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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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unimaginative, well, you’ve already decided where you’ll be, here or there, i think you already understand, by the way, we have very nice suckers, look, what a beauty, what melaskas, hello, it was an amazing day, i really appreciate it i liked it in mozyr, they live here...
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene of events, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around
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the country, feature films for everyone ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia. poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. about unique features.
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someone may be asking for strengthening of faith, and this unites us, and those who lived before us, and those who may live after us come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer, people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were , come into contact with the mother of god, such living prayer takes place here, only it’s scary to think how many people over the course of 2 belarus celebrated
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an important holiday for the country, the 30th anniversary of the basic law. we created our own history, we also wrote our own laws. what matters is what we get as a result. unsquandered folk wealth, preserved. sovereignty, security and peace in our native land, growth, well-being of our citizens, as the president said, the year of quality begins from your own backyard, forward to the people, repair roads, repair yards, belarus is just space, they must be belarusian, they must be modest, there was no self-confidence, although we set the task that if you are already selected and you get into the cosmonaut corps, then you have to endure everything there,
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you cannot leave the race, no matter how difficult it is for you, it took about cosmic pace in this year our industry, growth in january was almost 5.5%. over the past year, enterprises of the ministry of industry traded $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum level in a decade by more than 7%. the main topics on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on june 20, 1944. powerful explosions simultaneously occurred across the entire territory of belarus. the next morning the germans were counting the damage. in the area from lake nescherda to the pripyat river alone, 40 thousand rails were blown up. this is how the famous operation bogration began for the final expulsion of the nazis from belarusian soil. the partisans were given a special role in it, from declassified documents of the russian ministry of defense, a report on the combat operations of the partisans, the vikeb,
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velei, and minsk regions with the troops of the first baltic and third belarusian fronts. the combat task is to produce a powerful force with the help of partisans. attacks on the enemy's railway communications and paralyze his movement. deliver the first strike in all directions simultaneously on the night of june 20, 1944. and right there reports on the actions of the partisans. 30 partisan brigades and separate detachments were involved in the operation, with a total of 13,000 partisans. here is about those who accomplished a feat these days. the partisan brigade spartak, kombrig-panamarev, derailed six german echelons with equipment and manpower . vitebsk partisan brigade.
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kambrik, potapinka, three german echelons were derailed. and hundreds more names. heroes of partisan detachments, brigades, not just panic began among the germans, it became clear that this was the end. july 3 at liberated minsk, together with units of the red army, the belarusian government returned from gomel, where it had worked since november forty -three after the expulsion of the fascists from there. all questions. in the devastated capital were important, but one required special consideration. in the government house, from which
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the germans had just left before they could blow it up, there was an operational meeting between the first secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, panteleimon panomarenko, and the people's commissar. junction, three wagons of ammunition burned, about thirty houses were destroyed, including building of the regional nkbd, there are victims.
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the siren sounded, another raid, they decided not to go down to the shelter, only... they lowered the camouflage on the windows and continued the meeting. the main question is how to ensure the arrival of representatives in the capital.
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but to enter the capital, but the situation was alarming not only in minsk, then no one knew where it would explode, information from the ground was also alarming, the central committee received daily reports of raids on populated areas by retreating germans, gangs of former policemen hiding in the forests, connection with this new cipher... telegram number 6334 and also lightning, strictly secret, only by the commander, commissar of the brigades. the parade in minsk is postponed to the sixteenth of july. based on the deadline, plan the transition time for the teams. and behind it is another telegram cipher. lightning, top secret. it was handwritten hastily. there are facts of attacks on liberated cities and villages by remnants of groups of defeated
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german fascist troops, strengthen the security of cities, especially on the approaches to them, identify and catch the remnants of german groups, together with units of the red army army, but preparations for the parade in minsk were in full swing, constant interaction with... partisan brigades, reconnaissance, preparations were underway in partisan detachments. an unusual excitement reigned in the partisan detachment borba; preparations were underway for the parade, which was to take place in minsk, but special attention was paid to its main participant, the goat. baby, he joined the detachment back in forty-three and actively participated in its
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life, transported medicines and other cargo, distracted the attention of the germans during the operation, it would not have been possible not to take him to the parade in a comradely way, now the partisans lovingly cleaned it and brought it back to shine. one of the partisans tried on a ribbon with german awards and trophies. partisans, it was with them that the goat had to solemnly march at the parade, but there was a problem with this, the baby rode into the liberated road on the armor of a tank, now he had to go along with the soldiers, they tried to teach the goat to march in all units, it didn’t work out very well, but it was a joke and there was a good mood... attention,
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attention, listen to minsk, the parade of belarusian partisans. july 16, 44 in the ussr at 12:00 p.m. channels of the all-union radio, a live broadcast of the unusual parade that took place in minsk began. the broadcast was listened to by the troops, in all partisan detachments, it was received in the resistance units of france, italy, yugoslavia, and other european countries. from the belarusian capital they sent a signal to the whole world, despite the bravado of the leaders of the reich, desperate attempts to prove that the war was not lost, it was still coming to its end. it was true.
