our minds, and especially when we learn more about belarusian culture, so i’m very happy that we learned a lot today, especially the history of trambay, played with animals and made something our own with your hands too, yes, well, look, despite the fact that dim would very...


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