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unique newsreels, partisans greeting the leaders of the republic, toasts, greetings, the measured step of the parade participants, they are with weapons, ready. to enter into battle at any moment, carts with machine guns mounted on them, tochankas, simple ammunition, with the help of which they crushed a strong enemy. and the footage that flew around the world, in front of the column, a goat, hung with fascist orders, walked with a confident step, greetings to hitler from the belarusian partisans, with a clear explanation of who he turned out to be when he came to
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belarus. during the occupation, almost 400 thousand partisans and underground fighters held the partisan line of belarus, stood to death. history has never known such a scale of partisan movement. no other country knew this. the parade march included those who saved the population of the republic from being completely destroyed.
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first secretary of the regional committee, brest arrived on july 29, there is great destruction in the city, there is no population of the city, ruzhany, pruzhany, birch trees are badly destroyed, the contents of the telegram code from all regions of belarus are almost the same, there are no personnel, vitebsk is destroyed by 90%, mogelev is in ruins, many settlements were wiped off the face of the earth. in total, during the years of occupation 9,200 villages and hamlets were destroyed, more than 500 were completely burned by residents, 186 were never restored, it was genocide of the belarusian
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people. decades later, belarus mourns, mourns... all those tortured in concentration camps and ghettos, those burned alive, shot, civilians during punitive operations, the dead soldiers and commanders of partisan detachments, the thousands of residents of the republic who sacrificed themselves in the name of victory, we give glory to everyone, the path to fascism, who fought for belarus.
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july 17, 44 in moscow, a shameful march across... for us, textile workers, the year of quality is , first of all, high-quality fabric. i have been working at our company since 2016, i came
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here at the most critical stage, a large-scale process. of this enterprise. the factory has a history since 1958. our plant today employs 3,560 people, which produces 1,700 thousand linear meters of fabric per month. we have been processing long fiber for 93 years. during this time, we have produced over 2 billion 750 million carriage meters of fabric, if all this fabric is sewn in one roll, the globe will be aligned with the equator you can wrap it 86 times, in the last two.
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this is what the president of our country gives as souvenirs on behalf of our state, the products of our plant. the arshan plant in the year of quality is, first of all, a modern enterprise that sets itself the task of renewal, which sets itself the task of fulfilling not only quality indicators in our products, but above all quality in everything. we understand perfectly well that flax is our wealth, this is what distinguishes us from all those peoples who live next to us, because only
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flax fiber is inherent in us, belarusians, the history of the world, its basis is the struggle, specific archetypes of political behavior, religious behavior have been formed there, corrections are very complex and superficial, now we are doing well, but there will be
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more it’s better, and if we win, humanity will win, all reasonable humanity is looking at you and me, the project say don’t be silent, don’t miss the new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel, the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting. look, kai, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it’s really big, and they also share
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their vivid impressions, oh wow, hello, hello, we are a tourist from venezuela, traveling around belarus, we have a gift from the people’s republic of china, a sculptural composition of a doll afu, how cute they are, yes, a boy and a girl, such a couple. happier, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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yesterday broadcast on tv channel belarus 1 from the capital and the minsk region, with you on the air elizaveta lashkevich, good evening and good morning. sennya ў barysave.


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